Following the brief yet packed Nintendo Direct Mini back in January, we entered this month's proper-sized Nintendo Direct with equal amounts of excitement and anticipation.
What we got were a handful of rumours proved true - including South Park: The Fractured But Whole and Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy - lots of surprises (Okami HD!), tons of support for Splatoon 2 and the reveal we'd all be waiting for... new Super Smash Bros!
In case you missed the event and need to catch up on all the details then we've got you covered. You'll find all our coverage for the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo 3DS reveals below. And, as always, be sure to get involved in comments section below and share your favourite (or your not so favourite) parts of the Direct. And don't forget to check out our video coverage, too!
All the big stories
Nintendo Switch
- Super Smash Bros. For Switch Is Coming This Year, And It's Got Inklings
- Take Centre Court And Trick Shot Your Way To Glory In Mario Tennis Aces This June
- A New Splatoon 2 Update Will Soon Allow Players To Rise To 'Rank X'
- The Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion Will Add A Brand New Single-Player Campaign Mode This Summer
- South Park: The Fractured But Whole Brings Its NSFW Antics To Switch On 24th April
- Capcom Classic Okami HD Stalks Its Way To Switch This Summer
- Little Nightmares: Complete Edition Mashes Horror And Puzzles On 18th May
- This Is What Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes Looks Like In Action
- Praise The Sun, We're Getting A Dark Souls Solaire Amiibo
- Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Is Finally Confirmed For Nintendo Switch
- Octopath Traveler Receives Release Date And Special Edition On Nintendo Switch
- Indie Smash Undertale Is Coming To Switch "Eventually"
- Kirby Star Allies Will Receive Free Updates Adding Fan-Favourite Playable Characters
- Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido Will Hit Switch And 3DS This June
Nintendo 3DS
- GameCube Classic Luigi's Mansion Rises From The Grave On 3DS This Year
- WarioWare Gold Is Bringing Minigame Madness To 3DS This August
- Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Makes The Leap To Switch And 3DS
- Dillon's Dead-Heat Breakers Will Roll Onto Nintendo 3DS This May
The Nintendo Direct broadcasts
Nintendo Direct - UK/EU
Nintendo Direct - North America
Nintendo Direct - Japan
The Direct trailers
Super Smash Bros for Nintendo Switch
Mario Tennis Aces
Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion
Octopath Traveler
Let us know what you made of this month's Nintendo Direct. What did you like? What rubbed you up the wrong way? Share your thoughts (and some love) below...
What did you like the most in the Nintendo Direct? (1,285 votes)
- Super Mario Aces
- Super Smash Bros for Nintendo Switch
- Splatoon 2's Ecto Expansion
- Okami HD
- Dark Souls Remastered amiibo
- South Park: The Fractured But Whole
- Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
- Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
- Little Nightmares: Complete Edition
- Rank 'X' coming to Splatoon 20.1%
- Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
- Octopath Traveler
- Undertale
- Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido0.9%
- Kirby Star Allies' Dream Friends updates
- Luigi's Mansion on 3DS
- WarioWare Gold
- Dillon's Dead-Heat Breakers0.5%
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 168
I somehow already have a bingo. Four corners. That counts, right?
It also revealed no new Switch games. The only games that really interested me were Super Smash Bros for Nintendo Switch and South Park: The Fractured But Whole though that game is nearly half price now on other platforms. And despite being 6 months late they're still charging for the DLC already released on top of what no doubt will be a €60 price tag. All the other games I've either already played or have no interest in.
You forgot Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story + Bowser Jr.'s Journey in the article and the poll.
Edit: If Smash Bros. on Switch is a new game, why didn't they say so? Why hasn't it been mentioned on any site or in their Tweets since? I believe at best it'll be an upgrade of the Wii U/3DS version, a Ver. 4.5 if you will.
Personally think it was a good direct. It fleshed out the year till July with a lot of good games. All the ports are quality games and the extra AAA third party support is nice to see. Hope to see more new software that wasn’t previously available at E3 and think the second half of the year will be great. Wonder where Yoshi was though?
I personally thought it was one of the best ones.
I thought it was absolutely amazing. Revealed a ton of awesome games we never thought we'd see back on Nintendo (Okami! Crash Bandicoot!) as well as new info on games we already knew about (NMH! Octopath!). Oh, and Smash was announced too. That's pretty cool.
Great direct.... just started signing up for extra hours to cover this horrible drain on my funds. Taiko is going to be the hardest wait. Hilariously enough, Smash was the lowest point for me (which means the direct was that good...my poor wallet). Almost everything shown was either a must buy or at least of interest to me. Geez it is only March. E3 is going to put me the poorhouse.
Who is playing bingo today?
Smash was the only saving grace of this direct. Only thing I voted for as well.
Already have a thread going so wont elaborate too much. Would have liked more information on new and original games. A little disappointing, although not unexpected.
One of the best Nintendo Directs they've ever done IMO. Really good tempo and a lot of surprising and high quality content.
1) Octopath Traveler release date
2) Okami HD announcement
3) Super Smash Bros.
4) South Park: The Fractured But Whole
5) Crash Bandicoot: N'Sane Trilogy
Good direct.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Little Nightmares Southpark, and Crash Bandicoot Trilogy (sort of) are all games from this generation at least.
As for the South Park price, I just checked Gamestop, BestBuy, and Amazon. The first two retailers still have it priced at 60 and Amazon currently has it on sale for like 42. It's actually holding its price fairly well for an Ubisoft game.
Smash turned it into a slightly disappointing direct to a decent or good one.
E3 better have something about Wolfenstein 2...I was really disappointed it didn't make an appearance.
My favorite announcements were Dillon's Dead Heat Breakers, Luigi's Mansion, and the new Splatoon 2 single player stuff. I'm also interested in trying Okami and Undertale at some point.
Also, the reasons to own a Wii U continue to dwindle. When they (probably inevitably) port Super Mario 3D World, the reasons to own one will really be almost gone... though I would love if they gave Star Fox Zero a redo on Switch without motion gimmicks like that game did them. Now on the other hand, if they included motion controls in the vein of Star Fox 64 3D (single screen and also optional), I'd be down for that 100%.
Is it me or does the fact of Luigi's mansion on 3ds seem wasted when they could of put it in hd and done it up along with the same for 2 and put em on Switch???
@tamantayoshi everything sucked barring splatoon and SMA5H
Decent Direct - but as a Switch owner, I actually looked on the 3DS stuff with not a little envy. When do we start getting Mario RPGs?
Okami is the game I've wanted since the Switch's launch; Aces looks like exactly the kind of casual sports game I love; and Smash - what's not to like? Octopath and Captain Toad also tick the box. Decent.
Still thinking on it. My take so far.
Nintneod needs a new 3DS model - 3DS4L. (That's "3DS for life")
Only 1 amiibo? Kirby game got gyped. And what about amiibo support for SSB? "It's not a port w/o amiibo support"
So many games that I honestly forgot how many were new announcements, old announcements, or rumours come true. Which shouldn't happen to me since I'm on here way too much, I should know all that stuff.
Okami HD and Crash seemed new, South Park hinted at but officially new.
No Yoshi. That was weird. Anybody else remember Yarn Yoshi taking over 2 years to release on Wii U as Yoshi's Wooly World. Over 2 years in the US, other regions got it earlier I believe.
