Yeah, but some reviewers have said that even the PS5 was having some mild performance problems, same with PC. I've no idea what to expect at this point, lol
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Coincidentally, HL and Tears of the Kingdom are also at the top of the list for games most likely to put the mythical 64GB game cards to use.
Um... 64GB? You're jumping the gun there, by a lot.
Very few Switch games have exceeded 32GB. The only examples I can recall (and there are likely to be a handful of others) include NBA2K21, NBA2K22, and NBA2K23, all of which, ideally, should have been issued on 64GB carts (but I suspect that Take Two shipped them on a 1GB cart with a forced download as it makes no financial sense to spend money on larger carts if its not going to contain a playable game on there anyway). DOOM Eternal also just scrapes past 32GB, but that's because the eShop build of the game essentially forces you to download the expansion data even if you haven't purchased it (and I strongly suspect that Limited Run's physical release of the base game will be a tailor-made build that will be housed in a 16GB cartridge with no further downloads required, and that the expansions will be issued a similar standalone physical release at some point).
32GB carts are virtually "mythical" as it is as almost nobody has used them to date. From memory, the only such releases I can recall are...
Dragon Quest Heroes I + II (Japan)
Final Fantasy X/X-II (Japan/Asia) [with English] {International release comes with download code for X-II)
Atelier Dusk Trilogy (Asia) [with English]
Atelier Mysterious Trilogy (Asia) [with English]
Life is Strange: True Colors (Japan) [with English] {International release requires download}
SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays (Japan/Asia) [with English]
And the only international/Western 32GB cart releases are:
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition
Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle
I would love to know of any other releases that may be out there.
And Nintendo themselves are yet to issue a 32GB physical release of their own, let alone 64GB. I was hoping that Smash Ultimate would have been their first such release (as including lossless audio would have almost certainly pushed the game's size into 32GB cart territory), but sadly, it seems that Nintendo opted to heavily compress the audio so that they could ship the game on a cheaper cart.
What's going on with this game is honestly gross with all the harassment happening. I kinda want to buy the game and stream it but I fear I might get doxxed, it's that bad of a situation.
The game still looks great though! and it has some good reviews so I'm happy.
I do not think people should give up on streaming the game!
One of the smallest minorities on the planet is being vocal and harasses people is nothing to be afraid of. They are all bark and no bite!
Giving up is actually giving them power!
The game looks absolutely amazing and it deserves to be streamed by everyone!
@Zuljaras In a way I get the frustation. Money from this game will go to a person that is going to do harm to an entire community and she is also VERY public about it. But harrasing streamers is probably not the best response.
Although, I have to say, sh*** more on trans people is probably not the best response either.
@jowe_gv This is all a myth! And reading about the issue itself is helping more than hearing other people iterations of it!
For me there are only HUMAN rights because we are all humans. We do not need separate rights for each small group of people. That will only divide us more!
And my projection is that it will only get worse, which is very sad!
@Zuljaras You were the one to bring her up here to defend her here. I was just saying that we shouldn't sh*** on trans people.
Do you expect me to not say anything about you ignoring actual statements of the person who must not be named? Like... Please. She is not even hiding it nowadays. And, yes, I've read her comments myself too.
If you believe that the media and author must be separated and such then fine I guess. But her comments were hurtful to trans people, that's a fact. And do not even dare telling me that the trans community is "too sensitive" here when she literally opposed legislation that did nothing aside of making trans people life easier. Like, how much more blatant do you need her to be? One can't be transphobic unless they murder a trans woman on the streets nowadays?
@jowe_gv She is against making is easy for false trans people/impostors to get close to their victims as there are reports of many such individuals. This is more important to me. People are getting killed everywhere in the world. One is not so different than the others. So yeah, end of story.
Hogwarts Legacy is awesome that is what matters in this thread.
I am completely fine if you disregard my statements, beliefs or views It is completely normal for us to disagree
@Zuljaras Do people believe woman bathrooms have a force field that makes it impossible for men to get through? And do you believe trans people go through months (even years) of medical process just to "get close to their victims"? We can disagree with opinions but this is not a different opinion, this is just being wrong.
