Since the launch of Wii U the only way to play original Wii games was to enter 'Wii mode', which effectively emulated the Wii system menu. Whilst it was great that the Wii U contained this backwards compatibility it's implementation always felt cumbersome and unfinished.
However, during today's Nintendo Direct it was announced that Nintendo would be making certain Wii titles available for download via the eShop. These games would be installed as standard Wii U games and able to launch directly from the Wii U menu, or even the quick start menu.
It was also confirmed that the Wii U GamePad would act as a Wii Classic Controller, however it was not confirmed if the Wii U Pro Controller will do the same.
European Releases
- Jan 14th: Super Mario Galaxy 2
- Jan 22nd: Donkey Kong Country Returns
- Jan 29th: Metroid Prime Trilogy
Titles will be available for a standard price of €19,99 / £17.99, however they will be discounted to €9,99 / £8.99 during their first week of availability.
Other upcoming titles are Kirby's Return to Dream Land, Pandora's Tower, Sin & Punishment: Successor of the Skies and Punch-Out!!.
North America Releases
- Jan 14th: Super Mario Galaxy 2
- Jan 22nd: Punch-Out!!
- Jan 29th: Metroid Prime Trilogy
Titles will be available for a standard price of $19.99, however will be discounted to $9.99 during their first week of availability.
As you may have guessed from the timings above, Super Mario Galaxy 2 is available right now.
Other upcoming titles were not announced, however we would expect this schedule to reflect the European releases above.
Are you planning to pick up some of these classic Wii games from the Wii U eShop?
Comments 255
Best thing ever! I will buy them all for that launch discount! Also where's SM Galaxy 1???
Although this makes me regret buying and hunting 2 dozen Wii games last year!
Does NA hate Donkey Kong Country? Anyways, this is good news, and hopefully it's the first step towards Game Cube games!
I've been camping the US eShop since the end of the Direct. Galaxy 2 isn't available yet.
Haha should of sold my physical copy of metroid prime trilogy while it was still rare and valuable. I think it's price just plummeted.
its on mine now, am EU. Anybody know if you can use Wii saves? Am thinking probably not
Metroid Prime Trilogy for £8.99 HaHaHa HaHaHa.
I guess if it wasn't mentioned specifically that means these are going to run at 480p like in wii mode. Any hints otherwise?
Are they in HD though?
Sweet! I didn't realize that EU confirmed more games. I'm totally picking up Kirby and Pandora's Tower when they release. Get The Last Story out there as well, Father Iwata!
This... is not the Wii announcement I wanted to see. I want to be able to play my current Wii games without having to go through the slow-ass process of loading the Wii menu and then loading the SD card menu.
Just let me play them all from the Wii U menu, and incorporate the Wii Ware and Wii VC into the Wii U eShop. That's what I want.
$9.99? I'm so glad since my SMG2 disc stopped working a long while ago...
I don't see Super Mario Galaxy 2 either.
@justastone No, Wii games are 480p. They're the same game as on the Wii, not remakes.
C'mon NoA, get it together. Still waiting.
I wonder if they will have miiverse integration?
I already have all those games that they announced there on disc form, hah.
By this point, Nintendo is pretty much mocking those who were hoping for N64 and GCN games on WiiU VC. If they can create a framework strong enough to emulate the Wii environment, what's the hold-up with N64 games? GCN might stilll be troublesome due to a lack of analog shoulder triggers, I know, but at the very least, N64 games should be easy.
Also, I hope you can somehow transfer your save data from Wii Mode to these games - I'm not too thrilled about possibly having to start all over again with Metroid Prime: Trilogy.
I fully expect SMG2 to be available on the NA eShop at 9 AM Pacific, about an hour from now.
They have a Wii U product page for SMG2, including a price.
Xenoblade Chronicles! Make it happen, Nintendo!
I hope they use what they learned here to make the Gamepad a controller in Wii mode so I can play my disc games with it.
Would've liked to have Gamecube and/or N64 VC games first before Wii games.
