Have you ever found yourself in a situation where somebody asks you what your favourite game is about, and before you know it you find yourself spending the next 30 minutes explaining the lore intricacies of a fictional world to a person whose face now screams "I really wish I'd never asked"? Hey, it happens! We all love our video games (at least, we assume you do if you're reading this introduction) and it can sometimes be difficult to concisely explain precisely why we love 'em.
With this in mind, we have taken the liberty of describing some of our favourites in the worst way possible. We can't see any of the following making it onto the back of a cartridge box any time soon, but they sure are a pretty, uhh, precise way of explaining what they're all about.
Have a read through each of our bad descriptions and see if you can tell which games we are talking about!
Comments 94
I got a 15/15 lol. Really clever quiz!
I got 14 out of 15. Got the Skyrim one wrong but I've never played it. I only had to guess for the Fire Emblem one, don't know much about Fire Emblem but I know you have to take turns moving units.
13 out of 15, I didn't know an ocarina was a type of flute and I forgot about SAX and instead thought of Dark Samus.
13/15. There were some good chuckles thrown about this list.
I felt confident that I would ace this, but only got 11! That was good fun... more quizzes, please!
Got 15/15, but I'll admit I took a guess on Skyrim since I know nothing about that game, much less The Elder Scrolls in general. Pretty fun quiz; definitely tested my recollection about the games.
Too easy, especially the ones where the pun was a dead giveaway.

Got 13/15 myself, only tripping up at the Metroid Fusion and Ocarina of Time questions. I'm pretty capable of deciphering video games through messages and I'm not sure whether that's a good or bad thing XD
Here's one for the original Legend of Zelda on NES, taken from an old holiday catalogue: "Gather crystals to stop warlords."
Thanks to AVGN for showing that.
9/15 but that’s only because how dark some of these descriptions are ! 😂
12/15 (extra text)
I got 8 from 15. Well good for me. Enough like always.
Isn't the last one
a huge spoiler for Earthbound as for how we defeat the last boss
14/15, skyrim trolled me. Anyways fun quiz!
I got 12 correct. Cool quiz though.
14/15, had no clue which Metroid game it was so I picked Dora
@ComfyAko earth bound is ancient
"Heartwarming story about friends and enemies joining forces to kill God" takes care of a sizeable chunk of the JRPG realm. Never change..
I'd say Breath of the Wild is also an acceptable answer for Question 10
@Diogmites you talking dead space?
I slipped up with the Luigi's mansion options.
I'd be curious to see how anyone would explain a xenoblade story in one sentence though.
15/15 Easy game!
Question 3 has an inaccurate statement, Gooigi first appeared in Luigi’s Mansion remake for 3DS. So LM3 is not the only entry where he goes gooey.
@NovaCam Inspired by a electric fork with a face, a boy with giant shorts aims to kill the ground he lives on.
@NovaCam A boy and 20 NSFW anime girls climb a beanstalk.
@NovaCam A group of teens decide whether or not life is worth living while dating anti-matter opposites.
@Tourtus wow you described perfectly what I did too. Except for the FE one, was sure about that one. My gaming sin is never having played Skyrim either.
Very entertaining quiz, love these.
10/15. Well, okay.
My poor description of my favourite game:
The man woke his sister from a recurring dream and erased himself from existence.
Man, I got the reflection one wrong. I put Metroid Prime because they removed her reflection in that room lol.
i really like this quiz! I hope they do more. Also the descriptions were really funny, the splatoon one was perfect
@Vyacheslav333 Alright, I'm going to ask because no-one else will, what are you talking about?
@TeaCatherine Fighting game. You have this one listed on your NLife account without the score.
I just missed Banjo-Kazooie.
@Vyacheslav333 Oh, is it Under-Night? Yeah, I got it on Boxing day but I also bought a ton of other stuff at the same time and got Xenoblade Chronicles 3 the day before meaning I still haven't played it. Nice to see other people using the games collection function.
@TeaCatherine No, that's not UNIcl-r. The right answer is BLAZBLUE CENTRALFICTION Special Edition.
12/15. That was a fun quiz, thanks!
@Vyacheslav333 Oh, duh. Facepalms Yeah, if I had thought about it harder I would have realised you meant Ragna. Yeah, I got that one for Christmas but I'm not playing it until I've played the ones for the PS3/XB360, I refuse to miss out on lore. Plus, maybe I'll manage to forget about all the spoilers for the series I've seen.
