I've been known to go on the pull

Captain Toad

You are the wind beneath my Wingo

About Me: Dat da­da­daaaa! I'm Captain Toad of the Toad Brigade! I'm a daring adventurer that has managed to ditch my sophisticated spacecraft on more worlds than you even knew existed. More recently I've discovered a passion for finding treasure. It's a miracle nobody other than migrant plumbers have thought of this before. Every brick, bad guy, and blade of grass around here drops loot. Sometimes it even appears out of thin air when you walk by. And there are massive stacks of gold coins just sitting out in the open. You'd think this would lead to the catastrophic economic collapse of the Mushroom Kingdom...but, then again, this is the kingdom that established a space program just so a handful of unnamed mushroom men could provide comic relief, so I guess fiscal responsibility isn't exactly Peach's defining quality.

Location: Karl Denson's Tiny Universe

Ethnicity: Mushroom

Hair: Oh no.

Eyes: You're thinking of potatoes.

Occupation: Treasure Tracker

I would like to meet: Myself in pigtails.

I like to play the following sports: The 40 meter waddle.

My exercise regime consists of: Jumping jacks. Well...standing jacks.

My favourite music: "Cat People" by David Bowie. "One Headlamp" by The Wallflowers. Anything by Mojo Nixon.

My favourite movies: Subcon Jones and the Last Crusade, The Wind and the Willows, The Muppet Movie, The Muppets Take Manhattan, A Big Crow Takes the Muppet's Girlfriend

My favourite TV shows: The League of Gentlemen. I think I'd really get along with the Dentons.

My dream is to: Find somewhere to store my backpack. I mean, when it's severely limiting my ability to move and I'm trying to escape a lava beast by climbing up the inside of an active volcano, you'd think ditching the cumbersome sack of PB&J and interesting seashells might be a good idea...

On a first date I'd like to: Walk many times around the same tiny area, looking from different perspectives for any coins I might have missed. Or gems. Oh, and unlocking achievements. And playing bonus games. And then maybe going back to one of those turnip cannon levels because they are fun. Then ­­ if there's still time,­­ thinking about rescuing you from that thing that kidnapped you right after we met. Hang in there!