Like Nintendo’s own Wii U, the PS Vita has seen a good chunk of its best games migrate to alternative platforms in the years since the system itself veered into the realm of ‘commercial failure’. One of those games is Freedom Wars, a third-person action title created by Dimps that, at the time, was one of the most successful first-party-published Vita games (in Japan, at least). Now, over 10 years later, publisher Bandai Namco has taken the reins to present a remaster for Switch, retaining much of the original’s essence while improving upon the core gameplay.

Freedom Wars Remastered is, at its core, a loose take on Monster Hunter’s gameplay. As a Sinner within an underground Panopticon city, you must complete combat ops. Y’see, in a world in which resources are exceptionally scarce, the very nature of existence is in itself a crime; hence, you begin the game with a rather harsh one million-year sentence. By completing operations and rescuing your fellow citizens from large creatures known as Abductors, you can reduce your sentence and gain entitlements along the way.
It’s a fascinating premise that quickly sunk its hooks into us thanks to its dystopian nature and heavy focus on reducing or lengthening your sentence. Entitlements — such as spending time with fellow inmates, exercising, or even lying down to rest — are initially forbidden and can add hundreds, if not thousands, of additional years to your sentence. Slowly inching your way through your required operations, meanwhile, can earn more freedom within your Panopticon.
Despite its intriguing setup, however, Freedom Wars’ story can often get in the way of the gameplay. Nothing has changed in this regard from the Vita version, and for the opening handful of hours at least, it can feel exceptionally slow as the world and its characters start to open up. This eases up a bit as you progress, but having to sit through lengthy dialogue sessions every time you complete an operation can be a tad grating.

Exacerbating this, you’re constantly kicked back to your cell after every mission, so if you want to visit the in-game store or complete additional objectives within the Panopticon, you have to make the same journey from your cell every time (at least until you unlock your fast travel entitlement, that is).
The true star of the show is the action gameplay that takes centre stage when partaking in your chosen operation. Although you’ll be taking on enemies large and small, the monstrous Abductors present the biggest challenge, requiring you to make use of melee weapons, long-range guns, and a tool known as a Thorn. The latter is essentially a grappling whip that you can use to either launch yourself onto an enemy, drag them to the ground, or quickly traverse the environment. As you proceed further, you’ll unlock new types of Thorns with unique properties such as healing abilities and shields.

There’s a decent amount of variety with the operations, too. Basic missions see you taking down the Abductors and carrying rescued civilians to safety, but there are also missions that involve competing against other Panopticons to see which can rescue the most civilians. It almost feels like a take on a classic ‘Capture the Flag’ mode, and it works quite well for the most part.
Once you’ve completed your missions, you’ll be presented with the option to either donate gathered materials to the wider cause, thus reducing your sentence further, or keeping them for your personal use. There’s no major downside to either option, but reducing your sentence and gaining entitlement points earns more freedom within your cell and the wider Panopticon hub area.
The controls have been significantly improved from the original Vita version. Light and heavy melee attacks have been remapped to ‘R’ and ‘ZR’, respectively, while you can switch between your weapons with a quick tap of ‘X’. It’s a more modernised take that feels more natural to control, but options let you customise the control scheme to your liking if you find yourself wanting to recapture the original Vita layout. Similarly, overall player speed seems to have been increased a bit for this new release, and feels a bit less tiresome as a result.

Aside from the improved controls, however, the Switch version specifically feels just a bit too similar to the original Vita game. Yes, there’s a welcome boost in resolution here (1080p when docked versus the Vita’s 544p), but Switch's 30fps isn't the most optimum experience possible. The 4K/60fps gameplay on other platforms would undoubtedly make this feel like a significant leap from the original game, but as it is, the Switch version feels more like a straight port than a fully remastered title. Additions like new customisable hairstyles and facial features are welcome, but it’s not quite enough.
What's nice, however, is that while English is the default audio option, the original Japanese audio is also present; it took us a bit of time to find the option to alter this (since it's bizarrely labelled as 'Request Auditory Refit' within your cell), but it's there. And while the music hasn't changed for the remaster, it remains catchy and true to the dystopian, sci-fi setting.
Despite its issues, Freedom Wars Remastered is still a decent game that shines brightly when you’re knee-deep in combat, swapping between close and long-range weapons on the fly while zipping up onto an Abductor’s head with your nifty Thorn tool. It's nicely challenging at times, and can feel exhilarating when you finally wipe out a couple of Abductors. It’s just a shame that you often have to sit through extended periods of monotonous plot once you’re done.
Freedom Wars Remastered is a welcome addition to the Switch that revives one of the PS Vita's most unique and enjoyable games. Its core gameplay is challenging and satisfying in equal measure, with plenty of customisable options and upgrades to keep you hooked. Sadly, the story often gets in the way of the fun, especially near the beginning, while performance upgrades on the Switch are kept to a minimum - understandable to an extent, but a shame nevertheless. Still, for both new and returning players, Freedom Wars Remastered is worth checking out if you enjoy battling giant monsters.
