Lockdown in 2020 has undoubtedly forced us – as a society – to rethink a few things. Gone are the simple pleasures of attending a concert or a sports game, and even the anxiety-inducing dating scene has largely migrated to the online world. With this in mind, Wales Interactive has concocted a surprisingly funny, authentic dating sim with Five Dates, an interactive live-action comedy that rewards multiple playthroughs, but ultimately leaves us wondering who its intended audience is.
Five Dates follows Vinny, a London-based millennial who jumps headfirst into the world of online dating in the midst of the COVID-19 UK lockdown. With the support of his friend Callum, he meets a handful of women over video chat, and over the course of the game must whittle these down to just one (provided he doesn’t completely mess it up, of course).
The ‘gameplay’, if we can really call it that, is limited to making decisions via dialogue options, some of which simply move the conversation along, and others having a genuine impact on the overall outcome of Vinny’s dates. You have roughly 5-10 seconds to make your dialogue choices, though you can choose to have the game pause during these sections via the options. We didn’t find this particularly necessary, as the game cleverly fills these moments with back-and-forth dialogue while you make your choice.
A single run through the story takes roughly 1 hour, but with a total of 766 possible scenes to view, there’s more than enough incentive to go back and start again. The good news is that when you do start from scratch, you can easily skip through any scenes you’ve already viewed; the only downside to this is you can easily skip right into a dialogue choice without knowing exactly what it is you’re responding to.
The acting from the assembled cast is more or less spot-on; they do their best with what they’re given, though there are certainly a few cringe-inducing moments here and there. Vinny himself is a decent character to follow, whose apprehension at joining the online dating world is endearing. The five women available for dates all display very distinct personalities, and – much like the real world – it’s almost impossible to determine how they might react to your dialogue choices. The star of the show, though, has to be Callum. As Vinny’s best friend, his brutal takedowns of Vinny are often hilarious, and he’s a genuine scene-stealer throughout.
Considering how quickly Five Dates was conceptualised and developed, the overall execution of the story is commendable. Having said that, it’s a shame there’s no option here to flip things around and have a woman protagonist join the app to date five men in addition to Vinny. We appreciate this would effectively double the amount of work required, but we have to wonder who exactly Five Dates is aimed at. As it is, the entire premise feels like a throwaway side-story shoved into a Richard Curtis rom-com to simply appease the men in the audience. It’s a fun little distraction, but ultimately not an experience that’s going to stick with you for long.
Comments 43
All I’ve heard is that it’s absolutely hilarious but completely unintentionally. Like complete car crash levels. Or just late-night BBC British rom-com levels, which is really the same thing.
@nessisonett Yeah, I'm tempted to buy it for the lols/cringe and just select the most insulting and inappropriate answers available to everything! 😂
Graphics are very realistic.
The big question is can you send d***pics and stalk the girls reddit account hoping to find nudes?
I'm pretty sure that's the millennial version of dating during covid.
@Clyde_Radcliffe a purchase is still a purchase - they don’t care if you’re enjoying it ironically
That one gal sure has HUGE shoes XD. I enjoyed dating sims for about one year when I was 20, lonely, and in school. I think that's the market. Literally couldn't care less now.
Remember when synths were going to replace guitar solos?
Remember when FMV was going to revolutionize gaming?
Actually quite an interesting and good cast for a game like this if you think about it. Mandip Gill (Dr Who), Georgia Hirst (Vikings), Marisa Abela (Cobra tv series). I think one of the other ones has done callobrations with major British music artists as a singer songwriter (?). Shame I will pass on this. If only they'd taken part in a different kind of game or something. This just seems cringey to me. Sorry.
I actually have all of Wales Interactive's FMV games and I'd say most are surprisingly good. But I think I'll take a pass on this one.
I know who this is for. The depressed middle-aged man eating ice cream on the couch everyday, having not a job and desperate for something to put his broken sausage inside of.
@HotGoomba___Rebrand Wow, that was harsh!