Do you still have to use the wiimote for smg 2? Or is it playable on the gamepad? I hope metroid is playable on the gamepad but i think it's asking for too much from an emulation.
You'll still use the Wiimotes on Wiimote games.
Guess I should get trilogy then.
AHHHH $10?!? Stop in Nintendo, I can't afford this madness!!!
These will come on the ESHOP when it updates at 11 AM Central time.
@Dipper723 Shame. I guess I'll stick with my discs then.
But Mario is fully playable with Gamepad only? In Europe today?
Definately will be picking these up. Then I plan to trade in Galaxy 2 and punch out towards the new 3ds. I will hang onto Metroid Prime Trilogy though because the case is cool.
Was hoping for N64 virtual console games too...
@Kaze_Memaryu Exactly. In fact, I have two brand new gamecube controllers that work on Wii U. Further evidence of mocking.
$10 for SMG2?!
Between this and the Playstation sale...
Sin and punisihment successor of the skies is awesome.If you haven't played it,download it on day one.
Watch them release a digital version of Xenoblade for $10. Haha.
This is fantastic, though, as it completely undercuts Gamestop price gouging at this point.
10$ for the Prime trilogy is absolutely INSAAAAAAAAAANE.
They need to put pikmin 1&2!
Mario Galaxy 2 still not up
Wow just WOW
I wish they could make an update to play already owned Wii discs without going to Wii mode.
This will be a nice addition to the shop...hopefully they start to put the 320GB Hard drive available in all stores...I can only find it in Gamestops, and they don't advertise it, they just stack it in the counters behind their counters and if you don't ask for it or know about it, you don't know...if anything of what I said makes sense.
Gamestop might want to drop the price on the Metroid Prime Trilogy now.
compatibility : TV-less mode
So 40 or so Wii games making the eShop cut this year?
I haven't played any of the Prime games.....guess it's the time to start
As great as this is i have to confess it NOT looking good for Gamecube or N64 titles anymore.
I guess Prime Trilogy means that at least two Gamecube games will hit the eShop. Might pick that up, because $10 for three games is pretty great, even if I still have every one of them in their original disc form. Will also probably pick up a couple of the others that I missed the first time through: Sin & Punishment and Punch Out!! (though the article implies those may only be EU releases?)
I couldn't find Mario Galaxy 2 on e-shop, can anyone help me?
Galaxy 2 already on the UK eShop.
Except the Wii games aren't likely emulated. They're likely running on hardware one way or another.
@Gerbwmu Oh man, I am jealous of all the awesomeness you have yet to experience. I missed Metroid in the 80s and 90s, and the Prime games turned me into a huge Metroid fan. Went back and played them all on the strength of the first Metroid Prime. Also, to this day, it's the only first-person series I really like at all.
Galaxy 2 Out on Aussie eShop and downloaded (1.3GB). It recognises the save files on your Wii menu on Wii U, so no need to restart games you've owned in the past.
I am surprised they are releasing DKCR now – as the 3DS version isn't too old. This may also be the reason why NoA is holding it a bit back...
I am wondering if the 4th, 5th, and so on, release is also starting with one week discounts, or if that applies to the first 3 titles only.
I'm getting them all for $10 each. Since these games basically load as wiiu games does that mean they will display in hd?
Metroid is worth £31 cash or £45 credit at cex if you're thinking of going digital, I'd hurry up about it! I'm glad to see the rare Kirby game on there, I've never seen it for less than £30. I'll be picking that up! Shame still no gamecube games though...
Ugh, I just bought the Mario Galaxies for my collection. Oh well, I much prefer digital anyway. I hope to use the gamepad for metroid prime trilogy.
Personally, I wonder if they're saving the Gamecube catalog for HD remakes like Wind Waker. But that doesn't explain the lack of N64 games. It's silly given how good the N64 library was on the Wii. Again, maybe they're saving those games for 3D remakes on the 3DS, à la Star Fox, Ocarina, and Majora's Mask.
@justastone a question I need to know the answer to. I still have my copy intact, so I really need to know the answer to that question. Of course, the fact that it's $10($20) is not helping things....
