Earlier today, we reported on a rumour from Japanese outlet Nikkei that suggests what many of us have been expecting for quite some time now: Nintendo is working on a smaller, cheaper Switch console and it may even be coming early this year.
This isn't exactly groundbreaking news; Nintendo has a solid track record for updating and refreshing its hardware, especially its portable systems. We've had multiple Game Boy, Game Boy Advance, DS and 3DS consoles over the years, and only a fool would have bet against Nintendo performing the same trick with the Switch; hardware refreshes are a reliable way of maintaining sales momentum.

The Nikkei report hints that this new model will reduce costs by removing elements from the design, but what could that mean? Will we lose the dock – one of the big selling points of the platform – in an effort to slash the price? It might seem odd to remove this aspect of the package when Nintendo has done so much to push the 'Play anywhere with anyone' angle, but then again, this is the company that took 3D out of the 3DS, so all bets are probably off. And just because a dock isn't in the base package, that doesn't mean the hybrid nature of the console would need to be totally absent – the Switch Mini could still interface with your TV via a cable.

Another way Nintendo could reduce the complexity of the system – and thereby bring down production costs – is by making the Joy-Con controllers part of the console itself, rather than devices which slide off the sides. Again, this rather goes against the ethos of the system, but you'd still be able to use Joy-Con with the Switch Mini – you'd just have to purchase a separate pair. Another bonus with fusing the controllers to the main body is improved sturdiness; given that a Switch Mini would presumably be aimed at younger players, this would be a considerable benefit.
As you can see from the mock-ups we've created above, such changes would deliver obvious benefits. By streamlining the console and reducing those bezels, the screen size could be maintained while achieving a more compact and portable system. But perhaps we're totally off the mark, and this cheaper Switch console might maintain the dock, Joy-Con and other features, with Nintendo finding other means of bringing the cost down elsewhere.
All of this is, of course, complete speculation on our part. What do you personally want to see from a Switch Mini? Leave a comment to tell us.
Comments 274
I don’t really care. If it’s cheap enough, I might buy one for my kids, but otherwise, I’m perfectly happy with my current Switch.
I’d honestly just prefer nicer limited edition consoles and controllers. Some of the PS4s look amazing and my Wind Waker Wii U is sweet too.
Not intrested in a mini! But I imagine it would be no dock, and fixed controllers.
Bigger OLED Screen, bigger Buttons, bigger Grips, bigger storage....just everything bigger.
I already own a Switch, so I'm not really the best person to ask. (I want moar powah lol!)
Less posibilities and more affordability.
With the 3DS wrapping up soon, a smaller/cheaper version would be a good replacement.
I don't think I'd buy a switch mini. I play switch mostly docked, and when I take it on the go it is suitable.
I would only buy another switch if it was more powerful.
I don’t want a mini Switch at all.
I doubt a mini would come with a dock. In Japan, they already offer a sku with no dock for the current switch. However as long that IT CAN BE DOCKED then that's fine. Fused controllers is almost a certainty if they go smaller. In any case, I would get a smaller one for my son if its compatible with current docks.
If they can manage to fit the same size screen, or bigger, into something with a smaller form factor I'd buy it. Not sure how possible that is, but I miss the portability of a 3DS sometimes.
I don't comment on speculation and rumour.
Depending on the price it could take the place of the 3DS as a "good birthday/christmas" gift for kids as well.
I personally wouldn't mind buying one for my nephew and niece if the price is right. I gave them a 2DS last year and they're loving it. A cheap Switch mini would be next in the list for them in the future.
Alex...if the joy cons don't detach, why did you not give it a d-pad!?!
Actually thinking about it...that would be tempting!
D-Pad Please and longer battery life.
@CartoonDan Longer battery will naturally happen due to a smaller screen not to mention some games will run better at a smaller resolution.
If there is a proper revision internally and they use pascal you are looking at about 25% more battery life.
Above but proper d pad. Also i think new 3ds layout for should buttons and clickable circle pads over analog sticks are likely. Also i think sharper but still rounded corners are likely to make it more comfortable.
@SBandy You just did ironically lol.
Yes attached joycons that can’t be removed is fine by me,but like others have said above, AN ACTUAL DPAD PLEASE.
That would appease my main concern and make me a potential buyer, as long as this thing can fit in my pocket at least 😜
Not sure I want one. I just want more power I think
Yes, yes I do. Will take 2 please 😊
Personally, I don't want any 'Mini'-Switch. I could go for an upgraded Switch with a nice OLED screen (or at the very least a matte LCD screen with enough nits to be comfortably used outside during a sunny day), a proper D-PAD and few other changes in terms of issues with the haptics (which on the other hand, the Gripcase already fixed for me).
Commerically a Switch Mini might be a smart move though ... ^^
No Joy-Con controllers and D-pad
As described, but with passive cooling (more robust) and max. 720p output, i. e. the same low GPU frequency in „docked mode“ as in portable mode! Smaller controls are no problem, because children are target (entry in Nintendo world). Furthermore, dock costs extra, as for joy-cons. Switch mini dock has ability to charge 2 joy-cons. The box just includes Switch mini and a USB-C charger.
Biggest issue is marketing: How to call a product which can run Switch games in portable mode, bur neither in portable nor in TV mode? „Switch pure portable“?
Literally anything I can reasonable fit in my pocket.
Why not bring the Japan only dockless variant of the current Switch? I’d be excited about an upgraded version of the current Switch but a Switch mini no.
With 32 million Switches out in the wild already how many of these are already being used by kids?
The ability to redownload my games and not have to pay for them over again.
I want a full size switch with no bezels.
Mini switch is pointless they are already super cheap.
If the joycon are attached to the system, they could have a d-pad on it!
Clamshell, dpad, pocketable. Something to make the DS crowd gladly embrace it. I could see my son wanting that. No dock needed, other controllers work through wireless, so no problem there.
Any Switch Mini will have fused controllers. Two different sized Joy Cons is bound to lead to confusion amongst clueless parents.
I would just like to see the bezel removed from the current model.
Longer battery life and ability to fit in pocket. If the system size is smaller, it wouldn't make much sense to scale down the joy-cons and make them detachable because they'd be very uncomfortable to use.
I think Nintendo needs to include a dock and a separate controller to maintain the 'switch' gimmick and a home console presence.
I use my Switch 100% handheld. Sounds perfect for me.
I kind of wish my current joycons were fused as they like to slide around a tiny bit, but I like the idea of eventually getting replacement joycon for when my joystick (L) wears out. I’m torn.
For my needs, personally, I would love one that is a "dedicated" home console. One that perhaps cuts the cost by downsizing the screen or removing it altogether so that it is purely for television use.
But really, I'll be interested in whatever they put out.
I don't see this happening at all! It would be the dead sentence of the Joy-Con's! 3rd party devs would then start developing games for the Mini as baseline from now on!
Not to mention that quite a few current games require you to play with detachable joy-cons. So these would be unplayable on such Mini device.
What I rather see happening and actually completely baffled as to why Nintendo hasn't done so yet, is that they will start selling Nintendo Switch bundles without the Dock, so people that only want to play in handheld mode can buy the Nintendo Switch for like 200 bucks! Which is within the same price range as the Nintendo 3DS XL!
With selling the current Switch without dock they will be able to target the current 3DS playerbase. Done.
I think the Switch is great as is. I prefer handhelds and I like the option of using a TV if I'm in the mood. Like others have stated, I'm not interested in any revision unless it's a complete system upgrade. I actually think the Joy-Con design is clever, and except for fighting games (which I don't play much on Switch anyway), the button d-pad works fine.
I would love an OLED screen though, that's one thing that made my first gen Vita such a wonderful device.
If your over 9 years of age it's pointless lol my hands are huge (I'm not 9 I'm 32 lol) I don't do portable, my Switch is docked 99% of the time ... I hope they don't bother with it and use more resources for games and software updates
A Switch mini totally breaks the hybrid concept. That makes me think it's unlikely, but then again this is the company that took the unique selling point out of the 3DS by making a 2DS.
I want nothing from a new Switch, seeing as it's good as it is. Making it smaller would make it even less comfortable to hold, so I'd actually prefer it to be a bit thicker, and more ergonomic.
Making it smaller and/or thinner, would only make it worse. And fused JoyCon makes no sense whatsoever. That wouldn't even make it a Switch anymore. It is all about the trinity of game styles, between which you can switch, hence the console's name.
Clam shell would make it a new kind of DS, so that also makes no sense. The only thing, for the current Switch, that would be nice, is interchangeable controllers, that fit various play styles, and may accommodate for future virtual console/Nintendo classics.
So, instead of a Switch Mini, I'd actually rather see a Switch Pro,
or, to stay with Nintendo labels, a New Switch, which is more powerful and has a faster CPU/GPU combo, along with some extra memory. A better screen would be okay as well, even though I'm already quite happy with the current one.
Another personal favorite would absolutely be analog triggers, though.
