Sega could be bringing Atlus' games to Europe, it has been revealed.
Atlus' releases were previously released in the Europe by NIS America, but relations between the two were recently terminated, casting doubt on future titles.
However, SVP of commercial publishing John Clark has been speaking to MCV, and claims that Sega - which owns Atlus - is looking into ensuring that European players don't miss out:
We're very interested in bringing all of the group's Japanese content not just to the West, but to Europe in particular. We are always trying to find a way. And that's an on-going process. That's something we are continually assessing and talking to and if there are really strong opportunities to support the Japanese content in Europe, we'll do it.
Hopefully this means forthcoming Atlus games - such as Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse and Etrian Odyssey V - will make their way to Europe.
Comments 36
what do they mean "Find a Way", they own them and they are a publisher so what's the issue?
PERSONA 5. Don't let us down Sega.
@FullbringIchigo Maybe have to figure out the best way to distribute, digital or physical (if at all). Maybe sales are not as good in Europe as in US?
It's a financial question - do we make money or not...
Why does this remind me of the video about "if Atlus was 100% honest with us"?
Hopefully there is follow-through here. It's stupid that one of the best and most prolific developers on the 3DS has no presence in Europe and that the region has to wait months or years to see releases of even some of their biggest titles.
It's nice that Sega acknowledge that they don't release enough Atlus games in Europe. But "always trying to find a way" isn't good enough. I want results, and the market does exist in Europe for niche JRPGs and other such titles. You can start by giving a release date within the same month as North America, and making sure 7th Dragon III code: VFD does come to Europe.
A company esplicitly stating their interest in bringing games to Europe, a pleasant change of pace! I don't care if I'm - as I was originally going to snark - "in Bizarro world", I don't want to go home!
"could" is not good enough. Typical PR speak!
If they manage to get Atlus games to Europe not long after America (consistently) this could be one of the best thing SEGA has done in years. Just saying..
I'll believe it when I see it. It's just PR crap in the meantime.
Maybe it's stuff like this that keeps the younger audience away from video games and glued to their tablets.
I rather enjoyed Etrian Odyssey, so hopefully they can find a way to keep releasing Atlus games in Europe.
I love Atlus and SEGA, so I'm quite happy for you Europeans.
I dream of the day Nintendo will say, "Oh my, I hear there's this country named Brazil that's as big as a continent, why dont we sell our stuff there?"
I would really be annoyed if sega doesn't port persona 5 to europe, they should just release it together with the american version.
I'll believe it when I see it.
@Spideron yeah that makes sense
As the good Emperor Palpy would say:
Good. Good.
I Just want Trauma Team to come to PAL land, that shouldn't be too hard to accomplish... even for SEGA....
Well, that's nice of them :/
So am I going to get a physical copy of Etrian Odyssey 5 then, Sega, seeing as I'm a loyal fan of the series who has bought all the other games so far?
Cool SEGA. Though maybe you could bring your own games to America first.
Even better, Nintendo should look in a world map and say "Hey, south of Mexico there is a continent full of potential customers! We could implement Miitomo and MyNintendo there too!"
Do you know what SEGA publishing Atlus games in Europe could mean? DISCOUNTS! The only Atlus games that have been discounted in the past are games that weren't released by NIS America. Get on it SEGA
Hopefully see what Sega can do.
Persona 5 guys!
It would be nice to have a guarantee of Atlus games coming to Europe, like the excellent Persona 5, Shin Megami Tensei 4: Apocalypse, Etrian Odyssey 5 and whatever else they make in the future.
That's me being nice about it.
Persona 5 is not for nintendo, so no need to worry
@Luna_110 Right on, Luna! Brasileira também?
@PtM According to wikipedia, it's for PS3 and PS4. They don't have region locking, so you can just import.
@PtM Well it hasn't been set in stone that SEGA will publish Atlus games in Europe. Perhaps if it is confirmed, 7th Dragon will come to Europe.
@MGray I'm not Brazilian myself, so I confess that I am a poor authority on this kind of thing, but from what I have seen Brazil has absolutely demented taxes on consoles. If you can afford some of the prices I have seen, I salute you.
Chilena It really irks me that Nintendo absolutely ignores South America.
@Luna_110 They ignore us and we`re still fans. Nintendo should give us each a NX console hehe
@TheDavyStar You`re very right. The taxes here are really demented. Consoles are very expensive, so you have to be very careful when you decide on a brand, because chances are you`ll only be able to buy one console every generation.
@MGray Likely why Nintendo pulled out. Are you still able to buy consoles from import stores? How does eShop work?
@TheDavyStar eShop is my go to place to buy games. The price there is decent, but when i look at import stores, the prices skyrocket, like 80 dollars for a game.
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