Can we get DKC Returns for NA? Please and thank you.
This is great news, even if on a personal level not something I'll be using. I have pretty much all the Wii games I want, including anything rare. Meanwhile over on the Cube I'm missing several rare and expensive discs. Still, not a complaint from me and this is great for those that missed stuff like the Prime Trilogy.
Can anyone confirm if you can use the gamepad to play mario galaxy 2? If not it makes it kinda pointless for me as I own it on disc still, and still have the original wii wired up
No Wii U features available during play. Same Wii menu when you hit home, but that takes you back to the Wii U menu instead. Says 1080p resolution and looks very crisp but no texture changes, just sharper (I don't have the disc version in Wii mode to compare). The game is not available in Wii mode (only through the Wii U menu). Still forces you to prove you have a Wii remote ready when going into the game, and you can choose TV only or TV and gamepad. It is not playable with Gamepad controls (since Mario Galaxy 2 wasn't)... I'm guessing that means DKCR is still Wiimote only
Wow, only $10 each for Galaxy 2, Punch out!! and Prime Trilogy?!? This will be the best $30 ever spent. Don't have any of these games on Wii.
@Eight-Bit-Yoshi you can't use the gamepad as a controller (unless the game supported classic controller), just as a display like regular Wii mode on Wii U
thank you @drmonk. I can stick with playing it on the original wii. I'll use this new digital channel to pick up any rarer titles I missed.
Since Punch Out! is the only game I haven't play or own on the current release list, I can mark that on my buy list.
I've been meaning to pick up PunchOut!!, and $10 sounds great! I may sell my physical copy of Metroid Prime Trilogy so I can get it on Wii U instead. Booting up Wii Mode is kind of a pain. I hope these are 1080p, or at least 720p.
It will be interesting to see if it really does make the games visually crisper. I have Metroid Prime Trilogy on disc, so could compare with that, but don't have Mario Galaxy 2 to compare. Unless there is a visual difference it seems it's only worth getting games you don't have on disc or games that supported classic controller.
Great news; only wish I hadn't gotten Xenoblade as a gift since I'm positive that will be coming out in time for the release of Xenoblade X.
Just got the SMG2 signature edition as well - ah well gotta flog it!
Going to get Metroid Prime Trilogy and Punch Out of the other titles mentioned.
We have also been waiting for GameCube games!
I will be getting Mario Galaxy 2 & Metroid Prime Trilogy, these were games I wanted to get on Wii, but never did.
It would be great to see hidden Wii gems get a second chance with this system, such as Fragile Dreams and A Shadow's Tale. Both games that never sold well or got remarkable reviews, but I think they deserve another look.
Where are the 64, DS, & Gamecube games? Didn't they promise DS games?
So no gamepad support for smg2
@Tsurii897 I feel like such a sucker for buying both at GameStop.
Do y'all know how to buy this using the Eshop website??? In like 40 minutes when it comes out.
@Dipper723 Actually these are interpretations not emulations. The Wii U being another PowerPC console does not need to inefficiently run an emulation when it has the same architecture as the Wii. Emulation is always the last option when it comes to being backwards compatible. It's why the PS4 has done something very different in order to play PS3 games.
@mystman12 Nope, you can buy Donkey Kong Country Returns in a few months for $19.99. Oh, you mean the originals.... yeah they REALLY hate those with a passion.
I am looking forward to picking up Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid: Prime Triology. Hopefully Pikmin 1 & 2, Skyward Sword, The Last Story, and some of the best third party Wii stuff will show up.
I don't think the GameCube shoulder button issue would be that big a deal. Not all games used them as the dual-buttons they were intended for, and to that, they can just split the use between the L & R buttons and the ZL and ZR buttons.
As for the awkward Z button? The sticks click now. Put it there. Or hell, they could put part of the squishy GameCube L&R use on the sticks. For the majority of games, this control change wouldn't drastically alter very many games.
I wouldn't expect it until at least noon eastern, folks. That seems to be when they update the eShop. I know they said it was now available, but usually it takes until then for them to update regardless of what they say.