Mario Tennis Aces is so NOT a port of 1 stadium Mario Tennis U. It's barley even a tennis game anymore w/ all of that "stuff", more like a tactical fighter. Maybe it will just have, oh I don't know, "motion tennis mode" for people who finally want to upgrade from Wii Tennis and just have some fun. Otherwise it looked like too much work.
My stream broke, 3 minutes later...
Captain Toad port. Was that already announced or new game announcement? I think I recall it on 3DS. Doesn't really matter, just another Wii U port we won't double dip on.
$20 for Spaltoon 2 DLC. Isn't Spaltoon done? No wait, that was ARMS. I'll keep an eye on this one, don't want the online multiplayer but single player is always fun. Not $80 fun though.
Project Octopath Traveler. Thanks Squenix, now where's DQXI? Or FFXV? Or FF7R? Switch is more than just a 3DS you know.
Smash. Is it a port? Is it new? Is it a new port? Who cares, it will sell. amiibo or not to amiibo, that is the real question, that no one but me is asking.
Overall I liked it. I liked the fast pace and all the games and the sideways slide, much much better than the downwards slide w/ the distracting hints, that everyone else liked but me. I like the guy I call "not Sakurai". Really need to learn his name some day. Bunch of games. Nothing new, but we did get Smash. And E3 is 3 months away, gotta save some new game news, like Pikmin 4 and Super Mario maker 2, for that.
Certainly not the best ND ever, I was in no rush to rewatch it like I usually am. But it had games. New to Switch games.
Bonus for all of you here, no Labo. So for all of you saying how bad it was, be thankful it didn't have Labo, that should cheer you up some. I haven't read any comments yet so not sure how bad it went down among the Ninty faithful.
starting off the year with a bang, they are. banging, i tell you!
I'm really happy to see the continued support of the 3ds! That's great news for those of us yet to buy a Switch
@Indielink Base and Amazon UK sell South Park: Fractured But Whole for less than €30.
@Yorumi I don't understand - why wouldn't you want to pay for the same service you currently receive for free =P Psychology says people more highly value things they pay more for - so by paying for online, you'll actually enjoy it more. I swear!
Joking aside, I am really looking forward to Smash. I hope they can have it perform half decent online. My wife isn't a big fan of Smash, and my friends/siblings schedules make it hard to get together for local Smash nights.
Also, am I the only one that's EXTREMELY disappointed the Luigi's Mansion is 3DS only? I would have been all over a Switch port.
1) Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion
2) Mario Tennis Aces
3) Super Smash Bros.
4) Crash Bandicoot: N-Sane Trilogy
5) Splatoon 2 new maps and gear
@NintyNate maybe they have a new one lined up for E3. Poor Luigi needs some love
I hope Tennis Aces is good... the Gamecube version was really good, but everything else has been rather broken.
@bimmy-lee it's pretty tame so far, but I can already sense it, this one will need a lot of popcorn and soda. @WiltonRoots it has begun! @Robotron2084 resident automatons, that's a good one, hahahaha.
I really enjoyed it overall.
I had minimal interest for Mario Tennis Aces until I saw this direct. The new style of gameplay and mechanism piqued my interest on what I originally thought was Mario Tennis with story mode and online for traditionalist with gimmicks people avoid.
I also would never expect them to have a Splatoon 2 DLC pack quite like this or ever, so that was a hype shock.
Similar surprise with Crash Bandicoot but only because I thought they were unofficially with Sony, like second party or something. Forgot they had games for the Wii as well
Smash bros is awesome, but like with Metroid Prime 4, Pokemon, and Fire Emblem for Switch, I cant get hype up over a tease.
@gortsi - Stealth edit space confirmed. Comment two posted right after me and started out as just a few words. By the end of the day, it will be three paragraphs and have charts, graphs and multiple pics of Ron Burgundy.
I enjoyed the Direct. Seeing a new WarioWare game is nice and I also liked the 3rd party reveals. I'm not surprised to see more Wii U ports and I'm not too opposed to it. Super Smash Bros. was a reveal that got me very hyped, especially since it is looking like a new game. Overall I would say this was a pretty good Direct and I'm looking forward to seeing more of Smash Switch which will probably next be seen at E3.
Still too much reliance on ports but leagues better than that awful mini Direct in January. The Splatoon DLC looks amazing, and I’m really excited for the Crash Bandicoot trilogy.
Freaking pumped about the direct. This is gonna be a great year to play on switch.
Honestly I didn't have many expectations but it turned out a really good Direct. The more I think about Mario Aces the more I'm thrilled about it; Okami HD & Crash took me by surprise, really glad to see them coming! Then Undertale, which means that we finally broke the barrier between switch and GameMaker games (with GM 2 Studio) and we could get some of these games: https://www.yoyogames.com/showcase
@NintyNate I know! It could have been remastered for switch! It literally looks like a port from the GameCube with no graphical changes. At least it’s not a bad loooking game.
@gortsi @bimmy-lee This is going to be good....I reckon it's going to have a bit of everything, from white knights to outright tears..
Loved the direct! Wasn’t too interested in Aces until they mentioned motion controls. Day one buy for me now. Will definitely pick up Crash Bandicoot, and obviously smash too! DLC for Splatoon 2 is definitely welcome. Also looking forward to Captain Toad since I didn’t pick it up on Wii U. So hype, my poor wallet.
Great direct for a 3DS lover like myself, Ive got a eshop watch list of about 15 games, games I own yet to play/complete, and have just added another 4 great games to that list. People say the 3DS is dead well there's plenty of life left in it for me. Might get a switch in like, 10 years
Feel like the Travis game isn't getting enough credit here. I'm ok with all the great ports and updates - but they did give new details of a new AAA exclusive title - and it looks great.
I was happy with this Direct, especially after January's.
I previously wasn't interested in Mario Tennis but this Direct made it seem more interesting, there's more strategy than I thought.
Yeah lots of ports but some cool ones. I'm glad Toad's Treasure Tracker is coming to Switch, it was a fun WiiU game. Not sure if there's enough there for me to double dip but glad others will enjoy it.
I never heard of Little Nightmares & it looked good. Will have to check that out when its released.
Glad they're not giving up on the 3DS. They've sold so many of those, they should at least come out with a few first party games a year.
@WiltonRoots - This section could approach the JonTron/let’s revel in our racism together comment count. I just wish we could have foreseen the “it’s a port/it’s not a port” debate and made a space for it on the card. Incredible.
Is there a option for more than 3 selections?
Even without Smash, the whole direct was lit.
@bimmy-lee I didn't anticipate "Where's Wolfenstein???!!!?!?!?!" Even though Bethesda said it's going ahead, and they're not likely to pull the plug on it now...
@Ralizah - Replace South Park with Little Nightmares and the wife and I agree.
Am really disappointed , i was expecting atleast a single AAA 3rd party games
@bimmy-lee At the same time "nothing but ports" covers all bases I reckon.
Favourite points: Okami HD, Luigi's Mansion, Crash Bandicoot trilogy and finally a new (if partly remixed) entry in WarioWare series. Second tier is Little Nightmares, Undertale (even though it IS already portable on Vita, just like the originals of the Crash games) and a single player mode for Splatoon 2 (contrary to a recent NL soapbox, I don't worry about "tape circulation" in the digital era, but what can impair a game's preservation much more is online multiplayer having made the entirety of its gameplay). Reiterations of older stuff like Octopath and Dark Souls had less surprise value but remain welcome news. Smash? Neat, although I'll wait and see if it's really a new game since I have a fair bit left to cover and unlock on 3DS - although I may double-dip with a port as well if it upholds the trend of including all past DLC. But last night of mine was made regardless - especially regarding my prospects of catching up with wolf goddesses and vacuum cleaner action.
