Bravely Default II may have started out as a Nintendo Switch exclusive when it was released earlier this year, but now, just six months later, Square Enix has announced the acclaimed RPG will be coming to Steam next week on 2nd September.
While we've seen this with quite a few Nintendo Switch exclusives in recent times - perhaps the major Square Enix title before this one was Octopath Traveler - which arrived on Steam in 2019. This followed with the same game's Xbox and Xbox Game Pass launch in March this year.
Bravely Default II's Steam release also marks the first time one of the major entries in the series has been released on another platform. Before this, the original game and Bravely Default: Second Layer were both exclusives to the Nintendo 3DS. With any luck, there's a chance Square Enix will now consider re-releasing these older entries on modern platforms.
How do you feel about Bravely Default II being announced for Steam so soon after the exclusive Switch release? Will you be replaying it on this platform? Have you finished the game on the Switch yet? Leave a comment down below.
Comments 74
Guess I’ll probably get round to playing it then 😂
The age of exclusive games is almost over, it's not worth it to make a game and release it on only one platform, even games made by Sony and that used to be PlayStation exclusives are now coming to PC as well.
Guess that only the games made by Nintendo will stay exclusive to Nintendo hardware because Nintendo needs them to sell hardware, even then, I think Nintendo should make an exception and release collections of classic NES, SNES and Game Boy games to other consoles.
@victordamazio Tell that to Atlus lol
Nah it doesn't count, PC Is not a console. 😛
@nessisonett same here. I was like "60 dollars? yeah maybe I will wait"
But when I see PC release- " ok, maybe I will get it on PC instead once I build my PC"
@victordamazio There is a reason why Sony and Microsoft release games on PC and why Nintendo won't.
One reason is simply that Sony and Microsoft are selling their consoles at a loss meaning they don't get any profit from it. By putting the game on PC, they will get enough money that was used in development of their respective 1st party games, I believe.
Nintendo doesn't take a loss from their consoles and they won't put games on PC and even on other consoles as putting games on PC would ACTUALLY hurt Nintendo rather than benefit them because Nintendo makes profit from hardware and games. Why they won't put on PC is mainly this
1. Nintendo is not interested in PC ports
2. Nintendo hates piracy and modding games of all things and most of the PC community does that.
Just because X and Y do this doesn't mean Z should do this.
3rd party exclusives should branch out to other platforms though
Loved the first two, but this one... Played 15 hours and still did not happen anything interesting enough. I guess is something usual from JPRG.
That's cool. Almost all third party "exclusives" will branch out to other platforms.
So... when can we expect the pixel remasters of the first six Final Fantasy games on Switch, S-E? The more possible purchasers the better, right?
I prefer rpgs on my laptop. Mouse and keyboard make for some relaxing and lazy gaming. I'm getting lazy enough for mouse only games like Steamworld Quest and Visual Novels.
@Ralizah you know, I still REALLY don't get why Square Enix decided to release these ONLY for PC and Mobile. Like why not at least Switch and PS4. There are more people on those platforms craving for those older FF games than on like mobile.
Also Octopath Traveler is STILL not on PLAYSTATION
Two possibilities:
1) They're being dumb and never planned to release these on consoles.
2) They'll use the Switch ports of these games as an opportunity for a 'second launch,' since there'll probably be a portion of the audience willing to repurchase the games on their preferred platform.
As for Octopath not being on Playstation... yeah, I dunno. There's obviously not a console exclusivity agreement still in effect, or it wouldn't be on Xbox. My guess is Microsoft paid for a GamePass release of the game on Xbox, whereas Sony wasn't willing to do anything of the sort, and sales of games like this are dire enough on Playstation consoles they didn't bother porting it.
But then, it sounds like they're planning on releasing the HD-2D remake of DQ3 on Playstation alongside other platforms, so... yeah.
Awesome. More people get to play it and the franchise can grow further.
I also think Splatoon should go multi platform. Never gonna happen, obviously, but I personally feel Splatoon 3 could be a huge success if it was available on everything instead of just the Switch.
Earlier today the Switch exclusive "MOON" was also announced to be coming to PC.
@Kanbolara Moon came out on the Playstation in 1997. It’s not a Switch exclusive.
Good. Exclusive third party games are stupid. Unless the console publisher helped with the game's creation (Like Nintendo did with Bayonetta for example) there's literally no reason any 3rd party developed game should be exclusive to anyone.
@victordamazio I think from Nintendo's prospective it doesn't make sense to sell legacy content on other consoles because of little money they make. Plus how many people buying older Nintendo games don't own a Nintendo console. The legacy content could be a selling factor for Nintendo consoles so I disagree.
Removed - unconstructive feedback
The PC version comes out in 6 days, not a year.
@Rika_Yoshitake The PC port comes out on September 2nd
Also even though "console exclusives" are technically what they're billed as for marketing purposes, these games are no longer exclusive if you can play them on another platform at all. Even Sony issued reprints of games like Days Gone and Horizon just to remove the "Only on PlayStation" thing from their packaging because they're no longer "Only on PlayStation"
@Rika_Yoshitake its coming this September
Not surprising at all. Even console exclusives or exclusive games to a particular platform eventually find their way to PC somehow. It's not even the first Switch game to have jumped to that platform
@nessisonett The English version was exclusive to Switch in till the PC version.
