Don’t you think a gaming hero should have a sort of heroic name? Rastan! Sparkster! Astyanax! Right? Yet here we are with the Snow Bros, Nick and Tom. Nicholas Snow and Thomas Snow. Not bad names – we can foresee a gritty murder mystery series starring one Thomas Snow coming to ITV in the near future – but not names that inspire enormous confidence in their capability. Nor should they, because the Snow Bros are a bit rubbish. The friendly local Twin Princesses get abducted, while Nick and Tom get turned into snowmen. And not even the flying kind who take you to see Santa then melt away while leaving behind a scarf in a skillfully produced allegory for grief. But we digress.
Toaplan's Snow Bros. is basically a take on Bubble Bobble, really, but the difference is that Bub and Bob's inaugural appearance is a masterpiece, and Snow Bros. is a weak imitation. The game surely has a cult following and prices on the secondhand market are sky-high, but it's just not that fun to play. Movement and jumping feel floaty and weird. Everything is sort of grotesque-looking, but not in that Binding of Isaac gross-cute kind of way. You walk around freezing enemies. You collect various items for points. There's very little to it and its appeal seems to extend only to its fans. A Snow Bros. fan, can you imagine?
Maybe that's a little unfair. After all, the game runs smoothly at 60fps even when the screen is busy. There's some appeal in the unusual character designs. The new intro sequence is well-drawn and quite cute. See how we're scraping the barrel here? There's just so little to get excited about. We're thinking about other single-screen games. Remember Tumblepop? It wasn't even that good. Six out of ten at best. We prefer it to Snow Bros., though.
But what do you do in it? Not much. The Snow Bros. (sigh) have the power to throw snow at their enemies, turning them into a giant snowball which can then be pushed to send it off on its way, destroying any enemies it happens to hit. This could be fitfully fun, you know, but once you've chained one group of enemies with a flying snowball, you've sort of chained them all. They're not really interesting enemies either, they just potter about waiting to die. The game seems to make up for their deficiencies by loading every single platform with them. Occasionally, the Snow Bros. can fly, when they pick up a green potion which lets them zip all over the screen and basically automatically win the level. The potions are a whole thing; they'll appear all over the field and grant increased speed and power. Taking a hit means you lose all this, but it doesn't really meaningful affect the difficulty because everything feels identical.
The level layouts are pretty uninteresting, too. You clear every level in exactly the same way. It's monotonous stuff, and playing with a friend doesn't remedy that because there's really nothing to get your teeth into. There's no reason to go head-to-head, and co-operating isn't interesting in the slightest. It's the sort of thing you'd put kids in front of to keep them quiet.
Interestingly, there's a bonus mode in the game called "Monster Challenge", which allows you to play as one of the game's enemies and try to stop the Snow Bros. You unlock each monster by "satisfying certain conditions", apparently. We say "apparently" because this mode — the most intriguing part of the game — is actually paid DLC if you don't buy the physical version. Yep, if you want to take on what signs point to as being the best part of Snow Bros. Nick & Tom Special, digital purchasers will need to shell out their hard-earned cash on top of what they already spent getting the base game. Outrageous, frankly, and astonishingly hubristic considering there's basically nothing else to add variety.
Sure, there's the Survival (one-life) and Time Trial modes (the latter of which at least lets you save your progress), but they don't offer anything new on top of the 80 stages already here. Admittedly that is 30 more than the original game had, but with Snow Bros. we're looking at the kind of game where we'd personally prefer fewer levels. Maybe it could have... two levels. Or maybe just one? No levels might be a decent idea.
Snow Bros is so simple that there's almost nothing to say about it, and it's not simple in the fun, easy-to-pick-up sense; it's the kind of simple that quickly begins to show up just how little there is of consequence to do. It's not broken, and we didn't expect Snow Bros. Special to turn into a driving simulator or anything, but 80 straight levels of this is enough to drive anyone crazy.
Look, there's no way to sugarcoat it — Snow Bros. wasn't worth bringing back. It's pretty much a D-grade arcade game with no interesting hook, and no amount of gussying it up can disguise that. The Monster Challenge mode sounds interesting, but it's DLC. All that was really needed was 'Arcade Archives: Snow Bros,' so that fans could get what they want at a decent price, the game was preserved on a modern console, and we could all just move on with our lives. It's gonna be a snow from us.
Comments 101
even the arcade original was never as fun as Bubble Bobble. snow well.
I (foolishly?) bought my copy via LRG, so, my copy will be held to ransom until the other 2 pre-orders are manufactured...
I look forward to playing this in January 2023 if the 8 month wait for my order from last September is any indication.
