Hollow Knight fans have been waiting over five years now for Silksong, so when will we hear more about it? While the best guesses have been shared time and time again, the next date fans have discovered actually lines up with Nintendo's Switch 2 Direct.
Hollow Knight fan and YouTuber 'fireb0rn' highlights how a member of Team Cherry has changed their social media profile to a picture of chocolate cake after also teasing in a post how "something big is coming". Long story short, someone ended up reverse image searching the picture of the cake and the first search result was for a recipe with the date "2nd April" at the top of the page. See where this is going here?
fireb0rn: "April 2nd is also the date of the next Nintendo Direct...Now the combination of the fact that this is nearly three months away and that Team Cherry knows how much we focus as a community on Nintendo Directs, it really can't be a coincidence. The fact that this is also connected seemingly to the launch of the Switch 2 and the Switch 2's announcement kind of indicates that maybe that had something to do with why Silksong was delayed, that's kind of just a tin foil hat theory of mine...we can't deny that there is some chance that this is an elaborate joke but I think that Team Cherry have received so much sh** from the community that I don't think this is something they would joke about. And like I said, they have done ARGs in the past, that date can't be a coincidence, it has to be meant for us to find."
Once again, this date lines up with the Nintendo's Switch 2 Direct, which could be the perfect opportunity (and easily one of the biggest stages in gaming) to finally lock in a release date for this anticipated indie project. Of course, this is all community detective work mixed in with some speculation, and nothing has been officially confirmed or announced at this stage.
Silksong was meant to launch on multiple occasions in the past but has been delayed again and again. You can read more about this in our previous coverage on Nintendo Life: