The opening of Chasing Dead sees you hurtling into the atmosphere of a newly discovered second Earth, Intel delivered to you via a short video sequence consisting of a live actress with a cheap looking OSD overlay; one could easily imagine a parallel universe where the Mega CD2 became a reality and FMV games continued to thrive. Your contact, a female named Luna, is quick to brief the situation; all contact has been lost with Alpha team and you must be prepared for anything. Suddenly an explosion; this landing isn't going to be plain sailing. Quickly opting to use the escape pod, your helpless hero initiates a loading screen. Shortly after you find yourself inside a commercial airliner, akin to a Boeing 747. "What happened?" asks your B-movie narrator. "I think I hit a plane." And magically appeared inside it.
The intro over, the view switches to first person and a view down the aisle of one of the cabins. It's dark; the seats are all empty and you'll barely be able to fathom out much more as you walk into the second cabin. Strange silhouettes begin moving towards you, but it's too dark to really make anything out other than the borders of your screen flashing blood red. Everything goes black. You're dead. Ok, let's try this again.

This time you realise there's a flash light in one of the other aisles and a pistol. Let's try and get through cabin number two again; you're told you need to get to the cockpit as the decaying plane is going down fast. It's obvious now you have a flashlight that the silhouettes are zombie crew members and passengers; but now you have a weapon to take them down. Great! Only the frame rate is stuttering so badly that it's hard to tell what's going on in-between the graphical effects of flashing lights, fire and various glitches; the game engine feels like it's still in Alpha stage. Luna is still conversing with you over your comm-link, but her voice keeps breaking up - which adds to the atmosphere. Only you realise when you re-play the level and she doesn't glitch out that the sound is also messed up. You die as you walk up to a tantalising shotgun; why can't you pick it up? Zombies surround you as you try in vain to take the flashing shotgun and death comes once more.
Let's try again; this time you get to the shotgun and you realise you need to be precisely lined-up in such a way for an icon to appear over it at which point you can press 'A' to pick-up. Frustrating isn't the word. Moving up to the second floor of the plane, you look back at the empty staircase behind you. All is clear; you've made sure not to leave any zombies behind. As you walk forward, a bunch of zombies have instantly appeared. BEHIND YOU. You die.
You sigh; but let's not give up. At least the graphics look reasonable in a ZombiU kind of way and it makes a change playing something a bit more 'grown-up' on Wii U, right?

This time you make it to the cockpit. The coast is clear. Surely this is the level complete? Nope, the door to the cockpit is locked and obvious twist is obvious. More magically appearing zombies pile onto you; you're running out of ammo and try to reload; the clicking sound of bullets being inserted fills the air as your weapon seemingly fills itself back up with no animation. You die. Again.
For sure now is the time to complete this first level - you know everything, where the weapons are, what the buttons do (through trial and error) and when the magic zombie waves appear. Some may say the lack of tutorial or pointers or indeed almost zero mission assistance makes the experience more realistic. Others would argue it's just terrible game design. This time around you reach the boss; it's a cloaked zombie pilot - think Predator but jerkier. You shoot into the cloaked shimmery body, clearly hitting full-on slap-bang in the right place. The bosses' energy bar glitches out and locks at the halfway empty point. There's nothing you can do. You die.
Finally you make it through the stage. The badly responding controls, utterly tragic framerate, jerky sound and dubious lighting choices haven't defeated you. There's something half-decent about the presentation and design that makes you think "Hey, maybe it will get better".
Landing on the planet, you look around Mission 2. You're on a building. There's fogging all around; the framerate still sucks. You're told to reach the ground, somehow. A few trial and error deaths later, you reach the deserted town below by randomly landing on and traversing across a beam that looked unreachable. You're delivered a modicum of information with a basic objective from your B-Movie companion Luna, but unfortunately no waypoint. So you set off, wandering aimlessly through a dreary, rainy and dark set of structures. Atmospheric or drab? You decide. A few magically appearing zombies pounce and you die.
It goes on, of course, but enough is enough. When a game isn't fun because of failings in design, control issues stemming from stuttering framerates and not delivering an experience that you'd expect from a modern product, it's time to give up. However for all you masochists out there you'll find five missions (each with sub-sections) to get your teeth into. You'll even be able to play just on the GamePad, but there won't be any touchscreen functionality. Finally, Chasing Dead will tickle your fancy if you enjoy watching loading screens and not being able to skip cut-scenes (you can fast forward them, VHS-style, which is kinda neat for the first few times).