I hate to be that person, but doesn’t Luigi also go gooey in the 3DS remake of the first Luigi’s Mansion?
@FawfulsFury sure but it's better to play it spoiler - free and spoiling it costs exactly 0,00$
Got 11/15 but I really enjoyed that more quizzes pls
14/15. I thought the reflection question was referencing how a shiny surface in Prime no longer shows her reflection in the remaster.
Although I missed out entirely on some games, so it was the guesses where I got some wrong.
Pretty good for me. Somehow a fun or funny quiz to take.
@TeaCatherine «Yeah, I got that one for Christmas but I'm not playing it until I've played the ones for the PS3/XB360, I refuse to miss out on lore.»
Oh, well, okay. I haven't played any of the previous games, sadly. I've played only BLAZBLUE CROSS TAG BATTLE and BLAZBLUE CENTRALFICTION Special Edition ('Cause I don't have gaming PC nor PS3). And BLAZBLUE CENTRALFICTION Special Edition is one of the best games that I have ever played in my life. I highly recommend you to complete this game(Story Mode, at least). I cried when I watched the ending and credits... I'm happy that I am (big?) fighting games fan... Well, good luck! And thanks for your replies. Have a nice... Um... (Checked the time difference between UK and Russia) Well, have a nice evening! 🙂
15/15: Both my score and how many of these got me to laugh out loud
14/15. guessed correctly on Metroid, got Earthbound wrong.
@Vyacheslav333 Wouldn't the story be a bit confusing if you just start with the last entry? I always thought was the case for stuff like Blazblue and Guilty Gear.
Oh, by the way, would be it be annoying if I asked to exchange friend codes with you? I want to do online sometime whilst I use a free trial of NSO and you said before you weren't overly good at them so it'd probably be quite a balanced fight. Wait, is NSO actually supported in Russia at the moment or what?
@TeaCatherine «Wouldn't the story be a bit confusing if you just start with the last entry?»
Well, yeah... But before buying BLAZBLUE CENTRALFICTION Special Edition, I've checked characters' and events' articles on BLAZBLUE Wiki Fandom. 🙂
«Oh, by the way, would be it be annoying if I asked to exchange friend codes with you?»
Nope, that's okay. 🙂
«I want to do online sometime whilst I use a free trial of NSO and you said before you weren't overly good at them so it'd probably be quite a balanced fight.»
Well, on my North American eShop account I have only Phantom Breaker: Omnia. My other fighting games are on Russian eShop account.
«Wait, is NSO actually supported in Russia at the moment or what?»
Supported, If user have purchased NSO subscription before. Though, I have never bought NSO subscription before. I used only trial version for once or twice...
12/15, very fun quiz. The ones that tripped me up was the Ocarina one (didn't know it was a type of flute), Banjo-Kazooie (haven't played it before), and Earthbound (I'd forgotten that detail in that battle).
@Vyacheslav333 Ah yeah, wikis are helpful. Alright, my friend code is in my user description, I've never done this before so I'm not really sure how to do it.
Only scored 12 out of 15 on this one! My mind is pretty fuzzy from a great day with a kid and I am pretty worn out. This quiz was pretty fun though!
@TeaCatherine «Ah yeah, wikis are helpful.»
«Alright, my friend code is in my user description, I've never done this before so I'm not really sure how to do it.»
Oh, I still have P4AU in my wishlist and there's 50% discount on it... Can you say, please - JP voice-overs are complete and fully-voiced in the game? I know that the original PS3/Xbox 360 versions had only partial support of JP voice-overs. Only battle voices were JP, while Story Mode was available in English dub only. I mean, if I choose JP voice-overs, they will be presented in all game's modes?
@Vyacheslav333 I think it's fully voiced in Japanese, but to check I'll have to incur my little sister's wrath. Anyway, I'll go do that.
@TeaCatherine «I think it's fully voiced in Japanese, but to check I'll have to incur my little sister's wrath.»
Oh! Sorry for bothering you. 😟
«Anyway, I'll go do that.»
Mkh... Okay...
13 out of 15 Skyrim threw me...things tend to die around me in that game.
The Skyrim one makes no sense. I’m guessing it alludes to Alduin and the opener but he wasn’t trying to help. He was trying to kill everyone.
@Vyacheslav333 I'll get back to you as soon as possible but it is impossible for me to check at the moment, digital exclusive in her account, y'know?
