Shall we get this out of the way up front? This game features 'furry' characters. If you're already heading to the comments to issue a humorous barb, please re-examine your life. Winds of Change is an accomplished, heartfelt and enjoyable visual novel that does not deserve to be held up against the invented, ludicrous stigma of being furry. Righto, cheers. That's that. Let's get on with the review, then.
Visual novels can be difficult to critique as games; the meat of the experience is with the writing and your enjoyment thereof, so all that can really be covered elsewhere is the UI, performance and possibly visuals. If we come out of the gate, then, and say that Winds of Change has all the features you'd want from a visual novel married with a good, compelling story, that's about all some of you will need.
You are 'the Seer', as in see-er. An interesting in medias res opening is revealed to be a flash forward; a premonition, such as a Seer is wont to have, the subject of which is the destruction of their home and a mystical artifact known as the Blade of Exodus. It's an interesting way to introduce the player to the game — show them a pivotal, horrifying moment of destiny then go "right, get out of that." And, of course, you essentially spend your time reading text, looking at the rather good character art and backgrounds and wondering where all this is going, and just what the nature of the mysterious 'Triumvirate' actually is.

There are dialogue choices to be made; extensive ones, too, because there's an enormous amount of lore to be wrung out of the world and it's a pleasure to dig into it, interrogating the characters to witness their many, many optional conversation strands that flesh out and add colour to the proceedings. It helps that the voice acting is both exhaustive and rather wonderful — there's a thoroughly enjoyable sense of verisimilitude to the interactions, with earnest line deliveries that don't feel overwrought or played 'too big'.
It makes the game a treat to play at its chosen pace, which is good because you can switch on Auto mode to (yes) automatically skip to the next line in time with the voiceover. And you should, because it's quite easy to accidentally skip dialogue if you're blasting through, usually hitting the 'A' button skips to the end of the passage, but if there's a conversation choice to select it'll automatically skip past it, which is non-ideal. We'd really recommend letting the game play out at its own pace, though; there's a lot of dialogue but it's all there to service the characters and their relationships — both romantic and otherwise — and yes, it's very much LGBT friendly. There are background stats to take into account, too, which affect the flow of the story. The game tells you directly when these come into play, which is a nice user-friendly way to inform the player they haven't (yet) screwed anything up.

Breaking up the text are some very (very) light exploration elements, by which we mean you're presented with a scene and able to move your cursor around it to investigate certain elements à la Phoenix Wright. These aren't complex and essentially serve to add even more detail and intrigue to an already-rich story, but they do make for a nice — if brief — change of pace. Don't worry about missing anything, either: the game will prompt you when your latest inspection of an item will trigger the next part of the story, allowing you to back off and dig deeper if you want to. You can also use these sections to chat to your current 'party' in a variety of optional discussions. There's also a world map to explore and the ability to revisit areas with new party members to unlock more discourse, but this exposes one other issue in the game: it feels like there's a fair bit of loading, considering the relatively static nature of the game.
There are side-quests too, but given the nature of the game these are going to fall flat if the story isn't interesting and well told; we believe it is, as there's very obviously a lot of passion and love for the characters and world imbued within Winds of Change, and it's difficult not to appreciate. We didn't see all of the content by any means, but our playthrough took a shade under twenty hours, using the autoplay function throughout in order to wring maximum enjoyment from the game's voicework and pacing. Speed readers will naturally find it a shorter game.

As with all visual novels it will live and die by your interest in the characters and their story; we think there's a good chance you'll get into this one if you approach it knowing that there's going to be a lot of text and dialogue — more even than most VNs — and that there's little in the way of overt humour or any real tongue-in-cheek tone to ease up the somewhat intense storytelling.
This is thoroughly absorbing piece of fiction that manages to justify being a video game by virtue of skillfully integrated choices and missable content, making multiple playthroughs a potentially appealing prospect. The voice acting throughout is extremely impressively performed, the UI and controls are nearly perfect and the art is beautifully drawn, though we felt the characters could use a few more poses/expressions at times. Anyone interested in a ripping virtual novel yarn -. and who isn't tediously prejudiced against any and all 'furry' content — will find a lot to love in Winds of Change.
Comments 78
It looks like a Furry-fest.
This is NOT a humorous barb ... I just state a fact.
8/10 of a furry scale converted to a normal game rating is around 0.0000001/10
Being a furry myself this is awesome.
An august summer night
Soldiers passing by
Listening to....
