Over the years, narratives in pop culture mediums have hypothesised over how the future might turn out for the human race: in James Cameron's Terminator 2: Judgement Day, 1997 would have seen Earth decimated by Skynet's new-found sentience; Back to the Future Part II visualised a 2015 in which we'd all be cruising around on hoverboards and rocking self-drying jackets; Blade Runner went wild and thought that the year 2019 would see bioengineered replicants roaming about Earth after escaping off-world colonies.
Now, it's the turn of Perfect Dark. Released back in 2000 for the N64, Rare's first-person shooter depicted a world set in the year 2023 during which two alien races - the Maians and the Skedar - are locked in an interstellar war. On Earth, two rival corporations known as The Carrington Institute and dataDyne are both in league with the Maians and the Skedar respectively. Joanna Dark, the game's protagonist, carries out multiple missions including the elimination of a clone of the President, and the destruction of the Skedar leader on the alien homeworld.
Needless to say, the setting of Perfect Dark is quite different to the 2023 that we've all welcomed in the real world. Here, we've got absurdly rich people taking over social media platforms, $70 video games, and a rather frustratingly mediocre sequel to one of the most beloved indie titles to grace the Nintendo Switch. The world most certainly has its fair share of issues as we head into 2023, but we can at least be safe in the knowledge that there are no alien factions pulling the strings (at least, not that we're aware of...).
Perfect Dark is, of course, heading for a full-blown revival over on the Xbox family of consoles and is being headed up by Microsoft-owned studio The Initiative with support from Crystal Dynamics. Little is known of the project at this stage, but we do at least know that it won't be gracing any Nintendo platforms in the near future. That makes us sad.
What do you make of Perfect Dark's vision for 2023? Which other gaming predictions do you think are worthy of a mention? Let us know with a comment!
[source twitter.com]
Comments 30
Every Sci-Fi Movie in the 80s though we'd either have jetpacks by now or live in a post apocalyptic hellhole (Like California).
There's still 362 days...
I'm still busy getting over the fact I don't have a hover board. My feelings towards the lack of an alien war will have to wait.
Still waiting for Manhattan to become a prison (1997 - Escape from New York's) and cryogenic freezing of prisoners (1996 - Demolition Man) but we still have 9 years until we have to work out how to use the Three Shells (2032 - Same film)
We weren't wiped out by a tech-induced plague (2021 - Johnny Mnemonic) but not far off
80s films really thought the world would go to hell in the late nineties
After the absurdity of the last three years, I wouldn't rule out an alien invasion happening some time soon.
I know it's not her, but whenever I look at the box art for Perfect Dark, I immediately think of Krystal from Star Fox. I think it's because of the eyes. Does anyone else think of Krystal when they see that box art?
All I want is for that development hell sequel @ the initiative to be good. Probably won’t.
I think I would welcome alien wars at this stage to be honest.
@AstroTheGamosian Maybe not Krystal but I've always thought the character on the box art had less to do with Joanna Dark than a cartoon mouse.
I didn't know there was a reboot/remake of Perfect Dark in the works. Good for Xbox players !
I absolutely cannot wait for the Perfect Dark Revival. 😍🙏
@Rika_Yoshitake Stats say otherwise... 😜
Wasn't original Perfect Dark price like $60? it was much more expensive than gameboy or playstation games.
The "rocket controlled via remote screen" weapon kind of came true.
slight correction: no alien wars yet!
keep hope alive 🥂
In the UK there used to be a programme called 'Tomorrow's World' which used to imagine how things would change in the future. That got pretty much everything wrong too, so people thinking a story made up for a computer game to come true is pretty sad.
@Rika_Yoshitake California is rad AF, I bet you live in some land-locked hellhole where they eat frosting straight from the container while complaining about all the jobs taken from them by other people "nontfrumrounhere".
I think this article is a little misguided: in Perfect Dark there is a secret alien war - even Joanna (who is Carrington's star agent) is surprised to discover the existence of the aliens. For all we plebs know, 2023 is going exactly as predicted.
2023 has a long way to go yet so 🤞
@dimi Some Super Nintendo games were $70 or $80 at retail back in the day, many NES games were $60. Video game prices in general haven't inflated much over the years until recently with DLC and season passes making up the difference. It wasn't until Sony's push with the PS5 that games are starting to go to a $70 MSRP.
Back in the day video game prices weren't a flat rate, but could vary based on how much they cost to produce plus how many they think they'd sell.
For example, a popular platformer like "Super Mario 3" or "Sonic the Hedgehog" would typically be around $49.99, but a big, epic RPG (that wouldn't sell nearly as many copies) such as "Phantasy Star 3" was usually around $79.99.
They predicted a black president....so alien wars aren't off the table.
"You can't make accusations like that without evidence, I ASHUME that you have some?"
No alien wars that you're aware of... But isn't part of the alien war plot that it is all kept secret, most of the time?
@Rika_Yoshitake There was an apocalypse in California?
Well, The Terminator ran California for a while, there is that. Don't worry if you missed it... he'll be back.
No alien wars....yet.
Uh oh... I guess we better be wary this year of tall, handsome Nordic men in long white coats.
@Nico07 I remember Gameboy cartridge prices were way lower.
Would love a remade or remastered port of Perfect Dark for Switch. Such a great game. I'd also take a new Conduit, Binary Domain, Vanquish, Oni and/or TimeSplitters if we're talking bringing back old sci-fi shooters.
... Wun can only hope.
And still no big head mode!!! This was my shooter many moons ago. I still dig this and timesplitters the most.
This would be an immediate purchase if they at least remade Perfect Dark for modern consoles including Switch. I don’t mind not having a sequel but I want the original on Switch! And Conker’s Bad Fur Day!
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