@GrailUK synthesizers are literally the backbone of most modern music. Just not sure that's a fair analogy. I agree though it limits things. I was playing watchdogs legions the other day and thinking to myself if it would have been made on sega cd they would have tried to use real footage for all the hacked cameras. And the game would take place in like one building.
This game should be called "We couldn't film in a real studio so we used the current pandemic as a plotline - The game"
If it doesn't involve someone cat fishing, stalking and sending pics the woman didn't ask for it doesn't simulate real world online dating.
I really don't understand the reviewer's confusion over who this game's target demographic is - the default demographic assumption for pretty much any non-otome visual novel of "lonely guy without much going on in his life" would seem to be the correct fit, from everything described here.
Not making it clear why that doesn't work sounds like either a personal conceit gone wrong, or a failure to describe the game properly.
edit: I can't be too hard on this review after reading sister site PushSquare's of it, though (https://www.pushsquare.com/reviews/ps4/five_dates); at least this one actually tries to describe and evaluate the game instead of just having a laugh at its expense.
@doctorhino Just a throwaway comment to say I'm not a fan of FMV and keyboard solos played on one finger. Don't worry about it
I'll buy this if it ever comes to GOG (like Late Shift) and/or gets a limited physical release (or both!).
I enjoy FMVs, but they take up way too much space for the gaming hours you get out of them.
@HotGoomba___Rebrand Thanks for that man, that cuts deep 😢
I only barely understand and can hardly relate. I prefer to be alone. When I was home during quarantine alone for 3 weeks early in the pandemic it didn't bother me emotionally at all. In fact, my only worry was for the safety of people who had to work.
This seeming need people have for each other is not something I share. Quite the opposite, I find it exhausting to be around people regularly and crave time by myself.
Ah!! Mandip Gill!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖 aka Yaz from Doctor Who, I've got a crush.
Trying to play this game in real life is enough for me.
I can simp to this!
@HotGoomba___Rebrand I'd appreciate it if you didn't call me out.
Hmmmm I’m not hating on anyone who gets this, but why tho? Cant you just go and.... talk to people? Is that a outlandish idea now?!? Trust me, I’m not a social person, far from it, but I at least talk to people in passing and my good friends daily, on the phone or in person. But I will be real with you tho, talking to someone you have a crush on or whatever can be tough. But just do it... and get rejected like me... ok so I can see the appeal of this game now.
@GrailUK oh ok haha I'm just over here overthinking things again I guess. I am not either this game looks pretty bad.
@HotGoomba___Rebrand sniff Good joke man. (eats scoop of ice cream)
Reminder that this company did that Gamer Girl trailer.
My goodness, 3D modelling is better than I thought it was!
These graphics easily beats next gen!
In 2020 particularly for an indie dating sim (or open world nameless protagonist fantasy game, thanks Fable), not being able to have gender options and the ability to choose men, women, or both as dating partners should take off a few points from the start. Most actual dating apps have this option it only makes it more realistic.
Games to ruin marriages, probably that market. If I were a games reviewer, I’m not sure if I would be curious or upset if I was asked to review this game.
I can relate
Such is the life of an introvert
But sometimes you do crave someone for a little while
@jamesthemagi Well, perhaps other people do.
Are we (the author) really trying to say that a same-sex option was needed for this to work? It would require essentially double the workload and/or it would be incredibly trite to simply imagine that all these personalities swing both ways. I suggest that such naivete is ill-suited to someone seeking to assess the craft, or even have such expectations of indie studio games...
I don't get the "We don't know who Five Dates is aimed at" complaint. Isn't it aimed at pretty much the same market any dating sim is aimed at? What's the confusion?
well i am dating in real life and can still have fun playing this game too.
Sorry not for me. Once you go Pigeon you never go back.
Sega CD in 2020.
Funny, ultra realistic graphics first on Switch. Also, wish this was japanese-made because you know why...
Ha ha great idea for a game.
My single question
Who asked for this game?
Bought this with a friend because it looked like it could be a so-bad-it’s-good thing. In reality it’s like paying to see 90 mins of conversation between the most boring, socially awkward people imaginable. And I say that as a fairly boring, socially awkward person.
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