Love the first paragraph Good on you, Stuart
I can't help but disregard the first paragraph. It deserves to be called a furry game. They're bipedal and have abs its creepy.
My only gripe is that I don't usually go for visual novel-style games, since they can all sort of feel "samey" and most of their magic solely lies in what sort of unique characters and artwork you fill it with.
I used to ridicule the furry community in my earlier years, because they were a punchline to a joke that was being told... But after navigating the far reaches of the internet, and meeting some real life people who attend gatherings, I have come to find that there are far worse communities to associate with.
Nevertheless, if you want to look down on furries, then you should place blame squarely at the feet of Sonic the Hedgehog. That cartoon series really did a number on impressionable children who realized that they were nerds, but were still deciding on what niche of nerdom to inhabit.
I understand that the Switch audience is big enough to support every denomination out there and that’s fine with me. However thinking that people should re-examine their life just because they don’t agree with certain themes or characters is a bit anti-“freedom of speech” but whatever.
We can express our gratitude or disgust about anything as long as it is well-mannered and justified.
As for me, I really feel a bit uneasy when furries are involved. However I enjoyed Undertale, which is clearly an lgbt-friendly game, but it has a compelling plot and good character development.
Not my kind of game. Or anyone on this website's. I even know a few furries that don't care about this. But this doesn't look bad.
@Flashlink99 Well, in fairness, the word furry does tend to bring out some really strong, very much non-mannered reactions in people. I am biting my lip here as well.
I saw this game pop by when browsing the e-Shop and I just can't. But to each their own.
@iuli you can spin any technicality you want. Having an opinion on the internet is glorious.
@Daniel36 Exactly, I’m just trying to make a statement to the writer and any person here that would think a furry hater must instantly be a troll or something.
If people love to dress and behave like animals of ambiguous gender, that’s fine, I just don’t want it shoved in my face
What kind of anthro furry do you like ?
I prefer become anthro rabbit or wolf.
@Anti-Matter Wolf.
@Flashlink99 Alright, pal, you waded into it. You get to field the question. What's wrong with fur?
Removed - trolling/baiting
@Flashlink99 Totally. There exist plenty of haters. I am used to it to the point of numbness but The few that I have convinced to checkout the community have been changed. It's a unique subculture with some very interesting people. Most of us are peaceful, creative and cool.
@HotGoomba Just hard to care about anything Klace had a hand in.
Are hairy bipedal creatures (with more or less abs!) furry too? Because if that’s the case…
@iuli The answer here is obvious. Have people not seen Alex Olney's face? Anyhow, I know you're a nature lover too, so we're cool here.
@Desrever “I have come to find that there are far worse communities to associate with.”
That tends to be true with a lot of communities out there that people make fun of, if they are just given a chance.
Honestly what's the world coming to when we can't even shame people for having weird hobbies/kinks?
Winds of Change - A Polished (good), Absorbing (nice), Animal-Filled (umm, okay) Visual Novel (ah. no thanks)
It’s not entirely clear from the review how far the relationship aspects go, but it’s rated 12, so I can’t imagine there’s anything “Adult” about it.
Just looks like a fantasy world with anthropomorphic animals in it to me. If the cast were the Thundercats, or Ninja Turtles, or Kung Fu Panda, would anyone be saying “only perverts could possibly like this”?
Fire Emblem has both relationship development and people that transform into animals. Should we put anyone who buys that “on a watchlist”?
There are only a few art styles which instantly put me off a game. This is one of them.
I dont get the Hate towards Furries, being a child of the 80's a large portion of our Saturday Morning Cartoons carried this kind of Art Style and I still love it now.
Would you assume a ThunderCat, Bucky O Hare, Gummy Bear or TMNT fan was a pervert just because they like a certain visual style?
Yes there are pornographic Furry images, but there's porn of literally everything so don't tar a whole community with the same brush - you're bigotry is showing.
You know, it's interesting. I was going to say furry art creeps me out because of the anthro qualities, but, thinking about it, I've never found clearly anthro characters like Krystal from Star Fox Adventures, Lola Bunny from OG Space Jam, or Lion-O from OG Thundercats to be creepy, despite all of them having explicitly sexy qualities to them.
It's something about the art-style itself. I can look at the art and IMMEDIATELY, even before consciously noticing that the character is an anthropomorphic animal, recognize it as furry art. That doesn't happen with the sexy anthropomorphic animal people I grew up watching in the 90s.
Anyway, the art is a no-go for me, unfortunately.
