
Earlier this month the lovely folks over at WayForward announced that that its newest Shantae platformer, Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, will be receiving a Switch port. It seems they were not messing around as we now know that it will launch on the eShop in the UK (and Europe) on 8th June for the very reasonable price of £15.99. We'd imagine that the US eShop launch date will be the same, probably priced at $19.99. We'll watch out for more news on this.

We loved the Wii U version, awarding it a nine out of ten and calling it "top of its class". It only makes sense for Shantae to appear on the Switch given the franchise's roots on Nintendo's portable consoles. The game will also be getting a physical later in the year by XSEED too, it seems. The Switch version will support HD Rumble, as you might expect.

Will you be picking up Half-Genie Hero on your Switch in June? Let us know with a comment below.