A very disappointing direct imo. I was really hoping to play Luigis Mansion on my switch, not 3ds. The only game that interests me is Dark Souls. I hope they are able to pull of a flawless port and not have terrible slowdown. In a game like Dark Souls any slowdown would make the game almost unplayable.
Thought it was a fantastic direct. Capt toad, Smash, New Splatoon 2 stuff which my son will be getting for his birthday in next week, octopath, release date for Hyrule Warriors. Out side of the 3ds stuff a lot of great things for me personally. Nintendo is gonna get a lot of money from me this year!
Smash on Switch was the highlight for me. Splatoon 2, Okami, Undertale, and Crash were all great too. Disappointed that WarioWare is on 3DS and not Switch as well... if Captain Toad is on 3DS/Switch, why not WarioWare?
It’s fun seeing how hyped everyone is for Smash. I had it in the GC and never clicked with it.
Aces and Okami looking like purchases for me.
I’m still to buy Splatoon 2, this has convinced me to get it soon.
Overall, an enjoyable direct although I was mildly disappointed at the lack of Wolfenstein news but, the world continues to turn...
@WiltonRoots - Wolfenstein is clearly cancelled. Not only that, but Bethesda is making everyone return their copies on other consoles and PC. You’re right, nothing but ports has us covered. I’m not going to be able to check back again until this evening, but I will do so with a beverage and a silly grin on my face.
Overall I thought this was a really great direct. Obviously the new content was limited, but come on people E3 is just 90days away and everyone knows any truly big reveals will come then. If you looks at all the new content, wii ports, and 3rd party ports revealed in this direct and the last mini its considerable, especially when you take into fact that its March and we have all this lined up for 2018.
Several of the reveals, were just confirms and others were port news but I got confirmed a line-up I was clamoring for.
Mario Aces is going to be top notch, you can tell N is making this the AAA Mario game like other Mario Sports in the past. The gameplay is going to be intense, and while they downplayed the RPG elements in this direct, I am sure we will see much more before release.
The trifecta announcements of Okami, Toad, and SPark was awesome. Toad is a totally underrated puzzle game that is perfect for hybrid pick up and play. I was hoping they would port it and bring more content and they are. Really WiiU only has very worthy games left to port IMO and that would be Paper Mario, Xeno X, and SMTxFE. Those are all awesome games that deserve a bigger audience.
The 3rd party support has been better than expected, and I love seeing favorite game X being made portable, but I will be really interested to see what new or unique content 3rd parties are working on.
There are so many very good to great Indy games hitting eShop weekly. Its really hard to keep up with whats good and worth buying. I wish N would do the next mini-direct focused on the Indies.
Great Direct that makes me feel good about skipping Fractured but Whole and Okami HD on my Xbox One. I'll pay full price on Switch just to support third parties on there.
@bimmy-lee I remember that comment section, I stayed the hell away and boy am I glad I did. Get your beverage ready, this party is about to be lit soon!
Edit: however, there's a Trump related article today that seems to have gotten people's attention.
Man, this literally boggles my mind! It was an awesome Direct, and I managed to be impressed because I realize that it is NOT an E3 presentation, but a Direct to follow up January's Mini Direct, which was then followed by the Labo reveal. In the past two months, they have announced:
-Dark Souls Remaster (coming to all platforms, not just Switch)
-South Park: FBW
-Mario Tennis Aces
-Super Smash Bros.
-The World Ends With You
-Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
-SNK Heroines
-Crash Bandicoot trilogy
-a firm release date for Octopath Traveler
-Sushi Striker
-Captain Toad
-Mega Man 11
-Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 and 2
-Street Fighter: 30th Anniversary
-No More Heroes: Travis Strikes Back
-Bayonetta 3
Remember last January, when they unveiled the Switch? Aside from a few games, there really weren't that many games worth writing home about. Third party support was nil! It was absolutely depressing! The console has come a long way, but people are still complaining, like they have since the Gamecube era. It goes like this:
"There's nothing to play, apart from Zelda and Mario! I don't want indie games! What else do you have? Skyrim? Doom? LA Noire? Those are ports of old games! I don't want those! What else do you have? South Park? That's a port! I don't want it! What else do you have? Labo?! Seriously?! Cardboard?! That's stupid, and it's for kids! Sushi Strikers? That's a kid's game! I don't want that! What else do you have? Yay, Luigi's Mansion.....for 3DS?! That's stupid! It should be on Switch! I'm not buying it (if it was on Switch.....Great, ANOTHER port!)! Yay! Smash Brothers! If it's a remaster, I'm not buying it! No More Heroes? Yeah, I would have wanted it if it was just like the other two, but it isn't so I'm not going to buy it!"
Seriously, what do you people want? A deluge of third party exclusives? Those days are so far over! PS4 and Xbox One aren't really getting them either! If anything, it seems like Switch is getting more EXCLUSIVE content than either of those systems, individually.
Nintendo has had an awesome rebound, if you think about it. The N64, Gamecube, Wii (with the exception of a few), and Wii U were barren wastelands for RPG fans. With Switch, you have Octopath, Skyrim, World Ends With You, I Am Setsuna, Lost Sphear, Golf Story, etc. You have what amounts to a console that renders the Neo Geo Gold obsolete! Nintendo themselves doing all they can to prevent the droughts of the past from occurring. Remember the days of the Wii, when third parties were on board with CHEAP party games? This is the first era since the Gamecube (at least) where third parties are offering genuine support!
I'm sorry, but I seriously fail to see a problem. I mean, what do you guys play between your Zeldas and Marios? When is the last time that you didn't nitpick a game and actually gave it a chance? Did you download Celeste? You should have looked past the pixel art because, honestly, it was an astonishing game! Did you download Golf Story? Thimbleweed Park? Oxenfree? The fact that the system has as many high quality games, port or multiplatform or indie or exclusive, is pretty **** impressive!
@NintyNate I watched the direct last night with my oldest son and I told him that it's another wasted opportunity by Nintendo.
A positive that I took from it is that I think this strongly points to #3 coming to the Switch. Why else would they choose this game over some of the other Gamecube games? I would imagine that Mario Sunshine would have sold better than the original Luigi's Mansion. The only answer I could come up with is that Nintendo want's to keep it relative for a future release.
@Galenmereth ....or is it a "deluxe" edition game like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe?
@bimmy-lee I'm out to the pub tonight myself, I expect nothing but carnage by the time I get home...I'm sure by then a few people will have posted BINGO!
But yeah as Wolfenstein wasn't shown, it's clearly canned.
I loved the Direct; a lot of great games were revealed and it had some amazingly shocking moments.
I got a distinct impression from this Direct that it was a new Smash Bros and not “switched” Wii U version
I think the last two directs have been good. Although, I'm not sure if I'll double-dip on the rereleased games. I think for the gamers who missed out on the underrated Wii U library, you're in for a treat.
I'll get Smash for sure. I may pickup Bayonetta again for the Switch but I'm doubtful I'll pick up DKC:TF and Captain Toad. DKC:TF was one of the best games on the Wii U but after 100% completing that game, I don't have a desire to replay it. As for Captain Toad, the controls for some reason always made me want to throw the controller into the wall.....but I enjoyed the game and style.