Looks interesting, but even as a furry the style is uhmm not too great imo ? I think it's because the poses are all front-facing and it doesn't look great in that angle cause of the snout/eyes.
@Ralizah Exactly! It is the art style that is creepy Maybe it is because on those specific "conventions" the masks look exactly like that!
The Ninja turtles, Biker Mouse from Mars and Bugs Bunny have nothing in common with that!
@Flashlink99 "However thinking that people should re-examine their life just because they don’t agree with certain themes or characters is a bit anti-“freedom of speech” but whatever."
It's not about "just disagreeing", it's about being needlessly hateful. You can dislike anything at all for any reason, but when you start insulting or attacking people just for liking something, that's when you need to start "re-examining your life". (Note that I'm not accusing you personally of doing that, just clarifying).
If you have looked at any deviant art furry pages for the past 20 years you will see this is an exact style. This isn't just some other game with animals in it. There is nothing wrong with having a game directed towards a subculture of people.
The thing about subcultures is that they can be niche. Which causes people to have a hard time understanding them. I'm not personally a furry but I don't see anything wrong with it.
Yeah the issue is the artstyle, not necessarily having anthropomorphic characters. It screams Furry and a quick background check shows that this is made by a fully invested Furry. Sure the actual game doesn't seem to have any overly degenerative aspects from the outside...but yeah I'll avoid it like the plague.
More power to what you enjoy, but saying this is "not stereotypical Furry" seems a bit misleading (though not being overly sexual is nice to hear). Here is the main developer: https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Kyle_Lambert
@Ralizah Yeah, it’s possible for anthropomorphic animals to be drawn in a way which isn’t offputting. There’s just a specific way of drawing them, which this game draws from, which makes me feel a bit weird. It’s not even the ‘furry’ stuff per se, I feel the same about that DeviantArt ‘vaguely anime’ trend of drawing humans. And the pointy chin + massive eyes trend which Kanon and Air used.
Eh, would rather play CC2's Fuga: Melodies of Steel. They just dropped a trailer yesterday.
@iuli I guess I misjudged the tone of some of the comments, but there was at least 1 (now removed) that felt needlessly hateful and not light-hearted.
I have little time for anything suggesting someone is inherently abhorrent and needs treatment for their personal lives, just because it differs from someone else’s. (I realise this liberal view can be taken to some very disturbing extremes, I do not condone anything illegal or negatively impacting another person’s basic human rights)
Got a feeling the comment section for this one is gonna get locked real soon.
Removed - disrespecting others; user is banned
Hey Mr reviewer, this is not IGN where you can give moral lessons to your readers in each article and review and tell them what they should do with their lifes. That´s no good for the site. I personally come here for reviews and news many times every day, but I hope you don´t keep on treating your readers like idiots or bad people, we aren´t; otherwise I´ll just switch to Nintendo World Report, Nintendo Everything or Nintenderos. That some of us aren´t comfortable with things related to certain sexual paraphilia, doesn´t mean you have the right to silence someone´s joke on the comments section. Stop virtue signaling, I respect you are ok with that kind of fetish and paraphilia, but that doesn´t make you better than anyone of us who aren´t. That´s censorship, false virtue signaling and moral judgment, things we don´t do to you. This comes from a hairy furry young man here
@Santoria Oh cool a useless comment.
one time i spent a 10 hour bus ride sitting next to a guy who was on his way to a furry convention
@Santoria This only demonstrates that you don't actually understand what being a furry means. Zoosadism? I mean, what? Nothing farther from reality.
Oh well. Reported.
@Santoria That requires you actually making an open-minded effort to approach and try to understand the furry community by actually listening to their members (and not just the problematic subset that exists in every fandom). But we both know that's not happening.
@nessisonett Oh yeah, "animesque" art drives me up a wall. it's why I can't enjoy Teen Titans (the original one, at least; the chibi-ish art in TT Go is fine).
@bluesdance I did get to spend an awkward hour next to a fat guy in a Pinkie Pie bodysuit while waiting in a line at an anime convention one time.
@Ralizah Salt and Sanctuary’s a good example of a game that I very nearly skipped due to finding the art really off-putting. If it had been a visual novel and not a really quite good 2D action game then I definitely would have. I can understand why people here are saying that we should respect furries and their interests but it stands to reason that some art-styles will be divisive.
