I really thought they were gonna bring out a spinoff game instead of a direct sequel.
Which means either my idea was better or this trailer just didn't bother to show anything that cool beyond a new setting. Either of which is fine with me. (also thank god its next year, I just beat Splatoon 2 recently)
@Snatcher If you like Splatoon 3, you're REALLY going to wish you got Splatoon 2 when the online is still active. Just get Splatoon 2. It's great. I missed Splatoon 1 because I didn't have a Wii U, and I've been bummed I didn't get to try it.
Splatoon 3 trailer
I see new hairstyles people at 17 seconds in.
Yeah, it looked like a spin-off at first, until they showed the plaza.
Well not just that, I assumed for a long time now that they wouldn't want to put out another full Splatoon game like this on the same system, so I thought a spinoff was inevitable.
@kkslider5552000 Given how soon 2 followed the first one, it's no surprise really. But there's still five years between 2 and 3 I guess. Man, time flies.
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