Ninja Pig Studios, known for its infamous release Meme Run and some of its accompanying controversy, is back with another title for the Wii U eShop. Bigley's Revenge is - dare we say it - slightly more competent and tempered than its headache-inducing predecessor, but that's not saying a great deal. While this game - also meme-themed, as you may have guessed - is a little more playable, it's still not enough to warrant a purchase, unless for some inexplicable reason you seek a sure-fire way of giving yourself the most painful migraine imaginable.
Bigley's Revenge is a first-person shooter that takes place on a single platform. Its sole mode has the player shooting enemies - all based on "hilarious" internet memes - as they approach. One hit kills the player, and the objective is simply to survive for as long as possible and achieve the best high score. The player is rewarded with money that is spent on reloading ammo, and there are different guns available via a pillar in the center of the small island. Killing certain foes results in a psychedelic slowdown that theoretically allows you to shoot more enemies, but its impact is minimal overall.
Unfortunately, Bigley's Revenge seems stuck a decade in the past; the sluggish turning and reloading bring to mind early Wii first-person shooters that couldn't nail the controls. Still, at least those games had professional-grade production values - the same sadly cannot be said of Ninja Pig's effort. Enemies explode in bursts of colour, with crazy sound effects and clip art. The sound effects become jarring incredibly quickly thanks to the awkward combination of blood-curdling screams and other random sounds, from obnoxious music to bizarre, disembodied voices. The intention is clearly to create something which is chaotic in aesthetic and aural terms, but that predictably makes for a game that is hard to play for anything longer than 30 seconds without wanting to rip out your eyes and chop off your ears.
The enemies are largely 2D cutouts that, when juxtaposed with the muddy 3D textures of the level, make for a mildly amusing design - like Meme Run before it, it's obvious that humour is the driving force behind this title. Sadly, like the same joke being told repeatedly, the appeal wears off in seconds rather than hours. It doesn't help that practically everything about Bigley's Revenge is amateurish - there are no options to be found and the game uses a very rudimentary HUD. The minimum of effort has been expended in creating this one-joke game, and it shows.
We criticised Meme Run for being cynical and smug in its blatant overuse of internet memes and uncomfortable, sensory-attacking gameplay, but with the giddy ridiculousness of Bigley's Revenge you start to get the sense that Ninja Pig Studios is truly enthusiastic about its work. While the game is still a disaster and hard to tolerate for anything longer than a few minutes, one can't help but admire the studio for trying. However, Ninja Pig's undying love of the absurd fails to translate into anything approaching a worthy video game, and Bigley's Revenge is best avoided.
Comments 46
I would like a survival game similar like this and COD Zombies on the Wii U/3DS, but this just isn't something to bother with :/
I thought that 'I.Q. Test' was the auspicious debut of Ninja Pig.
Hilarious tagline!
@Undead_terror COD Zombies is on Wii U. Get Blops2 or Ghosts.
@Stu13 Yep.
Well, at least Ninja Pigs doesn't go on this site anymore, otherwise the comment section would probably filled with him bashing this review and having a temper tantrum.
"Game of the Year - 10/10"
I'm glad this doesn't come to the EU eShop; while it means that the EU eShop is emptier than the NA eShop, it means that all the titles there are actually... well, good.
@Sonicman I know that but it don't have DLC and I got it on the PS3 already, want something new, not getting BO3 on PS3 or anything, don't use it much.
@buildz * pretends that literally every game on the eu eshop is good when that's far from true *
I wish Nintendo would stop giving crap like this the okay. This isn't the Apple Store. Nintendo's platforms deserve better than this. The worst game during the DS era was arguably Elf Bowling 1 & 2 (which mercifully didn't make it outside of NA; the only market dumb enough to pay full price for such a God awful game), but it seems that since Nintendo have relaxed their quality control protocols this generation that the floodgates have opened to even poorer quality experiences.
@Zombo "well, good."
Let me rephrase that; "better than the worst of the NA eShop". There.
It's up to the player to decide what's good and worth the money. It is not Nintendo to decide that. So it's totally ok that those crap games are available on the eShop. Players just need to ignore them and move on to some good games. There are tons of great games on the eShop after all.
No matter how horrible and how it is clear there was no effort put into this, he will make his money back and some more.
I think the $4.99 price tag is a bigger tragedy/joke the game itself. I can see the value as a $.01-$.49 but $4.99 seems too much based on contents and effort compare to other games of that price.
Well I rather have a eshop open to all types of games good and bad for us to decide than a eshop that nitpicks the one that is only "good".
I saw a let's play the other day and I can't for the life of me imagine how this can get anything but the lowest possible grade. It seemed - gasp - worse than Meme Run.
My main problem with this and Meme Run is the price. I would maybe (and that is a low side maybe) consider buying this just out of weird curiosity if this was like a dollar but for five dollars I rather purchase one of the many virtual console games that I need to give a shot.