If Chasing Dead was a more polished product with all its issues ironed out, you might find a decent sci-fi zombie romp underneath all the mess. Perhaps the developer will go back and patch out all the issues one day, but as it stands Chasing Dead is best left on the shelves of the Nintendo eShop. Not recommended.
Comments 28
EEEEESH! Yeughkkkk!
Wish I'd seen this last week when the price dropped. I couldn't beat the invisible pilot. Gave it an hour just so I could review it on the eShop. It's bad. Like, The Letter bad.
Its broken, that's about the best I can say about it.
I made it to the 3rd mission before I had to take a break because I have no idea how to fight other hmans without dying. How did you die so often? The game isn't that hard till you fight people.
I definitely wouldn't recommend it but would give it a 5 out of 10 if the dev actually does patch it. The few things it does right like the cheesy fmv video are fantastic. Also you get to kill Zombie kids, finally. If it didn't have the framerate issues it would be pretty fun but even the PS4 version has them.
Seems like they got too ambitious for the talent they have to program. I would love to see the same game made by more talented programers.
I heard this was unplayable and at £24 it was way overpriced but on discount around £8 I picked it up hoping it'll get a patch at some point.
They have the nerve to charge what is essentially a retail price on this crap (AU$50) and only 2 or so weeks after launch, they drop the price to just AU$15. I think that speaks volumes about the quality of the game. What the hell were they thinking?
A game like this shouldn't be allowed to be on the eShop.
Who wants to bet developer quits Nintendo platforms and blames poor sales. Ignoring the rubbish quality as per usual???
So does this have Nintendo's Seal of Quality on it?!
This has me itching to make a youtube video.
Now this is one game where the trailer threw me off cause it looked so good. Just glad I only spent 10 bucks on it instead of the original $30 asking price - I woulda been pissed! Without a doubt they should prepare a patch/update!! The game had potential and the Wii u doesn't have many games in the zombie category!
My question is why does Nintendo let this kind of crap on there?
I realize they are reaching out to eShop developers and Indie Studios, but I really don't think that should mean that they just let any old crap on there.
"one could easily imagine a parallel universe where the Mega CD2 became a reality"
Err... We do live in the universe where the Mega-CD 2 exists.
I reviewed this game a while ago. I thought it was one of the best worst games I've ever played. Aside from the framerate and crashes, of course.
I should have picked up Zombi U when I saw it for $9.99 at Best Buy.
Man and I thought only the mobile stores had crappy games, Nintendo manage to let this crap slip by.
That's rough. Looked interesting in a trashy sort of way. Sad to hear that it's garbage.
@samuelvictor Although I do agree mostly with what you said, I did experience some serious game braking glitches such as enemies spawning UNDERNEATH my feet causing me to be stood on their heads and unable to kill them, as well as other glitches mentioned in the review. The B Movie quality of the game is a plus as far as im concerned, big fan of dodgy horror films and the 30 gold coins for the purchase helped soften the blow. But if I hadnt hit the glitches I would have enjoyed this seriously bad game, my son played it without glitches and although he wouldn't chose to buy it himself he did enjoy himself.
Were you able to beat it? I can't get past the part in the sewers where armed solders attack.
Good point on Mega CD2 guys - you knew what I meant but also I concede defeat!
@Agent721 The seal of quality was unrelated to the quality of a games' content. It only denotes the product was officially licensed.
Im referring to the original seal. It's original intention dates back to the 80s, when Nintendo tried to assure both customers and distributors, that it's games were high quality, and not the type of garbage Atari put out, that contributed to the death of the industry in the early 80s.
Nintendo had a very hard time getting anyone in the U.S. to distribute its system & games, due a fear of poor quality. So it created the original seal, to assure everyone that it reviewed games for quality. Marketing gimmick for sure, but in the 80s, that seal was a big deal.
The official language used to indicate it was for quality as well. It used to read "This seal is your assurance that Nintendo has approved the quality of this product. "
But you are correct, it no longer does, but this game sounds so bad, I had to joke about it.
@Agent721 I appreciate the detailed post, it can be hard to tell a joke sometimes, sorry about that. There are still a surprisingly large amount of people who think the seal literally meant "This game is awesome, you can trust us and buy it". It's kinda sad really.
Ha, no worries. It's a good thing now a days we have reviews like this to spare us the agony of a bad purchase. Cheers!
Do you guys know that you kept using the same 2 pictures over and over?
The graphics look nice. Too bad it sucks, I guess.
@samuelvictor i agree with your opinion
@retro_player_22 all online stores have crap games on them
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