World of Warcraft Mist of Pandaria Remix. With only 4 days left of this I feel that I have done all I that I wanted to do. I did finish the campaign on my Troll Paladin which I enjoyed alot. MoP was always one of my favorite expansions, so playing through it again was a pleasure. I did like the Remix portion of it mainly the accelerated leveling which helped alot. Speaking of leveling I was able to get several characters to max level, a Troll Paladin, a Nightborn Shadow Priest, a Blood Elf Death Night, a Goblin Mage, a Tauren Enhancement Shaman, an Orc Hunter and a Forsaken Warrior. I also managed to get all the mounts as well so after all that I am calling it finished and beat.
Now on to The War Within.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
After months of playing...finally beat Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.
I do have my complaints (mostly regarding the pacing of the game, and a large portion of the minigames),, this is pretty much everything I could've asked for out of this title. They managed to take Remake — which was already my favourite game in the series — and expand the scope massively in terms of storytelling and gameplay. I absolutely adore the main cast of characters, and the battle system is one of the most engaging I've ever encountered in an RPG.
Shame it's so long. Can't see myself every replaying this one again. But I can absolutely see it being my favourite game of the year.
I just beat Final Fantasy 1 the other night. It was a pretty fun game. Pretty barebones in terms of story and general idea- but I still found it to be enjoyable. Heard Stranger of Paradise sort of fills in a lot of gaps that the original game had- especially when it comes to villain motivation.
"It is fate. Many have tried, yet none have ever managed to escape it's flow."
Spyro 2 via the Re-Ignited Trilogy. I still have a ways to go before I do everything, but I rolled the credits last night.
While it's a solid evolution of the original game, I... kind of miss the original's atmosphere and simplicity. Unlike the original, I never played this on the PS1, so it was a totally new experience for me.
Very, very good, still. The main villain is fun as well. My only real complaint is that the second boss is weirdly hard. WAY harder than the final boss. Took me almost twenty tries to beat him (versus beating Ripto on my second try, and the first boss on my first try).
Unlike the original, which had very open, windy, exploratory levels, most of the levels here are far more streamlined and have an explicit flow to them because of the way each one is structured around a miniature narrative. To make up for the less challenging level design, the sequel throws in a butt-load of mini-games and optional challenges to flesh out the levels. You also get these challenges in-game for each level, like beating it in a certain time (which is absolutely brutal for the Flight levels), destroying all of a certain type of enemy, not taking damage from a boss, etc.
Locked it to 45fps on my Steam Deck OLED and it runs perfectly with gorgeous visual quality.
@Buizel Ugh. I really don't want to buy a PS5, but I'll admit, waiting for FF7 Rebirth has been challenging. It sounds like almost everything I want from a modern FF game. Shame it seems to have not sold terribly well.
I know it'll probably be on PC next year, which is what I'm waiting for, but it's not easy to ignore in the meantime.
Thankfully, my backlog is massive and I already don't have enough time to play all the games I'm interested in.
@Ralizah At risk of going into my usual rant about PlayStation this generation...I think you're right to skip the PS5. The most use I've got out of it since launch is Ratchet and Clank and Rebirth. The former is already on PC, and it's only a matter of time before the latter is too. And it sounds like FF7 part 3 might be multiplatform based on news from S-E this year...
It is certainly worth the wait though IMO. I think the trilogy will be looked back on as the JRPG of a generation (alongside Persona 5), much like the original.
On Spyro (as I adore the original trilogy and Reignited) - I relate to several points. I think 2 may be the fan favourite but, while great, it is my least favourite of the trilogy. I prefer Spyro 1 for being a simpler/"purer" collectathon, and I don't think 2's formula was fully realised until 3 (have you played 3 at all?). Also yes, that second boss is probably the most difficult thing in the game!
Also must throw in my endorsement for the Switch port. Obviously there are some graphical compromises, but the game still looks and plays fantastic, and it really feels at home on the Switch. I can only imagine how it is on Steam Deck!
@Buizel Exactly. Why would I want to pay $500 for the privilege of having early access to Astro-Bot and FF7 Rebirth when I have a million other games to play anyway? It'd be different if Sony still believed in exclusivity, but virtually everything on PS5 other than Astro's Playroom will end up on PC (not sure about Demon's Souls at this point).
Ratchet and Clank reportedly runs really well on Steam Deck, even, which is wild to me.
Yeah, the exclusivity period for Rebirth is shorter than it was for Remake, Squeenix is moving away from making exclusivity deals going forward, and even Epic has said that their exclusivity deals were a waste of money, so that all points toward the very real possibility of a Steam release for Rebirth next year! <3
Did you play FF16? Curious what your opinion on that is, if so.
