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Nintendo of America has been named alongside hiring firm Aston Carter in a National Labor Relations Board filing alleging "concerted activities" and "coercive actions" to violate an individual worker's protected right to unionise.

As reported by Stephen Totilo at Axios Gaming, the complaint was filed on Friday 15th April 2022 and, while the document itself isn't visible on the NLRB filing page, the allegations made by an unnamed worker include the following:

8(a)(3) Discharge (Including Layoff and Refusal to Hire (not salting))
8(a)(1) Coercive Statements (Threats, Promises of Benefits, etc.)
8(a)(1) Concerted Activities (Retaliation, Discharge, Discipline)
8(a)(1) Coercive Actions (Surveillance, etc)

Aston Carter is a cross-continental staffing and recruitment company that has worked with Nintendo to fill various in-house positions.

The exact details of the case beyond the charges listed above are unclear at present, and neither company has commented publicly at this stage. An investigation will follow examining the details of the allegations.

The question of workers' rights in the video game industry has been a hot topic recently, with employees at Activision Blizzard having taken steps to unionise following the harassment and discrimination lawsuit(s) which put a spotlight on workplace issues across the gaming industry since surfacing in 2021.

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