Take one look at the ever-growing library of Nintendo Switch eShop titles and the term ‘2D side-scrolling action game’ crops up more often than not. Nintendo Switch is already home to many and fans of the genre certainly have a great and extensive range to choose from. Developer FantaBlade Network adds its futuristic slasher ICEY into the mix and although the title won’t take more than a couple of play sessions to get through, its odd yet unique spin on the genre offers an experience that’s more than worth its asking price.
You play as ICEY, a robot humanoid that wouldn’t look out of place in any sci-fi anime past or present. She’s armed with a sword, a hefty amount of agility and a distinct lack of speech. The omnipresent voice you do hear in this game is the 'developer' who explains the goings on around ICEY, and it’s a voice you’ll need to get used to quickly as it's there until the credits roll.

It’s quickly made apparent that the main objectives here are to take down the evil and powerful ‘Judas’, defeat Judas’ mini-boss comrades and to try and piece together the reasoning behind ICEY’s existence in the process. Without the constant metacommentary, this title would easily fall into the bargain bin of cookie-cut sci-fi hack ‘n’ slashers out there. However, with the narrator continually bugging you to follow his every instruction and direction, it’s increasingly difficult to refrain from sticking two fingers up and going your own way – like when you were told to stay put at the shopping centre but couldn’t help but run off to go on your own adventures.
Plastered over the beautifully detailed high-tech backdrops – and forcefully pointed out by the narrator – there are glaringly obvious arrows showing the way towards Judas’ whereabouts. It’s push/pull factor of seeing these and hearing the narrator almost shout at you to go in the said direction that makes this title more about playing against the rules than rushing to the finish line. Wander off and he’ll get agitated. Get back on track and he’ll turn smug. It's a nice touch and certainly makes the experience more immersive with a cleverly reactive voice constantly hovering over you delve deeper in. There’s hidden cash to help upgrade your move-set, humorous dialogue to be subjected to and other incentives (no spoilers here!) to tempt you away from the main story focus.

This isn’t to say it’s all plain sailing, though. At various points, we find ourselves reaching for the option to turn the voice off entirely and instead opt for text only. Yes, the narrator does a thorough and often playful job of dishing out context to ICEY’s actions, but it does have a tendency to become irritating. Still, hearing the narrator becomes increasingly frustrated the more you disobey his instructions did make us chuckle.
The game handles very well mainly due to its accessible control system that's pleasantly uncomplicated to get to grips with. Slicing and chopping your way through a small but varied roster of enemy robots is a silky smooth affair with ICEY executing impressive acrobatic kills with just a few presses.
Pressing a combination of ‘Y’ and ‘X’ sees ICEY chain together a satisfying sequence of quick jabs and slower but more powerful slices. Pressing ‘A’ stops your chosen foe in their tracks and triggers slow-mo lethal finishing attack. It's dramatic but it works. Using money from fallen enemies and boss battles opens up more powerful and interesting move sets that, when levelled up to their max, makes for some astounding multi-chain kills.

It’s this simplistic yet effective approach to the combat system that helps makes this title home to straightforward yet interesting playthroughs - it’s simple to jump straight back into the action and to get to grips with the mechanics. Hammering the buttons to make ICEY aimlessly fling her sword does the job, but learning the combo’s creates a dazzling display of manic manoeuvres that’s a treat to witness.
Combat isn’t just relegated to the ground, though. Squeezing the ‘R’ trigger and ICEY warps to any given direction and taking the combat off the floor and into the air isn’t just useful; it’s fun and addictive and adds a layer of strategy to the mix. Plus, it makes you feel even more awesome when it works well. And for those out there who tend to hoover up every item and max-boost every stat, there’s the option to go back and revisit all of the locations which help gives ICEY some replay value. A simple and functional horde mode is also included, but it’s nothing special to bring you back for more.
Battling your way through screens of mechanical enemies to reach the final boss won’t take very much time at all, but exploring the compact yet detailed world around you is enjoyable. Hidden are some thought-provoking snippets of narrative that touch on the hardships of developing games, for example, and the clever delivery of its storytelling is, at times, ingenious. However, the simplistic approach to battle and a confusing and convoluted story plot could prove bothersome for some who are looking for something a little more in-depth. ICEY does, however, succeed in providing quick, tight blasts of fun that’s sure to please fans of the genre that are looking for something a little different.
Comments 34
Great! i'll be adding it on my Wishlist, and getting it later!
Looking forward to the eventual physical release.
This game is incredibly fun, great review.
Feedback: A complementary YouTube trailer would enhance every review, especially if it shows gameplay footage. This way curious players won't have to go look it up.
Feedback to self: Stop providing feedback, diablo2. Nintendolife never really listens.
P.S. a half-point system wouldn't hurt, either.
Thanks for an otherwise great review.
Recently download this one, can't stop playing it. I love that the play style is similar to that of Muramasa, another action game I'm a fan of.
Laughed so hard to myself then the narrator/game developer started to have a meltdown, accusing my of only playing his game for the achievements. Highly recommended.
I like the aesthetics, and the funny metacommentary is likely to inspire some laughter. Definitely keeping my eye on this one.
@diablo2 Thanks for the feedback. We are currently discussing your proposal. Never think we don't read or care about our audience here.
@Shiryu Sweet, thanks! Sorry if i sounded a tad harsh.
Oh wow... I just added this to my wish list last night.
Been tempted by this but already exceeded my budget this month. Gonna have to put this alongside Ikaruga for a purchase after next pay cheque.
@Eef But having a gameplay video in the middle of a review won't it make easier for a person to stop reading, just hit play and skip to the final score?
Question, why is one of the genres for this game here labeled “fitness”? It doesn’t look or sound like a fitness game...
@Shiryu maybe put this vidéo before the review...
@retro_player_22 you've just sold another icey with that comment
@FX102A Thanks for reminding me to add Ikaruga to my wishlist, had alomst fogotten and everyone raves about that game.
Liking the look of this one. The fact it's a short game also means I won't get bored if it is a bit repetitive.
These kind of games definitely aren't for me, but I can appreciate the effort that went into the art style.
The gameplay to me looked repetitive (and I’m a brawler lover) with basically every enemy getting the same flurry of slashes. Had it been multi-plane that would have added just enough for me I think
@Bliquid This will probably how we will do it.
Good to see a review for this one on the site.
Did everything in the game and I really enjoyed my time with it. Fun, witty, different, fairly priced.
Thank you for the great feeback everyone! This game took me by suprise and in a very good way. What is does with the narrator is a bold move but is great to experience... make sure to wear headphones like it tells you to!
@Shiryu glad you enjoyed the game too! I hope you agree with the points I made in the review!
@Richard_Atkinson Good stuff!
@Nekoo77 glad your having fun with the game as I did and thank you for the feedback - much appreciated!
@LinkSword too true! There’s a real sense of immersion here and in such a small(ish) package.
@wazlon Give it a go and let us know how you get on if you do 👏🏻
It really is interesting sounding. But I am not lacking in games. I might pick it up if I need a break for the others games I am working through.
@ShadJV That was my question as well. Maybe I don't know what sort of titles belong in the fitness genre.
@james_squared I had that thought through because I clicked the link for “fitness” from the description and was only presented with two games, neither which seem to involve any sort of physical activity. But I can’t think what else “fitness” would mean here...
I bought it a few days ago and I really like it so far, but BlazBlue is taking all my gaming time away from other games.
Probably my favorite indie game, ever.. in a weird, soft spot sort of way.
Added to the wishlist!
And yet another gem added to my wishlist. Good Lord Switch has NO shortage of games to play
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