
Topic: Super Mario Maker Level Sharing

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So my game arrived one day early (cheers Nintendo Store!) - so I have been having a go on the game, on ones people have created and I have done 3 of my own levels - thought we could get a topic going sharing and trying out each others levels ^_^

Here are my first 3:

Underground Run - 554E 0000 0011 F623
Spikes and Cannons - 7AE2 0000 0012 0837
and if you are feeling a bit daring - Short but NOT Sweet! - 1C09 0000 0012 448F

[Edited by LaserdiscGal]



I don't know if this thread will stay long.. But I try out yours as soon as I can.
Try to finish my level. It's not unfair hard or anything, but it seems like the 2 that played it can't make it. Slow and steady!

Laugh Hard, Run Fast, Be Kind


Moved the topic to online gaming- this is now the official level sharing thread


3DS Friend Code: 0688-5519-2711 | My Nintendo: pokefraker | Nintendo Network ID: pokefraker


sniffles thread. TwT
....Anyways guess I'll post of my levels here, then. Haven't decided yet, since I plan on doing "preview videos" of my levels.

My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay

Discord server:
Keep it PG-13-ish.



BlueBlurIxM wrote:

I don't know if this thread will stay long.. But I try out yours as soon as I can.
Try to finish my level. It's not unfair hard or anything, but it seems like the 2 that played it can't make it. Slow and steady!

A cool level but a little too long. I died near the end and now I have to do the backtracking again
Unfortunately, there are no mid-points or save-points, we can set. Your level would really benefit from that.


Here is my 2nd attempt,I think it's pretty good actually.I just used the 1st set of items although I do have the 2nd unlocked already.Hope some of you will play it and let me know what you think.

ID : A328-0000-0012-B29E

[Edited by OorWullie]

🇬🇧 Mr Mustard 🇹🇭

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So ive been messing around Mario Maker since yesterday and finally published my first level.
Its a kinda short level and some can find it a bit difficult; you can take two ways to beat the level; so try to beat both ways because they are like completely different levels.
Hope you guys and girls, like it

Two-Ways to Heaven: 1C9E-0000-0011-F0C3

Nintendo id: Wassa92


So far I've uploaded three levels. Nothing amazing, but I'm still happy with what I've made.

Sunny Plains: AD36-0000-0011-E7CC
To the Skies!: 7ED7-0000-0012-0B79
Underground Stroll: C4B0-0000-0012-2AFD

I'm still getting to grips with the level creator so any comments are more than welcome!

Yes, I like bears.


Pipes of Fire (Expert) EEB7-0000-0012-E3C7



If anyone wants to try first stage:

Lakitu's Field

Course ID: 64AC-0000-0012-FF78



I have 5 courses uploaded but the third level is just an improved version of my first level:
Too Bad!: 8DCA-0000-0010-88CD
Good Luck!: B246-0000-0011-1D5A
Too Bad! Skinny Mario Edition: 5486-0000-0011-BF29
Fun: FFE7-0000-0011-FC47
Lakitu Whirlpool: 79F7-0000-0012-0FA6

They are all difficult though the first 3 are what I'd call the fun type of difficult.

[Edited by Grumblevolcano]


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


Thanks everyone for getting involved ^^ - Shall look forward to trying out all of your levels after work and hopefully give some feedback

Before I set off for work this morning I had a quick look and it seems the first 2 of my courses (in comment #1) have been cleared once however the 3rd one has yet to be beaten. - So if anyone fancies a stupid challenge, feel free to give it a go (Just a reminder its this one: Short but NOT Sweet! - 1C09 0000 0012 448F)

Please note I won't be held responsible for any broken controllers

I also read that less "popular" courses will be deleted eventually - so if people can like (star) my courses I shall do the same to all of yours and hopefully we can keep our courses alive ^^



Actually that's the reason it is getting easier each step. If there were checkpoints I would have used a constant difficulty.
I don't think it's too hard. It was hard on my first try. I had to remove certain things like lava bubbles and Spinies to make it easier.
But just checked. Did you die at the coins? You are not supposed to jump into the lava.

I've got another.
Up and Down: ABF9-0000-0013-49B4
(A recreation you'll probably recognize.. Even if you don't read the title of the stage in game. )

[Edited by Budda]

Laugh Hard, Run Fast, Be Kind


@Malanta: I'm the one that beat your first course! I gave up on Spikes and Cannons though...

Anyway, I made another course this morning. Quite short, but I quite like how this turned out, and I tried to do something a little bit different with the standard Bowser fight.
Mario's New Hat: 8004-0000-0013-54AA

Yes, I like bears.


@GrizzlyArctos: Ha, good to know - yeh spikes and cannons needs a bit of patience to start...then speed...then more speed, then you are kinda there

I'll be trying your new course later tonight



Finally got my level done I was looking forward to make. :3
15E3-0000-0014-243B /// Green Hill Zone 3
Very true to the original.. I promise! ^^

[Edited by Budda]

Laugh Hard, Run Fast, Be Kind


My first three stages. All are fairly easy though.




My first stage, very basic. BCD1-0000-0012-A447


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