Should I buy a Switch for Undertale?
I thought it was a solid Direct even without the Smash Bros mic drop announcement.
Crash and South Park were the two ports I was hoping for, so I was really happy about that. Little Nightmares and Okami HD were nice surprises. Undertale coming is great news, with the doorway finally open to more Game Maker games.
Mario Tennis actually looks really solid - from what they've shown it looks like the most effort that's been put in a Mario sports game in over a decade.
Captain Toad was a nice announcement. Think it's clear all the major Wii U titles will make their way over at some point. Sushi Striker coming to Switch was leaked beforehand, but I'm glad it's coming. Also just yes at the Solaire amiibo. Just yes.
The 3DS stuff was surprising. Wish Luigi's Mansion was on Switch. I didn't see the Bowser's Inside Story remake coming, and the fact that the 3DS is getting something in 2019 is quite mind boggling (I'm not complaining though).
The Splatoon 2 content update is great, looking forward to that. The Octo Expansion was a really hype announcement, and that trailer (and that music!) was awesome.
The biggest announcement, of course, was Smash. I'm beyond hyped. Inkling was the obvious inclusion. 100% positive that it will be a new Smash game, though it'll probably reuse assets from Smash 4.
Overall a solid 9/10 Direct for me!
No. You're definitely not the only one disappointed that Luigi's Mansion was only for 3DS. I realize that they still need to support the 3DS some but eventually they are going to have to step up more for Switch. They could at least do games like this and Samus Returns for both 3DS and Switch. I sold my 2DS and all of my games when I bought my Switch because I intended it to be both my home console and my portable.
@BanjoPickles Great post, despite the fact that I complained about a few of those items too.
@SimplyCinnamon53 it looks worse on 3ds compared to cube lol
@SLIGEACH_EIRE You said there were no new Switch games, then immediately mentioned Smash... There's no evidence that it's a port, it looks like a brand new Smash game. Namco isn't mentioned in the copyright information but HAL is, there's a new logo, and if it was a port, they'd have no problem just outright saying it and showing gameplay.
in the end still not adding the option from the mandatory introduction splatoon 2. That was the missing key for the splatoon perfection. I would pay the expansion if they added that option!
Truly a meh Nintendo Direct “for me”. The only intresting title is Octopath Traveler. And we know about it since the launch.
I'm excited for South Park. I kind of stopped watching the show years ago despite enjoying it. When the games were released, I really really wanted to play them both but I kept thinking about finding the time to play a mature RPG game on the family TV. Eventually I kind of said, "I won't!" so I skipped. Now that it's coming to the Switch! Boom, off TV with headphones and I can play it whenever I want. I'm doing this with L.A. Noire right now with success. I'm most likely going to do the same thing with Bayonetta since I never finished it on the Wii U for the same reason.
Very solid.
Okami and South Park are almost certain purchases, and chances are I'll double dip for Crash Trilogy.
Undertale was a welcome surprise.
Don't remember why I lost interest in Captain Toad but I might give it another go.
Kirby and Mario Tennis (is there much actual Tennis in there?) remain in the 'intriguing but will wait for reviews' list, now joined by Sushi Strikers.
Octopath looks good, as does No More Heroes.
EDIT : Forgot the Splatoon 2 update. That new campaign might finally tip me over into a purchase.
Yep. Pretty happy with that.
@bimmy-lee Wolfenstein isn’t cancelled. It being a no show alongside Yoshi simply means that it’s likely that both games are being reworked and combined into a single game: Yoshi’s New Collossos.
It comes with a Woolly Yoshi Amiibo with a Swasticker on it’s forehead. The reveal is being saved for the next Donald Trump video games summit as an example of how games are slowly aligning with his alt right philosophies.
@VIIIAxel I think everyone hopes this is the case, but my money is on it being a "deluxe" version. I would think they would have saved it for E3 if it were a new game and not a deluxe edition.
Anytime a new Smash is revealed, it's a good Direct.
Solid direct. Port heavy for sure, but definitely substantial.
Only two let downs. No virtual console and what of Chibi-Robo? Agree they should be making all 3ds game release simultaneously on the Switch, do it for the rest of the year then drop support for the 3ds. It’s a great hand held console but needs to put to rest. Nintendo needs to let it say goodbye, walk it to the back end of the yard then take ‘ole susie’ the riffle... and chuck it on the pile containing the Wii u.
I am prejudiced. I refuse to watch another video with "hello lovely people" and a monologue that goes forever without modern montage. The guy is a sweet guy. Not complaints there.
I found this Direct quite....
It definitely did not disappoint! Smash Bros., Octopath Traveler, and Luigi's Mansion received my votes.
Year one for Switch was amazing. Year two looks like it’s going to be awesome too.
So far; Kirby, Labo, Tennis Aces, Tropical Freeze, Octopath, Toad Treasure Tracker, Dark Souls, a big Splatoon 2 expansion, Okami. Then Yoshi and Smash Bros in the second half of the year. There will be more surprises too.
Yeah, lots of them are ports. But I haven’t played a single one of those before. No one bought the Wii U, so these are essentially new games for many (most?) Switch owners.
Year three will likely bring new Bayonetta, Metroid and Pokemon releases.
By any measure, that will be a phenomenal catalogue of games after just a few years. Nintendo have done an amazing job of planning a non-stop software pipeline.
I was honestly most excited for the new Splatoon 2 content and Captain Toad Treasure Tracker. Smash announcement would've been more exciting if there was footage or a more specific release date.
I'm preordering the Octo Expansion instead of getting Kirby Star Allies.
Can't wait for Smash, please let there be ARMS reps!
Luigi's Mansion makin' me bring the 3DS out of hibernation...
I couldn't care less about Smash Bros, but most of the other announcements were amazing. Knowing that I'll have Ōkami HD, Octopath Traveller and new Captain Toad levels is enough for me. Little nightmares and other ports will fill out my spare gaming time
It was suggested we should play a drinking game during the Direct. Every time a game is discussed that makes it on to your wish list...you take a drink. I would have been unconscious this Direct and missed the Smash announcement.
Look, I'm not an amiibo person, but you've got to appreciate that Dark Souls amiibo.
Octopath and Dark Souls, the only two that interest me.
I've never played Smash, so might invest in that - but not usually my thing.
Great Direct. It looks like the first half of the year is keeping the momentum. Very happy that Octopath Traveller has a date (and soon too). The Splatoon 2 DLC looks awesome and I'm very positive on Mario Tennis.
Smash is well... SMASH! This year's big "holiday" releases look like being Smash, Pokemon and Bayonetta 3. If they can pull these off... that's an incredible second year to add to the fantastic first year of Switch.
To be fair, many of the ports were games that had never appeared on a Nintendo console before (Dark Souls, undertale, little nightmare, South Park, Crash Bandicot). If you game Nintendo-only, then those are new. If you never bought a wii-u, then everything was new. Personally didn't own a Wii-U and would be happy with the Mariokart treatment for Smash, but I'm hoping they gave it the Splatoon 2 treatment instead. Same base engine for faster turnaround, but tailored to the switch's capabilities with new content. I'm really not sure how many new stages/characters they would need to add or subtract before it becomes a new game entirely. Regardless, it'll be the best portable smash ever.
