When it comes to knowing a game inside and out, the game's developer is usually top dog. That is, of course, the case for Stardew Valley's creator, Eric Barone (aka ConcernedApe), but this is a sandbox so massive that there are bound to be some elements that even the brain behind it all hasn't ticked off.
That was the case until earlier this week. You see, yesterday, ConcernedApe took to Twitter to reveal that he has finally 100% completed his own game (on Steam, at least).
As it turns out, the creator was still yet to nab the 'Fector's Challenge' achievement — one that only 1.2% of players managed — which requires you to complete the 'Journey of the Prairie King' minigame without dying.
Clearly, it's no mean feat — heck, 1.2% is a crazy low number — and Barone was quick to point out on Twitter that he didn't "cheese" the system with sleep saves, "it was a legitimate no-death run".
Now, if you've been trying to tick off this one on Steam and want some tips from the best, Barone has you covered there, too. It's all a matter of planning, it seems, with the creator suggesting you should "Purchase the best item you can afford in this order: ammo > revolver > boots," save a machine gun power up for select combat encounters and focus on getting money. You'll find his full advice below:
How does ConcernedApe celebrate landing the final achievement, you might be wondering. "The dev gave me a pat on the back," he wrote. Heheh.
For those playing on Switch, the long-awaited ver. 1.6 update is set to come our way next week on 4th November.