
Topic: Games you liked when you were younger, but hate now

Posts 21 to 40 of 47


Hard to say. I actually knew when a game was bad as a kid, so I can't think of many back then that I liked that I don't like now. I wasn't too thrilled with Donkey Kong 64 as a kid, and I'm not thrilled with it now. I had a bunch of licensed games and hated most of them except the few that were good, and I still like those few today. The Sonic Adventure games aren't as good as I remember, but I still like them. Maybe Power Rangers the Movie? But that was a beat em up and it was pretty fun with a friend.

There are some RPGs I can hardly believe I ever liked as a teenager. Rogue Galaxy for instance. I still hold it's better than Star Ocean 3 by a country mile, but so are a lot of games, and I don't think Rogue Galaxy really had much merit beyond being a sci-fi RPG that actually remembered to be sci-fi. It's story wasn't very unique or interesting - it was just Adventure Planet, minus all the colorful characters that made that movie so memorable for me. The gameplay was acceptable, but really repetitive. The item creation and weapon upgrading systems were usable and kind of interesting, but it was really the only hook to the game, and I don't think that would be enough for me anymore. Still a pretty game for PS2, though. But really, if I didn't play it coming off of the worst game I had ever played, I probably wouldn't have liked it that much...

Digimon World 3 I don't think I could ever go back to. It's a very playable game compared to the first two Digimon World games, but it's still monsterously repetitive and simplistic, and the loading times were atrocious.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Definitely have to go with Ghosts 'n Goblins for the nes. Played it alot as a kid then was excited to know I could play it on the 3DS VC. Boy was I cheated by nostalgia. The game is borderline cheap in its punishing difficulty. Watching playthroughs alone makes me cringe. No way am I playing the game twice for an engrish text ending.

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While I don't now hate anything that I enjoyed as a kid, some things have lost their luster. I remember being about 12 or 13 when I played Final Fantasy VII for the first time and was absolutely blown away by its characters and storytelling. I probably played through it a dozen more times over the next few years. Replayed it recently though and I guess I just never realized at the time how incredibly adolescent the whole thing is. It's still a fun game, but man, so much wangst.

And platformers too, I suppose. I recognize how technically amazing games like Tropical Freeze are, but I dunno, running and jumping on stuff just isn't as fun as it used to be for me. They gotta have great local multiplayer to keep my interest. I played Super Mario 3D World for the first time with my younger siblings and we had a blast. Played it all day. Got home and fired it up and was bored in like 5 minutes...

So Anakin kneels before Monster Mash and pledges his loyalty to the graveyard smash.


Exhibit A:
I don't hate it, but I understand now what a weird game it was

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Kingdom Hearts. Unequivocally Kingdom Hearts. Boxy, empty levels and a laughably incomprehensible story. Atrocious game design. Poor use of precious Disney properties. Need I go on?


3DS Friend Code: 3539-9360-6763 | My Nintendo: HylianJowi | Nintendo Network ID: JowiStinks


This might not count...But Disney Infinity....I was so hyped for this game...Then I got it...It was very limited with what you could make in the Toy Box, and the Playsets were too short. I beat the Cars one in 3 hours. If that didn't count...Lego Island 2...So boring.

the switch is pretty cool.

3DS Friend Code: 3995-6550-4870 | Nintendo Network ID: pacmanracing2003


Crash Dummies on the snes. I tried my ass off to beat that game. Now when playing as an adult i see it was just poorly designed and incredibly hard. Not all due to my lack of skill level.

..and Plumbings our game.... Black Arrow Game Talk Episode One is now Live

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DejaVu for NES. I know I rented it multiple times as a kid, bought it on Ebay a few years ago. One or two plays later it's sleeping in my NES game tomb.

My other Switch is a WiiU.

3DS Friend Code: 2552-1230-7713


CanisWolfred wrote:

Ghosts 'n' Goblins was everything I Wanna Be The Guy strived to be.

Not the same goal at all. I wanna be the guy what kills is what you cannot see. That is not the case in Ghosts n Goblins.

“30fps Is Not a Good Artistic Decision, It's a Failure”
Freedom of the press is for those who happen to own one.


The whole Zelda series. While there are still a couple games that I still love the series is getting kinda meh for me now, just got tired of the same ol' formula. Still haven't tried A Link Between Worlds but they say it was changed up a bit so who knows I may like it. Any opinions on it?

The cat's the only cat who knows where it's at.
NNID: Muffin-Gun

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The legend of Zelda, Link's Adventure and A Link to the Past

PSN: Fertheseeker


Sonic Heroes and Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis for GBA. My first console was my brother's old Genesis. So anything that was Sonic was good in my mind. Some how this lead me to own Sonic Heroes on Xbox, PS2, and Gamecube. Granted I sold the other 2, and only own the Gamecube version now.

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Lock n chase for gameboy



mamp wrote:

The whole Zelda series. While there are still a couple games that I still love the series is getting kinda meh for me now, just got tired of the same ol' formula. Still haven't tried A Link Between Worlds but they say it was changed up a bit so who knows I may like it. Any opinions on it?

Depends on which parts of the formula you're tired of. I'm a huge Zelda fan, so the altering of the dungeon order and the item rental system were enough to excite me (plus consistently excellent dungeon design), but if you're just tired of the larger Zelda tropes as a whole — and I'm sure you know which ones I'm talking about — I would give it a pass.


3DS Friend Code: 3539-9360-6763 | My Nintendo: HylianJowi | Nintendo Network ID: JowiStinks


Miss_Dark wrote:


Yeah, i can definitely see that. I loved that game back in the day. Don't know if I could stomach it now though. So outdated.

Edited on by Spoony_Tech

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

Switch Friend Code: SW-7353-2587-4117 | 3DS Friend Code: 3050-7580-4390 | Nintendo Network ID: SpoonyTech | Twitter:


unrandomsam wrote:

CanisWolfred wrote:

Ghosts 'n' Goblins was everything I Wanna Be The Guy strived to be.

Not the same goal at all. I wanna be the guy what kills is what you cannot see. That is not the case in Ghosts n Goblins.

Tomato tomato. Point is they're both cheap as hell and only played by people who think beating a game earns them bragging rights.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Lego Island. I loved that game as a kid, but that was because I could literally just walk around while playing pretend, entertaining myself for hours. Now, I can't do that. All that said though, I do enjoy abusing the game's debug features, which can cause the game to practically explode!

I like makin' games!
Future Pinball games!
Petit Computer games!!
and SmileBASIC games!
Waiting for Kirby Air Ride 2. One day, it will come. One day...

3DS Friend Code: 0259-0292-5888 | Nintendo Network ID: mystman12 | Twitter:


Sonic dark brotherhood on xbox 360 and crash boom bang on ds. Why didn't anybody stop me T-T

I have a ghost type safari with phanump +shuppet +?

3DS Friend Code: 4527-8492-5215 | Nintendo Network ID: Difficvlt


I'm probably going to have to add Kingdom Hearts to my list as well. Played it recently and it's just so empty and fanfictiony.
I think I liked it as a kid because of the Disney aspect and how you could go to all these worlds, but playing it now... that's the only cool thing about it.

Edited on by Gamecubed


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