If it's boring and not fun then why is it a 4, it should be a 0-2
@Deepdoop did you check out the scoring policy?
"A game with a four may well have some redeeming features, but we're clearly issuing caution to stay away from this game. Broken gameplay, bugs, bad control schemes, inflexible options, and repetitiveness - all these are factors which may contribute to a score of four."
I'll stick with the real deal thanks. IMHO nothing beats Puzzle Bobble and Bubble Bobble.
Love it or hate it they did a good job preserving the original vibe of the artwork in this remake. Nearly every Bubble Bobble remake, while having superior gameplay to Snow Bros., has looked like hot garbage.
I liked Snow Bros back on the NES and this looks to be a greater ay to revisit that game. So I'm looking forward to getting this. More so on sale cause that's how I buy my games these days. Backlog is big
Yikes, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something?
I don't think this is a fair review at all. The whole point of the game is a pick-up-and-play arcade experience that's about stretching your quarter/life as long as you can. You stack powerups, chain combos, collect 'S N O W' letters to hit the bonus round. When you die, you lose all of your stacked powerups, start off weak again and attempt to build yourself back up. All this in an attempt to get the high score before your game ends.
It's actually quite fun. I actually prefer the speed and franticness over the slower pace of Bubble Bobble.
To each their own, I guess. I just find it weird to see a pretty good little game like this disparaged so harshly when so many 'visual novels' and big-boobed anime fan service Sims get high scores and are labelled 'must plays'. Maybe I'm out of touch?
> "Snow Bros. we're looking at the kind of game where we'd personally prefer fewer levels. Maybe it could have... two levels. Or maybe just one? No levels might be a decent idea."
Like, come on, how is this even a fair thing to say at all? It's crazy. I usually don't speak up about reviews I disagree with, but this one seems unnecessarily harsh. Like, were you paid by some rival company to trash this or something?
This is my favorite review I've seen on this site! Top marks all around
Crikey, that's a somewhat snarky review. It may not match up to Bubble Bobble or Rodland, but I loved it in the arcades, and had a lot of fun with it. It's rather charming.
That's an unfair review. I'm shocked
@Silly_G I also got FOMO'd by LRG on this one. Keeping an open mind but feeling a little snookered.
This review was boring and not fun to read.
@FNL Not really one to comment here much but I REALLY agree with this. Snow Bros. may not be everyone's cup of tea but it's not really fair to say the remake is bad just because this particular reviewer didn't like the original game, if anything that's just pure bias. The DLC criticism is fairly valid at the very least, but I guess this game is considered a cult classic for a reason :/
Yeah, I purposely avoided saying that there wasn't ANYTHING of merit in the review, because I totally agree about the DLC - I'm flabbergasted that they're charging additional for the monster mode, but the rest of the review... Yeeeeesh. It reads like they asked a First-Person Shooter reviewer to review a dating simulator.
@FNL @TurboSpork It really reads like that, the reviewer just doesn't like the game at all, especially since it's not Bubble Bobble. Oh well, I had a blast with this game on the arcades, so of course, I'll buy this one, a charmingly simple game that it's actually quite fun IMO.
Well I had a blast when I played it with my friends as a kid, and I'm sure I can have at least 20 minutes of fun if I play it today.
@FNL I agree with you. I've always found Snow Bros to be a blast. I could understand maybe giving it a 6, saying it's not for everyone, but a 4 is downright calling it a BAD game, which I think this doesn't even come close to. Maybe some old games don't hold up to certain people, but unless the game was viewed as awful on it's release, I don't think it's really fair to trash this one. It seems like a labour of love that was brought to a niche audience.
Really, I find this game like a more accessible Bubble Bobble. If there's one thing I can complain about Bubble Bobble, it's that one level where you have to precisely jump on your bubbles to reach the top. I would actually recommend this game to younger audiences.
I once again find myself completely disagreeing with Stuart and yet fully supporting his opinion and writing style.
Much like his Dr. Mario 64 review, the entire thesis seems to be "well actually, this game is bollocks and was never good because other games do what it does better." Maybe a fair point, but I always felt that Snow Bros. had enough to differentiate it from Bubble Bobble, especially if you're a score chaser. The mechanic of getting to the top of the stage, balling up an enemy, and trying to chain as many enemies as possible while snowballing down is a solid bit of arcade game design of you ask me.
What a sarcastic kick in the azz review.
Meh I'll just wait for HAMSTER to give us the arcade version instead, either that or wait for Nintendo to put the NES & Sega Genesis versions on NSO.