@Quorthon I'm with you on that. Sure, this is a nice step in the right direction and it is a great way to allow some to experience these games for the first time, but I would have liked a more streamlined approach to being able to play my Wii game. Let me insert the Wii disc in the WiiU, then have a way for the system to know it is a Wii game and have a good way for me to enjoy the game without the extra steps on my end.
I'd also love if there was an option to allow me to install any Wii games coming to the eShop onto my WiiU if I already own the disc. I realize that is not likely to happen due to piracy concerns, but I feel that would be pretty nice for Wii/WiiU owners. (You can do this the illegal way, of course)
Also, FYI, full colour manual (a la GBA titles on Wii U) available at game launch, but not during play. The game shows up in the quick start menu, but you can't just start it from the gamepad since you need to select the 'TV only' or 'TV and Gamepad' icons on your TV.
@TruenoGT @Azooooz It would be great to extend this to disc games from the Wii U menu, but that would require a system update for each game (or an eShop download or something). Seems unlikely...
For $10, I suppose I'll finally give Metroid a look. I never played a Metroid game, not because I don't like them, just because I never really had the opportunity. For $10 for that title though, it is hard to pas sup.
The PS4 doesn't play PS3 games, unless you're talking about the Playstation Now service (which is about the only stupidly designed aspect of the platform), which is a streaming service.
The PS3 architecture was the "endpoint" of Sony making some kind of bizarre "super processor" for the core of their console (which they also did with the PS2's Emotion Engine), and it was seen as very awkward by many developers. The PS4 is designed around PC-style architecture similar to the XBO and X360, so it's far easier to use.
It's not emulation. It's much simpler than that- the Wii firmware is simply made to run on the processor, it is called a virtual machine. If anything it is actually just as simple to run GameCube games in the same way (with a little bit of fiddling about). N64 games do need to be emulated, and if it is technically possible on Wii, it is possible on Wii U. They ought to get their act together.
It's still mind-boggling to me that they could get the DSi and DSi games so smoothly incorporated into the 3DS eShop, and yet botch the very same concept on the Wii U so badly.
How hard could it possibly be to tell the Wii U to auto-launch to Wii Mode when selecting a Wii game from the Wii U menu? I shouldn't need to dig through all these slow-loading menus.
You can't even press the HOME button on the gamepad - same notification shows up - "Wii software cannot be controlled with the Wii U gamepad"... I assume this will turn into the Wii home button for classic control compatible games though.
I'm wondering if it's worth trying to trade Metroid Prime Trilogy disc in tomorrow morning (before they adjust the price) and see if I can get more than AU$13 for it!?
@DrMonk - Thank you for all your reporting. I compeltley misunderstood what was being shown in the ND. I have so many Wiiware games on my Wii U I thought I would be able t play from the Wii U menu.
88 posts in and no one complained this is just a money grab to repurchase games we already own to play them in Wii U mode? Where's the cynicism?
Well, so much for hoping for a Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 HD combo for Wii U...
@Quorthon The problem is that the triggers are 4-steps. Super Mario Sunshine is a very good example, seeing how the angle and power of F.L.U.D.D. were heavily influenced by how far you press the triggers, this would be unsolvable by just restricting it to 2-step input.
The same goes for Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, Doshin The Giant, and Wave Racer: Blue Storm, among others I can't recall right now.
The only idea I can imagine is to emulate the triggers on the GamePad's touchscreen, but that would be very unintuitive.
Exactly. I think we forget that the GameCube, Wii, and Wii U all share a the same basic architectural design mentality. They're just higher-powered versions of one another. It made sense for a while, as the GameCube was an incredible powerhouse in its day, but I think it's time for them to adopt PC-style architecture like the PS4 and XBO. It's what most developers are familiar with.
@rjejr yeah... it's a bit sad they couldn't do more with this... It is just running on the Wii chip on the console, and using the Wii U's hard drive as the disc reference. If it was emulated they could have changed the Wii menu to at least say "Return to Wii U menu" rather than "Return to Wii menu".
