Though the Ys series has been around for decades now (it even predates Final Fantasy), its release history in the West was rather inconsistent until the mid-2000s and the series only really became relevant again to the Nintendo fanbase with the release of Ys VIII in 2018. After a decent follow-up a few years ago with Ys IX, Falcom has now opted to squeeze out one more new entry for the Switch before its much-awaited successor inevitably steals the spotlight. Ys X: Nordics provides yet another strong, enjoyable adventure for Adol and Dogi, effortlessly demonstrating that there’s still a lot of life left in this long-running franchise.
Ys X places you once again in the shoes of the famed red-haired adventurer Adol Christin, who’s travelling with his friends Dogi and Dr. Flair to Celceta to help the doctor with some restorative flowers research. The group is travelling by boat through the Obelia Gulf, but are soon accosted by some Normans—a seafaring group of local enforcers who both maintain order and bully locals. Adol and his party end up landbound after the conflict, but his woes worsen when a Norman leader named Karja attempts to duel Adol on the beach and the two become inseparably bound together by a pair of magical ‘Mana Cuffs’ that they can’t remove.

They soon learn that they alone have the power to fight back against the mysterious Greigr, a race of monsters that threatens to overwhelm the Obelia Gulf and all who live there—Normans included. Left with no other choice, Adol and Karja set out on a quest to thwart the Greigr threat, hopefully learning along the way both how to work together. And how to get those blasted cuffs off.
As in past Ys games, the story here is hardly the main draw, but it checks all the requisite boxes it. Karja is a great addition as a co-lead — she plays well into the ‘frenemy’ dynamic with Adol and has a tomboyish personality that gradually reveals there’s much more to her than just being a local bully. As for the rest of the supporting cast, most are quite forgettable and one-note (perhaps with the main exception of Dogi), but the heavy reliance on tired tropes gives Ys X a sort of corny charm that does just enough to keep you from immediately skipping the cutscenes. We doubt anyone would argue that this is among the finest RPG plots, but it’s certainly ‘good enough’ to keep the game moving.

Gameplay follows the open-ended and action-focused template of its many predecessors, but there are some key additions and changes to make this one feel more like a fresh start. For one, rather than tasking you with exploring a large, interconnected map, you’re instead given a boat called the Sandras and allowed to navigate an open ocean dotted with islands. These seafaring portions of the gameplay loop reminded us quite a bit of Assassin’s Creed IV, right on down to finding crafting materials floating in the waves and navigating the somewhat awkward ship-to-ship battles.
The ship battles are rather exciting at first, but the novelty wears off with time as repetition and the sluggish controls start to hamper the experience. Still, you can upgrade the ship with new weapons and higher stats, doing just enough to keep the battles and sense of progression feeling worthwhile. Meanwhile, it can be pretty fun to navigate to new islands and explore the ocean, but the ship is so slow for the first several hours and the ocean a little too devoid of things to do while travelling between destinations.
Sailing is a bit of a mixed bag, then, but we enjoyed how it spices up the gameplay loop and helps to meaningfully set Ys X apart from its predecessors.

Once you drop anchor and set foot on land, things unfold more closely to the last few Ys games, with one key difference. Gone are the multiple playable party members - now you can only play as either Adol, Karja, or both simultaneously. While playing as either character, your partner will be controlled by AI and fighting other enemies, but holding down the right trigger will activate Duo Mode and allow you to fight as both, which gives you access to some powerful team-up skills and effectively doubles your damage output.
We enjoyed the strategic depth that Duo Mode offers, as there are special enemy attacks that dictate you must either be separate or together to avoid damage, but we felt that Duo Mode was a bit unbalanced, especially on lower difficulty levels. It’s almost always the right choice to fight exclusively with that right trigger held down due to all the advantages it brings, and this can tend to make fighting as either character individually feel rather unsatisfying.
Still, whether you’re fighting solo or duo, Ys X certainly does a great job of delivering that fast and satisfying combat that the series has become known for. Deftly dodging attacks while mopping up mobs with sword slashes and well-timed skill activations is simple fun, and the power ramp feels perfectly judged as you're gradually granted more tools and harder-hitting attacks. Though the action here doesn’t hit the same kind of technical depth that you’d find in a more specialised release like Bayonetta or Astral Chain, Ys X reminds us yet again that this series features some of the finest action combat one can find in an RPG.

Out of combat, Adol and Karja’s exploration of the overworlds and dungeons is bolstered by a small and growing collection of abilities that open new pathways and almost introduce a soft Metroidvania element to the oop. Things like a mana rope that lets you grapple across gaps or a surfboard that lets you shoot across bodies of water are a lot of fun to toy around with, and they help to make the environments feel more diverse and creative with their layouts and obstacles.
Especially on the more story-relevant islands, there’s a lot of stuff to ferret out as you explore, and this isn’t even considering the mountain of side content you can tackle along the way. Things like character subquests for deepening your relationships with the supporting cast and enemy base raids that see you clearing a path to land your boat before storming a fortress on foot help to expand the world of the Obelia Gulf and make it feel more lived in, while giving you diverse tasks to fulfil if you don’t feel like rushing to the next story objective right away. You’re always sufficiently rewarded for your efforts, which helps maintain a great sense of forward momentum.

