For a brief, shining period, the video game industry seemed to become obsessed with cavemen. We’re not sure why this is – the Flintstones remake can’t have accounted for all of it. Bonk’s Adventure, Caveman Games, BC Racers, Joe & Mac, Bignose the Caveman and more absolutely flooded the market with Mesozoic mascots. Titus’ DOS hop n’ bopper, Prehistorik, begat Prehistorik 2, which ultimately begat SNES title Prehistorik Man – the subject of this review. Following ports to both Game Boy Advance and DSiWare, it’s dropped on the Switch’s SNES app – and if you’ve spent the last 28 years ignoring it, now’s the time to give it a look.
It’s a strangely forward-thinking game, despite being set in the stone age. As well as expansive yet tightly-packed platforming levels rammed to the gills with bonuses and secrets, there’s also a decent line in gadgetry, offering that old-school “gameplay variation” by virtue of stages where you bounce around on a pogo stick or hang-glide across vast chasms. It has an Amiga-ish feel to its level design, but things are generally spruced up to suit the SNES audience who prefer their games a little less… abstract.
Digging up (literally and figuratively) every last item in a level for that coveted 100% is no mean feat – it’s worth it, because Prehistorik Man is not an easy game at all. Your character – Sam – moves somewhat erratically, slipping and sliding when at full running speed, required to make most of the major jumps. He’s not defenceless, but his club attack is a touch, well, rubbish. The range is very limited and it’s all too easy to accidentally nudge a moving enemy and take a hit. Thankfully Sam can also jump on his foes as well as occasionally utilise a bizarre, screen-clearing scream attack.
Prehistorik Man isn’t really about the combat, though – it’s a reflex test through and through, constantly mounting up its demands and introducing new, interesting set-pieces; the stage in which you escape upward through a burning tree is a bit of an unsung SNES classic, as far as we’re concerned. It's also attractive, colourful and cartoony, with some good atmosphere creeping into the stages once you get through the first area.
The aforementioned difficulty becomes something of a moot point in this Switch release, of course – state saving and the rewind feature mitigate any possible challenge the game could realistically offer. We’d suggest keeping their use to a minimum; the game is much more fun when you have to actively make use of the boons it affords you as a reward for extensive exploration.
An under-rated title, Prehistorik Man is a lovely addition to the SNES line-up on Switch. Its distinctly European flavour is not going to be for everyone, but the lovely cartoon graphics and rewarding level design should, in a good and just world, be universally appealing. It makes a nice Switch companion piece for Joe & Mac 2: Lost in the Tropics, anyway. Now, can we please keep the cro-magnon classics coming? Congo’s Caper and Chuck Rock will do nicely.
Comments 32
The Superman 64 developers finest work
A 7 is good score for this game, it is not treading new grounds but it is a fun little game that I enjoy picking up now and then.
like I said before it is okay. but play the game just to hear the cave man scream when he dies. he sounds like tom the cat from the cartoon tom and jerry. it is so funny. I wish nintendo would bring the SNES version of the first Joe and Mac to the SNES online. I loved that game.
The game controls and plays great, but I find the font used for dialogue and such completely illegible in portable mode.
@michellelynn0976 Not just the scream when he dies, the scream attack sounds straight out of one of those cartoons.
Anyway if you have NSO anyway I'd definitely recommend trying this one out, if nothing else it's good for a chuckle or two!
looks ok, but still think Joe and Mac kick ass
How could you forget Chuck Rock, which has one of the top 5 video game themes of all time:
I remember seeing this game reviewed way back when it was first released but never really was interested as there were just so many better platform games around at the time and it was really hard to stand out at the time. To this day I am still waiting for Plok to get a release since that was an exceptional platform game that got overlooked back when released. Although I will get around to giving this a go since it seems to have a bit of challenge to it if you don't use save states.
Glad to see the game holds up. I had the game back on DSiware, and you can tell the game has some good platforming going for it, but there were some bad technical issues as it was a lazy port of the GBA version. Comparatively NL gave that version a 3/10.
One of the many many caveman games of the early 90s. The dinosaur craze was so big. Lol I heard someone on a podcast say it started with Yoshi, and ended with the ‘94 Flintstones movie
I wish they hadn't skipped the first Joe and Mac. Part 2 is better on paper, but the original has all of my nostalgia-currency.
@Zenszulu Plok would be great! Such a weird game. My biggest complaint about it was no save or password system, which would be fixed if it came to NSO.
I'll have to try this one out. I, too, am pining for the first Joe & Mac game, however.
@Deliesh Plok actually benefits from save states because it can actually be brutal on some of the later levels and can be a pain to beat the game in one sitting. Even at the time when it was getting rave reviews lack of any kind of save or password feature was probably it's biggest criticism. It's also one of the most unique platform from the time because the art style makes I look really basic in still images but really striking in motion.
@GannonBanned I didn't!
Great OCEAN'S 11 reference.
@StuartGipp whoops! Missed that last line. Mea culpa, amigo 🥰
@khululy Hulk-a-mania runnin wild brother!!
Bonus points for the amiga reference. Did like it on the amiga back in the day
Definitely the best game in this update.
I played this game a lot back was one of my fav games! for sure I'll give it a try to bring back old memories!
Might as well check it out. Most interesting SNES games out of the new bunch.
@Yosher I played it more. you are right. so funny stuff. good old cartoon memories
I'd never heard of it until I got it on an Interplay cart for the Evercade. I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. Joe and Mac is better, but this is still good fun.
@ThomasCasson "Train, say your prayers, eat your vitamins, be true to your self, be true to your country, be a real American!"
@khululy I'm so hyped right now!!! The MEGA POWERS collide!! oooooo yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
It's the best game in today's NSO update, which isn't saying a whole lot. The similarly caveman-themed Chuck Rock is way better.
Yes, because THIS is the game people wanted to play on switch,prehistoric man!
@Yosher I agree.
Dabbled with this one on my Evercade. It's not a bad game
Only nitpick I would have with it is that sometimes it's difficult to tell platforms from the background.
Tomba is the only caveman game you need
I never played this game back in the day, but for some reason I remember it. Probably because I also noticed back then that there were a million caveman-themed games, and the spelling of this game's title infuriated me.
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