Also, do you understand the consequences of this? How far do you want this to go? Do you want people to have to have their birth certificate and having to show that to enter bathrooms? Oh and what happens to men here? It's fine if "impostors" enter their bathrooms? What happens with trans people getting killed everywhere too? There are plenty of reports of that too or those don't count?
Like... Please. Protecting woman is right and all. But you don't have to do this to protect them. You truly don't.
@jowe_gv I am not doing anything to advocate any form of violence. It exists because of humans, it is in our nature and not exclusive just against trans people. Maybe in 100 years everything will be ok for everyone, but for now I don't see that happening. Also, I am not against people sticking for their minorities, but violence brings more violence which brings me to my point above.
@Hayter I too think that the game has zero chance of running natively on the Switch, but then again the Witcher 3 is. It is blurry and choppy for sure but still
@Zuljaras You didn't answered to anything I said in my previous comment. Like, anything at all. You just said "violence is bad". Which is obvious and something I never denied.
@jowe_gv I did not answer because otherwise I will get banned here and I do not want that to happen.
Let's just say that I do not think that biology can be changed even after medical procedures.
It is like saying that the guy from the movie "Tusk" after many operations from a doctor is turned into a real biological walrus.
So, to summarize, spaces for biological women are for biological women and spaces for biological men are for biological men no matter how someone thinks of him/her/they self.
@Zuljaras I never said biology can be change tho, that was NEVER the point. Not even trans people defend that.
Your original point was that gendered bathrooms need to based on biology in order to protect woman and now you dropped that and say you just say that you believe that separation has to be based on biology because.... I guess you just want to force trans men to go to the woman bathrooms and viceversa? Why having a structure so rigid in the first place? There isn't anything in biology that says that gendered bathrooms have to exist in the first place either.
And have you ever seen a trans woman? Like, look at one that has fully transitioned. Do you want them to go to a men bathroom? And what happens with trans men? They would have to go to woman bathrooms too, right?
Also, how do you enfoce this whole "based on biology" thing? Based on looks? If one woman looks "too masculine" (because, yes, that also happens) she not allowed? With a goverment forced document that you have to show before entering a *** bathroom? Or the easiest option (and the one that people like her are supporting) make it harder for trans people to transition. See the issue now?
Again, doesn't this seem a bit... much? Like, there isn't another way to protect woman? One that doesn't enfoce stupid rectrictions to someone that just wants to go to the bathroom?
...This is just such a stupid reason to spead hate against trans people in the first place.
@jowe_gv Okay this is the final say from me on the subject
1. I said that JKs views are for protecting women and that I understand them! Her views, because people are saying that they are made from genuine hatred which is NOT true. (at least for me)
2. My point is that no matter what you do to YOUR body can't change the facts. Many people are uncomfortable with fully transitioned individuals in the bathrooms or in sports etc. I have actually seen such people and it was obvious for me.
3. As for where they should go, a gender-neutral bathroom or something like that? I think those were put somewhere in the EU but were not used or something like that. Same with sports, a third category should be made. Also the registered cases of people complaining are from individuals that were uncomfortable being in the same space with said people, right? If that being the case, for me it is legit.
4. And yes, things seem a bit much but that is because the whole society(majority) do not want to approve the demands of such a small minority at THIS time. Maybe in the future.
And this whole activism is not doing them ANY favor.
I can’t stand that woman I don’t agree with anything she says, and she made the franchise kinda bitter to me, however people Are acting no better by harassing people for buying a video game, if you don’t support her, if you don’t want her to have a cent of your cash, please don’t buy it, but there are real devs behind this game, and they have repetitively said they don’t support her, and this is not to say that way they feel is wrong, it’s not, it’s vary valid, but harassing people to the point they don’t even want to stream the game is a bit much.
People don’t deserved to be bullied for just wanting to play a game for a franchise they enjoy, video games are an escape at the end of the day, and sometimes I even feel bad for liking the series, because the person who is made it makes me feel extremely uncomfortable, but I try to separate the art from the artist in these situations.
Well, that was my two cents, im sorry if anyone finds this rude in anyway, and to note I’m not defending J.K in anyway, just the devs who actually spent there hard work on it.
Topic: Hogwarts Legacy
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