For those with every system, wait until 2019. All those third parties need time to create AAA games for Switch if they didn't jump on board until after seeing its success. Until then, expect most third parties to port whatever they can turn around in a year as they scramble to get a piece of the pie ASAP, learn the system and buy their developers some time for newer simultaneously launched SKUs. At E3, keep an eye on Square Enix, Sega, and Ubisoft for anything that might've been in the pipeline as follow ups to their earlier support but planned with some development before switch actually launched. AAA titles often take 2-4 years to bake. Annual franchises typically stagger multiple dev teams (AC, CoD, TW). Even if they wanted to make their next installment launch simultaneously on Switch, I'm not sure it would be possible this year after seeing the trouble Yooka-Laylee had with it.
Also, Detective Pikachu was way more interesting than I thought. I'd written it off before now.
I liked the Direct, good in the context of upcoming E3 with a fair share of rapid fire info, surprises and updates / release info.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE every game revealed was a new switch game , lol . If they port smb3 to the switch that would be a new game . Ya see how it works .
It is the games that are noticeable by their absence that standout. Yoshi, Dragon Quest and Mario + Rabbids.
The Switch a year on is lacking in new AAA games, not just Nintendo games. We are getting ports, most I find hard to see how the companies justify the full price tag. Indi games, most seem over priced for what they are, even the NL high scored ones.
If you are a gamer who plays most every game then you have a good variety of games. But the rest of us, like me who is not interested in Arms, Splatoon or Smash Bros. find the variety limited.
I would have that the third party games companies a year on, would have had a bigger line up of games for the Switch.
AND what is the big Christmas game this year, that should have been mentioned by now, even if a release date was not announced we would know by the title.
1. Smash- wahoo!
2. Kirby free DLC- Sweet!
3. Hyrule Warriors release date- yay!
Free trial days of Mario Tennis and Dark Souls-Don't intend to buy them, but I will give them a chance. Never turn down a free demo. I also own South Park on Xbox One already.
Rest of Direct was wasted on a guy who doesn't like puzzlers, sports games, 3rd person shooters, or turn based RPGs....BUT I'm glad they were there for everyone that enjoys such things!
A lot of games are coming,that's the most important thing, even if most of them are ports.
Excited that Captain Toad, Luidi's Mansion remaster and Okami are coming back.
So, the Switch is getting Dark Souls day-and-date with the PS4. South Park and Okami HD 6 months behind. Crash as soon as the Sony exclusivity window is over. And Little Nightmares, Undertale and Wolfenstein II are likely within a year.
How is this bad for a system that was supposed to be dead on arrival?
Was really hoping for a Mario Maker announcement...hopefully it'll show at E3.
If you are a Nintendo only gamer, I'm sure the direct was amazing.
For me, everything they showed was games I already have or games I already have with a few extra levels or features.
I'm interested in Octopath Traveler and No More Heroes for Switch and Detective Pikachu for 3DS.
Thoroughly impressed with this Direct. My wallet is effed in the A.
Edit: Also... up until the Direct I was so against Detective Pikachu but now I’m totally sold. It looks so whack and full of character. Definitely looking forward to that right up there with Smash Bros.
Great Direct. Smash reveal was so cool, that made the Direct itself. Crash, South Park and Okami being confirmed was awesome. The Dark Souls amiibo looks cool. I missed Treasure Tracker on Wii U so that's a must for me now.
I voted in the poll for the "Ecto Expansion". Must be a crossover with Luigi's Mansion.
I liked all the Splatoon 2 content, Warioware and Smash if not a port. Okami and Crash are good yet I got them already.
No word about Fire Emblem? I’m disappointed
@SLIGEACH_EIRE you mean because all the new Switch games have already been revealed before? In the Japanese direct a new Taiko no Tatsujin for the Switch was revealed. I don't think that one was revealed before.
The number one thing I was hoping for in the direct was news on the new Fire Emblem. Oh well guess we'll just have to wait and hope for news a E3
I want to do the commentary for the person at Nintendo who gets to throw darts at random old games on a wall to see which ones get remade to stretch out the 3DS's life...
He steps up... Ooh, it's a Metroid 2.
Next throw; he's got a Mario & Luigi.
Ooh, another Mario & Luigi.
Mario Party there. Three in a throw of them and it's a compilation... He's done it.
Next throw: Luigi's Mansion out of nowhere.
Captain Toad! Recent, but it's all eligible.
Ooh it's a Wario Ware. Same rules apply as Mario Party here folks... And he's nailed it!
Oh man, this too much excitement... The bulk of which comes from Super Smash Bros
I liked Mario tennis and splatoon expansion. Would of loved luigis mansion hd deluxe
The 3DS successor has been out a year so surprised there not just just doing a full remake on the Switch instead.
I really hope that South Park comes with Stick of truth the same as the other consoles
This was a great direct, although I am just interested in smash and the date for hyrule warriors. There were a lot of games that are coming that people wanted and there is more to come.
Plenty of games to choose from. Some brand new, some I never had the chance to play and some remastered classics.
Plus to have nothing “new” (as in never played before) then perhaps you have too much free time or need to reassess life in general. I still have unplayed Gamecube games.
It goes like this:
"There's nothing to play, apart from Zelda and Mario! I don't want indie games! What else do you have? Skyrim? Doom? LA Noire? Those are ports of old games! I don't want those! What else do you have? South Park? That's a port! I don't want it! What else do you have? Labo?! Seriously?! Cardboard?! That's stupid, and it's for kids! Sushi Strikers? That's a kid's game! I don't want that! What else do you have? Yay, Luigi's Mansion.....for 3DS?! That's stupid! It should be on Switch! I'm not buying it (if it was on Switch.....Great, ANOTHER port!)! Yay! Smash Brothers! If it's a remaster, I'm not buying it! No More Heroes? Yeah, I would have wanted it if it was just like the other two, but it isn't so I'm not going to buy it.
@GrailUK I'd have been dead. Featherweight plus the number of drinks I'd have to take? Alcohol poisoning right there.
I find Smash Bros boring, but it's a good release for the fans.
Can't believe they are still pushing 3DS, jesus. Captain Toad for 3DS? Sheesh, put those programmers to good use on Switch games instead!
I never played Luigi's Mansion, but it looks interesting. Too bad it's yet another dead-in-the-water 3DS release.
I'm actually really hyped for Mario Tennis Aces, looks like it has a lot of depth and you can choose simple rules if you want.
Think I'm getting a little bored of Smash Bros. games but will still get it anyway. Wasn't keen on the Crash Bandicoot Trilogy until I saw the trailer and how good it looked, I think it has changed my mind. Splatoon 2 DLC looks really fun too so will be getting that. Project Octopath looks cool.
Always expected Captain Toad to be ported over to Switch, I just knew it would happen at some point. Have the Wii U version which I didn't get around to playing so don't think I'll double dip.
Really enjoyed the Direct.
One thing gets me though, where's Pikmin 4????
I thought it was a really good direct. I mean the two announcements I've wanted since the Switch was unveiled, Animal Crossing and virtual console, still haven't been announced. But ignoring my biases the presentation was solid.
Third party support is insane. Yeah, most of the titles are ports but it's difficult to be disappointed with games like Crash, South Park, Okami, and Undertale hitting soon. And it was nice to hear about Octopath Traveler coming out this summer. That's a great summer title.