In those cases, I would think re-assigning them to the L and R sticks as clickable options would work. Click the Right stick, apply the more gradual change the squishy shoulder buttons used to (by then moving the stick in a certain direction while clicked).
I think, though, for the most part, the vast majority of games and developers on the GameCube didn't use the analog elements of the GC L&R buttons. Porting most games would be relatively easy. The Wii U has more buttons and options, and this is one of those things I think Nintendo is more than clever enough to solve should they finally bring GC games to the Wii U.
@Nimious Oh, okay.
what about DS games on 3DS now
@Kaze_Memaryu analog triggers on the touchscreen (well back touch surface) is what PS vita does to emulate analog triggers when playing a PS4 game remotely... but yeah, front touch screen would be weird. I don't see anything that is too much development effort happening on Wii U unless sales increase dramatically - it's just not worth it.
I own a lot of these, but I somehow lost my copy of Galaxy 2 awhile back. So $9.99 for a digital copy is a steal!
Still no N64 VC is inexcusable though.
@Quorthon Yeah, except for Nintendo themselves, barely any developer utilized the triggers - and there were a good number of multiplatform games involved, as well, which weren't designed to use them to begin with.
But, as for Nintendo adapting the same architecture as Sony and M$: why would they? Nintendo is familiar with what they already have, changing that would possibly cause a lot of delays on their end while getting used to the X86 architecture. Besides, developers are just whiny about that - it wasn't a problem for them during the GameCube days.
Very good!
My question is, will save data carry over from the Wii mode?
Also, they can do Wii games, but still no N64 or GC?? Oh well.
@Whopper744 I already confirmed above - save data carries over from the Wii mode. No need to restart games you previously owned.
This is awesome news! I still await word on DS, GCN, and proper N64 support, though.
Yes, Punch-Out '09. I regretted not buying that after renting it.
(On the other hand, I just bought my brother the disc versions of MPT and Pandora's Tower for Christmas... whoops.)
I already own every Wii game on disc, but I will probably re-buy Prime Trilogy just because I'm addicted to throwing money at Metroid.
Great, if you don't own the games listed. Unfortunately 75% of Wii owners own at least 1 game on this list.
It's not worth $10 to me. If you already own the game Nintendo should offer the download for free.
-Wait, what about online multiplayer? Will that be reinstated?
@DrMonk - When if first came on in the ND I really thought they were getting rid of the Wii menu entirely and just having everything - discs and downloads - run via the Wii U menu. Even if that meant launching "Wii mode" when we clicked on a box at least it would all be there.
And finally get rid of that way too small Wii storage limitation. I bought so many games on Wiiware and VC we never play b/c I have to go into Wii mode and then re-download them. A bunch of good N64 VC games too.
But no, I can just re-purchase games I already own on disc, so it was a bit of a let down. But you did a much better job explaining it than Ntinedo did, so thanks again.
I think this has great potential. This allows folks to nab games they may have missed out on physically and those that want the hd convenience can double dip.
@jjmesa16 How would they even check if you owned a game? Save states? Could be exploited, club nintendo? Not everyone has or uses it. Buy it if you can use it...if not walk on by.
I feel like they should've had an update where Wii Games are displayed on the Wii U home menu with updated controller support, I already have SMG2 and I barley have any data left on my console after Tropical Freeze.
I mean for future use. Nintendo needs to do everything they can to get 3rd parties back on their side, and if they're going to stubbornly cling to making hardware, they should at least adopt the PC architecture standard. Ultimately, what matters is how they utilize it for their OS and console-exclusive features, but they should adopt this mentality. It's better for 3rd parties, and as Sony and MS have shown, it's far more affordable to manufacture than strange custom-designed processors. Those days are over, and their death knell was the PS3 Cell.
Sensor bar needed? ;(
Where is Super Mario Galaxy 2 on e-shop? No one answered my other comment, isn't there a good soul here wanting to help me? Please..
@BaffleBlend Ahh, good question. I think the only NWFC game on the list is the sharing of friend tokens in Metroid Prime Trilogy? My guess is this will still be lost, since the game is just playing in Wii mode.