@Santoria The furry fandom is exactly that: just another fandom. Like the Star Trek fandom. Or the Brony fandom, or the comic book fandom. We're just people who happen to like and appreciate animal anthropomorphism to various degrees. Now, are there bad apples in the furry fandom? Yes, absolutely. But the same can be said of every fandom ever. After all, you'll always find bad apples in any sufficiently large group of people.
@nessisonett For sure, even if I'm one, there's a lot of art styles that doesn't quite hit right for me.
Idk whats wrong with calling it a furry game, If your a furry your going to eat this up good for you. I don't see the problem?
@Mr-Fuggles777 Ye Idk, I think its just some people take it to the next, next level, But overall there people like you and me, and I don't have an issue, And one thing I like about the furry community, is how they don't try to force you to become one, Its, "If you want to be you can, and if you don't you don't have to, even if you look at some furry er stuff" I like that about them, bc I don't think just bc you look at some animals that have Human looks (So duh of course i'm going to be look that way) You still wont or have to be counted as a furry, and I can imagine, if I ever did join I would be welcome in with open arms, there such nice people.
I don't really understand the point of coming into this review to just bag on this or on a fandom. I just don't get it, some people must really feel voiceless IRL, need attention on the internet, or have nothing better to do. If I'm not into something, I don't usually feel the need to express it. Sure, I have the privilege on here to do it but I just don't really feel the desire to do it. To each his own, if I like something or am interested in something, I'll express that.... but I don't usually express any negativity. I'd rather not put my energy into doing that or putting that out into the world. Life is too short to spend my time doing that. I'd rather spend it discussing my interests or things I enjoy. I wish the community here would do the same because reading these comments.....it was disappointing. I thought the community here was more inclusive, mature, and open minded.
props for the beginning paragraph for wanting address the stigma people could have with the game just with the art style alone. if the game does its genre well then that should be enough to pique people interested
if people can accept mario/rabbids as a fun strategy game worth playing, then as a VN fan i can see myself trying this out later too
@nessisonett I can't say I'm a massive fan of the dagger chins, enormous hands, and identical faces adopted by a lot of yaoi artists, either.
Although at least we got this gem, which, despite being as deliberately terrible as possible, is somehow still easier to watch than Gakuen Heaven ever was.
@Ralizah Gakuen Handsome is an absolute treasure. I forgot about that, the chin stab!! 😂
@Arix I understand it perfectly and I’m glad many people here do the same. It seems that the usual toxicity of online communities is usually relegated on Twitter, where it should remain contained. There’s still hope for mankind
I hate this art.
@GalacticBreakdown yeah its a shame. i was hoping to hear more thoughts on the game in the comments but people are just bagging on the art (which from a technical point still looks amazing and detailed), makes me wonder how often this happens for any other game's art style
furry hate is such a low-hanging fruit i was hoping people would look past that and just say how the game actually is lol
@bluesdance I once spent 10 seconds taking you seriously before Ignoring you.
@Ralizah hm it could be the name branding tbh. stuff like star fox characters can 100% be classified as furries, but since krystal is seen as a "star fox" character first and not a "furry" character, people are more ok with her. i think people would find her much more weird if she was an original character from the furry fandom
@Flashlink99 Do people know the meaning of something being "shoved in my face" anymore?
I can not express how much I dislike furry art styles.
Not my kind of game nor artstyle at all.
Also telling people to re-examine their life for having an opinion? How professional.
Come on, guys.
I think that anthro furry dudes design look great.
I have seen a lot anthro furries design from furaffinity and deviantart, this one look great for me though I prefer more handsome looking and more muscular body.
Even my avatar currently is a Chibi anthro six pack Rabbit.
I don't understand with the hates here. 😕
Removed - disrespecting others; user is banned
@MetalGear_Yoshi Yeah, I try to keep an open mind to other people's interests (after all, some people think I'm into weird/frivolous stuff). But there's something very off putting about furry art. I'm not sure if it's something inherent to the artwork itself, or if I just can't separate it from all the disturbing things I've heard come out of that community.
Can't help but think this comment section would have gone better without the first paragraph editorial statement. I couldn't care less about the furry community (to each their own), but putting people on the defensive for finding something unusual unusual is not the best way of getting people to be open-minded.
nobody knows how to have a more normal time online then people who hate furries
i'm kinda interested in the premise (i really like that "vision of the future" set up for the main conflict) but i'm already so behind on visual novels...
"If you're already heading to the comments to issue a humorous barb,"
is.. is... is that a reference to the barbed genitalia of male cats??