Awww... I was hoping that this would be at least a 7. I had fun playing the original arcade game when the fair came to town every August.
Well, the great thing about opinions is that everyone is entitled to their own, and we can respectfully disagree or agree. So, I'm totally fine with that. I can't stand visual novels, but I think it's cool that other people enjoy them.
That being said, I really LOVED playing Snow Bros. in the arcade and am excited to check this out!
Also, this was still a very well-written review
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So it's boring and it's not fun. That's quite the sales pitch.
Love snow bros. The original is a classic and think this review is wayyy off base. Different opinions eh.
As far as ‘kill’emup’ games go, it’s definitely not the worst in the genre. I’d have gone with a claymation look for this remake, that’d have been cool
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This simply looks like Snow Bros but with higher resolution graphics. That's it.
Must buy for me as I'm "A Snow Bros. fan, can you imagine?"
I'm pleased to hear the graphics are good and the game runs at a smooth 60 fps.
I will definitely be getting the physical as a collector but won't be using the affiliate link here.
I used to play Snow Bros on my Gameboy back in the days and can recall that I quite enjoyed it. It seems strange if they made the new version worse than it used to be, but remasters and rewhatevers seem very bland when they stick too close to the originals as well.
But it’s true that the review seems a bit harsh, especially since the reviewers profile says “Hello. I like every videogame.” This seems to be an exception.
@DK-Fan Some of it is funny in a snarky way (I really liked the Frosty the Snowman reference) but it’s like I can’t take anything they say in the review seriously
@bimmy-lee He should work for The Onion
Why anyone would pay for this when there are probably 1,000 free mobile ones that are just as good or better better is beyond me.
@Deepdoop That's the EGM way of thinking, to score games solely on "fun". A boring game should be a 5 if it is at least properly functional. Remember that bugs and poor game design can make a game worse than "boring".
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An arcade Classic. But not for this site.
Another wrong review from NintendoLife. "Well" done, guys...
@Antraxx777 - Ha, yeah, this gimmick would certainly go over better in satire than an actual game review.
@RubyCarbuncle Those games just make you "Bust-A-Move". I'll leave now
I haven't played much Snow Bros myself, but hey... If it gets a good discount, I'll definitely bite.
@KingMike what. A 5 should be mediocre, not a "at least it's playable." We have become so accepting of trash games in recent years and it's both sad and hilarious
This kind of review belongs on a personal blog, not a popular gaming site.
This review is crazy. I'm a huge Bubble Bobble fan, and I've always preferred it to this game in the arcades, but when I got around to playing it, it always felt like fun to me. This is such a mean-spirited review I cannot believe it's on Nintendo Life.
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i was like "what, snow bros was nothing like bubble bobble, huh" but then two hours later realized i was thinking of liquid kids
I loved this game on arcade growing up and definitely fun. It appears they need a different person to review this type of games...
I presume this port only has old elves, no new ones.
Are we really complaining about the presence of bias in an opinion piece? Again?
@Deepdoop But if a 0 is "at least it's playable", then what are the games that aren't playable going to be rated? We'd need to add negative scores.
I'm thinking the old hypothetical situation someone points a gun at you and demands you finish the game or else. You going to be finishing that game ("playable bad") or let them shoot (unplayable)? There has to be a ratings distinction for that.
@Mr_Pepperami Opinions? Nooooo! Mr. Gipp is objectively wrong for not liking games other people like! DoN't YoU uNdErStAnD?
@KingMike your reply has made me realize just how little I actually care about this, you win.
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Terrible, terrible review. The main selling point: it looks like Bubble Bobble bit it's not Bubble Bobble, therefore it sucks. Also, calling Snow Bros a D tier arcade game gives me the measure of how little the review knows about the whole arcade scene. And I'm not even talking about the remake here.
I refrain, plain wrong, biased and shallow review. I can agree with a bad rating if it's backed by reasonable opinions, but that's not the case. This review gets a 0/10.
I used to loooove this game as a kid, I played the famicon version with my brothers and always had a laugh when we snowballed each other into enemies. Guess I will wait for a sale.
Hmm, I still want to try this game out. I saw a video of the original and it looks like something I can get into.
@AlienigenX I loved this game in the arcades, but I never had money as a kid. Anyways I just wanted to say I love the Klaus Nomi pic. Now I'll have "Total Eclipse" stuck in my head for the rest of the day
Aw, this saddens me Stuart! Snow Bros is honestly a great take on the single screen puzzle format as long as you constrict yourself to single credit runs, attempt to go the distance, and do your best to increase your personal scoring. Credit feeding any arcade game is boring!