I still don't understand which idiot at Nintendo HQ's R&D department decided that those wouldn't be necessary on a current gen console...
Very interesting! I'm so glad Nintendo Life goes so in-depth for us viewers, this website has literally been a wonderful replacement for the lack of recent Directs.
D-Pad or GTFO.
No mini, attached joy con and no dock is no longer a switch, and out of the box it wouldn't work with joy con only games.
What we need is a switch pro, with bigger battery, brighter screen, more storage, and nicer quality materials, and then a redesigned normal size switch that's just more life proof, no trashy materials, no scratching from the dock
With these models they would release a new redesigned higher quality home dock, and an official portable dock, new joycons, with a better finish and adjusted controls for better play, and maybe analog triggers, and a new pro controller, with a headphone Jack and maybe analog triggers as well, or they could skip the pro controller redo with wireless headset support on the switch. With all this, we probably wouldn't even need a power focused upgrade for a year or two
Honestly the vanilla Switch is already such a perfect console for both TV and portable play that I don't see myself wanting a replacement.
Make it so that it closes up like the 3DS XL (clam shell), and I will gladly buy one. I love the portability of my 3DS XL. It's a million times easier to carry around in my pocket than my Switch.
A mini dock I could take to parties with my vanilla switch
Who the hell even uses the Switch with each of the joycons for a seperate player? I did that like two times.
I either play in handheld or (mostly) docked with the Pro controller and the joycons still attached. I barely ever remove the joycons. Only for Puyo Puyo Tetris because the D-pad on the pro controller is broken.
That whole 'game with your friends on the go and on parties!!11' from the promo videos never happens in real life. The concept was cool, but it just isn't how people use the device.
I'm happy with my switch and can't see a reason to buy it when you have already got a switch.
However, I do have an opinion on it. I think the smart move for Nintendo is to make a smaller switch with detachable joy-cons, and a lot of people seem to agree with me. But what about games like 1-2 Switch and Super Mario Party which require joy-cons? Even if it bumps the price a little, this mini switch should be able to connect with separately bought controllers and work with the dock. This then could make it ideal for large families which already have a switch and easier to play with friends wirelessly.
Just a thought though. The additions might make it too expensive or impractical for the target demographic Nintendo wants, which I think is definitely a younger audience than the hardcore gamers who bought the switch.
OLED screen, better thumbsticks and fix the awkward symmetry between the controller halves. A d pad on the left and an analog stick on the right that you don't have to move or contort your hand to reach.
I think there are a lot of people, who aren't hardcore Nintendo fans, that wish they would just ditch the weird controls already.
I want a bigger screen, bigger buttons, the analogue stick moved so I don’t catch it with my thumb when pressing the buttons and for the joycons to not be so fragile. Okay so that’s not a smaller Switch, but it is what I’d like to see. 😉
I would LOVE to have a Dragon Quest special edition Switch...even if I have to import it, like I have my other Dragon Quest special edition consoles.
Nothing because I already have a switch
The Switch is perfect. Outside of a longer battery life I see nothing that would need changing.
As someone who uses the Switch as mostly a console as opposed to a handheld, I can't imagine 'upgrading' if the Mini variant happens to be handheld only. Unless 'no dock' means a way to plug the Switch into the television without the use of a dock.
I don't know what I'd want from a Switch Mini though. It still seems too early for one anyway, if you ask me.
*Fused controllers.
*Thumb sticks like the ones in the 3DS (analog sticks don’t play well with pockets)
*This may actually increase the price but: cell antenna. If it’s going to be focused on the go, would be nice to be able to hook it to my cell plan and use online features anywhere my phone gets reception.
*A DS style flap, even if only a flat piece of plastic that just flaps all the way to the back during play, to protect the screen and controllers while on the go.
Truth...if you say more power on here you get downvotes... the end.
the only thing i'd expect is for it to have the same exact capacity like the PS4 by then.
I just want Nintendo to allow game sharing across your family plan.
It caused a lot of problems when I incorporated two Switches into our home at Christmas that could have been avoided completely if they simply let me play games I purchased on my primary switch on my secondary.
Technically “I” can, but my kids would have to re-purchase games like Minecraft if they don’t want to be forced to play on my profile.
It’s just unnecessarily complicated. Allow for game sharing within your family plan, make the mini version sans dock and it will sell like the DS.
I know it’s selling well now, but I feel like most sales thus far have been purchased as “household consoles” rather than “personal consoles”. This would make that incredibly tempting.
Yep, That picture looks great.
Same screen, Less border.
Better battery life
Fuse controller (can't remember last time I detached mine)
Wireless audio with no dongle
TypeC Audio Out
Get rid of the TV dock.
If they make the screen smaller they need to force developers to upscale the font size. It is already tiny now.
If the intent is to offer an entry level console that is more portable than several considerations need to be made.
1) This will pull sales from the legacy Switch just on price alone. This will also cause Nintendo to divert resources which we all know they are not the best at managing. What this means, in my view, is the Switch may suffer.
2) If it is designed to be more portable then it needs a permanent or removable cover design to protect the screen from damage. Any proper pocket-able or truly portable console has to do this to be successful.
3) The joycon design is a liability now that it is structurally attached. It needs to be a D-Pad style or the joy stick controls will break.
4) It needs a decent UI instead of this ridiculous BETA one we still have now. If this thing is going with you then it better be able to be multi-functional and have a variety of entertainment options to give it a purpose.
5) it needs better connectivity. A cell option would be nice but a better WIfi/Bluetooth module would go a long way.
@Yosher is it too early, though? The 2DS was released in America October 2013. The 3DS March 2011.
The Switch was released March 2017, October 2019 would be spot on window, if you use Nintendo’s history.
Fused controllers are a frankly terrible idea, in my opinion, but I can see the benefit.
Honestly, I see them making a “Switch XL” before a “Switch Mini”
Maybe the “Nintendo Switch Deluxe” will just be a port of the Wii U 😂
Not interested in a switch mini
A Dragon Quest model is a great idea. I would buy that right now. I would settle for Dragon Warrior on Nintendo online right now as well as Contra. Come on Nintendo where are these at?
I mean I have not even mentioned Battletoads in like weeks!
@Tharsman That is a good point. I still feel like it is a bit too early though, I did think that was the case with the 2DS as well. But I suppose it doesn't necessarily disprove that a Switch Mini could be coming soon.
Replace the dock with a dongle to lower costs
I'd want an updated, cooler-running CPU/GPU/chipset, that needs no cooling fan (which saves even more power and better protects the unit from dust).
Kinda hard to want something from what doesn't exist to our knowledge - but even humouring the fan fantasies and tabloid[esque] reports, there's nothing I want from "Switch Mini". The size is fine by me, taking out the dock to reduce the price has been practiced in Japan for months without any "revisions" and non-detachable controls would not only conflict the core concept to the point of warranting heavy rebranding (2DS still retained and stood for most of its family name) but frankly feel like a downgrade to a mostly portable player like me. Yes, I know what I'm talking about. Controls take most of the usage toll over time, flawed production or not - but when I faced and eventually got tired of battling stick drift on Switch, I went and bought a new pair of joy-cons. When I faced the same thing on PSP, I ended up buying another PSP. Now which scenario would be more likely with non-detachable joy-cons?
I'm into the idea of a mini – especially for a lighter more portable Switch.
A lot of people laugh and say 'first world, non-existent problem' if you dare to say it's a bit heavy for a portable, but... it is. But by traditional portable console standards it's a flipping heavy machine – and after a couple of hours I feel it.
My PS Vita Slim is the perfect size and weight for a portable and I love it - but it's a Vita which means no more games and no Nintendo games.
However if they remove the option to 'dock' it then no sale! I don't mind having to buy a converter (dongle-dock-type-thing) as an extra, but if the option doesn't exist then forget it.
Idk I don't really want a switch mini. I use mine 99% handheld (I only use it on TV with girlfriend when we play fitness boxing/just dance/mario party and stuff like that), but I really enjoy playing it with the joycon detached and my hands under a blanket or smth.
If anything, better battery life. That's it.
Also... bluetooth. Analog sticks at the same level and a D-Pad. It makes on sense to keep the directional button's and offset symmetry in the controllers are fused.
I could see it not coming with a dock and instead having a separate cable you could optionally buy to play on the TV in an attempt to market more for the portable market. Yeah, I also think the system will function as one solid unit, joy-cons essentially fused to the system. I don't think they want to sell separate mini joycons for the system and leading to consumer confusion (if fused to the system, I have to imagine it would have a proper d-pad at that). This means that some games will not be playable out of the package on the core unit like Super Mario Party or 1,2, Switch, as you need joy cons to play those games, but you could still pair joy cons with the system and if you were to play it in table top mode or get the cable to connect to your TV you could still play those games on the system. Such titles might just need to add a little pop up screen alerting the consumer they need those specific controllers to play before they purchase it in the eshop.
