This review originally went live in 2008, and we're updating and republishing it to mark the game's arrival on Switch as part of the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack.
After Mario's forays into non-platforming genres — you know, the Karting, the Picross-ing, the Dr. Mario...ing — Nintendo realised something: put Mario in a game and it sells by the bucketload. Soon Mario and co. began starring in sports games of different types. In the years that followed he took up baseball, soccer and even Dance Dance Revolution. His very first headlining foray in the world of sport came with Mario's Tennis on the Virtual Boy, though — an inauspicious start thanks to the commercial failure of that console. Undeterred, Nintendo threw the plumber a golf bag and shoved him out on the fairway in a game which took approximately two seconds to think up a title for.

So, Mario Golf on N64 was almost the first Mario sports game, certainly the first on a home console you played on a TV, and it is what you'd expect: Golf, with Mario. Pretty self-evident thanks to that dynamite title, but it's worth highlighting because if you're expecting more of the dazzling spectacle of the mascot's more recent sporting output — games which take some real artistic licence with the rules of the nominal real-world sport — Camelot's first shot in this particular series is a much straighter affair. It's great fun, but you won't be running across the fairway in this game's version of speed golf.
As standard, you get a number of different clubs to select; woods, irons, wedges, depending on the terrain you're hitting off of. For anyone who has never played video game golf, after selecting a club and beginning your swing, a power bar will appear. A small marker then moves along the bar from right to left and you press 'A' when it's as close to the far left as possible: the closer it is, the more powerful your swing. The marker immediately starts sliding back right and you stop it as close to the origin point as possible: the closer you are, the more accurate your shot will be. You need to pay attention to the strength of the wind, too, which could send your ball way off course if you don't adjust your shot.
Aside from being able to select an "Approach" shot (to get the ball on the green when you're close, but not quite there), you can select a "Power" shot, which makes the ball fly extra far. When you start a course, you will only have six Power shots at your disposal, however, if you use one and then get a "perfect" shot (meaning stopping the marker at full power and perfect accuracy) your Power Shot will not be used up and the ball will fly even further, accompanied by a special effect depending on the character — Mario's ball is engulfed in flames, for instance. If you're only slightly off, however, you'll miss out on the extra distance and lose your Power shot, too.
This is one of the few Mario games with non-Mushroom Kingdom playable characters. You get Luigi, Wario, Yoshi, Peach, DK, et al, but there's also a bunch of previously unseen 'human' characters to pick from, including Charlie, Harry and the most well-known one, Plum. You only have access to four characters at the start, too (Baby Mario, Peach, Charlie and Plum) and in order to unlock everybody else (yes, even Mario!) you have to beat them, one by one, in the Get Character mode. Don't expect an easy ride, either; the AI is actually quite rough on you.

Thanks to the fact you unlock the characters in a specific order, the game arguably suffers from balance issues. The starter characters' maximum drive distance is around 200 yards, but the final characters you unlock can all hit over 300, meaning there's absolutely no reason to use the old characters once you unlock better ones.
The only other stat that matters is each characters' shot type; some shoot the ball straight, but others have a "Draw" or a "Fade", meaning the ball will naturally go right or left, respectively, and then curve back to the middle. This means you have to be extra wary of large obstacles such as trees, and it does introduce an extra layer of strategy, but all in all, it doesn't really make a huge difference.
The game has a ton of modes to test your skills in, though. Aside from the aforementioned Get Character mode, there's a Tournament, Mini-Golf — which lets you unleash your Putt-Putt skills — Ring Shot (shoot the ball through floating rings), Speed Golf (essentially a time attack mode) and a variety of versus modes, such as Stroke Play (player with the lowest score wins), Club Slots (before each hole you spin a slot machine, which selects a mere three clubs for you to use) and more. The main gameplay itself might be straight-laced, but there's loads of fun to be had as you gain experience and unlock new courses, of which there are eight in total.