@Clash81 that explains a lot
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@drj i bet you say that to all the girls.
@somebread Works every time, mate.
I just feel bad for the new, upstart developer whose sales will suffer because one of the few reviews of their game was written by someone who wanted to be a comedian more than they wanted to critically evaluate the product.
All the more inexcusable when the comedy sucks.
@FNL Was agreeing with you until "visual novels" came into your comment. (But I still agree with most of what you said. And honestly that part of your comment felt out of place with what you are getting at.)
Many great visual novels out there.
The reviewer doesn’t made it clear but this sounds like a remake of the Megadrive version - not the Arcade!!!!
The Megadrive has 80 levels and from level 50 the Snowmen get captured so you play as the Princesses who have to rescue them. Also the Megadrive has the animated intro.
The other thing that isn’t mentioned is killing all the enemies on screen with one snowball causes several large bonus items to drop(not sure if the correct name for them). Or hitting more then 1 enemy with a snowball causes power ups and better items to drop there’s even unlockable bonus screens. There’s a lot more skill to the game then the review would have you believe such as using snowballs to block enemies.
@Shadow_Dancer this all feels like it lends credence to the angle of "bubble bobble but not"
Really terrible review. A complete waste of my time.
While you're welcome to disagree with our review in the comments, I'd like to remind everyone of our Community Rules, specifically 3c. concerning feedback and criticism — insulting authors will not be tolerated.
While you may not agree with the opinion, that doesn't invalidate this review. If you utterly adored the original game, you'll likely find more to like about this version than Stuart did, which would be the same with any remaster or remake. As with all reviews, this is a subjective evaluation. Please be polite if you feel the need to disagree.
I remember rather enjoying this in a arcade as a kid. It looked super pretty (for the time) and was quite intuitive. Probably worth a few quid at least.
The paid DLC though is very not cool, there's really no excuse for not including it in the base package.
If it included the original game I'd be tempted. Note to devs remaking a game: INCLUDE THE ORIGINAL GAME!
@dartmonkey Review scores are subjective, yes. But reviews that contain nearly no substantive information are just bad reviews. Stuart is taking it on the nose because his evaluation of Snow Bros. reveals more about him than about the game.
If you want constructive feedback, here you go:
Since this is a remake, you could have said something about the history of the series. You could have said something about the developer, CRT Games. You could have spoken about strategy or about how the game evolves over time. (Though it's painfully clear almost none of it was played.) If you wanted to comment on coop, perhaps you should have tried it. Same for the "Monster Challenge" mode.
Keep the 4 out of 10, but just take the time to write a better review.
@drj Ditto. That's what I'm expecting from a review of this game, nothing more, nothin less. Then (and only then) i can accept any score you're willing to give, high or low.
@threeboy I couldn't disagree with you anymore even if I wanted to.
Wrong reviewer for the game. I know we all have different opinions but you obviously have some disastrously Wrong takes
"How to tell me you've never been to an arcade without telling me you've never been to an arcade."
Understood. But this review is amateur. Your website should strive for better writers than this.
Got the physical asian version just today. Never really played Snow Bros before. I think its fun and very kawaii. Fun hitting those chain kills. And controls great especially when speed up. I wonder though, is external autofire/rapid fire frowned upon among snow bro veterans? I noticed there is no autofire in the game.
When a writer tries to make a review to highlight his snark rather than the actual game. How about having someone who actually likes the game, review it? Out the gate it’s I don’t like the arcade game to begin with…so why is a man who admittedly doesn’t like the original source product, reviewing this game to begin with?
This review reminds me of a G4 review of FIFA years ago, where the reviewer starts off by saying I hate soccer and then gives FIFA a 4/10, because he hates soccer and therefore, this game sucks to. The angry bald guy from G4 was the culprit. This is the same error here.
Hopefully we see the ports. And hopefully this guy doesn’t review them!
I loved Snow Bros. on Game Boy and NES, and later when I played the arcade ROM. I have more fun with that then with Bubble Bobble, which aggravates me with jumping on bubbles required in later stages. All this release needed for me to buy it was the Arcade ROM included, but they ruined it with the ugly graphical style.
Also, this is the first time I have disliked the actual review on this site. Maybe since it's a remake, have someone with a slight fondness for the original give it a review? I don't know.
Bought this because it reminded me of Tumblepop. It's a fun little diversion for the price. Does the reviewer just not like one screen puzzle games?
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Kind of a vague review. I feel you are holding back how you really feel.
I’d you don’t like a game, fine, you don’t like it. Nothing wrong with that. But as a reviewer, give us info about the game to help us decide if we would like the game. Not just finding a dozen different way to write, “this game sucks.”