It was odd seeing all of the new titles for the 3DS . I understand they are remakes of older titles using preexisting assets, but I was still a bit surprised. I might pick up Luigi's Mansion and WarioWare, but it just depends when they come out and what I'm playing then.
I'm actually low-key excited for Captain Toad on the Switch. I loved the idea of the game on the Wii U but I never got around to playing it. Definitely getting it for the Switch instead of the 3DS.
Oh, and Mario Tennis Aces looks amazing! The 3DS Mario Tennis was kind of meh to me, and I didn't pick up the Wii U version due to the negative reception surrounding it. But this version looks great! The presentation looks great, it runs at 60fps, the online looks good, it has a single player story, the chance shots are gone, the power shots are (somewhat) back from the GameCube entry, and the game has a lot more strategy and decision making put into it. Oh, and not only is Toadette confirmed, but we can finally play as a Chain Chomp!
I'm glad to see they're still updating Splatoon 2. I'm not as wild about the game as others but I still enjoy it. 3 new stages will keep me invested for a bit more. I actually don't care about the single player DLC. It doesn't look bad at all, but I'm just not personally invested enough in the lore to care. I always found the single player modes in Splatoon to be rather lacking so I'll probably pass with it. Glad to see others excited for it, though.
Then obviously there was Smash Bros. There was no gameplay shown off but I think this is going to be more of a new game rather than a port. While Breath of the Wild Link and Splatoon inklings don't mean the game is new, but the logo is different, it specifically said "Original Game" at the bottom right and didn't mention Bandai Namco. We'll have to wait and see. Regardless, the announcement both excited me and disappointed me... the disappointment was only because the Animal Crossing nut in me wanted to see a new Animal Crossing instead. But I'm still very hyped for Smash Bros.
As I said before, the Direct was solid. A lot of the games coming soon are Wii U ports, but overall there are still a lot of games I plan to pick up and knowing about Smash Bros. is nice. Now all I need is Animal Crossing and Pokemon... and Mario Golf... and Pikmin... man I'm greedy!
I went with Smash, and it was an alright direct. Some of those games announced I already have on another console, but I still have something to look forward to on Switch.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE The bitterness is strong with this one
I never did get to Okami and I thought it was long forgotten, so that might be one I pick up.
Splatoon 2 with extra single player and the fans get to play Octolings? That's a surprising and cool way to do it. We'll be getting that, but... I want to get a second copy of Splatoon 2, so... that's getting real expensive.
The best part for me was how great a package Mario Tennis Aces looks to be. Nintendo has kept me interested in Tennis with the original NES game, Mario Tennis 64, and Wii Sports Tennis. I never clicked with anything else though heard good things about the one with the story mode. It's winning me over again, and my only reservation is that the story mode looks like it might be pretty basic. That's the biggest surprise to me.
I was glad to see Smash Bros. at the end just to satisfy a portion of the core crowd, especially since they didn't get much new to hang their hat on, but I'm just not that into it.
Captain Toad hasn't shown enough to get me to double dip, though that game in stereoscopic 3D would be nice (if I could grip a 3DS without getting sore).
Other games do look interesting but not quite enough to expand the backlog yet.
(Plus, Labo, Kirby, Yoshi are a given)
Here's the thing, though. If you didn't have the Wii U games already (most people?), the Switch is just exploding with Nintendo first party content that is actually really solid. The next console generation from Nintendo almost needs to be on one platform (no more Switch, no more 3DS), so that it won't look embarrassing compared to the Switch first and second year library.
@wazlon @rjejr
Remind me why the 3DS Pikmin wasn't what Miyamoto was talking about with Pikmin 4? Because it's really starting to feel like that was it.
Sigh still no decent Spaceship games. . .
Since Mario Tennis N64, feel like they've been trying to reinvent the wheel.
A lot of convoluted nonsense in this one.
Smash Bros being announced ALONE was more than enough for me. Fact that its an entirely new game for the Switch means literally everything. But getting an Octopath traveler date, Kirby DLC announcement (Marx looks so cool!) and all the DLC for Splatoon 2 was a game changer. And this is all before E3 too?! Nintendo are coming in swinging!
@AlternateButtons I've just learned to tune him out at this point. It's always the same thing no matter what's announced.
Hahaha! Thanks, brother! I’ll take it! 😂😂
It must have been a little underwhelming for me, Okami is great but Im not gonna buy it again. Smash is ok. My highlight is luigis mansion
80% ports, and some exclusives, of which only Octopath interests me personally. As someone with a genuinely good PC, and no need for portability, it's a barren time.
Great for those who missed it/own only Switch/love portability, the opposite for anyone who doesn't fall in aforementioned category. I guess this is what one buys Switch for /shrug.
As someone who has it for the exclusives, I'll be saving money on Switch games for a while, namely by not buying them
@WiltonRoots - Pretty tame in here. Pretty tame. I really thought the Smash reveal was going to whip up a good froth in here today. Hope you enjoyed the pint(s).
@gortsi - Oh man, I read that article, but I was too scared to look at the comments. I’m guessing it’s basically an apocalypse. Not sure I was mentally tough enough for it today. My wife and I enrolled our daughter in a pre school program this morning. I’m pretty sure that used to be kind of a cool, rite of passage sort of thing, but these days; it’s terrifying. Also, as if I needed another reason to dislike Donny, he somehow swooped in and stole our bingo thunder. It never ends with that guy.
@StuTwo - I should have known! Day one preorder on the collectors edition. I like every Yoshi game I’ve ever played, but I’ve often thought they could use a little more blood, violence, and good ole Nazi killin.
@BanjoPickles What I read from your last part "How DARE people have preferences and some genres not appeal to them?! BUY AND PLAY EVERYTHING [removed] YOU!"
I have a good PC, which I happily prioritize over my Switch, any day, every day, so for me personally, it's either a good exclusive, not on my PC, or I couldn't care less.
But I'm but one person who is part of a miniscule percentage. I'm sure the majority will be happy with their 2 in 1/portability and take that in stride. I'm just sometimes wondering why I did buy the Switch, especially at times like these, and especially, since I did bother to buy a Wii-U.
The best Nintendo surprise not covered in the Direct:
Unlock Mario in Google Maps
You misread me, good sir. As a multi-console owner, I have never seen so many people complain about more GOOD games! This seriously seems like a thing with a certain subgroup of Nintendo fans. They don’t want indie games, and they don’t want THOSE bigger-budgeted games! They want mature games, but not THOSE mature games! They want less mature games, but not Labo! They want many of the same games that the other two consoles get, but (apparently) day one, otherwise it doesn’t count.
I never said that people should buy everything, but....I’m sorry, but I can’t help but laugh at the kids who whine because they don’t want to eat their vegetables. I mean, come on! How long have they been Nintendo fans? This is the best support that they have received, Console wise, since GameCube (at least). If they still have a problem with the games being released, then maybe they’re supporting the wrong company. Just saying. 😁
And you also presented your point without coming across like a whiner. Props! It would be unrealistic, though, of you to expect a non-indie, exclusive third party title. As I’ve said, Sony and Microsoft themselves rarely get them. So, unless you want nothing more than a steady cocktail of great first party content, then you’re probably screwed. I own a PS4 and Switch, but I’ll take the hit in resolution and frame rate (personally, I couldn’t care less) to have the game on the go. That’s just me.
@BanjoPickles Oh sure, Nintendo has a ton of support now, but I'd just like to see more reason to buy a game for Switch, besides the 2 in 1 offering and portability, you know?