@Rika_Yoshitake Did you think we were still in 2020? Hahaha
Not sure why they didn't port the first two games first. Starting on the third second game makes no sense.
@Specter_of-the_OLED Well it's not like 2 is that connected to the first game and End Layer anyway so it's not a bad jumping on point or anything
Plus it using UE4 is probably another reason it's more scaleable to PC hardware
When is the last time SE made a game a true exclusive? Seems like it's been a while, and yes, I do believe FF VII Remake will go to other than Sony systems.
@IronMan30 I'm pretty sure they made a ton of exclusives for Nintendo handhelds in particular before Switch like the 3DS
It's also not like a game being a timed exclusive doesn't boost chances of more people picking up said platform for a particular game. In the case of Remake I think people on Xbox/PC are probably always going to be at a disadvantage because by the time the game comes out on those platforms, the next game is already in development, and will probably be PS5 exclusive for a year or possibly more again
@mikegamer FACT
Good news for the PC crowd. I'm always down for games being on as many platforms as possible, ports included.
I'll stick with the Switch version though. Gotta have my RPGs on the go.
I'm mixed about this because the Bravely series has always been an exclusive Nintendo IP. However on the flip side I can see the positivity in porting it to another platform strictly for the added exposure it would bring the series. Then again this being a "Sequel" of sorts from the 3DS releases I don't know if it would sell as well. Did the Steam port of Octopath Traveler sell well on Steam over the original Switch port?
Not really surprising and having 3rd party games on more platforms is never a bad thing. Now if only Square Enix can smarten up and give us those Final Fantasy pixel remasters on consoles that would be great.
@SpiritOfTheHero I remember the steam port getting a big discount not too long after release, so I can't imagine it did too well compared to Switch. The switch release SE couldn't even print enough copies to keep up with demand for months.
@RushDawg Splatoon 2 already was a huge success just being on the Switch though... Like it has sold well over 10 million copies. It is also a major system seller in Japan, which makes it much more valuable as an exclusive.
While they said that console ports of those would come 'if there's demand', @Ralizah .... I'm pretty sure they are planning them for Switch as well!
As for BDII, I'm glad it's coming to Steam & will probably end up getting it there when it's on a good sale
If this game was 20 hours I would have liked it. I stopped playing at that point, it was getting into Groundhog Day territory.
Looking at that trailer I am also glad for the Japanese voice over.
@anoyonmus Yeah, it would hurt Nintendo to launch games on PC, because then they wouldn't be able to resell you the same game for full price again.
If Mario 64 had launched on PC for £8, there would be mods for full wide-screen, uncapped frame rates, and HD textures, all for free, and 3D all stars would have looked like even more of a joke.
Oh no... more people gets to play the game... this is horrible news...
I bet it'll be much cheaper on Steam Deck too.
@victordamazio not exactly true. Sony released a few old games as a way to advertise their games to a PC audience and they have backpedaled on even that.
It really is a safe assumption that if a Switch exclusive doesn't feature Nintendo IP, it'll come to PC so the same will happen for No More Heroes III, SMTV, Project Triangle Strategy, etc.
Good that more people get to play the games.
Sucks for people who bought a switch for these kinds of games, but cool for everyone who waited and the PC crowd I guess
I think for it to release on pc only 6 months later is a bit of a joke, a year fine. But 6 months is far too soon in my opinion.
Great more people get to play it but 6 month exclusivity may as well have said it isn't exclusive in the first place.
Not every one wants to play every game on the go, and suffer frame rates or lesser graphics for that privilege. So I can see there is a market out there for other consoles to offer these games.
The more games a console like the Switch offers the less copies any individual game will sell. So I guess not enough games have been sold on the Switch to keep it as an exclusive.
Another argument for a more powerful Switch, maybe.
I am all for more games to released on different systems as it will get more people to play the game. But when a game is released exclusively on one system but only for 6 months seem kinda pointless to me. A year should really be the minimum, that would make sense if it is a timed exclusive.
Switch has a hard time getting 3rd-party exclusives. That's unfortunate given that there aren't many 1st-party-exclusives either.
Meh….I’d care a lot more if this was like literally any other Switch exclusive coming to another platform….. 😂
Good thing i didnt support this game, after octopath being promoted as a fake exclusive, saw this one coming.
I dont support companies who lie and get those sales from ppl who want to play exclusive games on a console, while porting it over less than a year later.
Neo was different, was always promoted as a cross platform game, but these fake exclusives are horrible
@victordamazio Lol it absolutely is not. The likelihood is itll be more related to 1st party titles now. But exclusives wont go away. In alot of cases Sony, Xbox or Nintendo will fund a game to make it exclusives. Going to PC makes sense but we will always have consoles exclusives.
this is how ive been feeling.
with gamescom i was really hoping that we would get some news on the remasters coming to console since most of the original 6 ff games haven't been released on console/handheld in over a decade so it can be awkward to play them on console nowadays.
despite square-enix porting a lot of their older titles to various platforms over the past few years it still feels like those 6 games specifically seem to only be mobile/pc whenever they get re-released or remastered.