@bluemage1989 I find this comment incredibly insulting.
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@bluemage1989 generally if you're going to call 90% of a website untalented hack writers over one snarky review from the snarky reviewer it's not exactly constructive criticism, innit
you comment how much you hate this site's writing so often it's kind of becoming redundant
@bluemage1989 I think I do a pretty good job here - and for publications past. I’m fine with criticism, but “amateur” would be pushing it.
I figured we'd see this as a DLC action game in one of the M2 Toaplan Garage collections. In the snooker clubs and arcades I used to loiter in as a kid, Snow Bros was always a busy cabinet. Much moreso than Bubble Bobble. The reviewer sounds like an irrational and quite petulant 9 yr old, here. You're fired buddy.
As someone who loves the original arcade game and prefers it over the original Bubble Bobble arcade game, this review feels massively off-base to me - that is unless they've really messed up the feel and controls in the shift over to widescreen and modern graphics. But no mention of that in the review, or whether there's a retro graphics mode for purists, etc.
Can't comment further until I play this remake, but for now I'm going to have to read some other reviews.
@Mr_Pepperami I have the same different opinion as you to the reviewer.
This was a d- grade review and wasn’t fun to read, it was also boring. Did I mention it wasn’t fun? Why not have someone who actually likes this game review it? As someone who liked the original I got nothing out of the review. Why not talk about the changes if any that are in this, does it feel any different to play? Etc. Sorry but this unfun review is also not very useful as a review. It was pretty amateur like someone else said. If this review were a game it certainly wouldn’t be anywhere near as good as snow bros.
@RadioShadow Yes. Agreed. Good read! A tad harsh, yes, but not uninteresting to read. There are clearly people who love this game. Had I had it back on the day on the Nes, I am sure my brother and I would have LOVED IT. We had Bubble Bobble though, so that is where my heart is.
@threeboy What was your issue with how the Bubble Bobble remakes looked?
@StuartGipp You should really respond to several comments here. They've provided some compelling counterattacks.
@Dog they looked bad to me. I really liked the style of the original arcade and NES port. The ones that really stuck out as horrible are the Wii Ware Bubble Bobble remake and the Switch Bubble Bobble 4 Friends - both are nightmare inducing. There have been over 30 ports of the original game so there are probably some okay ones in there too.
Huh. I just finished this game with my sister for the first time yesterday and it was a blast! I like this game even more than Bubble Bobble personally. This review bashed Snow Bros. and put Bubble Bobble on a pedestal, yet almost all criticisms for Snow Bros. would also apply to Bubble Bobble too.
I do agree that the asking price for the game is too high, and the DLC should be included with the base game, but this review was a bit too harsh and way too snarky for my taste. On a side note, either Snow Bros. or Nightmare in the Dark is my new favorite game of this sort now! I do recommend this game, but only for a sale price. $20 for such a small game is pretty steep, in my opinion.
Dreadful review, because it's little more than an opinion piece that the reviewer just doesn't like it as much as Bubble Bobble rather than any attempt to talk in any detail about the gameplay mechanics or judge the game on it's own merits. Also, the continued usage of 'we' in the article suggests that it's also how everybody on the Nintendo Life team feels rather than just being the reviewer's own views so I also think that's a little on the unprofessional side. I've tried to make my feedback constructive but I won't be surprised if this ends up being removed for 'unconstructive feedback' either, if it gets spotted 🙄
I get the sense that the reviewer did not actually play this game in multiplayer given that all the screenshots in this review are from single player and the only mention of two player is breezed over in a brief paragraph, which is a bit of a problem considering Snow Bros was always designed as a co-op arcade experience. The bosses in particular start to become massive difficulty spikes starting from Floor 40 when playing alone since you have to beat them with just three lives, whereas in co-op you can both revive infinitely as long as you don't lose all your lives at the same time.
I doubt they played far enough to discover this though, because aside from the boss difficulty not being mentioned at all, the claim that the enemies simply "potter about" is flat out wrong beyond the earliest levels. The enemies all have very unique movement and attack patterns, which is the whole selling point of Monster Challenge mode. It's a lot of fun to use their overpowered abilities against them - though I fully agree it should have been included in the base purchase rather than tacked on as DLC.
There are certainly some valid criticisms to be made (a thin amount of content for $20, no way to save your progress to pick up later, poor difficulty balancing for a solo player), but I don't think Nick & Tom were given a fair shake for this review.
Phew, thanks for being frank. I love bubble bobble style games but this one’s a miss.
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