@ComfyAko Both for Earthbound AND Earthbound Beginnings.
@Fizza yeah Metroid and Luigi screwed me up.
@TeaCatherine Okay. Then, I'll try to charge and turn on my Switch... I hope the console still works and everything works as it should... Except for the screen... My account's nickname is SLAVA-333.
15/15. This was a fine waste of 5 minutes.
@Vyacheslav333 How about Monday? My sister just bought "me" Famicom Detective Club and so obviously she's playing it and since she doesn't have a Switch she's using my OLED. So, how about Monday, in the fighting games thread?
@Kasparius Does Q3 say it is the only game where he goes gooey? And the LM 3DS version isn’t one of the answer choices.
@TeaCatherine Okay. Sometime in the evening(UK time). Though, I don't know where's this thread... Well... Just tag my username when you're ready. And inform me about the JP voice-overs in P4AU, please...
Only missed the Earthbound question. I’ve never played it and only have the most basic of knowledge about it.
I got 11 out of 15. Some of those games I've never played so I guessed.
14 out of 15 - hey, I've yet to properly play any Metroids. And way to troll me with several instances of Xenoblade among the options only to end up with none among the answers. You'd think this humorous description style could have a field day with the franchise.
I got 15/15, only answer I really wasn't comfortable in was Skyrim.
Should probably actually play Skyrim…
Fun idea for a quiz. We had a go at something similar on the forums a while back and it was quite entertaining!
Only got Question 6 wrong because I only knew one of the games. So the answer makes sense in hindsight but I wasn't confident enough to pick it.
That was so much fun! More of these, please!!!
15/15 for me.
Question 1 is comedy gold, though.
Never thought about it that way. GG
"earth bound is ancient"
theres someone born every day who hasnt played Earthbound ✌️
Got 13/15, only one’s I missed were the Skyrim and Earthbound questions and I don’t have much experience with either, so that’s not too bad.
Disappointed I apparently got spoilt on the ending of Earthbound though…
@TotalHenshin yes it specifically says 3 is the only one where he goes gooey
Only got question 6 wrong, as I haven’t played any of those games.
Hooray I finally got a perfect score lol
12/15, but I was on a roll for a while!
"Man wakes from a 100-year nap and breaks into his girlfriend's dad's house to kill a giant pig:"
No, Link doesn't need to break into Zora's Domain as most of the residents are pretty welcoming to him.
"Hero explores post-apocalyptic wasteland and wonders how much they can fit in their mouth:"
Kirby uses he/him pronouns. No need to butcher the English language and make your description even more confusing.
13/15, got Fire Emblem and Earthbound wrong.
I can't believe I got 14 out of 15 correct, and the one that I missed was about Metroid, which is one of my favorite serieses. I haven't even played most of the other games in that quiz!
nice a got 14/15 right, some of this quiz decription made me cringe and i cant believe i got the Banjo Kazooie question wrong, i played this game in my childhood
got the Skyrim and EarthBound ones wrong
with dragon and death penalty, i thought of Spyro 2 and Ripto
with little girl i thought of Celeste, because with EarthBound i think of Ness, a little boy
also with the Sonic Frontiers question, i thought of Crash Bandicoot, but that one wasn't an option
14/15 only because I misclicked the answer in the "Jewellery-obsessed mammal" one, this quiz was absolutely hilarious!
Surprisingly fun quiz! I got 13/15. Should have gotten the “jewelry-obsessed mammal” one, even though I haven’t played that particular title. I don’t feel bad about missing the “death penalty” one, though, as I know basically nothing about any of those options.
@Kasparius Oh, the description after you put an answer. I see what you’re saying.
14/15. Only messed up on the Skyrim one because I don’t remember the plot point of your character being a dragon. The Metroid one wasn’t too bad tho Samus is never scared of anything. Definitely not her reflection so it was obviously metaphorical
Fun little quizz
@Ainze I mean that's all the marketing they ever needed
13 out of 15 for me. That was pretty good. We should get more of these!
Never played Skyrim, earthbound nor Metroid fusion
14/15 - Only last one I got wrong, never played a lot of these but could guess them.
But Eggman isn’t the main villain of frontiers…
Sonics running around actually makes his dream come true, namely getting out of the prison he was stuck in!
8/15. I’m a FE super fan, so the Fire Emblem question was easy. Description of one of my favorite games:
Young boy goes on a journey to master magic and save his mom; figures out it’s not possible.
Answer: Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
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