Adol and Karja can of course receive the typical upgrades to skills and equipment, but the main thing differentiator is a cool take on a stat tree called the Release Line. With this, Adol and Karja each have a small constellation of interconnected nodes, and each one can hold a ‘Mana Seed’ that you either craft, find, or receive as a reward. Different seeds will bolster different stats by a few points once placed, while seeds that are the same colour will generate a passive effect as long as they’re placed adjacent to each other.
It’s an easy-to-learn system that feels like a more forgiving version of the Sphere Grid from Final Fantasy X, and it gives you a lot of agency to build each character to different specifications. Though Adol and Karja may level up together, the mana constellations that are unlocked for each are different shapes, and this combined with the somewhat limited supply of Mana Seeds means that you can’t easily build them in exactly the same way. We appreciated the depth that the Release Line brings to character progression, especially after you’re several hours in and have a lot more options to experiment with.

As for its visuals, Ys X feels like a modest improvement over its predecessors, although some issues remain. This is the first Ys game to be built on Falcom’s new game engine (which was partially made with the Switch hardware in mind) and the results do show some key benefits. Loading screens are a lot less frequent now and the character models themselves are noticeably sharper, although the overall resolution looks a bit muddy and the frame rate still struggles to stay at a consistent 30fps. Despite the issues, we’d still say this is the best-looking and best-performing entry in the series on Switch to date.
These visuals are then supported by a great soundtrack that manages to fuse the series’ penchant for high-energy rock music with more sweeping and adventurous tunes that continue the clear Scandinavian inspiration of Ys X. We’re not sure if we’d yet claim this as the best Ys soundtrack — Ys VIII is seriously hard to beat — but this one is certainly up there.
Ys X stands as another great entry in this long-running action series, bringing in some cool ideas of its own without straying too far from what made its predecessors so beloved. Enjoyable combat, an excellent soundtrack, and an engaging world to explore all make this one an easy recommendation, even if it can stumble a bit with its performance and doesn’t totally stick the landing with all its new ideas. We’d highly recommend Ys X if you’re at all a fan of the past entries or are looking for another solid action RPG to add to your collection.
Comments 37
I’m so happy they prioritized the performance on the Switch! IX was excellent but I think ultimately overlooked on Switch for some shoddy tech issues.
This has the potential to be my game of the year, and I love their confidence to all reviews 11 days before launch!!! Just give it to me already!
Adol is not great with ships, what a shock
Anyway, very excited to play this
@SwitchVogel «Name a more iconic Duo, I'll wait»
Kyō Kusanagi and Iori Yagami. 😎
Thank you for the review. Seems like a fun adventure and glad to hear Switch performance seems mostly solid.
I'm used to the party based Ys games (Seven, Memories of Celceta, etc.) so I'm interested to see how this one will feel to play in comparison.
Tiny text again. They need to do better for handheld. Trails is like this too and some text is nearly impossible to read.
My most anticipated release for the remainder of 2024. Glad to hear it's really solid. I'll be buying on PS5 or Steam Deck so performance shouldn't be too much of a concern
Romário and Bebeto
I can't wait for this; YS 9 was kind of disappointing, but from what i've read in the review Nordics is actually alot better. Fantastic
I do wonder if it can reach the heights of Ys8, but I'll definitely buy this and see myself^^
btw, a more iconic duo: Mario and Luigi? xD
Been looking forward to Ys X ever since I binged the whole Ys series last year.
Will be playing this for sure.
Gonna jump on this after I finish Metaphor. I'm always fine with more Ys.
Thanks for the review, have preordered this physically slightly discounted from my usual retailer here in Italy and I'm looking forward to playing it (along with the other Ys games already on Switch at some point), even more so after reading about it here - just don't know when between all the games coming out these months!
Ys 8 blew me away, I thought it was incredible. Great story, too. Ys 9 left me cold, for some reason... the city setting was so drab and featureless. I always feel that Ys is at its best in natural settings... Celceta was also lovely. If Adol is back to nature in 10, I would have very high hopes.
I'm a big fan of the US series, so this is great to hear. I love the art style more than IX and the combat looks more fluid.
This and Romancing SaGa 2 are my October games to get.
"Name a more iconic Duo, I'll wait"
Salt and Pepper
The first Ys I've ever played was Oath in Felghana back on PSP, and I loved it to death. Everything was awesome, the story, atmosphere, soundtrack, platforming and combat, it was even fully voice acted! I've watched gameplays and reviews of every single Ys game since then and never felt like buying any. They are just different. Who knows...
@GameName Isn't that one getting a remake/remaster next year? I thought I'd heard that, but i'm not sure..
