Mew EX Full Art
Image: Nintendo Life

We might’ve spent hours trying to find Mew back in the original Pokémon Red & Blue – even going so far as to search beneath trucks – it isn’t a super difficult card to obtain in Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket’s Mythical Island set.

Mew EX is flexible enough to slot into just about any deck, making it ironically a common sight to see. Its main attack, Genome Hacking, requires 3 Colorless energy. But what if you wanted to make a deck for Mew EX specifically? We’ve got you covered there.

Below, we have the best Mew EX deck build for you, its best match-ups, and all the suggestions you need to win a TCG battle.

Note: Mew EX has now dropped out of the meta as of the release of the Space-Time Smackdown expansion.

Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket - Best Mew EX Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)

When Mythical Island was released, Mew EX was a very strong deck, but Space-Time Smackdown caused the deck to slip out of the meta. You'll

You'll probably have more luck slotting the card into a typical Mewtwo EX deck; however, you might be sick of the genetically enhanced counterpart and want to use the new Budding Expeditioner card to make the most of Mew EX.

This deck instead goes all-in with punishing your opponent’s plays with the Alakazam line and some backup from the newly introduced Druddigon to make sure you have enough time to dig the pieces you need out of your deck.

As a result, it’s very good against multiple decks, and can even stand toe to toe with the newest best deck. Here’s the full list of cards you'll want:

  • 2x Mew EX
  • 2x Abra
  • 2x Kadabra
  • 2x Alakazam
  • 2x Druddigon
  • 2x Sabrina
  • 2x Budding Expeditioner
  • 2x Leaf
  • 2x Professor’s Research
  • 2x Poké Ball

The goal here is to set up either Alakazam or Mew EX (depending on the matchup) by using Druddigon as a shield. Druddigon’s attack requires Fire and Water energy, but you won’t be using that. Instead, you want Druddigon for its Rough Skin ability, which does 20 damage to an attacking Pokémon. This softens up cards for Mew EX or Alakazam to switch in and clean up.

You have to identify early which type of deck you’re playing against and which line they’re going with. For example, a common Charizard EX deck also runs Arcanine EX; if they’re powering up Arcanine EX, you’ll want to get Alakazam ready because it can one hit a fully charged Arcanine EX.

However, Mew EX’s Genome Hacking won’t do the trick. It will, however, take care of Charizard EX by copying Crimson Storm. With this, you can take care of most of the currently forming meta. Celebi EX suffers against Alakazam because it typically has a ton of energy attached; on the other hand, Mewtwo EX is better left to Mew EX due to its ability to discard energy.

Finally, Budding Expeditioner is a great way to extend the game by allowing you to return Mew EX to your hand. Sure, you lose the energy you invested but your opponent doesn’t get 2 points towards victory and you can re-use it as a wall while you set up Alakazam.

Mew EX Best and Worst Matchups

Mew EX is fairly even against most decks except hyper aggressive and fast ones, as Druddigon can only do so much against a Starmie EX trainer going second and Pikachu EX isn’t going to allow you a chance to set up. However, throwing two Druddigon in the path of either aggressive card can buy you enough time to one shot them with Alakazam.

More importantly, we found this deck does decently against the meta standout Celebi EX as it can take the deck down before it can get Serperior up and running by copying its Powerful Bloom ability.

For other lists, it then comes down to which type of card your opponent is powering up. Cards with heavy hitting attacks you’ll want to focus on powering up Mew EX. On the other hand, you’ll want to prioritize Alakazam if their attacks are conditional in some way, such as Pikachu EX’s Circle Circuit requirement.

With all this information under your Poké Belt, you’re now ready to take Mew EX out on its own rather than as an addition to an existing deck.

With the legendary Mew in hand, not much can stand in your way! Let us know how you've found the new Mythic Island pack.