The original game on N64 also enabled you to unlock more characters and transfer your player character from the excellent RPG-style Game Boy Color Mario Golf into this version, a feature that's unfortunately missing from subsequent releases. Even without that functionality, though, the first Mario Golf title remains as solid and enjoyable as it was back in 1999, and while it lacks the fireworks and shenanigans that have come to characterise Mario sports titles over the years (the kind of raucous energy that would most certainly get you turfed out of the St Andrews clubhouse in unceremonious fashion), there'll be many golf game fans for whom that more measured, less zany approach will appeal all the more.
If you're looking for a crazy game of golf featuring Mario and the gang... you might be a bit disappointed with the original Mario Golf. Aside from some holes shaped like Mario characters, each course is really quite 'normal' and doesn't feature manic Mushroom Kingdom obstacles to avoid; this is very much a golf game first. However, if you like a little more realism than more recent series entries (not loads, mind — it still features a tie-wearing gorilla and a giant fire-breathing turtle as playable characters!), you really can't go wrong here. Unlocking all the characters will be a long and difficult task, but you'll have a great time in the process. Grab your clubs and loud trousers and get on the fairway. Fore!
Comments 34
I agreed with Gavin - I've been put off Nintendo's later Sports games due to them adding "extra features". I want it to closer resemble the sport.
I played the absolute heck out of this game as a kid. I completed almost everything there is to do in the game (I remember some ring shot challenges escaped me, no matter how many times I tried) , and I still have the cartridge with replays of my holes in one, albatrosses, etc. Yes, it's "just" golf, but I don't think it needs to be more than that. Like I'm not a big fan of Mario Golf Super Rush's overworld, I think it feels really slow and boring to navigate through that world, especially when the game arbitrarily decides to not make it clear what to do next.
2008? my goodness I can remember coming to this Article back then. God I can't believe that was 14 years ago. I was still stuck on dial up Internet so I wasn't as active on websites then to what I am now. Oh how times have changed.
Got a bit nostalgic there didn't I and went completely off topic, sort of lol 😅
I hadn't ever played this before but tried it last night for 20 minutes. It's definitely not a wacky Mario game, as mentioned, but it's a serviceable golf game.
Mario Golf on 64 was amazing. I hate that Plum no longer exist. I hate that Super Rush ads a big element of luck to how straight your shot goes making it no longer a skill based game. But back in the 64 days there was none of that. Just the best golfer wins! Also can we talk a little more about how rewarding unlocking characters is? Why do modern games make it so easy to get every character. Super Rush does have 4 challenges... But all you get is dinky medals for completing them. I want more substantial rewards for doing difficult tasks. Like a cool new character.
I wish I could just buy this on Switch.
Played this to death back in 2000. Did everything that could be done without a Gameboy Colour. Hope it holds up well these days, I’m absolutely fine with it not being ‘crazy’
We rented this one as our second title. Family Video had a rent one get two which was cool for playing games life this. Mario golf on GBC was better because your character had stats that you could add to over time as you played more rounds. You could even add a draw or straighten out your shot.
Toadstool Tour is where it's at though.
I love how they added in the humans as a pro.😁
Seriously while I still like the characters it gets a bit tiring seeing no humans except the Mario and Wario Bros and the princess’s.
(Seriously Nintendo add plum as a playable character to tour and I’ll be happy.)
@Cheez now THATS what I’m talking about!
(The part about plum. I haven’t played super rush yet because of my backlog.)
Prefer the GameCube entry.
One of the very best the N64 has to offer.
@Sakowak Agreed. Toadstool Tour is the peak of the series. Smooth 60 FPS and the game looked amazing as well. Then there's the GBA connectivity which had far more unlockables between both games than 64 to GBC.
This is a great game but my all time favorite was the GameCube Mario golf, it was perfect. I’m still irritated that Nintendo picked Genesis of all things to supplement the online expansion. So cheap and dirty… why couldn’t it have been GBA, Gameboy classic or color, or GameCube? And the Mario Golf games on all of those were awesome.
Has NL played this via Switch? If so, if there any input lag please? Not mentioned in the review at all.. ta
I'm sure lots of people will disagree, but I consider mario golf 64 maybe the best game ever. Keep in mind, I am not a golfer. I just thought the game was so difficult but really so simple to play. you just push two buttons. of course, now you can just save it before every swing. a bit easier. I love this game
@MrPerson0 oooooo Advanced Tour?
Did anyone notice the severe input lag in both TV and handheld mode?
I played this game to death on my CRT. In this version I cannot hit the marks as I am used to, which is crucial in the later courses.
@KongFu I had no input lag whatsoever so I dunno what you're getting at
From the little I’ve played, I’m actually pretty impressed with this title. Having more fun than in Super Rush simply due to the strategy involved. My little brother, on the other hand, wanted to play Super Rush the entire time we played this game, because he likes the gimmicks.
Different “strokes” for different folks I guess.
I have always loved Mario Golf ever since the entry on the Game Boy Advance, never played this one or the GameCube one other than via a demo a long time ago so I am looking forward to giving this one a go.
I agree I like the sports ones to be closer to the sports and the “extras” be unlockables - you can have a really deep Mario sports titles without the stupid gimmicks.
I think you’d be quite surprised what goes on at the St Andrews clubhouse of an evening.
@Sakowak Advance Tour (the GBA title) was great in the RPG area, but was lacking when it came to multiplayer and whatnot. That being said, GCN + GBA connectivity made that era the best for the Mario Golf series.
I was kind of dismissive of Mario sport games back in the day, but I have to admit I'm having an absolute blast with Mario Tennis on NSO. So I'll definitely give this one a whirl.
The GameCube had the best remakes of N64 games! Especially the Mario sports, kart, paper Mario, and Mario 64 games.
Yeah I’d kindve like Mario golf to return to this style of play but I give Nintendo credit for trying something new. I just think golf is a harder sport to slap zany new gimmicks on. It’s a more methodic game.
Unfortunately, IMHO, a few series these days don't have the same vibe as they did back then - which is the case for Mario Golf 64, Paper Mario and Starfox 64. Hopefully we'll be able to get new versions just as good these.
I love the first Mario Golf. It's a perfect Sunday afternoon game to pick up and relax with. The simple gameplay, gentle learning curve and one thing the review didn't mention, the music, all add up to a mellow golfing vibe. There are so many different modes, like the putting courses, and grindy bits like collecting birdie badges and unlocking characters that there's always a challenge though.
The one thing that drives me up the wall is the random rain and loud white noise that comes with it, which I always turn off with an Action Replay code... which I doubt you can do on NSO.
Played this today for the first time ever. I'm really disappointed by it. I'll give it another try but massive let down so far
Great game but these borders on the n64 games really get my goat. Will stick to playing it on my usa N64 in full screen
i wish golf had come after tennis on n64, if only for waluigi
Only just subbed to NSO. I finally caved in, and wanted online to play Chocobo GP so decided to get the expansion pak as well. This is the first game I played on the N64 app, have never played it before and always wanted to. Good fun so far.
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