No real interest in a mini Switch but I could go for a Switch XL with a bigger screen. 99% of my Switch usage is at home anyway so a bigger screen would be of benefit as would bigger joy cons, which are painfully small
@carlos82 Yeah, the Switch as it is could literally stay the same size, and they could just add a screen that goes from edge to edge without the large black border.
There will be a revision eventually, but I doubt it will be a mini. The JoyCon are one of the switch's main selling points, remove that and you have a basic handheld. The revision will simply fix some of the issues that the switch has like the charging port being at the bottom, and easy to break fan grills. The console itself will also be revised in such a way that the cost of production will be lowered. There's also a possibility that Nintendo will make it more difficult to hack.
What I'm looking for is something with portability as its key component. I want something I can slip in and out of my pocket easily.
With the current model, I have to unzip my bag, take the case out, unzip the case, remove the Switch, set the case aside, and then reverse the process putting it away. This doesn't really sound like a hassle, but I commute with my city's bus transit system and take two to four buses each way. The current set up is a bit unwieldy when I'm getting on and off of buses so often. Something small enough to put into a pocket would be great.
Having the Joy-Cons attached as part of the system would be the easiest way to go, I think. However, the thumbsticks would need to be extra durable to account for pockets; the set that came with my system, the sticks stopped reading certain inputs correctly just from normal use. And while I use my Switch primarily in handheld mode, I do enjoy playing on the TV during the odd Saturday night, so dock compatibility would also be appreciated, even if a Switch Mini omitted the dock in the box. It's not a deal breaker without dock compatibility, though.
I don't want a switch mini, I don't need this and I think that's only a rumour....like always
In terms of the eventual successor/refresh for the system, not a mini or XL model, but rather the equivalent of a 'New' model or whatever. I'm talking a few years down the line, it'd be cool if they made it more powerful as expected so that when docked it can output in 4K on your TV. But while in portable, it utilizes that extra power by offering the optional ability to view in 3D without glasses just like the 3DS (some old games would then receive 3D as an update and new games would release with it optionally if you have the newer Switch). Perhaps that would be too much for just the "new" label, but that could be what the Switch's proper successor brings. I don't think the next Nintendo system has to reinvent the wheel, it can just be a more powerful Switch: a Switch 2, a Switch Advance, a Super Switch, or if they run with my idea, a 3DSwitch, however you want to call it.
Ι need nothing from a Switch mini. In fact, I don't even need a Switch mini.
I’d want the same thing for it as my switch. Play games
They can't fuse the controller's. They'd have to actually work for more than 6 months. The drift on mine is ridiculous. My mate has had 3 yes, 3 send backs for repair. Every one I know who owns one has experienced drift at some stage... It's kinda getting silly.... Love my switch. Fave console at the moment....but seriously those joy cons need a redesign, the just aren't durable.
@ArchieDog Just depends how they build it. The analogue sticks on the Wii U gamepad seem to have held up just fine for me over the past 5 or 6 years now.
Not necessarily what i want but I think it will have:-
Things I’d say are possible by not sure:-
I’ve always thought a Switch ‘Mini’ is the next variant we’ll see. I suspect the emphasis will be on durability as much as compact size though.
A layout more similar to the original GBA and a more ergonomic design in general.
They can remove the dock and joycons for all I care, I already have a Switch with those features.
@duffmmann Yeah I think it's exactly that though. They would HAVE to change the build . I don't think they can persevere with them as they are, it must effect so many people I'm surprised more hasn't been made of it. It's probably credit to it being such a great machine that's it's flown under the radar. That and you can send them way for repair/replace and still have a machine. Hardwire them as-is to a new switch and have to send the whole unit away would be a big problem....
I don't see why they wouldn't just sell a dockless Switch and call it a day. This would lower the price without changing consumer perception. It would be perfect for families that already own a switch and all the same accessories would work.
It should be like your picture. Just the single handheld device. But it should be able to connect up with a dock or use joycons if you buy them separatenly, hence making it compatible with all games on the system.
Maybe it will have Bluetooth headphone support, microphone, higher resolution screen and I don't know what else. You'd think there would be some improvements to entice people to buy it other than just the smaller size.
No way. No way yet. The switching between handheld/tv and the sharing of joycon is INTEGRAL to the SWITCH being desirable. The 3D of the 3DS isn't the best comparison because it was never a big driving point for it. Market had or was starting to cool off on the 3D trend and most people that liked it sort of could take it or leave it. The driving point for 3DS was the software (look at what happened with initial sales) and easy portability. The 2DS was a logical step. Switch mini with locked controllers in the far future? Absolutely. But there's far too many reasons why this isn't gonna happen in the ways theorized now.
Improvement to battery life would be nice. I like having different color joycons so having them attached would be a negative for me personally.
Bluetooth Audio!!!
The only thing that’ll make me buy it is if I can have same digital purchases as on my main switch. If I can, I’ll buy whatever it is day one. I’d have bought a second one already if I could now. So my wife and I can play at same time. Not the same game. Just don’t want to have to buy my collection twice.
The only thing that would get me buying a new switch is better tech (and less bezels). I can't imagine Nintendo releasing a switch pro so count me out. Switch mini would likely have less tech so not for me!
I upgraded my ds for the dsi and 3ds to the new 3ds for those reasons but didn't go for cheaper options
@SBandy you kind of just did. 😊
I already am a 2 switch household. But if they do come out with a mini I would want it to have the same power as a docked switch...without the dock. And I need to be able to play the games from my main switch without any hassles.
If its smaller that’s all I’d want, that makes it easier to bring to work and... get work done
I don't want this to exist. It destroys the whole point of the Switch. Its like building a new model of car without wheels to cut cost and weight.
Its so easy guys.
Same size switch
No dock
Costum joycons with less technology(they tend to be 50%cheaper)
I dont think they can make it much cheaper, unless they add in a cheaper screen
But yeah thats easily 100 bucks cheaper, which would get the switch to a better pricepoint for those who want just the handheld experience
Eh, dont see the point if the controllers dont detach. I love all the different ways you can play.
Apart from the lack of Bluetooth support, im more than happy with my Switch.
Smaller, reduced bevel (sp?) and the ability to split the screen for backwards compatibility with the 3ds. Ooooh yeah
I don't need a mini version, I am really happy with te Switch as it is.
Nintendo isn’t going to reduce the screen size when developers have already optimised game U.Is for the current dimensions.
Non-removable Joy-Cons would break compatability with many games.
So I believe the most likely outcome is a ‘dockless’ package, as per Japan. Nintendo has has worked incredibly hard to keep the proposition simple and clear; the last thing they need to do is confuse customers with multiple SKUs that differ greatly in messages.
I don't want a Switch mini and hope it doesn't materialise. If it has no dock so you can't play on TV, Joycons that are fused to the system so no table top play, then it isn't a Nintendo Switch and confuses the new sales audience once again.
Now a Switch without the dock that is advertised as a second system to compliment a household that already has a Switch and a dock is fine by me. Japan has it. Why not global for that?
I don't want anything, I wouldn't buy it, but I would like for Nintendo to get a broader consumer base, so anything that would sell well with people who don't already have a Switch would be great, because the more people who has it, the more games it will get.
Highly Doubt it would even be a "mini" anyway. It's prolly got those attached joycons with a bigger screen, a added port for a HD cable to TV. Bigger Hdd and maaaaaaybe a VLC app with launch.
I'd buy it. I want a new one anyway.
For it to fit in my jeans pocket. Otherwise I might as well just bring my regular sized Switch.
@invictus4000 A vehicle will less wheels is called a motorcycle, and they're not threatening car sales.
@ThanosReXXX @aaronsullivan clamshell
I could forsee a SwitchDS. Not now, not as the Mini, but in 2 or 3 years before the Switch 2, not to be confused w/ the Switch Pro or New Switch.
If Switch is their only base console/OS, what are they going to do w/ their stockpile of DS, 3DS and few Wii U games that havent' already been ported like SMM, SFZ and W101? They wouldn't even really need to make dualscreen Switch games, just make a very thin cheap folding top like the New 2DS XL and have it be able to fold back and under when not in use. Or if the top screen is bigger let people use that instead of the smaller bottom screen as long as they aren't playing a game that requires touch.
Another way to look at it (posted earlier today) this Switch Mini looks an awful lot like the GBA. So after the GBA-like Switch Mini why not make a GBA SP-like SwitchDS only w/ a screen at the bottom?

Again, I'm talking years from now, not now. DS did away w/ the Gameboy, why not SwitchDS do away w/ the Switch?
Could happen. Better than letting all those DS and 3DS games go to waste. Until they make the side holder official so people can just play them in TATE mode. No clamshell though.
Nintendo would have to offer a selling point beyond merely offering up a smaller, portable version of the same hardware for me to double-dip. I have never used my Switch outside of docked mode, mostly because I enjoy playing on the TV screen but also because I simply don't consider it to be a true portable. There's too much risk of damaging it via drops and it frankly feels too large and awkward to hold for any length of gameplay.