@buildz At least you guys get arguably better Wii VC games.
Still waiting on Xenoblade
Games like these make me almost glad my Wii U got stolen.
Two out of ten, awful quality all-around, and meme-based humor.
As soon as there is a discount, count me in.
Although given what happened with Meme Run, the discount oughta come sooner than the game's eventual, inevitable pulling from the eShop.
The biggest joke of all is that this hack sells this for 5 bucks and can still sleep at night. My favorite line of the review:
"...hard to play for anything longer than 30 seconds without wanting to rip out your eyes and chop off your ears."
@AlexSora89 It was already pulled from the Eshop once by the ESRB.
Smelly memes! Sssmmelllyy memes! What are they feeding us?
inb4 "you don't get the joke!"
The thing about satire/joke software is they have to be funny in the first place or otherwise they're just shovelware and yes I understand humor is subjective.
Saddest (or best, depending on your perspective) part about memes based humor is that stuff is only really funny as long as people remember it being funny. Give it a few years and Bigley will be deader than sin.
These types of games can be done correctly without being obnoxious and pandering, (seeing that miiverse posts in the main community doesent help) I wish Ninja Pig can understand this....or at least charge $3 for the morbid curiosity.
The meaninglessness and emptiness of the game speaks to me. :'I
I would find it hilarious if the Ninja Pig guy would comment here saying "Thanks for the positive review of my game".
I have put in close to 10 hours on this game. Many on miiverse have spent a long time on it as well. HE keeps making the games because people enjoy them. Just not many of you on this site.
I would still give it a 2/10, but that is not what these games are about.
@SSBMarioFan HE actually. The studio is just one person. Which would probably go a long way to explaining why his games are so terrible, because they're solo efforts.
I'd play Zelda on CDI before I played this. That isn't a compliment.
"HE actually. The studio is just one person. Which would probably go a long way to explaining why his games are so terrible, because they're solo efforts."
Bertil Hörberg, the developer of Gunman Clive, is also a one man band. Let's compare, shall we? Quality does not mean many people, as it can exist for one person, or several.
Such a game deserves a Zero in my opinion. I think every reviewer should give a Zero once in a while! If it really stinks, give it a total stinking score!!
@spurgeonryan - Please enlighten me. Why are you spending 10 + hours on a crappy game? What is it "about?"
@sillygostly How are we "stupid enough to buy it" when it sold horribly lmao 😂😂
@LunaticPandora Cave Story was also made by one person so this hack really doesn't have an excuse.
Oh and is this memes? I'll love you if you get this reference.
@Captain_Toad I was about to say this looked like a Unity asset game from Steam Green light. And I heard a rumor somewhere that Nintendo wanted to make the NX early access compatible.
You seriously have never seen miiverse and the thousands of people who play these games? To be honest, Meme Run had no problems. There was no accidental framerate drops, no glitching, nothing. It played just as he wanted it to play. It was supposed to be in your face runner.
High scores. That is what we love about them. The crazy memes make it fun. When usually, besides Temple Run, I hate endless runners.
As for Bigley's Revenge, I will say that the turning is unacceptable, but beyond that it has the same crazy fun as the original. Sure they have really no content, sure they do not have the best visuals, but like Devils third what they lack, they make up in crazy fun.
Hope that enlightens you enough. Now back to vgchartz. game...Flappy Meme?..shootme...
@Captain_Toad Thank God for him.
@spurgeonryan I've been to Miiverse. I've had quite an extensive history on Miiverse, in fact. I was there during the GOOD days of Miiverse, when things like troll raids, Count Dooku, Eggverse, Hatty, the ROS and the "Great Zelda Community War"/ SmashersVSHylians were prominent things there.
Despite all that, the ONLY audience I see accepting this as a "Good Game" for ANY reason, whether it be humor or no, are Internet troll types between the ages of 8-14, because anybody who DOESN'T have parents who buy all their games for them would realize that $5 is WAAAAY too much an asking price for this despicable piece of dung Ninja Pig calls a game.
@Captain_Toad If only he could review this game...or the trailer at least.
Junk games for junk gamers.
"Life's good, when you're a Ninja Pig."
@spurgeonryan: Meme Run had a glitch. Sometimes you just fell through the ground and Game over. Which adds to the unacceptability of an already extremely simple and effortless game.
How'd you draw ties with Devil's Third is beyond ma goodness.
Devil's Third is actually good. And has content for 100+ hours. And graphics. And innovation. And good controls. And Story. And online.
Meme Run and Bigley's Revenge wouldn't even pass as Mario Party minigames. They're more like some hilarious "throwaway" WarioWare microgames. But in WarioWare you get around 300 microgames for only 6,99 in the same Wii U eShop.
From my perspective Ninja Pig games are only acceptable for either very young, or very childish meme fans with too much money, or trashgamers with too much money.
@Sonicman Call of Duty: Ghosts doesn't have Zombies, it has extinction, which isn't as good
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