I'm actually very intrigued by this. I do enjoy a good story and voice acting, and it sounds like this delivers. I've always enjoyed anthropomorphic animals just because I think they can be more interesting and sometimes more expressive than human characters. I mean one of my all time favorite movies is Fantastic Mr. Fox. In the case of this game though, I do think the art goes a bit too far in the furry direction for my tastes.
I'm not a furry myself, but I like to let others be if they aren't hurting anyone. I came from an environment where that wasn't the prevailing view so having disdain for people that are different is something I want to get away from...
@GalacticBreakdown Agreed. I thought we had reached a point where we don't care as long as nobody is hurting anybody else.
They made r/cringetopia into a game?
You guys have a problem with this, but not Star Fox or Animal Crossing...? Just let people play the games they want to play. Personally, I don’t care if the characters are in a furry art style, if the story is good enough then I would play it 😃
Oké, this sounds like fun! And animals hopefully give a bit of variety to the tried and true visual novel trope characters!
@iuli oh, I thought you couldn't read it after 😂
I wanted to add to your first comment that it definitely needed an added:
"oh honey, hooooooooonnnneyyy! " 🍯🐻🏳️🌈
@iuli but I didn't know if you'd understand it was about your biped joke, so I deleted it! 😂
it's disgusting
Because there are other peoples have interest with Anthro furries visual novel games.
Anthro furries are not something disgusting if you remember Anthro animals from Disney (Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, etc), Zootopia, Thundercats, Biker Mice from Mars, Road Rovers, etc.
To draw them from animal into anthro furry was pretty challenging.
Kudos for the artist who drawn those anthro furries for this visual novel game.
Furry debate aside: that was a Monsters Inc. tag line! Ha, my son was obsessed with that movie during Quarantine (I’ve nearly memorized the thing)! Good show; cheers!
@AllieKitsune Why do you say that?
Why are you like this? I don't mean that in a bad way at all. It's just that I'm kind of used to seeing media outlets using anyone that doesn't fit a certain edict of "normal" as punching bags. It's... nice. It's also kind and decent, that too.
This kind of light-hearted inclusion and punching up though reminds me of really old games journalism, where all games were valued if they were for someone. It wasn't about being dismissive of that which wasn't to the tastes of yon lords on high. I've found very few sites which have really embraced that attitude.
I don't understand where a lot of furry hate comes from, but I do wonder if it's chauvinistic entitlement? What I mean by that is this idea that if one is "normal," one is entitled. How dare this game exist when a game could be made for me? Indeed, how very much dare you spend your time reviewing it when it should be cast into the dark for the sin of existing.
That attitude can also be applied to how many furry artists there are. How dare they have so many excellent artists. It's an odd sort of envy. I mean, it's not like furries didn't earn it, though. A lot of it is putting their money where their mouth is and being willing to be the support for the things they want to see. This is a big reason why Zootopia was a massive financial success, and one of Disney's most successful movies. Furries are money because they get the value of it. So it's not surprising to see more and more games featuring non-human characters.
I'm not furry myself, just furry-adjacent. Otherkin. And I'm very tired of chauvinism. I think it's small-minded, petty, and unnecessary. In a mutualist world we can all be glad that we have games that we can share and enjoy. Games for you, games for me, games for everyone. There's no need for avarice and envy, there's plenty of games to go around. You don't need to zealously gatekeep.
Anyway, this and that LGBTQIA+ article has put NL on the list of sites I read. Thank you for not being jerkfaces who treat people so poorly just because they've committed the most abhorrent sin of being not the same as everyone else.
This comment section, excluding the supportive folks and ones that live and let live, is one of the reasons why gamers are trash these days
The folks who are getting triggered over the art style but will fap one out to Lola or Kyrstal are hilarious. A pair of abs scare you that much? Looks like we got some closet cases on are hands. If this was any other style, you guys would lap it up, but because it's a certain furry style that prevalent in the LGBT furry circle, its automatically weird. I assure you not everything is stiraght on earth
The folks angry over the first paragraph are guilty as heck. They're screaming about being lectured but by doing that they expose themselves, so I congrad the writer for puting that in
Furry hate is soooooo 2000, let people enjoy stuff and fandoms, keep your disgust of furries in your head and move on if this game doesn't intrest you
I just want to thank the author for getting to the part where this is a visual novel quickly. In the Switch store it's listed as an RPG.... not quite similar enough for me. Still, if the price drops enough it looks interesting enough I may purchase.
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