Comments 61
I saw screenshots that they ruined character customization with a lot of censorship. Can you confirm?
Wow, performance is never mentioned as con when reviewing Nintendo games, but now it is?!
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Loved this game on Vita, buying day one on Steam! It's a slow burn at the start, really limits what you can do and punishes you for everything, but once you unlock fast travel the pacing improves.
Thanks for the review, fingers crossed the performance will be further improved at least on the successor and while I can see where you're coming from I wouldn't be surprised if I enjoyed the story based on what's mentioned here despite its slow start and intrusiveness so I'm looking forward to eventually giving this a try myself even more than I already was - regardless, so glad to see another Vita game coming to modern systems including Switch!
@Samalik I rolled my eyes so hard at this comment they nearly rolled out of my head 🙄
@olliemar28 What's about RUBY feature?
Previously, it was exclusive to the original Japanese PS Vita version.
Thinking about getting the physical version on Switch.
Thanks for the review!
The mere opportunity of playing a game I'm interested in but was lost to older consoles is reason enough to be glad this port exists
how long can you have fun in multiplayer, regarding the endgame? or does it no longer make sense to continue playing at some point?
Removed - discussing moderation
@Markatron84 And that's suppose to mean....?
I hope that just pointing out that they changed Male/Female Voice into Type A/B Voice isn't going to be removed at least...
Removed - unconstructive
Dang I was hoping that the report of censorship was wrong. It’s weird how NL keeps censoring discussion of censorship.
@Samalik just stop
I can't wait to play this, I started on a vita enjoyed what I played of it, but never came back for whatever reason. Great to hear the port came out well.
I was interested in this because I liked the Vita version. However, no cross play is a deal breaker for me.
@JokerCK No, if we don't stand here and now then it's over for humanity. This is the endgame. It's now or never. The revolution starts here! War cry!
@Bratwurst35 Viva la Revolution (Wii)
@Overzeal Is it just the Type A/B changes or is there other unnecessary changes they did?
@Overzeal How you go about discussing something is what NL is removing. Problem with many commenters is they only know how to convey their thoughts via hyped up aggression which leads to petty arguments.
Next thing the comment section is just a flood of bickering with the original topic long since abandoned because now everyone has devolved into attacking eachother.
Part of moderation is to stop that and keep things civil. Which seems to be a challenge for most people. It's much easier to stop something before it begins than letting get to a point of needing to mass remove alot comments.
was there any mention of other changes, the typeA/B thing doesnt bother me personally because its still functionally the same and nothing was removed but am hoping that nothing was changed function wise or options removed etc even if minor.
Edit: in terms of character voices they actually added back in options which were removed in the western vita release iirc.
7/10 is probably about right for the Switch version with much better controls than the Vita version, because of the extra buttons the Switch has compared to the Vita.
Still a pretty weak game imo though; 6/10 for the Vita version at most (may I recommend Soul Sacrifice Delta and Toukiden Kiwami if you have a Vita and like hunting games/MH clones).
It looks fun. It also looks like they didn't try too hard for such a classic.
To the bewby weabs, was it just the western versions censored here? It sure sounds like a bunch of cuts to eastern games are coming from eastern devs. It's all so strange to me. Let's totally normalize 16 year old models in thongs, but also pixelate porn with consenting adults. No judgment, said what I meant: I don't get it.
@Samalik I wonder...
@Mgalens Don't know if there are any other changes but yeah, as much as I'm not a fan of (self-)censorship in general I agree that if it's limited to this it's better than having options etc. removed and yep, based on what I've seen/heard luckily they added back in the character voices options which were removed in the Western Vita release!
That’s what I was hoping the review of this game would review
I disagree that censorship isn’t relevant to a review of a remake. These changes aren’t often well documented and lower the experience overall which a review should mention to avoid consumer regret.
They changed two words to something that in no way affects the user experience, hardly censorship.
Also, NintendoLife clearly isn’t censoring the topic, because it all the comments seem to be talking about.
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Then it should be no problem to make note of.
@Overzeal There are other parts of the net that live and breath any micro controversy that get any within the vicinity of the sacred bubble. All NL has to do is review the game as is, they are not beholden or owed anyone to start playing the role of doomsdayer.
The vast majority of users don't here don't care and well, as the saying goes by a certain crowd "let's not start catering to the demands of the minority"
I think the censorship complaint has only gained steam because the roots of the idea of censorship come from powerful actors forcing it upon people with radical ideas (something that is broadly bad, see 1984)
But the word “censorship” necessitates the use of power to enact a controlled and palatable narrative. Someone - even a corporation - changing the way they talk voluntarily is demonstrably not censorship and throwing that word around is a co-optation of a real issue to talk about something that really isn’t one
Also this is a video game about prisons and afterlife and all sorts of nonsense.
@JohnnyMind So, we got RUBY custom commands in the worldwide versions, or not? 🤔
Its irrelevant who is interested in the changes, but it doesn’t make sense to review a remake and ignore changes.
