Konami has announced that the free-to-play Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel has surpassed 20 million downloads in less than two months.
It's a huge milestone for the game that only released back on January 19th, and while it's not clear how many copies have been downloaded on the Switch, we'd wager the system's handheld capabilities would make it a cosy home for the digital card game.
The game has also received new Solo Mode content today for free. We reviewed Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel upon its release and gave it a 7/10, citing "great presentation" and "in-depth gameplay", but lamenting the "terrible performance".
Have you downloaded Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel on the Switch? Are you still playing it? Let us know!
Comments 27
The app used Pot of Greed 10 million times! This lets them draw 20 million downloads from the app store!
19,997,316 hard drive deletes
Put around 60ish hours into it, its the exact game the fanbase has been begging for and i'm surprised its pretty generous as i haven't spent a penny on it or felt the need to.
As a Yugioh fan(primarily anime), I do not care for this game too much. I want to get into it and I am learning this card game a bit from Solo and playing against others but it starts to get really hard when I have to face players who summon powerful monsters in 2-3 turns. Just feels unfair to me, as I’ve tried to build good decks just for them to be solved by other players so quickly with one spell or monster card. Game feels pay to win a bit as Duel Links was, so I will just play Legacy.
@DukeDevlin I don't think it's pay to win at all, if anything it's weirdly generous for Konami.
If you'd like to get into the game you can always look up deck profiles online, and there are free simulators like yugioh omega to dip your toes in without paying a dime
@DukeDevlin Same, while I'm over here unable to do anything at all. -.-
Better off sticking with Legacy.
@Aerona I agree that it isn't pay to win but I found the learning curve so steep it was insurmountable. I was playing and was like, "this is based off that terrible kid's show? this is the most complicated card game that exists!" After a few hours of playing and youtube researching decks - I discovered time would be more fun elsewhere.
probably a good game for fans though.
I downloaded it on PC, PS5, Switch, tablet, and mobile... so that right there accounts for 5 of those downloads. 😅
@Fizza But... what does Pot of Greed do?
Sorry it was just too easy of a response.
@Fizza You, my friend, passed the test. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Aerona Thanks, I will look into that if I ever play this game in the near future, but Magic, Runeterra, and YG Legacy are all I have time for right now.
@Joeynator3000 Does Legacy have a better single player mode?
@MostHandsieBoy Was the show that really terrible to you?
@russell-marlow Yup, it basically has the stories from all of the anime seasons or whatever. So the first part doesn't have all of that Xyz, Link, or Pendulum stuff where you die on the first turn. lol
Those cards are still in the game, though. Legacy does have it's own issues (random crashes on the Switch, the obnoxious message window for Trap cards, but I'd rather deal with this than losing constantly in Master Duel), though.
@russell-marlow No not really. To be honest I thought I was too old for Poke or Yu at that time. Now I like the old cartoons.
The art style did always turn me off though.
@Aerona It’s only generous at the start with the frontloaded gems you get.
It also depends how “expensive” [How many URs main deck/extra deck has] the deck you want ends up being. You might still have to pay money to craft/pull the last few cards you need
Yes you can craft, but it requires three burned URs from Gacha for one craft UR copy. Your only guaranteed a UR pull after two 10 pack pulls aka 2000 gems flushed down the drain.
Secret packs can also make you struggle on building your archetype because there is no pity on getting that specific UR you need in that secret pack. You can [and has happened for many already] a bunch of the UR you don’t need while barely any or none of the URs you actually need which again means more gems and/or UR CP you need to flush down the drain because you were not lucky.
After you expend the initial gems you get + everything Solo mode can give you the gem economy is very slow with average 100 range gems a day [sometimes less then 100] depending on what daily missions you get.
The Solo mode free decks and the Structure Decks they sell are garbage decks if you actually want to go passed Silver so it’s not FTP friendly in that aspect
What makes things worse is between PvP season if you were platinum you don’t get the gem bonuses from the previous rank when you rank down to Gold for a new season which slows down gem gain even more
Also future ban list updates can make your gems/CP you already spent a waste. Crafted three Maxx C? Too bad Konami decides to forbidden or limit to 1 next update for instance.
I'm guilty for being one of those. Although I deleted it within 5 minutes of looking at that ugly mess. Online card battlers is where mobile really shines, I'll stick to GWENT.
@MostHandsieBoy It was definitely a lot to absorb when I got started. If I didn't have a friend in the game to turn to I'm sure I wouldn't have stuck with it.
You could always try Digimon if you want to play a better, simpler card game 🤔
@Arawn93 They're generous enough with gems for me, this has been amazing compared to Duel Links. The daily missions give up enough gems to make playing three or so games a day feel worth it, and they just gave us a ton of gems for the xyz event.
And I think the crafting system is more than fair. It would be so broken to be able to trade any random three same rarity cards for one of whatever you want in real life. 😂 Your mileage may vary, but I don't even feel like Konami's being stingy with the URs. I just opened a pack with three URs and one SR the other day.
Like sure, you have to put in some time and grind just like in any free to play game, but it's a much cheaper alternative to buying shiny cardboard.
@Aerona Not really for me. Daily is maybe 100 gems worth which isn’t much to pull for reliably now let alone think about building a new deck anytime soon if your FTP
That sounds lucky for you. Many others are not as lucky so they burn 2k gems for a guaranteed single UR pull. 6k gems potentially for a single UR craft which will eat up the New player free gems quickly.
Game currently feels like a slow grind after the initial push with nothing much to do besides online match grind. At least Duel Links gave you other things to do in comparison like grinding CPUs to raise your anime characters and the varied events. The Solo mode is pretty eh in comparison with the crappy loaner decks
Barely any cosmetic options for your deck sleeves/board/mate also sucks which is the only things you would want to use gems for even if you did build the decks you want.
Events are moving at a slow pace too. It has already been awhile since XYZ ended and they still haven’t even announced a future event yet.
Konami had a strong start with this, but game already feels like it’s losing steam especially with the sharp active player drop. At least Duel Links lasted for years before they lost a ton of players
@Aerona I'm down with MTG and Pokemon. I love TCGs so I gave it an honest go. It is intensely complicated though imo. anyway, take it easy!
@MostHandsieBoy I can see why, that type of sharp angular-looking anime can probably a turn-off too anyone who's never seen anime.
@Joeynator3000 Oh, so that's good too know. But can you choose between playing "classic original" Yu-gi-oh and non of the modern pendulum, xyz, combo stuff, right?
@russell-marlow They're separated in sections and stuff, you're able to get all of the newer cards right from the beginning and use them, though. But yeah the first..."chapter" or whatever will be the classic story. It also gives you tutorials on how to use those newer cards if you want to get into them right there.
@Joeynator3000 K. Thanks
@russell-marlow Only downsides (one being on Switch only I think) is the annoying message for activating Trap cards, and I think on Switch only there are random crashes.
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