
Topic: Metroid Prime 1 Remastered

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Do we know the price for the physical release yet?



JaxonH wrote:

It is finished...
We made it. Guys, WE FREAKING MADE IT!!!

And it's everything I always wanted it to be. Flawless 60 just like GC, dual analog with gyro, improved textures and lighting at full native res.

It's freaking GLORIOUS

It looks fantastic!! I wonder if they will put the same amount of effort into MP2 and MP3?




Why couldn't have done a compilation?


They did it for Wii and now they have split them up again?

[Edited by Bunkerneath]


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Varkster wrote:

Great Remaster, along the lines of Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive. Almost makes me wonder what we should be calling these in-between complete revamps of games because I think this isn't the same as the Twilight Princess remaster or something like all those third party games we get with the "remaster" title but adding nothing to the actual game in gameplay or graphics (and in GTA trilogy's case even making the games much worse).

I agree and good point. I have been thinking for a while that it's strange that the line between remaster and remake has been blurring over the last five years.

Originally, I always thought it was pretty simple. Taking the original assets, upscaling them, using uncompressed textures and audio, and making quality of life improvements to the existing game = remaster. Whereas using new assets, new graphics and textures etc, regardless of whether it's literally a 1:1 remake of the original or got brand new mechanics and story elements (e.g. Final Fantasy VII Remake) = remake.

But then we started having games like the Tony Hawks 1 & 2 collection, Crash 'N Sane Trilogy, GTA Definitive (lol) collection etc being referred to as remasters when in my mind they are actually remakes.

I guess it's just semantics, but it's led to consumers rightly or wrongly demanding more and more of developers when porting old games to new systems, with people often referring to what I would call perfectly normal and acceptable remasters as "lazy".

I always viewed it in the way you would old music. You wouldn't expect a remaster of Black Sabbath's Paranoid to feature the band recording new parts for it, would you? It would just be taking the existing tracks and using modern production techniques to "improve" (arguable, I suppose) the sound. And if the band did re-record the album, you wouldn't necessarily expect them to deviate from the original's compositions and start adding all these new melodies and twists, would you? But that's now what people expect from video game remakes.



@Reprise I think Final Fantasy VII is a reimagining whereas the recent Crisis Core port is a remake, a remaster would then be something that's upscaled but is still using original assets, like the Final Fantasy VII ports we have been getting on every console. Remasters usually add some QOL features but nothing game-changing. This is my head-cannon and obviously companies appear to not follow this terminology at all, there's no consistency whatsoever.

By this logic, Metroid Prime Remastered should be "Remake" instead. So should be Xenoblade but I think they cheated on that one by just calling it "definitive".

Overall this is a really grey area, there's no pure definition of each term so it feels like devs are just doing whatever sticks at this point and calling it a day.

I can also see the idea that people who haven't seen the trailer or don't remember how the original Metroid Prime looks skipping the game because it's $40 for a simple 'remaster' when the reality is it appears they've re-worked all of the assets from the ground up.

[Edited by Varkster]



@Varkster Yeah, that's basically what Final Fantasy VII has become. It definitely became less of a remake about half way through the game and it's clear now they are going in a completely new direction with it moving forward with the sequel parts.

I agree with what you are saying overall and so yeah, this does feel like more of a remake. It's a shame if people pass on it because they just see it as a simple "remaster", when it's so much more than that. You can tell a ton of work went into this.



This comparison video shows how much the graphics are improved over the original. It's quite stunning. And all for 40 bucks!



Has anyone seen anywhere where you can pre-order the physical in the UK?



I was super excited about Metroid Prime Remastered when I saw the trailer. Loving the new visuals but I wish they had gone further and redone the music too. But looking at gameplay on YouTube and noticed it’s still sounds like it’s using the original MIDI music. Or is it just me misremembering?

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You can have dual analog with gyro.

You need to set the control scheme to "Dual Analog", but then in the Camera tab change it from sticks to gyro.

This gives the classic dual analog + gyro control scheme, the only way to fly 😀

Also, the HD rumble in this game is choice

It's got 5.1 surround sound. I have no idea to answer your question, but it sounds excellent with my Sennheiser Ambeo and subwoofer.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@JaxonH I didn’t realise Switch could do 5.1 surround sound. But I don’t have a speaker setup to take advantage of it anyway.

NEW WEBSITE LAUNCHED! Regular opinion articles, retro game reviews and impression pieces on new games! ENGAGE VG:


Oh ya! In fact quite a few Switch games have 5.1 surround. I'd say at least 50% of them. Zelda Skyward Sword had surround also, I remember that. And Persona 5 Royal, and Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII, and Bayonetta 3... so many games. It's usually the exception now when a big Switch game doesn't have linear PCM 5.1 surround.

If you want to take advantage, you'll need to use eARC with HDMI cable. It's the only way surround works on Switch.

For many years I didnt have speakers and never put much thought into audio. Until I made a substantial sum in an investment and decided to splurge. Bought the Sennheiser Ambeo Dolby Atmos soundbar (it's all one unit- no side or rear or ceiling speakers, but it's unanimously praised as the best all-in-one money can buy, it sounds like speakers are around you as it scans your room and bounces sound off the walls and ceiling). I also added an SVS-1000 Pro subwoofer since the soundbar accepts them if you want to enhance bass.

Let me tell you, I can't believe I was ignorant about audio for so many years. I honestly didn't expect it to make much a difference... it makes all the difference. Games feel alive now. I can't even imagine going back to TV speakers.

I highly recommend investing in surround setup. If you don't wanna mess with satellite speakers, get a soundbar. Not a cheap one though. Waste of money imo. Get a good one. Or at the very least, if money is an issue, grab some Sennheiser 560S headphones. I use Sennheiser 800S but they're as expensive as the soundbar. The 560S are like, $150 and while they won't blow you away like the 800S or the Ambeo soundbar, they will sound noticeably superior to normal speakers.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@jump Cheers! Finally can use the £5 voucher I got for my stupid purchase of Calisto.



Nice. Never played it before, but at that price I will take the gamble. If I don't like it I'll probably get the same value for trade in at Cex when it is at that price.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


JaxonH wrote:

You can have dual analog with gyro.

You need to set the control scheme to "Dual Analog", but then in the Camera tab change it from sticks to gyro.

This gives the classic dual analog + gyro control scheme, the only way to fly 😀

OMG, thank you SO MUCH for pointing that out! I literally played the game for an hour on pointer controls, and being very used to Splatoon, I always got stuck aimlessly turning around and trying to correct with the stick. I actually thought despite all of the options, Nintendo had somehow managed to mess up the controls by not giving us dual analog + gyro option. It is still stupid to make it this tricky to set up, but I can finally play comfortably now just thanks.

[Edited by Art3mis]



I actually thought the same thing, but my brother texted me and was like, uhhh, you know you can just toggle gyro on for dual analog in the camera section, right? And my reaction toward him was basically your reaction now lol.

So happy it has dual analog with gyro.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


I wonder how Phazon Mines looks, I haven’t gotten there myself yet. That was a pretty drab and sort of rushed-looking area in the original, so I wonder if it’s received a bit of an overhaul.

Buuuut I don’t really wanna know until I see it myself

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Hey everyone just wanted to say how great it is that Metroid Prime is coming to switch in glorious HD! Now surely at some point the entire trilogy will follow right? I mean it has to doesn't it? I remember being so worried they'd ruin Metroid back when this came to GameCube but man they really surprised me!

Anyway awesome news! Now if only we could get a trailer for Prime 4!



Got My amazon order in! Says releases Feb 13th, wonder if it's true.


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