One key thing Nintendo could possibly do to pique my (and other users') interest would be to offer full compatibility with 3DS and DS games. Those use a similarly sized cartridge/card as well, after all, and it would instantly boost Switch's library by a huge margin while at the same time keeping the 3DS library usable and relevant.
I'd only be interested if it was in a clamshell design
I want it to do nothing significant so I don't have to worry about wanting it. Redesigns post GBA SP haven't ever been compelling to me, and I'd like to keep it that way.
Integrated JoyCons is a terrible idea. Pachter-terrible.
It's not comparable to the 3DS/2DS. 3DS games were able to be played in 2D mode to begin with (if you moved 3D slider to off). Removing the 3D didn't prevent you from playing any existing games (you might have a trickier time with depth-based puzzles, but you could still play them).
But fusing the JoyCons would result in many Switch games (or game modes) being incompatible with this "Switch Mini". And for something aimed presumably at kids to be purchased by parents, you'd want things to be as non-complex as possible when it comes to title compatibility.
Not to mention it drops the "play with a friend on the go" aspect of the console that I cannot see Nintendo abandoning since that's sort of their big thing there.
A more likely solution, IMO? Another clamshell design. Joycons attach to a a central bottom piece and the screen is the top half so it basically becomes a bigger GBA SP.
Now, that might make it too thick (or the screen might be too heavy to be the top half of the unit) so maybe the JoyCons-on-the-bottom could be just for storage, you unclip them then attach them to the screen's sides like normal.
Leaner and meaner. Give it more on-board memory, let it be able to use JoyCons and the dock, and DON'T SKIMP ON THE FEATURES!!
Xperia Play 2 as designed by Nintendo. I'd be all over that, personally.
A symmetrical controller layout akin to the Wii U. I seriously don’t know how people manage to play games like Splatoon 2 on the go with the Joy-Cons like that. My hands cramp harder than when I...do other rigorous things with my hands.
I want a consolized Switch like the PSTV was for the Vita, bundled with a Pro Controller.
I don't want a Switch mini. If anything, I want a Switch Plus. Moar power!! You've already accomplished the AAA experience in a mobile setting. Time to focus more on the AAA and less on the mobile.
@rjejr Well, that could happen, but indeed not as a direct successor or re-imagining of the current Switch into a Switch Mini.
It would be more of a 3DS successor, in that case. An actual newer Switch model should retain all options and capabilities that the current one has. Take any single one of them away, by fusing controllers to the console, removing the dock to display it on TV, or anything like that, and it simply wouldn't be a Switch anymore.
So, Nintendo could actually be looking for a 3DS successor, depending on where they're gonna go after the Switch (stay with the hybrid concept or come up with something new altogether), but I don't think it's very likely that there'll be a smaller Switch (well, at least not with an even smaller screen, because like some pointed out, that would indeed be a problem, among other things for visibility of text and so on) with less options/functionality and a clam shell design.
It would also create a massive divide between current and newer adopters. If they would just go the "3DS to New 3DS" route, then that wouldn't be an issue, because all models would be backwards compatible with existing titles.
I hope Nintendo ignores everyone asking for a Wii Mini...I mean Switch Mini. I can't understand the logic of people who want a lower quality console with fewer features (because that's what mini's or slim's always are).
I might be interested if it’s Pocket friendly. Otherwise, I’d rather just carry my current Switch in my slim case. I keep 2 shells in my work desk that turn sideways joycon into proper controllers, so the detachable joycon are great for playing at work with someone else.
I am more interested in a Pro model. But I know having a cheaper, more durable, more portable Switch is key to attacking that 3DS market share. I figure a Pro model comes later, because we’re the ones who would be buying the Pro... the early adopters. The enthusiasts. So the pro model should come a little later in the lifespan when we’re ready to upgrade again.
I don't want a Switch mini, Switch is already cheap as it is, 3DS should be Nintendos budget line. I would rather see a Switch with bigger screen, higher resolution and twice the amount onboard flash memory.
Honestly? I don't want to see a Switch Mini. I want to see a Switch Pro. Bring down the price of the regular Switch. Sell Joycons that lack rumble or motion for those that want. But bring out a Switch Pro for those of us Nintendaddicts who want a Switch that competes hard with the coming generation of PS5 and Xbox 2. I'd buy a Switch Pro. I won't buy a Switch Mini, it's not worth it for me to buy less functionality in a faster moving world.
I can't understand the logic of people who want a lower quality console
It’s the same logic that justifies why the Switch itself even exists in the first place. Trade brute force and uber-horsepower in exchange for portability. There’s a market for that. It’s give and take. Give certain things and in exchange you gain certain things.
Likewise, trade detachable joycons and dock for pocketability and lower price. There’s a market for that too. A huge one. Especially for the Pokémon 3DS crowd.
There’s a market for everything. Failing to understand why anyone would want anything aside from what you specifically want for yourself is a pretty big oversight. Just sayin.
There’s a market for more features and higher price as well. Most everyone here is an enthusiast and will likely fall in the camp of wanting more features and less portability (as long as it’s still portable) at a higher price. But not everyone in the world is an enthusiast. In fact, the majority aren’t
D-Pad, ergonomic grips, and enough power to reach that sweet sweet 1080p resolution. Also, you can’t really call it a Switch any more, can you?
I don't see how they can reduce costs enough to make this viable. Let's assume they cut docking functionality, capping it at 720p. Then integrated "mini" joycon and a reduced bezel so they could use the same screen. But if they do all this, it's no longer a "Switch."
The biggest issue though is price, since they'd need to hit around $180-200 USD for it to make any sense as a 3DS successor. The Japanese My Nintendo store already sells a dockless Switch with joycons for ~$250. I'm really feeling this is just a rumor, at least for the next couple of years.
A Switch Mini would be competing with phones with a tech level of Samsung Note 9. And then what's the point of the Switch Mini? You can run a lot of the Switch Mini style games just as well on a Note 9. A Note 9 is expensive now but within the next year or two its tech level will be the phone norm for many dozens of millions of people as China massively reduces the cost to gain dominant market share. Nintendo can't compete with China on that front.
@Koke Excellent point. The economics of this should bury the Switch Mini red herring. It's pointlessly expensive to downgrade. And Nintendo is always about quality.
2 screens
Backwards Compatibility with DS/3DS
So here's what could happen with this fabled cheaper Switch revision:
> Slim model: The revision is slimmer and has a better battery (ala NDS Lite), and it retains all hardware features. This would maintain game compatibility, but it wouldn't give Nintendo any room to reduce the price by much (or by a minimal amount)
> No dock: The revision is simply the current Switch without a dock, but still retains all other features. This would maintain game compatibility, and it would Nintendo a little bit of room to reduce the price, likely by up to $50/€50.
> No dock + No JoyCons: This revision doesn't come with a dock and the JoyCons are permanently built into the system. This would introduce game compatibility issues with some titles (Super Mario Party, 1-2 Switch), but it would allow Nintendo to reduce the Switch's price substantially, likely by up $100/€100.
Any of those 3 choices are possible. I'll go with Choice #2.
@JaxonH It’s the same logic that justifies why the Switch itself even exists in the first place. Trade brute force and uber-horsepower in exchange for portability. There’s a market for that. It’s give and take. Give certain things and in exchange you gain certain things.
When I said lower quality, I didn't mean less capable than other consoles. I mean build quality is lower on mini's and slim console than on the original like the Wii to the Wii Mini or the 3DS to the 2DS or the SNES to the SNES Jr. or the....you get the idea.
The intended comparison is between the original model and the slim model. Slimmed down revision are usually done to save money, not to improve on the original system.
@SBandy by commenting that you don't comment you inadvertently broke your own rule.
If it's a Vita sized console that's perfect
Since it will have built in controls they might as well give it a proper d-pad. The only point of having the direction buttons was being able to use them as an individual controller.
I'm a docked Switch gamer so there's not really much I want out of this, though being a collector I'll probably end up with one.
That said, if they make it easy for me to download games I already own on my main Switch without any transferring business (Just sign in, download, bam.) then yeah it would be good as a back up or just easily to take with me if I got out far (Which in that regard, a good small size please.).
Also if they stay dedicated to the "Home and handheld console" gimmick too. Would be a shame if they started to move further away from home consoles entirely with gimmicks you can do only on a handheld model.....
Small enough to fit in your pocket + give me the Sm0l switch to me for free
I get that, but my point was that people are always willing to trade one thing for another if that other thing means more to them than the thing they’re trading for it. What those things are doesn’t make a split of difference.
Some people value the lower price and more pocket friendly design. For many that will be the deciding factor as to whether they purchase a console. For others, it may be trading current price for a $400 model that does more. Everyone is different and everyone values different things.
Which is why it’s so important to provide options
It needs a dock and joy cons to be a Switch. They can just make it smaller.