I mean, put yourself in my shoes, you've got a good PC, no need for portable, and a Switch. Why would you ever buy a port on Switch, if it's purchaseable on PC for 1. Quite likely less money (Steam sales anyone?) and/or 2. Very likely running/looking better (unless indie)?
I've been a long-time enjoyer of Nintendo's IP, and Pokemon/Fire Emblem etc, keep me hooked still. But if you'd ask me where I'd want my games, I'd never name the Switch as my first choice. Not because the system is bad, but because the focus was on making it portable, and then making sure it connects to a TV, and thus, it simply cannot be equal to other versions of a game in terms of ports.
You can make a ground-up game for Switch, and it can be pure awesomeness, that's already proven. But ports? Those will always be "less" of a product on Switch comparatively. So if you don't want portability there, there's literally no logical reason to support the developers of these games on Switch, and that's just sad.
This was a really good direct, not awesome but good.
The Dillon game was a pleasant surprise. I didn’t even know about this series but after trying the demo after the Direct it was really fun.
Luigi’s Mansion was another highlight, along with Taiko no Tatsujin!
The only disappointment was the absence of Luigi’s Mansion for Switch.
About Smash... I’m no a fan of the game so I was indifferent. But for all people saying it’s just a port. Nobody knows but there are a few things that “kind” of suggest it will be a new game. The new logo and the fact that the copyright year is just 2018 as opposed to other ports where it shows the original year along 2018...
So what the hell is happening with Virtual Console?
@aaronsullivan "Remind me why the 3DS Pikmin wasn't what Miyamoto was talking about with Pikmin 4? Because it's really starting to feel like that was it."
Well I'm pretty sure you know that's what I think, I was on that kick for awhile, but every time I "go there" as the kids would say Jaxon comes out and yells at me.
I mean it's been what, 3 nears now since it was nearly complete? And not a peep about it?
Though in all fairness somebody mentioned him saying something at E3 that they were still working on it. I'll try to find it. Well I'll let Gogole try to find it. BRB
But yeah, even if Pikmin 4 gets announced at E3 for a holiday release, Hey Pikmin was probably the game he was talking about in summer 2015. If not, he needs to look up the definition of the word "complete".
I totally agree! Octopath looks absolutely stunning, and I’ve heard great things about Mario + Rabbids, but those are (sadly) the exception rather than the rule. Honestly, it’s a small miracle that we’re getting the ports (multi platforms) that we are now getting. Third party support died an insanely fast death on Wii U, and——well, when is the last time that third party mattered to Nintendo fans (SNES era, where over 30 third party titles sold over a million copies)? It’s not even that Nintendo has boxed themselves into a corner because, in reality, they have boxed themselves OUT! Had they stayed the course with their competitors, they would have been out of the industry after GameCube; there was no room, and no point, for three pieces or coexisting hardware with the same fundamental architecture. To be honest, I think that the bigger spectrum of the business is slowly dying anyway: big developers taking less chances with skyrocketing budgets, passing on their losses to the consumer in the form of ridiculous microtransactions. People will only be burned so much before they turn their backs. To Nintendo’s credit, even if I don’t agree with everything they’ve done (the eshop, design-wise, has a long ways to go), they have consistently delivered games on their platforms across a pretty wide variety of genres. There’s a reason why they’ve been in the video game industry since the late 70’s. Personally, I think that they’ll outlive Microsoft in the console industry, if not Sony.
Anyway, good points. I just don’t think that, outside of Nintendo, we’re going to see too many exclusives. Nintendo, and their second parties, fill the void nicely, but third parties don’t have a financial incentive to go all-in on big budget exclusives like they once did.
Regardless, here’s to E3 in a few months, my friend! Enjoy that high end PC of yours! 😁
Preferred the mini direct to be honest. Not really interested in Smash, tried the previous ones and never saw the appeal. I think for this Direct a simple release schedule would have been sufficient instead.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE The argument swings either way. Why didn't they call it a sequel specifically if it's a sequel? But then why didn't they show or clearly prove that it's a port either?
Most likely done to generate some buzz much like the NX which had no details for quite a long time and originally left people hanging.
So far as to the analyses made by people (myself included), Smash is a sequel. No more no less. It's all a matter of time before that is confirmed or not. The game is coming this year after all. And we all know how faithful Nintendo is to their promises cough BotW
Jokes aside it's quite possible to see Smash not get delayed this year either since it's been 4 years since Smash 4 and Bandai has been helping out in making the game as well so it's highly likely we'll see the game hit store shelves this year too.
@BanjoPickles great posts.
@bimmy-lee Hanging right now, i had plans today but I feel rough...I need to check my card though, our resident crybaby is rattled by the Direct so that makes me happy.
@WiltonRoots I was on shift last night so couldn't go to the pub as you did, but headed to Cardiff now to drink and laugh at our resident comment automatons (someone called them that, I think it's a very apt description)
Look at all the insecure people who can't handle an opinion they don't agree with and can't respond in a mature and intelligent way but instead use childish insults. I'm not speaking about everyone, but the above response is a good example of what I'm talking about.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE - So, basically you’re saying that it’s just your opinion? Oh man, thank you, that’s what I needed... BINGO!
i hope we get the stick of truth bundled in with south park, like they did with the ps4 and xbone version
@bimmy-lee Result!
Time to celebrate...

@SLIGEACH_EIRE Look at it from another perspective. We're having fun. Playing games. In the comment section. No power, graphics or console needed, we just use our imagination and entertain ourselves.
Video games are not worth getting upset over.
Apart from that, great Direct. The Smash teaser was brilliant. Okami HD made me smile, my nephew highly recommended this game to me ages ago but I never bothered with it. Tennis Aces looks like it has loads of depth, plus it can be played with motion control, which is nice. I also like the fact that there's going to be a Dark Souls demo, as they're introducing the game to a brand new audience...
@WiltonRoots - “I am as happy as a little girl. Now is the time on NL when we dance!”
@BanjoPickles You make good points, and Nintendo is bound to deliver on the hardware front when upgrading the Switch's main unit, but if you look at the dock, and compare it to the Nintendo consoles of old (started with SNES as a kid) then it's quite the departure.
It feels (and indeed hasn't been used at all by some people) like something you'd accidentally throw away during a clean-up of your electronics drawer. It has me wonder if it will stick around at the end of the day? It only sticks around due to how many people use it, but if that was far less, would Nintendo still have continued it?
Not a bad direct. There are a couple of standout titles but nothing that would make me want to run out and buy a switch. Those titles I'm sure will be available in 2019 sometime and perhaps be revealed during E3 (Bayonetta 3 and Metroid prime 4).
Not bad for a first direct right? Can't wait for Nintendo's E3 reveals!
Switch is really picking up speed now.
That was a really good direct, I'd give it a solid 8/10. If only they also talked about Metroid Prime 4, Bayonetta 3, the VC and online, it would have been perfect. Still, very excited for the Octo expansion, Crash trilogy and of all things, SMASH FOR SWITCH! This year too even! A lot points to it being Smash 5, over a Smash 4 port, either way, very excited. And if this was just a direct, I can't wait or even imagine what surprises they'll have for E3, which is only 2 months away!
Crash & Smash!!! Best Direct yet.
Personally, the thing I was most excited for is that Hyrule Warriors finally has a release date but that's not on the poll. I'd care more about Smash if not for the fact it's one of those games that gets hyped out the wazoo, then I buy it and never get around to playing it.