@rjejr what you describe sounds amazing! I wish they would do that too... my Wii U menu would be so full!
@stefostyle yeah, or you can use the gamepad's built in sensor bar
@RaphaBoss It's highlighted at the top on the main page in Aus... I'm guessing it hasn't launched in your region yet...
its on the main page...I wish they'd been released as virtual console games tho
When Prime Trilogy comes out, SOMEONE please let me know whether they change the "Friend voucher" system... if they don't, it will be literally impossible to unlock everything in this version.
@DrMonk My acount has a US addres...
@RaphaBoss Yeah, seems like it is a bit delayed there... other people were complaining about it earlier. Noon was mentioned earlier... not sure if that's East coast or West coast time though.
Well, this is cool and all...I guess. More interested in titles that support the gamepad. In other words, I'm not re-buying games just to have the games I already own on disc, digitally.
Seriously, $10 for Metroid Prime: Trilogy. Thank you, based Nintendo.
I was interested in picking up the SMG games so this is of interest to me. The Kirby Return to Dreamland is a welcome addition aswell as that game is extortionately expensive to pick up on disc in Europe.
Might pick up Donkey Kong Country Returns aswell.
@DrMonk gamepad inbuilt Sensor bar?
Ten dollars is a good deal... I'll probably end up buying a few!
Nintendo is a big liar.. I bought super mario galaxy 2 and I can't play with the WiiU gamepad.. I need to use a wiimotion controller and nunchuck
@stefostyle umm yeah, it's either side of the camera on the front of the gamepad. It becomes active in Wii mode if you choose 'TV and gamepad' or in some games that use it like golf in Wii Sports Club and in Wii Party U. You could just sit your gamepad underneath your TV and use that as a sensor bar if you want.
So do you need the disc for this to work or are they just e shop downloads?
Wii U GamePad would act as a Wii Classic Controller - Totally worthless as Sin & Punishment is the only one that supports it.
And I'll add on to the fact that Nintendo is again adding another platform to bring to the eshop. Good stuff...however, this sounds all too familiar to what they've said in the past. "Nintendo 64 games coming! Nintendo DS games coming!" Almost feel like we'll get another little "rush" of games, then they'll forget it half a year from now. Or in the case of N64/DS games - none. Goose egg, zilch, nada, etc.
This is incredible. I can finally pick up the Prime Trilogy at a ridiculously low price.
they just downloads no disk requires , they load save files if you transfered . and the Gamepad is just a display screen for Galaxy 2. nothing else works on it
@liljmoore just eShop download. Just like putting the Wii disc in except it goes straight to the game and back out again (rather than through the Wii menu).
@unrandomsam I was wondering that... that's really the only game. I mean it's cool 'cause I never played it but was hoping there were more games that would be playable with Gamepad/Pro controls.
I passed on both Galaxy 2 and Punch Out!! when they were first released. We recently were thinking about tracking down a used copy of Punch Out!!! so we'll that one for sure. At $10, Galaxy 2 seems like a must have as well.
The Metroid Prime Series is awesome. The first is one of my favorite games!
Please. Xenoblade Chronicles. Make it happen, Nintendo!
These are great games at great prices. They're from the time I pretty much stopped buying Wii games, so I'm happy to grab all three at such a nice discount.
@Quorthon As I said they have to do something very different as emulation is too inefficient. The prospect of a modern generation console emulating games from the previous generation is unlikely to happen is the point I was alluding to.
And yes, I'm well aware of the architectures used currently and previously which is why I'm pointing out the Wii U is interpreting not emulating.
As to that however it's a mistake that the Wii U was not x86 as well. Having more previous generation games shouldn't be the point of a current generation console. The ease of producing for x86 would have saw a lot more quality third party titles come to the Wii U but sadly Nintendo seems to still see a future with PowerPC.
I WILL Be getting all these games! So frickin stoked about this right now!!
@Ryu_Niiyama How did they know that you could purchase Super Luigi U before the retail version, if you owned the disc of New Super Mario Bros. U?