Well, if they're going for fused joycons, might as well move the 'D pad' and the face buttons around so they're not directly above/below the sticks, it'd be tons more comfortable.
focus more on portability and battery life, get rid of joy con functions like ar camera, amiibo scanner, removing detachability would suck but make sense ( and possibly hd rumble but i still really like it). as long as its significantly cheaper can play games fine
I don’t see why fixed controllers would be a thing. Where’s the cost cutting in that?
Need: Low price. Want: 3DS compatibility
Why called it Switch when it can't switch between home console and handheld? I think there will be a change of name. Nintendo Swatch will be cool.
For the Switch in general, I want a sturdier dock. The fragile nature of it in its current form makes it less mobile than it might be.
If I go somewhere for a few weeks and want to play on a TV, I'm always worried that it'll break in transit. Just a hassle they could alleviate.
They should just make a Bluetooth peripheral for AndroidiOS and release a whole lot of fun, kooky games that really utilise the peripherals design. No need to reinvent the wheel. Motion controls and an NFC reader like the joycon would still open up a whole new market in mobile gaming
Whenever they make a Switch Mini, a Switch without a dock, a Switch Pro or all of these options, just give us better joycons with durable control sticks.
Yes I need a cheaper version as a 2nd Switch for travelling
I don’t want a Switch mini, I want a suped up Switch Pro.
Meh, I don't really care about a switch mini. But fused joycons would be fine. I only use them as a second controller anyway.
If anything a more powerful switch would be enticing, but that would be better as a follow-up system. It gets confusing when games only work on one version of the system, like with the "new3ds".
Although I did buy one of those, and it is far superior...
But a new Switch would be a serious monetary hardship for me, so I wouldn't be happy about it. But I guess I could sell my current one to my brother so we'd both have some version of a switch...
I would love for it to be more powerful so that we could play more powerful games on it.
Not interested in a Switch Mini personally. Everything about the Switch is just big enough for me the way it is. A smaller version could definitely increase its portability, but at the expense of usability. Some of my favorite Switch games are close to illegible in handheld mode, and on a screen one inch smaller it would be Game Over. Same goes for the Joy-Con. I'm not 18 anymore, making my fingers work teeny tiny joysticks and teeny tiny triggers is not a lot of fun.
The focus of Nintendo should be a Switch Pro with upgrade graphics and upgraded GPU. Making a mini will waste away good money. Making a mini is no guarantee it's a clickbait thread.
Better Wifi then maybe I'll get one.
If you release a switch mini as described above, you might as well release the opposite... The switch as a dedicated console. No screen, no controllers. Plugs into a TV, you use joycons or other controllers.
Now that would be heaps cheaper to produce and would be in line with a PS4 or XBone.
Here's what they should do.
1. Switch Pro - GPU upgrade and Screen upgrade
2. Bluetooth
3. 5G wifi
4. More RAM
5. More Internal storage 64gb, 128gb. 256gb, 400gb
6. Multiple MicroSD slots
7. Multiple Cartridge slots
8. Allow customized Switch colors and designs
they can use this to retire the 3DS. It would give players the handheld feeling but still a Switch
After thinking about this a bit, I think the answer is YES - Nintendo needs to release a Switch Mini. They need to replace the 3DS's role for price-conscious gamers/parents buying a game system for kids, and the $300 Switch just isn't doing it at the speed needed. A mini system at $199 or $169 would be big. The catch is to do it so that it's cheaper but at the same time compatible with the rest of the Switch library. My thoughts:
1. smaller screen with fused controllers
2. compatible with Joy-Con but Joy-Con sold separately
3. compatible with dock but dock sold separately
4. same internals as normal Switch
5. plays same games as normal Switch.
Sell it at $199 or $169 and I think it'll be a huge boost to Switch sales.
A bigger screen, bigger controls more like the Pro controller. Bigger batteries. Wireless connectivity to the TV, a stylus and stylus holder.
I feel like a clamshell design could work well. The controller could essentially be the lower bit of the clamshell like the GBA SP, that way you could maintain some of the original screen size as well as making it more portable. Maybe even just close the clamshell and have an HDMI port in to connect to the TV.
You guys noticed that Nintendo is now targeting older gamers?
Mid-life crisis? Don't worry, buy a Nintendo Switch.
That should be the tag line.
If the switch mini looked like the mock picture have and had improved battery life and mini hdmi support instead of a dock, and digital only (like psp go) I would buy it
If its only slightly smaller than there's no point (as those mock ups show). Unless of course its cheaper.
The switch as is, is a mini for me
Nah, I'm good. This is fine for me.
That's fine and so be it! If they're making the next Switch already I will get it! Because I only want to play on Nintendo systems. I don't care what anyone thinks but I will do it. And I'm not going to play on my phone. I hate that!
I want it to have a DS/3DS card slot, a suitable emulator, and get access to one’s DS/3DS games.
For playing on tv, a second docked switch is required and it’ll work like the Wii U DS emulator.
Virtual Console.
If they are gonna make a more portable focused design it MUST have a longer lasting battery.
However if they remove the ability to connect to the TV, either via a cord or something else, they would be shooting themselves in the foot. That feature must be kept.
I think it's strange that some people seem very passionate the switch mini is a bad idea, especially when it's obvious there are a lot of people who would like it.
A pocket sized model with a pro controller packed in and no detachable joy-cons may even make sense to sell alongside the current model as they might cover a broader range of consumers.
There are a lot of people who would never host a multi-player game using the switch screen and the joy-cons, but would like to have a more portable model that is actually convenient to play at home and take on the go. Personally, I'd like it if toaster style docks were smaller and cheap enough I could have one connected to multiple TV's so I can just move the system around conveniently.
It needs to either be compatible with existing docks, or come with its own, smaller, economical docking solution, or it's not really a Switch
How do you play Mario Party without joycons?
I hope it still docks, because it wouldn't feel like a Switch if it didn't. Permanently attached controllers would be OK, but still going against the switching idea.
Something a similar size to the lower half of a New 3DS XL or maybe a bit bigger is what I'd like. And with a smaller dock similar to the charging cradle that came with the Wii U for the gamepad.
To not exist.
The Switch needs to go more pro/powerful/whatever you want to call it. From what I’ve read, it launched with a graphics chip that was already a generation or two behind. It needs a more powerful CPU/GPU, the display needs to fill out that giant bezel around it, and it needs a larger battery.
Let me list the pros and cons of a Nintendo Switch Mini.
Can't play every game anymore
Isn't really a Switch anymore
Eventually much more expensive then a regular Switch
Worse battery life
Worse handling
I understand an appeal of mini switch sold without a dock but being able to be docked. I'd ask for clamshell though for more durability. However, I still would not get it since I already do have a switch. And what I'd consider a worthy upgrade would be a possibility of using wireless headset via Bluetooth.
As long as it's a downgrade rather than upgrade I don't care
I think a switch mini would do well, but purely with the focus on it being a handheld.
I would remove the dock, fix the controllers to the side (but change the left buttons to a dpad), remove the option to link to a tv and shrink it down by about a 3rd.
I'm not interested in a switch pro at this stage, I'm not really a fan of revsions that upspec like dsi, new 3ds, gameboy colour for instance. Keep the playing field level, but give a more affordable choice.
If Nintendo does make a mini Switch without the separate joy-cons, then they can put a proper d-pad in place of current left 4 button d-pad. Man I hate the current d-pad... I bought that the Hori left Joycon with normal d-pad just to be able to play platform games on the go.
I have large hands and they already cramp up during long play sessions with the current Switch. So a mini would make that worse. No thank you.
removing bezels will drive the cost up
Removing the wireless functionality of the Joy-cons and fusing them with the screen, will lower the costs.
It might be the Switch mini is a mini docked console with no screen nor joy cons but comes with a pro controller, targeting those that only play on TV. Unlikely but possible given more people play in portable than docked. For me offering dockless Switch worldwide makes sense. Anyway I’m happy with my current machine and will only upgrade if a significantly more powerful version comes out.
They don’t need to cut the dock functionality. Slight reduction in size, fixed Controllers for durability, no Dock. Under $200 easily.
It’s funny watching all the debate about this when what it will probably come down to is this....
3DS is dead. Nintendo want the 3DS audience to start migrating to the Switch. Parents want a more durable Switch for their kids. Some people want a cheaper Switch. Nintendo will give them one.
Nobody at this stage in 2013 saw the 2DS coming....
Why are you doing a list of pros and cons based on a device that isn’t certain to exist? We don’t know what it will look like, what functionality it will have, what it will cost, anything. You may as well list the pros and cons of robot unicorns.
It doesn’t ‘need’ to go more powerful. You want it to but that’s not the same. Also if there is a Switch Mini, it doesn’t mean there isn’t a more powerful version in the works.
It’s working. Switch fits into adult lifestyles. Proper adults with jobs, partners, kids, commutes and travel. Not the (supposedly) Powah-obsessed menchildren who think gaming starts and ends with the PS4. That’s why software sales are so high, they’re hitting the people with the actual disposable income.
No rails, no Bluetooth chips, less moving parts generally.