Enjoyed it on the Switch. It's a solid if unspectacular outing. Would recommend it.
@Mgalens Given there was a Square Enix Presents in March and June, it's a reasonable guess that there'll be a Square Enix Presents in September.
@Mgalens That's true, although I feel like these pixel remasters are the first time they've put effort into pushing these games for a long while now. They weren't just unceremoniously dumped on mobile app stores, and have a bit of effort put into the presentation, so I feel like they'll probably push these on consoles after the games have all come out on PC/mobile.
If it does happen, I think it'll be next year, though.
@Grumblevolcano SMT V will stay exclusive. Almost guaranteed.
Atlus is one of the few companies that still takes the idea of software exclusivity seriously. Especially when Nintendo is going out of its way to help with distribution and advertising. They're pushing this game as hard as possible. Atlus isn't going to jeopardize that relationship for a few extra sales on different platforms.
Frankly, I think if they could be pushed to go multiplatform with non-contractually exclusive games, they'd have done it with Persona 5 already.
Lol, im glad I never bought it on switch then
@XanderLovesNintendo issue with that is thats its so easy to get on steam so people will have it regardless itll just detract from downloads of emulations and then it will increase profits with nintendo
Cool. Now get Persona 5 out of Sony clutches since it has been years at this point.
This was bound to happen. Sometimes, they never bothered to use the term "timed exclusive"
There's a thin line between game publishers lying and game publishers simply not saying anything. I don't recall Bravely Default II (or Octopath Traveler) being advertised specifically as a Switch exclusive - they just never said anything.
This sort of thing happens most prominently with Shin Megami Tensei- Persona. Atlus has never specifically brought up any mentions of exclusivity, yet it's pretty obvious that Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal are Sony exclusives, given the ludicrous amount of Persona 5-related content released on other platforms except specifically the base game and Royal.
Splatoon 2 was a big success, yes, but it is also nothing compared to the likes of Fortnite or CoD.
If the Splatoon series is ever going to be on that level, it has to go multi platform.
@Grumblevolcano Bayonetta 3 will also release on PC, i guess.
Project Triangle Strategy the next Square Enix game to release on PC?
Nintendo keeping her franchises exclusives to her hardwares is doing more harm then good, why not Nintendo be like Microsoft/Sony and release it games on PC?
Good. Unless it’s actually paid for by the platform holder third party exclusives are becoming a relic of the past, as they should be.
Here's take those Steam already playing different games and the sales would be far less then NintenDoomed fandom would think. Those on steam are different gaming gamers. As to the performance someone needs do more retrospective of themselves as they have far bigger issue then the Switch that they complain about. Exclusives will always be there it's not going away just because you think so. If so FF games should come to Switch as well-but you don't see that happening. Love how people want to rag on Switch about exclusive but fail to notice Sony does FF exclusives and other but say nothing about it. So if you want to play those types of exclusives clickbait you should also talk about the other side. But we know you won't do that.
@EpicFusion47 Here's the thing how portable is STEAM?
@SwitchForce steam deck….
@SwitchForce true..
@EpicFusion47 steam deck….
At that point a Laptop gaming system will blow that out of the water. And that tells you it won't be worth getting on Deck with the shortest battery life those getting it would be screwed over no matter what. Getting a Gaming Laptop would do the game far better service but then again-if portable was the thing Switch works also Switch doesn't require internet to work and knowing Deck that will require constant internet connection to work on Steam. Steam is Online Internet no way around it-Switch doesn't require it to work but for DLC or updates only. Bravely sold well because it's portable and the Switch made it all the worth to buy it. The Switch works for what it does and Deck isn't the other one there was AlienWare and that one has since disappeared on the Horizon. Deck has a big hurdle to clear and it's not clear (pun) that it will survive either.
@SwitchForce but it is also somewhat competitive to the switch since it starts at 400$. I didnt get it but for the price it is very appealing. We will have to see how it performs. We can say all the specs we want but it depends if they are used well. Theres a reason why nintendo can get insane graphics out of subpar specs. Gaming laptops are cool and all but they are usually somewhat niche and quite expensive
I bought this game based on the hype but...
It's good but... I don't know. It's missing something. It just didn't pull me in like Xenoblade or Octopath or Tales of Vesperia or Dragon Quest... or really any of the big JRPGs I've played in recent years.
I can't really put my finger on exactly what it is missing though. It just didn't pull me in.
I'm happy about this. I played the demo on Switch and didn't come away impressed. While it seemed like a fine JRPG, I was miffed by its poor performance. This combined with the fairly minimalist art direction frustrated me. I'm a pretty big fan of the first game, so I'm excited to give the game another go.
@ModdedInkling Actually, Nintendo did totally advertise BDII as a 'fantastic game, only for Nintendo Switch'. I wonder if I can sue now? haha
@steely_pete probably not since the advert was true when it played
now I just wanna kill myself because I bought it on Switch a week ago...T - T
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