Someone replied to my comment and now they deleted it, I won't mention their name but I'll still share my reply here:
if a creator is making changes because they genuinely want to do so then sure, personally I'm all for it as I'd like to see creators make the games they want to make first and foremost (at the same time that shouldn't be an excuse to prevent people from being allowed to express what they think about them as long as they do so politely - the same should be the case for whatever else, too).
The thing is, in several cases the changes are due to external implicit or explicit pressures (rating boards, cultural aspects and so on) with monetary etc. consequences if you don't comply with them and there are creators who have expressed their disappointment about it, just look at Yūji Horii for example - I'd like to see less and less of those instead of more and more like unfortunately is increasingly the case!
@Vyacheslav333 Unfortunately I don't know that - to be honest I don't know what these RUBY custom commands are in the first place, could you explain it?
My score when I played this game on the Vita, I gave it a 10/10. It's one of the the best Vita games!
@koekiemonster It was mentioned as a con for Luigi’s Mansion 3 and Princess Peach: Showtime, so there’s clearly some cracks in the grand conspiracy or maybe, just maybe, there is no conspiracy.
Removed - flaming/arguing
Removed - flaming/arguing
@Fangleman32 except I wasn't being aggressive. If anything, the people having an issue with the people who have an issue got far more aggressive than I did, as I just conveyed potentially relevant info to the guy who asked....
@JohnnyMind RUBY is a thing that lets you writing your own voiced commands.
@Overzeal If the type a/b thing "ruins" the game for you then you probably don't like videogames.
Apparently saying you do not like games edited for modern audiences gets you posts deleted. I think a lot of folks share this opinion and it is relevant when considering buying a game. I’m sure this will get deleted as well. Oh well.
I was out on this game once the reviewer said it was similar to monster hunter, plus I have never heard of it before the last couple of articles
I was very interested until I saw that they once again went with the "Type A and Type B" instead of just saying Male and Female like normal people
Truly a shame they're still pushing that agenda that literally nobody likes, Now I wonder if anything got censored.
Nothing new, only Atlus games get an 8 or higher.
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@Samalik I didn't single out a single person. It's merely a byproduct of everyone having an opinion on something. Now if a comment was removed for whatever reason, I can only assume it was due to everything I said above.
Here's the thing. Moderating is a thankless job. Really, alot of people hate it because in the in end if something goes awry, moderators will get the blunt of the blame as you've seen in this comment section.
No one at NL is on witch hunt to silence you. They have rules like any other site and allow you to voice your opinion within reason. If your comment is removed then it's not a personal vendetta, it's because you have done something which calls for it's removal.
@Olliemar28 Hey, real question about Freedom Wars. In the Vita original, you had to finish single-player content in order to unlock it for multiplayer. It was lousy for people like me who get games like this to play with their friends and ultimately meant that I didn't play it much despite liking the game. Has this been changed? (hope hope hope)
@Count_of_Monte_Fisto here follows most of the changes:
Freedom Wars Remastered features 4K resolution, upgraded textures, 60 FPS, redesigned controls, an updated weapon crafting system, difficulty settings, new features for online play, a new "Deadly Sinner" high-difficulty mode, and customization options.
Alas it does not touch your concern, I guess we have to wait for the game to come out. It talks about but not specify the new online features. Wish you luck.
I never said ruined, but why bother trying to ignore obvious problems when so many other great games exist?
@Vyacheslav333 Ah okay, I suspected it could be that which I've seen in Japanese footage (not sure if of the original or remaster, might be both) but yeah, unfortunately I don't know if it's in the worldwide versions!
I don’t remember that at all. Multiplayer was kinda the point. I remember not finishing it but playing online on Saturdays against other panopticons.
@Fangleman32 When laying out potentially relevant info, like a dual screenshot as I listed is considered "inappropriate" we have a problem.
Calling everything "inappropriate" because one may have a disagreement with what was said comes off as manipulative, controlling karen speak. That's why I always roll my eyes when I see that used because it means nothing to a conversation if you don't have a good faith reason against what I said.
I myself am a moderator of a game subreddit that is still in development (will not say what it is), so I'm already aware of what kind of nonsense may happen behind the scenes and brace myself for it as the sub gets bigger. I still want to be at least fair to good faith members in the long run.
@GameOtaku Yeah, I can’t recall how it affected the other online aspects, but you could not host a level you had not completed previously. Because my friends and I go through stuff co-op together and not generally with others, this meant that at least one of us would have to play through the whole game and always host if the rest of us wanted to progress together.
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I actually own the Vita and I completely missed this one. Gotta get it on Switch at least.
I picked this up, and after having played a bit of it I can confirm that game progress is still relegated to the single player mode, but with a concession. When starting a co-op room, you can select whether the host exclusively chooses missions or open it for the party to select. You can participate in missions that the host has already completed in single player even if you have not completed it. If the group successfully finishes the mission then you will receive a ticket that can redeemed in single player for completion credit. It’s not true multiplayer progression, but it is something.
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