It’s also a selling point in terms of durability (or perceived durability)
Never heard of the 2DS? The economics stack up and have precedent.
@electrolite77 and the 3ds may still be updated.
Samsung now have folding screens for their mobiles. Nintendo should be looking at this for its handheld.
A Switch that doesn't Switch? Yeah. not happening.
[*] JoyCon only games won't work.
[*] No multiplayer (if they remove BT, which they shouldn't)
[*] No dock (since it wouldn't fit, and no BT)
[*] No table top multiplayer
[*] No LABO
[*] And it would actually be bigger than a regular Switch with Joy-Con detached.
A Switch with a different size from the original Switch will NEVER work.
Comparing it to the 2DS also doesn't hold water, since absolutely NO 3DS games required the 3D.
On the Switch there are MULTIPLE games that REQUIRE the Switch to "Switch" (JoyCon only play; like Super Mario Party)
I don't care about a mini for myself but I think it is a good idea to have a cheaper option for kids.
It should have non detachable joy cons with d pad and a better screen that you can see with sun.
Everyone that is saying that it kills the switch brand is forgetting one simple fact. Even without the detachable joy cons it would most likely be able to connect with a Pro or other joy cons for tabletop mode or TV mode, you just need to bring some extras with you if you want (for instance Mario party already has a bundle that comes with extra controllers)
A smaller Switch with controls built-in could not be compatible with the existing dock as the sticks wouldn't allow it. Unless they used 3DS circle pads ...
Actually a cable connecting to the inside of the dock would work but seems a bit pointless and wasting the dock. Rather they just have a direct connection between TV and console.
Do you honestly think a company that has previously cut off all its existing userbase by releasing a new Controller (Wii Remote Plus) is going to worry about a couple of games that mean people have to buy extra Joy Cons (if they don’t currently have any anyway)?
And 2DS absolutely is a precedent. It affected the operation of games like Luigis Mansion 2, Link Between Worlds and Mario 3D World because they wanted to make a cheaper, more durable 3DS.
I’m going to bookmark this thread. Some of the reasons why it won’t happen are amazing.
This is exactly what I think they will do. They need a cheaper model.
@Vriess they can do that and keep the bezels on the screen
@electrolite77 You can play all those games in 2D on a 3DS as well. Sure the gameplay changes a bit, but it's still playable. Except for 3D World, that is a Wii U title.
The Wii Remote Plus was indeed a bit off, but they also released the Wii Mote+ attachment for the older remotes.
The only thing that is remotely comparable is the Wii Mini, which they released after the Wii U was released (and flopped)
And that might happen again. 2 new Switch SKU's. A Switch Pro / Plus etc. same size but a bit more powerful for better framerate handheld 720p60 in most / all games and 1080p60 docked, and maybe even nice upscaling to 4K. (The Switch would never be able to handle 4K natively)
And a smaller Switch with fused controllers for the kids.
I would actually prefer a version that looks like a common home console. No hybrid, no handheld, just a fine looking box under my TV
Obviously my list is based on what the media (in this case Nintendife) wants or, respectively expects.
No interest in a Mini unless they have it better battery life, a D-Pad and the ability to make folders and use custom wallpapers and of course voice chat within the system.
Take the Nintendo Life design for the Switch Mini, replace the analog sticks with circle pads for streamlined pocketability, then swap out those horrendous directional buttons for a proper D-Pad and I'd say we're good to go. =)
I would really much prefer a switch pro, which could run splatoon 2, botw, odyssey etc at 1080p without frame drops.
I'll be my usual grouchy self and say that I wouldn't want a Switch Mini at all. At least not if non-detachable controllers were ever part of the equation. I don't even want others to have it. It would be a complete compromise of the system's identity, and would force developers to always consider which parts of the user base can even play their game at all.
What I would want would be a Switch the same size as it is now, with exactly the same functionality, just better at it.
Slimmer bezel for a larger screen, and make that screen higher contrast and lower latency. Then let's have longer battery life, at least eight times the storage space, better and faster wireless controller connection, better bluetooth protocols, better USB support, sturdier casing material, better balanced kick stand, slightly heavier dock with the powerblock built in, and a metal nub for the snap-lock on the JoyCon. Those sort of things.
And a few personal preferences are a removal of click-functionality from analog sticks and a return of analog shoulder buttons. Since that is of course a complete never-ever for a Switch revision, I'll just keep my fingers crossed for the next system.
@Crono1973 PS1 and PS2 slim beg to differ.
@electrolite77 That was a different era. Expectations of tech were lower.
Can we take a moment and think about the fact that if the joycons aren't a thing on the mini, we can have a more ergonomic layout?
I'd go for something like this: https://imgur.com/a/mvY0IMw
Add normal bluetooth-support, JoyCon Function Buttons that emulate JoyCon functions for games that need them and put power and volume buttons to the bottom.
We don't need a new switch, it's good enough as it is.
The Switch Mini isn't for me since I already own a Switch and prefer the ability of using it as a console and a handheld. In my opinion, Nintendo needs to make and market a handheld Switch in the same manner they did with the 2DS. Make a Switch that is more durable and has a better battery life for $200 (or less if possible) and I can see myself buying one or two of them for my kids.
My prediction if they release a mini model is it'll be priced at around $200US, will indeed have fused JoyCons and will feature a D-pad on the left. It will still be compatible with standard JoyCons via wireless (as well as Pro Controllers) sold separately. It won't come with a dock or an HDMI cable but a special compatible mini dock will be sold separately. No functionality will be lost-- they'll just not all be straight out of the box. The standard model won't get a price cut, but new systems may include 128GB built-in memory going forward.
K8sDad has been in hospital a lot lately. We've now moved on to hospice at home. I've always been a handheld gamer, but even more so now as the tv is for him. My N3Ds is easily tucked into my purse and has helped me get thru the endless hours of waiting for him to get tests or when he dozes off when in hospital. It's like portable sanity, heheh.
I really want some of the Switch games, but the unit just isn't compatible with my needs at the moment. I'd love a solely portable unit. Til then, it's my N3ds all the way.
Should still have a dock, but it can be a separate purchase.
And it should work with the Joycons and the Pro Controller.
I want a 3ds like switch. Just close it and stick it in my pocket. I want it to be like my iPhone and iPad either one I pick up and use has the exact same thing on it. If I have to rebuy games for it that would really suck!!!!
@Kungfunaomi you make a smart point. While this is NOT what I would want, it does remind me of what Sony did to the Vita. They removed the screen so it was a TV only device. I could actually see Nintendo going this route. They could sell it with 2 regular size (possibly new colors) joy con and a grip, or a pro controller.
Bluetooth I’ll give you. Rails and moving parts not so much. 😋
No I will not buy, I would if it was a more powerful switch, scrap the mini and make a powerhouse.
Ah fair enough. I’ve seen about 15 different lists. Including one I made up 😀
Yeah it won’t save them much 😉
It all helps though even if it’s 20p. Take the dock out, cut down on packaging and therefore shipping costs. Nintendo are experts at managing their costs.
I agree it’s a different era but owners of Nintendo systems are well used to different iterations offering different functions and appealing to different parts of the market.
Smaller screen is not conducive to better game play. Going from 7inch to 4 inch is not what I call good investments. Considering the redesign and cost associated going that route. A smaller lcd would cost more to make. Trying playing BoTW on a 4 inch and see the problem let alone is already a challenge on the 7 inch screen already.
“I can't understand the logic of people who want a lower quality console with fewer features (because that's what mini's or slim's always are).”
Because it will sell to people who otherwise wouldn’t buy one. That means more sales which means more software.
I don't want a mini Switch. Other people might do, I think Nintendo could do well selling standalone Switch consoles as I have read and heard many times that the 3DS lifespan is over. Nintendo could do with re-stocking the docks too, they are sold out here in the U.K.
Actually i don't own a switch. I'll buy a switch plus portable,better battery life and better controller with a decent d pad.
If the Switch is really Nintendo's official answer for both the console and handheld markets then a potable-focused Switch Lite to attract consumers not interested in a full console would make sense, attract the 3DS only gamers into the next generation in a way that doesn't compete with its existing hardware.
It’s a long shot but I would be thrilled if it has a 3DS card slot and they allow my 3DS eShop purchases to carry forward.
Granted you would lose out on the dual screens and 3D features but on the GBA, GB/GBC games stuck out of them as did GBA games on the DS Lite. DS games play on the 3DS but are blurryish so a small sacrifice is worth it to me.
I want one with the size and ergonomics of the Wii U gamepad.
@LordVal hear hear, gimme the switch XL
Don’t want a Switch mini. I want a Switch pro, with tv feature.
Switch xl please. It still irks me that wii u gamepad is more comfortable to hold than the switch.
How about a screen-less set-top box that has 4k capabilities? That's the switch for the Switch that I want!
As long as the battery life is decent, while I wouldn’t buy one, I like the idea.
The Switch just need another slot for a microSD card. Even the Wii had two slots.