Simple you put the disc into the disc slot.
I do agree that this is a great deal, for those who don't own these games. I will end up buying the Metroid Trilogy because I don't own it. However, for the games I already own, I think I'll get off the couch and put the disc in, instead of spending $10.
I guess I could get Punch Out!!! (since I don't own it physically) for $ it worth it, though?
I already have all of those titles, which, quite conveniently, still work on my Wii U.
Over the summer I dropped $40 on the Metroid Trilogy. I never imagined them porting it to the Wii U eShop lol.
Impressed, never had a Wii so good for me. Prime Trilogy and Galaxy Two for sure.
Never being thankfull for what we've got - Hoping a future release is Radiant Dawn !
Okay, SMG2 is on the eShop now.
@brewsky I hope they do. Although, they might not release the game for $19.99 while the 3ds version is coming for (most likely) the pricce of $39.99
@mystman12 Maybe they are saving it to release it alongside the DKC SNES trilogy in the next weeks. Hopefully.
@Quorthon It isn't quite the ideal, but at least it is a step in the right direction. I never understood why this did not happen a lot sooner, like when Nintendo badly needed games (any games) on their console.
This is also an easy way to introduce a 'budget' line to their system. Let people on the fence about a series or genre buy last gen's entry at an affordable price. Think you may like New Super Mario Bros U, then try New Super Mario Bros Wii first (okay, that might not be profitable since that is essentially the same game). But Pikmin 1 & 2, Skyward Sword, Radiant Dawn, Xenoblade Chronicles, and other great titles can be a decent way bring more visibility to the games.
Now, they just need to introduce Gamecube games via eShop with the Gamecube adapter to really build the retro library. That would solve the analog button problem and help justify the expense of the adapter/controller.
Gamecube Games Plz
Like many other, I wish they'd announced N64 or GCN instead, but this is still good to have, I guess (they could use a slightly lower price). I will say this, though: they better throw some focus on hard-to-find or expensive Wii games, since those are what would be worth getting.
Galaxy 2 would be really tempting if it was updated to use gamepad controls... as it is, it's ten dollars for the convenience of not having to put the disk in if you already own it. This is an awesome option for games compatible with the classic controller though!
Probably not, but it would be great if they'd make online Wii games playable again.
Sweet! At just $10, I'm definitely getting Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid Prime Trilogy. Those are two (technically four) of my favorite games ever.
Wow now THAT is some news! Never played the prime series past the first one on GC so very excited to get entry for 10$! Only wish skyward sword was part of this, however the size might get too large.
Do you need the wii remote to play Super mario galaxy 2 or can you use the game pad?
Nintendo see a future in Power architecture (and quite rightly so), and in some ways it has advantages in terms of efficient data processing over x86, something which video games can benefit from. The problem isn't that developers are used to x86 and Nintendo somehow need to switch to it. XBox 360, PS3 and Wii all used Power architecture. The problem is that developers are used to tools that make their lives easy on Microsoft Windows on x86, such as Unity and Unreal Engine. If Nintendo can create a tool that makes games development rapid and straightforward, then developers are more likely to flock to Wii U. From what I can tell, they actually have that with the Wii U software development kits and the 'Web Framework' already, The problem is not architectural, it is that the Wii U does not sell.
My WiiU ran out of hard disk space so fast. I'm really not that interested in digital copies for WiiU or any system. It is good for the odd rare/pricey game like Metroid Trilogy though. What would be nice is Japanese exclusives on Western eShop. THAT would get my attention.
Nintendo wants people to purchase these games again, with no gamepad support, and no step up with the visuals? Sure....This is sad man. Meanwhile, GameCube is still missing. Only the deluded Nintendo die hards will be purchasing, unless they don't own it. In trying to impress their current Wii U owners, they received my contempt.
Nintendo wants people to purchase these games again,
No. Only if you don't have them already, or prefer the convenience of digital.
I wish they'd announced N64
You can play Super Mario 64 with a classic controller right now on Game Pad... through the Wii Mode.
