We're going to assume that you have heard of a little game called Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. If you haven't (and fair play to you, that's impressive), then you probably at least have a fairly good knowledge of who's who when it comes to the world of Nintendo characters, right? If neither of these apply, then this probably won't be the quiz for you, sorry.
But just how well do you know the Smash Ultimate line-up? Sure, there's probably a handful who can name all 82 members of the "Everyone is here" team off the top of their heads, and we'd imagine that most of you would be able to pull a face out of a crowd if asked, "which one of these is Mario?" But what if we weren't looking at the fighters' faces... but their feet?
We're always ones for a challenge here at Nintendo Life, so we have decided to put your Smash Ultimate knowledge to the test by asking you to identify the following fighters from just a brief look at their feet. That's pretty self-explanatory, right? Hopefully, it's not too much of a nail-biter... ew.
Ready? Fight! or, rather, Feet!