I only played Spyro the Dragon on PS1, so Ripto's Rage and Year of the Dragon are new for me. A lot of people actually point to the third game as the best in the series, so I'm curious to try it once I complete the second game fully. Spyro is my favorite fifth gen platformer, and re-experiencing it with more comfortable controls has been lovely.
Nice to hear about the Switch port! Spyro 2, at native 800p on the deck, runs about 60fps 95% of the time on low settings. It can also run at 30fps on Ultra settings, but it feels so much less smooth, and, to be frank, jacking up the graphics does almost nothing to the visual quality on a screen that small due to the art-style. It runs at low settings at a locked 45fps, which feels similar to 60fps for me on the Deck OLED's 90fps screen, so I leave it there for perfect performance and to improve the battery life somewhat.
I was originally gonna grab Spyro for the Switch years ago, but I couldn't pass up a deal that gave me both the Spyro and Crash Bandicoot collections on PC for $15 (to be clear, $15 for both at once). But I don't play non-handheld games as often, so I passed on them for years. Lo and behold, the Steam Deck OLED! I completed the Bandicoot games earlier in the year, and now I'll be completing Crash (and probably going for all achievements, since, unlike Crash Bandicoot, the first game isn't actively terrible).
@Ralizah I haven't played FF16 actually - partly because it looked a bit too Western for my tastes, and partly because of Yoshi-P's involvement (and, from what I gather from online discourse, my main criticisms of FF14 also seem to hold true for FF16). Outside of Remake/Rebirth, I've also not truly loved a mainline FF since 10. That said, I'm open to trying it (I think there's a demo?), but I'm frankly not that interested tbh.
I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on Year of the Dragon in that case. It's true a lot of people (such as myself) appreciate it for taking 2's formula to the next level...but I think equally a lot of people think it took things a bit too far in that direction.
Zelda Skyward Sword HD. For not being a Zelda guy it ended up being a really fun game. It had a little bit of a slow start for me but once I got the hang of things then I found myself pretty invested until the end. I stuck with the controller option for controls and even with that there were times it would frustrate me but overall it sufficed. I'm glad I randomly picked it up.
I just never got into the whole Zelda thing. I always respected it especially since it can be religion for the fanbase. I wouldn't even call myself a 'normie' because the last game Zelda game I actually played and beat was Ocarina of Time 3DS. Same exact scenario I picked it up randomly due to the re-release hype. Same thing of starting out slow but once I got invested then I was all in to completion. Being 40 years old I was there for even the NES Zelda games, Link to the Past era, and especially the original N64 Ocarina and man was that groundbreaking, yet it didn't blow up my skirt at the time so I mainly just watched a friend play it cause he was obsessed with it. I don't know the series just never grabbed me. Even after finishing Skyward Sword and being very satisfied I still have zero point zero interest in continuing on with others in the series especially Breath Wild and/or Tears Kingdom. Oh well maybe I'll randomly pick one of those up 10-15 years down the road and do this speech all over again
This fire is burning and it's out of control. It's not a problem you can stop it's Rock and Roll!!!
@Buizel Definitely will tag you when I get to Year of the Dragon!
I've been off FF since XIII ruined the series, but FFVII Remake was such a breath of fresh air for me, and easily my GOTY for 2020. I'm super excited to have the opportunity to play it on PC, considering it seems like an improvement on Remake overall, and is probably the closest we'll come to a new FF title capturing the magic of the older games.
A brisk five hours in length. Short, as far as visual novels are concerned. But with my affinity for vampire themed entertainment...I was enthralled. The dialogue options made me uneasy. The turns in the story surprising. Good stuff.
Switch Physical Collection - 1,415 games (as of March 3rd, 2025)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay
Well, I just wrapped the finale of Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse via the remaster, and unsurprisingly it was fantastic. I've said it before and it bears repeating: It's not only one of the best point and clicks ever made but also the best Sam & Max game ever made.
"Now I have an obligation to tag along and clear the area if Luigi so much as glances at a stiletto."
@CJD87 It's on a similar level to the previous seasons(i.e. somewhat obtuse and cartoonishly illogical but not really that challenging). The game offers a periodic hint system that you can toggle if you're really stuck.
My time at Sandrock. The my time series is somewhat frustrating as the concept behind the games are solid but whew they are glitch fests. But I do hope the team tries again and hopefully they will build a game that is solid from a technical perspective.
Taiko is good for the soul, Hoisa!
Japanese NNID:RyuNiiyamajp
Team Cupcake! 11/15/14
Team Spree! 4/17/19
I'm a Dream Fighter. Perfume is Love, Perfume is Life.
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes
A fantastic game that seems to have passed many by- 88 on metacritic, but only 2 NintendoLife user ratings (including my own)!
Topic: Games You Recently Beat?
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