
Topic: Metroid Prime 1 Remastered

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Any rumour that says "we're getting X at Y" is BS, always, without fail. I never put any value into any rumours along those lines because that's just now how things work. What I do put some stock in are rumours along the lines of "product X is currently in development" or, even better, "a data miner/mega leak has found X"

Before this direct? It was repeated by multiple places that a Metroid Prime remaster was in a finished state. Some of that was conflated with a trilogy, probably due to wishful thinking. But it was always said "Metroid Prime" and "finished". The when? That was always just speculation because Nintendo can release whenever the hell they want

And as far as I'm concerned the only other rumours/leaks worth considering at all are/were:

  • GB(C) and possibly GBA on NSO (which also happened today)
  • New Hardware based on a Tegra T239 (the how and when is pure speculation)
  • Wind Waker/Twilight Princess remasters (although I haven't bothered to dig that much into this one)

Everything else is just speculation built ontop of the above. Of course I don't follow this train quite as much as some do, I'm sure there are other things floating around people would be able to point to

[Edited by skywake]

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So is it confirmed what the PHYSICAL price is? Anyone have it up for pre-order yet?




"Science compels us to explode the sun!"

Currently playing:

Persona 3 Reload (PC)
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy (PC)


Okay as badly as I want to play this game right now, I'm gonna hold out for a physical release

"Science compels us to explode the sun!"

Currently playing:

Persona 3 Reload (PC)
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy (PC)


I already bought it, but I'm eating first and all that. How is the game? What are the visual upgrades like? Is Phendrana even more amazing looking now? lol

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I'm holding out as well, and for longer than Feb 22nd. It would be even harder if I hadn't already played the entire MPT on my Wii U a few years back.

Currently playing: Metroid Prime Remastered, Ys Seven (PC), Pushmo World

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Joeynator3000 The improvements are really noticeable. I can't believe how much I'm enjoying revisiting this game and how much work they did with the visuals.

Here's a comparison:

Switch Friend Code: SW-3916-4876-1970


@roy130390 Yeah, started playing not too long ago. Parasite Queen is even uglier than before now. lol

Also I swear the first area where your ship lands has a new tunnel I've never seen before...>_>

My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay

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@NintendoByNature this is the real question. I haven't seen anything yet, and I'm concerned.

Currently playing: Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order



The physical edition is the same $40 as the digital edition.

Metroid Prime Remastered is already availble on the Nintendo eShop, but it's coming exclusively to Nintendo Switch in physical form on February 22. It's starting to trickle out to retailers now. It's currently only avialable at Best Buy for $39.99. You can preorder it here.

Yeah I noticed that misspelling too.

[Edited by HotGoomba]



Just bought a digital copy! I can't wait for the physical release so I'm gonna end up buying both I think. Gotta support the series!

"Science compels us to explode the sun!"

Currently playing:

Persona 3 Reload (PC)
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy (PC)


@ElRoberico waiting for Amazon's listing and I'll order there. Glad it's 40 like the digital release. Just seems like the oddest way to handle this game. Digital shadow drop, 2 weeks later is the physical.



ho ho ho man, this remaster is immaculate. The visuals are insanely clean. This is probably one of the best-looking Switch games out there right now, and I'm still only in Chozo Ruins.

Still cannot believe this remaster actually happened. Absolutely insane.

"Science compels us to explode the sun!"

Currently playing:

Persona 3 Reload (PC)
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy (PC)


Took down the first main boss, can't wait to see Phendrana, watching a movie now, I'll play more later. xp

Hopefully the other two games show up at some point.

My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay

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@NintendoByNature I hope this is the build for Prime 4. They Shadow drop the other two or announce plans for them once they've re-revealed Prime 4.

Currently playing: Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order



It is finished...

We made it. Guys, WE FREAKING MADE IT!!!

And it's everything I always wanted it to be. Flawless 60 just like GC, dual analog with gyro, improved textures and lighting at full native res.

It's freaking GLORIOUS

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


Only bad thing I remember about the original on GCN was that Omega Pirate and Ridley had bugs that made them a pain to take down....xD

My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay

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Keep it PG-13-ish.



So, everywhere I’ve looked, everyone seems almost universally excited for this remaster, with the only major gripes being that it’s only the first game and that it’s too expensive, so I have to ask; am I the only one who’s somewhat put off by the art-style changes? It’s the thing that stood out to me the most in the trailer, and I have to admit, it’s making me question whether I even want to get it,(which, considering that it’s one of my all-time favourites, is saying something) because if I’m being honest… kinda looks more like a fan’s Unreal Engine 4 recreation, than an official remaster/remake, with Samus in particular looking weirdly plastic-ky.
But no-one that I’ve seen has commented on this, so I dunno, is it just me? Or is everyone too excited about the idea of having the game available to care one way or the other?



Great Remaster, along the lines of Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive. Almost makes me wonder what we should be calling these in-between complete revamps of games because I think this isn't the same as the Twilight Princess remaster or something like all those third party games we get with the "remaster" title but adding nothing to the actual game in gameplay or graphics (and in GTA trilogy's case even making the games much worse).

Ignore all of the self-entitled children on this website who are never satisfied with anything Nintendo show, this was a great Direct and this is probably the most mind-boggling shadow-drop ever. I doubt they can ever top this unless they decide to drop 2 and 3 at the same time without notice next time.

This could very well be them saying "okay, we are close to showing Metroid Prime 4, let's get these games back into the online mindscape so the 4th one sells a lot because we invested a lot of time and money into it".

I'm almost expecting the 2nd and 3rd games to drop by mid-next year by the time we get a release date and trailer for the 4th game, if this doesn't happen even earlier. Here's hoping.

[Edited by Varkster]


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