The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom
Image: Nintendo

Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom was one of the many video game hits of 2024 and if it didn't already get enough recognition for pushing the top-down entries in the series to new heights, living legend Goichi 'Suda51' Suda has now stepped in to give it just a little more praise.

Speaking to GamesRadar recently, the creator of No More Heroes mentioned how Echoes of Wisdom was the game he played and "dug the most" in 2024 - noting how it felt closer to older entries and sort of revived the magic of the series for him.

Here's exactly what he had to say:

Suda51: "Not that this game needs a shout-out from me or anything, but the game I probably played and dug the most this year was The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. I doubt anyone needs me to recommend this title to them, but... Anyway, I felt it was significantly different from a lot of the other bigger Zelda titles, a bit more cartoonish and closer to the older games in the series, but once you get into it, it really hooks you in. I really loved the world it was set in and all the various details, and again, it just left me feeling like 'I got to experience Zelda all over again.'"

In other words, it was his game of the year! As for Suda51's plans in 2025, he told Famitsu in its end-of-year developer roundup to be on the lookout for a new game (via Gematsu). He's also previously mentioned how his studio Grasshopper Manufacture is very excited about the Switch successor.

Echoes of Wisdom also made our 'Game of the Year' staff awards here on Nintendo Life. If you haven't already played it and are a fan of the earlier entries (mixed with some modern touches), the latest Switch outing is well worth a look. Here's a quick sample from our review:

"Rather than abandoning the classic formula, Zelda has shown that the old and the new can come together and produce wonderful results that reward experimentation and reinforce the joy of play."

Did you enjoy Echoes of Wisdom as much as Suda51? Is it potentially even your game of 2024? Let us know in the comments.