I can't help but wonder if you can cross play Captain Toad on Switch and 3DS, I guess it's not really necessary since the Switch is a portable as well.
Will they give the next Smash Bros a good subtitle? Perhaps the next should be called Super Smash Bros: Scuffle. Or Super Smash Bros: Ruckus, etc... They have quite a few options left don't they.
@bimmy-lee @WiltonRoots the funniest thing is that he "allegedly" blocked me in the past, yet he can still read my posts. So since that's the case, @SLIGEACH_EIRE, let me say this. You are not someone who's worthy to respond to in a mature and intelligent manner because you're neither mature nor intelligent. Don't try to present yourself as some sort of victim of those who supposedly cannot handle your edgy opinions and are only throwing insults at you. Plenty of other users to interact with here, whose criticisms are based on a willingness to discuss rather than derail and troll. Have a good day now, and please use the ignore function, if reading my posts hurts your feelings then best to avoid them
This is definitely a solid direct. There was a lot of great stuff mentioned, although some of it not for me. My highlights are:
Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion
Loved the campaign, still finishing it with all the weapons (done around half of them) and what they had shown looks even more fun, also being able to play as Octolings online? YES!!!
Super Smash Bros:
Inklings were inevitable to be added but it’s fantastic to know they’re officially in it and we’re getting a Smash Bros game this year. I can’t wait to find out more, they will have to show off something at E3.
Ocotpath Traveller:
A fantastic game and that SE I want so bad just for that pop-up book more than anything! This game came as a surprise at first but after playing the demo I can’t wait, it’s a day 1 for me!
Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido:
It seems I loved the look of this at E3 last year and now I know it’s coming out in June, I can’t wait for it. It looks so simple but so fun and silly I really want to play this online and locally with other people as I can see some insane matches!
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy:
Loved the original back on the PS1 but never got to play any of the others and it’s good to see this coming to the Switch, I’ll be reliving some nostalgia when I get this!
@gortsi I think the thing that's not sinking in is that if people comment in an intelligent and civil way rather than sounding like you're on the verge of crying, then people will respond accordingly. I can't take a grown man crying about games seriously.
Dude disappeared for a period, came back and was being very civil, then the mask slipped and he went back to being a tit.
I was so close...
@aaronsullivan You're right, the 3DS version does seem to feel like it's Pikmin 4 with the way things are going. Perhaps the Switch will just get a port of Pikmin 3 instead
@gortsi @WiltonRoots - Just look at that card. One space away from one of life’s great pleasures: screaming, “BINGO”. It’s making me crazy. I must get you that profanity space, but in the most benign way possible. I thought about typing out Ralphie’s old man’s rant when the furnace breaks in A Christmas Story, but I’m not sure if that movie is a thing elsewhere in the world. Maybe we could just give you one of the many profanity reminders from the Trump article section? I took a quick peek last night, it’s bad in there, and they have plenty of profanity reminders; they wouldn’t miss one of them. It’s probably just smoldering embers in there at this point. I could probably just walk right in and take one.
@bimmy-lee It's a war zone in there, avoiding that like the plague...
@bimmy-lee another one that should be considered for the future is a space with "passive aggressive response without actually tagging the person you're responding to"
i can life with it. i remember the first year of my ps4 and xbox one, alot of remakes just 1 or 2 big titles, the switch's first year was sublime.
remember that companies always bring out remake before big titles, to give them extra time to work on the new games, and to keep the money flow for their projects.
if nintendo keep their promise about the new online network next september, the games keep coming, dont worry about that.
actualy the succes of the switch realy starts from that point, now its just because of zelda an mario and the fact those games came out early.
if nintendo does not keep their promise, the switch will be dead within one and a half year. it needs connectivity and 3th parties since it has nothing to offer then just nintendo exclusives. people dont want to own a underpowered console compared to ps4 and xbox, with all the big titles missing.
i finished the game on my ps2 i think 2008?. its the closest game to a zelda experience.
i highly recommend this game to you. dont bother the 2007/2008 graphics. the gameplay and story is very good.
@PALversusNTSC Thanks...it's definitely on my radar.
i was realy annoyed with the presentation of mario ace tennis. it had taken too much time from the nintendo direct presentation.
what gamer anno 2018 want to see a 8 minute demonstration of a overly happy tennis game. ok, can be fun with 2 till 4 players in hybrid mode if you happen to belong to the 10% of gamers who actualy care about that way of gaming. nintendo should stop with this nonsense.
i was hoping to see that adventuregame with that boy and his dog(forget the title) with me alot of jealous ps4 and xbox gamers.
I actually had a difficult time choosing just three, I actually wanted to vote for five of them. The two last ones are the two I didn’t vote for.
Splatoon 2: Octo expansion
Super Smash Brothers
WarioWare Gold on 3DS
Luigi’s Mansion on 3DS
South Park: The fractured but whole
@wazlon @rjejr I feel like it has been long enough now that another brand new Pikmin could be on the way. After all, if Hey, Pikmin was completed so long before release it might have been on release hold for a long time.
Question is, does Nintendo port Pikmin 3 over for the Switch first? Or do it after Pikmin 5? It's interesting but I think Pikmin 3 was somewhat rushed in the same way Star Fox and Paper Mario were but for different reasons. Wii U needed a big game so desperately. The gameplay is solid, but the 1 player game was not tuned well (I didn't love it the first time through) and some pikmin types were only in the extra challenges! The challenges were the best part of the game, in my opinion and got me to really like the game.
Anyway, now I'm just rambling about Pikmin, but maybe we won't have to wait very long for a brand new one. Maybe.
@aaronsullivan Pikmin 3 lost me when at the end, after beating the boss, rather than having the game ask - "Would you like to take-off now, or continue looking for all the fruit we came to get?" - it just goes to the credits. I was so annoyed I never went back to get the rest of the fruit. 😠
The challenges were good, we bought the season pass, one of the better ones, and I'm pretty sure I at least bronzed them all. And I played a little bingo with the boys. It was certainly better than 2, I did not like those cave levels at all.
So I would welcome Pikmin 4 or 5, though the way the industry is going I'm not sure I'd get it for at least a year. I am DLC'd out. I can't say I'm done with video games, my backlog is years long, but I just can't get excited for new games anymore when they take a year or more to finish. XC2 still in limbo. Plus all the delays with Ni No Kuni 2, and the silence on DQXI on Switch.
And Squenix is a disaster unto themselves beyond measure. FFXV will cost well over $100 by the time it's done. KH3 has been years in the making. FF7R seems to be getting a reboot for the reboot. Octopath may be done but that's basically a 3DS port as far as I'm concerned.
So we'll see. Kirby on Friday, then Labo. That's about it for Switch until they finish XC2 and Mario+Rabbids. They may say Smash in 2018 but fool me 18 times shame on you, fool me 19 times shame on me. Pikmin?
I'm disappointed to not see more love towards the Kirby, Dillon and Sushi Striker info, but I am glad to see that Octopath Traveller continues to excite folks.
For me, the Kirby Star Allies Dream Friends was biggest bit of the Direct for me; I enjoyed a lot of it but the Dream Friends was the one part to cause me to scream with delight. I imagine it to be the same sort of reaction that most seem to be having towards the SSB on Switch reveal... something I myself don't care about, but for good for others I guess.
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