I don't care about a switch mini. I want a switch XL. The current hardware is incredibly hard to use for me. Especially in portable mode with the joycons on the screen. They're just so tiny. I cannot contort my hands in a way to get to the buttons, so I find myself letting go of the console with one hand to press the appropriate button.
Fyi, I'm a 6'3" Canadian. So yes, I know my hands are bigger than most. But I would argue even an American's hands above 5'9" would have trouble using the joy cons properly.
It would need to be the exact same specs, be much cheaper and have better battery life to be worth it. Otherwise I doubt it would sell. Bizarre they weren't working on a higher spec system in the same form factor.
I don't want a switch mini. Period.
@ThanosReXXX "a direct successor"
No, I agree it's too much of a leap to go from Switch to Switch SP, that's down the line a bit yet. But it's possible, just look at the 2DS and New 2DS XL. Nintendo went form a clamshell 3DS w/ 3D as the big marketing point to a $129 2DS "tablet" which went down in price to $99 then $79, then a New 2DS XL for $149 clamshell design. So if they can do that, they can do anything.

Nintnedo is also the company that sold a Wii Mini bundled w/ Mario Kart Wii but the Wii Mini had no internet, despite being the color Netflix Red and so many people using their Wii for Netflix.
So while I think a jump form a Switch to a clamshell Switch w/ 2 screens and fused on controls is a bit much, even moreso than the 3DS clamshell to 2DS tablet, I do think a Switch to Switch Mini w/ fused on controls could lead to a Switch Mini SP after another cuople fo eyars. Again, I'm not sure if they would go back to making dualscreen games for it, but if they had say a subscription service for all DS games for $4.99/m plus all 3DS games for $7.99/m plus all Wii U Games for $9.99/m that might be worth it for some people for the right price.
It's Nintnedo, they made Labo, anything is possible.
Yeah, that’s true. If the 2DS is a thing anything’s possible. 😅
Well, as I guess its something aimed not at me but at my kids, so I want it to be cheap and durable. Tough glass screen that you can easily wipe clean. A way of sharing my downloaded purchases with it would be handy too.
I would think that the Switch Mini will be one portable controller without any docks! I would rather buy a Regular Switch than buy the mini version of it.
There will be Nintendo Switch 2 the next gen console.
I have no interest in a Switch mini. I get why it might make financial sense, but it just doesn't appeal to me.
I'd prefer a Switch Pro, if anything, even if it only gave me little things. Like better load times, higher frames, or more consistent resolution, in regards to games with dynamic resolutions.
Gimme that performance boost, Nintendo. I'd hand my current Switch off and pay a little more for it.
Hmmm. the more I think about it, the more I think I'm right:
"Nintendo is working on a smaller, cheaper Switch console".
Release the Switch as a standalone console - end of story. Without controllers, they could target $99 USD ... and they could get another manufacturer to make these easily. Don't need the dock either - its all built in.
People are going on here about attracting the 3DS segment on to Switch by downgrading the Switch. But Nintendo already tried attracting the Wii segment using the WiiU. Appealing to recent fans of consoles yesteryear doesn't seem to work that well. The previous segment console isn't old enough to have retro appeal. Instead Nintendo learned the extremely hard and expensive way that to attract a large number of fans you need to be extremely innovative and deliver a truly fantastic truly unique product.
I love the Switch, I adore the Switch. I've even thought of getting a second Switch partly to help Nintendo. I drum and box on it every day using a drum peripheral and using Joycons. And I game on it too. It's an incredible device with fantastic accessories.
But the fact is the Switch isn't quite there yet. It's not yet unmissable. It's not yet a vital public necessity and social phenomenon the way the Wii was. It needs to add something big like affordable virtual reality or affordable augmented reality to really hit the big time.
So my prediction, my hope, is that the current Switch will be the 'downgraded Switch'. Same Switch at much cheaper price perhaps without the dock, with the dock as an optional accessory. I do love and adore my Pokémon edition dock, but I can see how those on budgets or short on space or handheld only would be more tempted by a Switch without a dock that they wouldn't currently use. And conversely there's also a big demand for extra docks, I know I've considered buying a couple more docks but found them ridiculously expensive so abstained for the present.
And what would enable the current Switch to be a downgraded Switch, an entry level Switch, is release of a much more capable Switch Pro.
@pigwarts5ever I’m looking at my gba sp. such a fantastic pocket friendly design. With phones on the foldable screen hype, maybe it will be a foldable Switch. I doubt it but fun to think about.
I want a Smaller Switch with 720p OLED screen, fused controllers, and a D-Pad on the left.
Cloud saves for all games so you could actually keep save data completely in sync... But yeah... Not happening.
@rjejr True, we ARE talking about Nintendo after all, and I'm pretty sure that they'll have some kind of gimped version of the Switch in the future, or maybe they'll just be able to manufacture it for less, making it cheaper by default, and perhaps they'll even look at something to be truly handheld-only again, but for the short term, as we already agreed upon, there'll probably be no revision or successor, and if there is, then they've done a good job keeping that hidden from the public eye.
Here's my grip as to why this is a maybe or maybe not outcome.
1. Mini needs upgraded GPU and RAM and Memory without this don't consider a Mini making it out of the slots.
So let's say a Mini is made and a GPU and Ram and Memory upgrades comes this would mean a Switch Pro is coming not to far along. And then you have to ask Which do you think will benefit more from this hardware upgrade? I would say the Pro as Switch owners will want to trade up for it and can you imagine the rush to Pre-Orders?
Let's go with there is a Mini-here's what is need to work.
1. GPU, Ram, Memory upgraded
2. HDMI dock re-designed for smaller Mini
And that is all now here's why it won't work
1. Some games requires separate Joy-Con
2. You will have to spend money on Joy-Con to work
3. Need to buy the Charging Joy-Con grip
So here's what you spend on a Mini - if made with possible price
1. Mini Switch $199.99
2. Joy-Cons removable $79.99
3. Charging Grip $29.99
4. Total= $309.97+Dock price(still to be factored)
5. Dock price?
So tell me how affordable is a Mini now????
Switch as of now:
1. $299.99 included Joy-Cons
2. Ready to go out of the box
And last reminder there is TAX as well to this that isn't included. So those advocating for a Mini should think long and hard on this. As this isn't affordable as they think it will be when everything is added doesn't quite add up to what their saying.
I'd prefer they didn't bother at all.
If it has fixed controllers, no reason not to have a proper d-pad on the left side..
Maybe we are all totally off and a mini us actually a screenless version that goes under the TV and just plays games on the tv?
@ThanosReXXX Congratulations, you were my 999th unread email.
"then they've done a good job keeping that hidden from the public eye."
I'm pretty sure nobody but nobody saw the 2DS tablet coming. No leaks, no rumours, no hints, no patents, nothing that I've ever been able to find. It wasn't, and then it was.
I think they'll do the same thing w/ the Switch Mini some day. Just announce it out of the blue after months, if not years, of denials that it's ever coming.
Though I do agree w/ you, first they should just sell the "Switch Portable" for $199 w/o the dock, grip or HDMI cable, as I've been saying for 2 years now, then after seeing how that sells, then release the Mini.
But I've also been saying the new mainline Pokemon game should release along the cheap kid friendly Switch Mini for at least a year now, so it could go either way. Animal crossing also needs a cheap portable-only Switch to be bundled with.
Switch, and Nintendo, are just getting started. The best, and worst like the 2DS and Wii Mini, are yet to come.
Making a Mini during this time is shooting themselves in the foot. They should wait until the Switch market is stable before doing some bonehead moves. aka like Sony killing the Vita market.
@rjejr The big difference between the 2DS and the supposed Switch Mini, is that a 2DS was not only never mentioned by Nintendo themselves, but also not theorized by fans and/or game conspiracy theorists, so that comparison isn't exactly 1:1.
And I don't think that they "should" release a Switch Mini, or a dockless Switch, but they probably will, and the latter is already for sale in Japan, if I'm not mistaken, so that one's more or less a given.
But I myself, both from a personal AND professional point of view, don't see the use and/or the need for any of them. If anything, the more models you have from any one device, the more divisiveness is created, especially if assets and/or controls of such devices are removed or added, making them too different from one another.
In some ways, it could even be argued that the premium models of the other two consoles are already creating that divide, although that's not as big yet, and is still a contained environment, for now.
Not that I want a mini but what I could see Nintendo doing as the 3DS is wrapping up. They will want a hand held only that does not cut into main line Switch sales and could give handheld only users a cheaper option to Switch titles. I may be way off here but it was a speculative question anyways.
A mini with,
-integrated controllers
-Digital download only
-no TV support.
-Wireless LAN still active
At what price point would this attract people to it?
No that it was asked but what I would like to see in a "Pro" in a few years.
-upgraded chip to run everything at 60hz
-1080p screen
-Console base with chip that bumps to 4K on TV
-128GB Carts (64GB should be out this year)
"A mini with,
-integrated controllers
-Digital download only
-no TV support.