I know for sure it's very beloved though, perhaps more so than Lacrimosa of Dana
@Maubari Hey, thanks for the heads-up, had absolutely no idea! Felghana is apparently coming to Switch as a remaster in early 2025. That settles it, I'm just skipping Nordics for now.
... Oh no, what have I done.
You really should give Nordics a try at least; aside from the sailing, the rest of the game seems really good.. and YS VIII Lacrimosa of Dana is my personal favourite Playstation title AND JRPG of all time. It's such a wonderful title; would be a shame to pass up on it!
@GameName they definitely changed a lot over the years. Ys Origin to 6 are pretty much hack and slash, from 7 onward they became 100% action JRPG with builds, skill, team managing etc...
I personally loved both styles, but I can see how someone would not dig the new direction.
How is the script compared to 8-9? They were the definite "no-go" for me, marking a clear line from "We don't want to do Ys anymore" to "We want to make Trails but action". And god I hate Trails.
I see they backed from the party-based combat which is a good start, but are the dialogs bloated like in Ys 8-9 and all Trails, or is it back to the good old Ys where action and exploration were king?
@GameName every Ys up to Seven were similar to Oath in Felgahna. Seven stirred things a bit but 8 and 9 were definitely different kind of games as the team in charge of Trails started to pollute the series and Falcom interpreted (wrongly) the good sales as Ys fan wanting more Trails and less Ys.
On Switch you can find the best of the old school Ys, Origins. It's often on sales on the eShop
@Astropez I feel 8 had a good balance after the First 5-6 hours. But yes, Ys 9 took so long to take off it's ridiculous.
@GoldenSunRM issue with 9 is really the same as Trails: one chapter, one character, one part of town/prison. Adding the girl who keeps telling you that she knows everything but can't tell you (she doesn't want rather), and the moral of each chapter (really? You open a flower shop to help poor people out of their poverty instead of actually giving them what they need ????). The action part wasn't that bad but god the writing was so *****. I know NES games with much better writing and character development
@GameName Felghana is my favorite in the series too. Ys 8 is very good too though
I miss the top down view.
All Falcom games, kinda looks and feels the same now...
I enjoyed VIII for a while, but ultimately ran out of steam.
The graphics in the screen shots for X look passable, but the game engine is probably overdue for an overhaul. Assuming that the textures will be similar on the PS5, unacceptable to me for a game series that has been around this long. Especially considering was has been achieved on PS5, and even Switch, by other developers.
Glad for fans of the franchise that this reviewed well, but I will probably pass.
Nice! Can't wait to play this one. Ys VIII is one of my favorite games of all time, and this looks right what I want from a sequel (unfortunately, I've never been able to play IX because of the world setting).
Man, so many GREAT games coming out lately... It's hard to believe this console is almost 8 years old.
Looking forward to playing this on PS5. For those that didn't like Ys IX you should try again. I wasn't huge on the setting initially but it starts to get some variety as you get further. Not just city settings. Also the story gets more interesting too.
@MindfulGamer Unfortunately, this was the game that came after they did an engine overhaul, and the cost of making that new engine nearly bankrupted the company, so I wouldn't expect any Falcom games to look much better anytime soon.
In defense of the company, I'd say this is the prime example of an 'AA' game. Falcom isn't quite indie, but it has nowhere near the resources and funds that a company like Atlus or Square Enix can throw at a project. Naturally, this means that they simply can't match the graphics and production quality of bigger studios, but I don't think that means they can't compete. Ys is seen by many as one of the best examples of an action RPG, and I think it's commendable that Falcom has built the series to what it is today.
Mild performance issues aside, Ys X: Nordics seems to be reviewing pretty well. I have the game preordered and intend to start it soon, though maybe not on launch day.
@Antraxx777 Felghana is my favorite as well. That game kept me occupied while I was in the middle east and I'll always be thankful.
First of all, Adol SHOULD have a boat. He washes ashore so much that people have started questioning his accounts of prologue chapters, but he always DOES wash ashore. He can't swim in this game, so the game just warps him back to land when he jumps into water. This all makes sense, guys.
But yes ofc I am getting this. Ys IX was the odd misstep, but the series looks to be back on track. I just really wish they would've given this another year or so of polish.
Skipped IX because of reported Switch poor performance
Will get X
Weird that they didn't bother fixing IX....
Well, after playing the demo for a while (skipping all cutscenes), I can say the game runs great! Also in town. I'm very surprised, especially after seeing that Ys IX run terribly on Switch, even after the patches...
The game looks real fun, it reminded a lot to Ys VIII. I can't wait to play the whole thing!
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