-Wireless LAN still active
At what price point would this attract people to it?"
If anything this would be the suspect....
If at all possible I'd like the mini's screen to be a bit bigger than most phone screens but obviously smaller than the current Switch's screen. Fused controllers will probably be a necessity but maybe we will get mini Joy-Cons which would look interesting.
@Setery that isnt going to happen-alot of wishful thinking here. They will use screens already sourced to keep prices down. And using Smartphone screens isn't going to make it less expensive- rather that would make it cost more.
You can’t rule anything out where Nintendo are concerned because of logic. They have a different logic 😉
“Mini needs upgraded GPU and RAM”
No it doesn’t
“Well, as I guess its something aimed not at me but at my kids, so I want it to be cheap and durable”
Somebody else gets it!
That comparison doesn’t really work. Trying to attract Wii owners to Wii U failed because a lot of Wii owners simply left Console gaming and went to mobiles, or found the Wii perfectly suitable with no need to upgrade. Plus the Wii U was a confused mess that didn’t know what it wanted to be or who it was appealing to.
Moving the 3DS audience, one that stuck with dedicated Portable gaming beyond the rise of Mobile Gaming and will buy a Nintendo handheld that has lots of software, to the Switch is a really obvious step and one essential for the future of the Switch and Nintendo. The obvious obstacles to that are price and the hardware being ‘child-friendly’.
I want a super cheap console, so the Switch has a bigger user base, more support from devs and publishers, and more importantly: shuts those PS4 fanboys/Nintendo haters.
@ThanosReXXX "divisiveness is created"
Well, Nintnedo has already shown their willingness to divide. As much blowback as Sony and MS may get for Pro and X1X Nintneod is the ONLY, the ONLY, company to split software between the itierations of their consoles. Every PS4 plays every PS4 game, every Xbox plays every Xbox game, original 3DS cant' play some New 3DS games. Not many, but some, and that's a fact.
And for the life of me I actually don't know if a New 2DS XL can play New 3DS games. I suppose it should, but I've never had reason to look it up. Or cared enough.
And the reason for a Switch Mini is the same reason for a 2DS. Yes it splits the base - 2DS couldn't play games in 3D - but when you really think about it, it doesn't, b/c it is 2 different bases. Mini is for kids who want to play Frozen 2 The Movie The Game and other licensed garbage and match 3 shovelware games, of which there is plenty, PLEN-TEE, on Switch eShop, and regular Switch is for people who know better.
And yes, non-docked Switch is available in Japan, but online only, and w/ minimal savings, hardly enough to notice. The big seller is you get to pick your color Joycon. I guess colored Joycon are the New 3DS faceplates. So yes, that should be a thing in the west as well.
But maybe it's a 3 tier approach, like 2DS for $129, New 3DS for $169 and New 3DS XL for $199. Switch Mini for $179, Switch Portable (no dock) for $229, Switch for $299. And if they do that, Nintnedo gets to make like Apple and keep the regular Switch at $299 longer, even though after 2 years and 33m sold they are probably already making it cheaper than it was at launch and could lower it if they wanted to. But why should they, it sells well enough now, and that would mean the other models and bundles would need to be even cheaper.
So I'm gonna go w/ that. Timing will have to do w/ Animal Crossing and Pokemon release dates. I think they could launch the portable non-docked version beside AC in May or June for $229, maybe even $249 if it's bundled w/ the game, than Switch Mini for $179 in November along w/ Pokemon. Maybe $219 bundled w/ the game.
Could happen.
Also, Nintnedo may have all these plans, but despite my thinking they are run by clueless lunatics at times they could be waiting on Sony or MS to make headlines w/ new console announcements to announce their plans to steal their thunder. I dont' think so, they kind of operate in a bubble, but the new President hasn't been in charge long enough yet for us to know how he works. Hard to know when Sony will announce as they've dropped out of E3 but MS could announce then. Not a date or anything, just a name to try and make them relevant again. Of course none of my timing works for an E3 announcement, the AC bundle would be in the next ND this month or next, the Switch Mini in late September or early October ahead of Pokemon.
@rjejr To confirm your suspicions, or answer your question:
yes, the New 2DS can play all games, so also those from the New 3DS, just like it was with the standard 3DS and 2DS.
As for the rest: not gonna make another text wall, but suffice to say that
I agree with the fact that anything could happen, seeing as it's Nintendo we're talking about, after all. But at the same time, that doesn't mean that it also WILL happen.
As for that new CEO: we'll indeed have to wait and see what he's actually made of, until he REALLY makes his mark on the company or in some campaign of the company.
@ThanosReXXX Good time for a short reply, I'm in the middle of doing my taxes. Trump shortened the form, by making the main form basically just link to a lot of extra forms. But it's ok, I'm using H&R blocks website - a big tax company over here, not sure if tax software companies are international or not - so a lot of my info was already in there from last year. And probably on a dozen black market sites in Russia.
Back to it.
@rjejr Yeah, we have something similar over here, although it's not companies, just the governmental tax agency, or whatever you want to call it. And if you've done your taxes last year by registering to a certain system, your data is saved and pre-entered for the next year, so all you have to do is check if the already entered info is still correct, and update/add a couple of numbers concerning this year.
But I also have a bookkeeper, so it's even less of a bother for me...
I don't want a Switch mini. I want a Switch Pro.
@ThanosReXXX "But I also have a bookkeeper,"
Someday when I get a job then I'll have the money to pay someone to do my taxes.
Taxes went well, just need to enter my drivers license ID info so when this all gets stolen the thieves have a complete ID to sell. But I like to slepe on things liek this first.
Also distracted bc/ my sound system seems to have given up the ghost. I dont' care about sound too much but flat screen tvs barely have speakers. And I have 4 things plugged into the system - PS4, Fire Stick, Switch, PS3, and normally my Wii U but my kid took it to school. So now I'm looking for a new sound system. But I'll sleep on that too. Maybe I should try the ole unplug it for 30 seconds trick. Or a new HDMI cable. Do HDMI cables go bad you think? It's probably just the HDMI OUT port on the system.
Anyway it's bedtime now so...
@rjejr I think any cable can go bad, but they don't necessarily HAVE to.
I mean: I still have my original cables on my Dreamcast, N64 and GameCube, and they work just fine.
I'd sooner say that the inputs on your TV or sound set are going to see some wear and tear from plugs repeatedly being removed and inserted.
It is supposed to be a one-time operation: install/wall mount the TV, connect what devices you want, and you're good to go.
But having said that, I do always look for good quality cables, usually gold plated, simply because these conduct signals better. And if you do need to keep plugging and unplugging cables, for whatever reason, why not connect an HDMI hub?
Those are really cheap, and then the TV inputs won't be subject to more abuse, because you'll be connecting all the consoles and devices to the hub instead, and if that goes, well... that's a hell of a lot cheaper than a new TV...
I got this one, so perhaps that's a good option for you as well:
On a side note: who takes their Wii U to school with them, and why?
I could imagine taking a Switch or a 3DS, but a Wii U?
As for the sound system: why not invest in one of those sound bars?
The prices are quite reasonable, and the ones I've personally listened to, have a pretty good range, AND they're often wireless, so there's that as well.
You could also look at Sonos speakers, which are even better.
@ThanosReXXX Lots of good feedback, I'll try to get to it all between yawns before going to bed.
The sound system is my HDMI hub. 4 in, 1 out. I bought it b/c the Wii U didn't have optical out. It was $200 - I checked my Amazon order history last night - and it's now 5 years old, so not a bad investment considering how much my family uses it. Not a huge burden to buy a newer model at that price point.
My son brought the Wii U to school for his robotics team SSB tournament. The team doesn't have enough money to buy their own Wii Us so several kids just bring their's in twice a year. They made about $400 in entry fees and snacks and raffle tickets for donated gifts.
I unplugged my sound system for 10 minutes today and replaced the out to tv cable. It's working fine tonight. We'll see how long it lasts this time. I think it's the port, that makes the most sense.
Don't like sound bars. I know they are good for some people, bought my parents 1 for their den, but I like my 5.1 set up. And since I already have the 6 speakers hooked up, and they all work fine, I'd rather spend the money on a new receiver than a sound bar. Even my 10' x 10' bedroom has 5.0 surround. No subwoofer in the bedroom says the missus.
I don't buy too many cables, just get them w/ things, but when I do I buy what's cheap. Amazon has a $5 "Amazon's Basic" brand HDMI. And I think you're right about the cables themselves nto going bad, but I figure the connectors on the end may bend or break or get icky - technical term - and make them nto function properly.
OK think that's it. Gotta get up early to drive my kid to chorus. God night, Though actually probably good morning to you.
I want improved hardware that includes: Better analog stick range, an analog R and L trigger, a screen that doesnt scratch, a heat exhaust that doesnt break, joycons that dont wobble when attatched, and a better method of docking. Docking won't matter if the console lacks the feature, but the rest matters to me.
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