Can anyone confirm if the new WiiU "Metroid Prime Trilogy" can actually use the GamePad controls or it like the Wii Disk and you can only use the GamePad for viewing.
Just found out they're going to be 480p instead of 1080.
Sigh... Nintendo just keeps making homeruns, don't they?
If I can use the gamepad for Metroid Prime then I might get it again.
Thank you Nintendo. Great way to start off the year
The Metroid Prime Trilogy for $10 is the deal of a lifetime. Seriously, those games are easily worth $10 a piece. To get them all for $10 is ludicrous. If you've never played them/don't own them, do not hesitate to get this. And like @earthboundlink said, I'm jelly of people who will get to experience this series for the first time.....FOR $10!
@Wilford111 These aren't remakes, they're just digital versions of the same game.
For those that keep asking
Running Galaxy 2 on the Wii U right now
The game boots into the Wii Mode still, but ONLY to run the game & use save data so unfortunately there is no miiverse support with these downloads, when you return to the wii menu it actually brings you back to the wii u menu and your playtime is recorded through the wii u's daily log and not the vwii's
The game still runs the way it originally did, tho if you got your wii u set to 1080p the game will display like it did in wii mode via the disc, 480p displayed as 1080p with black borders.
Do my wii saves work? YES since the system has to boot into Wii mode in order to run the game you are able to access your save data.
So, overall this is a very convienent way for Nintendo to offer games to us, Prime Trilogy being a PRIME example, for $10 that game is a absolute steal. Hopefully we get good games from this and hopefully its actually supported continually..... unlike another service i know of, i'm looking at you Virtual Console.
Nintendo releasing Wii games on the Wii-U I find pretty confusing actually but at least Nintendo said that they are releasing them and did it as we are still waiting for N64 and Gamecube games to appear on the Wii-U. Why was Mario Galaxy 2 released before 1? Surley you gotta play the first one first? it looks like a good move by Nintendo to do this.
How about path of radiance, or radiant dawn? The wii one
Meh, don't care. Still have my Wii connected, and there's no point in purchasing again games I already own.
@brewsky I wouldnt expect that one for awhile. Not when they can get you to pay double for the New 3DS port.
Now if only they could release Wii's Klonoa, that one is hard to find nowadays, at least in Finland.
What's the file size for Galaxy 2?
M-m-m-m-Metroid Prime Trilogy?! For just $10?!
If I already have the disk game though, I kind of doubt it's worth getting...
I'll probably won't use most of this, since my Wii is still plugged in. It's still cool, tough. Hopefully they release some titles I don't own eventually, like Kirby's Return to Dreamland.
But...yeah, it's not looking good for GC and N64 on the VC. And I still can't think of a good reason to not release those.
Wii had an amazing library. If they dig deep enough, and third parties add only their very best games for the right price, this is a goldmine.
I already have over a hundred original Wii games, all the very best that interest me. But 10 for Metroid Prime 'Thrill-G' (gotta love how he pronounced that) is a STEAL for anyone who for some reason missed out on this wonderful collection of awesomeness.
Edit: one thing was painfully absent though: Project Zero. Maybe this is a great chance to release the fan-translation of 4 outside of Japan, followed by the new Wii U game, in the future? I imported and patched, but more people should be able to play 4, and ALL should be able to play 5!
Great first week price but I'm still not sold on digital purchases. Maybe for rare games but I can buy a disc SMG2 for a couple of quid more than first week price on eBay. Then I actually own it rather than just having a licence that I can't pass on to someone else or share. Hmmmm.
@JLPick What's it matter? I got a 1.5TB drive for $35 on sale, and every store has 500-1,000 GB drives for $50. Unless the 320 is like, $20, I wouldn't see the point
@Giygas_95 I sold my gamedisk for $88. Picking it up for $8.99 via a bestbuy sale is a fantastic dream.
The Web Framework is not exactly a development tool. Really, it's just an option for coders as the Wii U can play games developed using HTML and Java--internet languages. Which made creating executables for HTML-based engines, like Impact in XTPE+ and Construct2 (unfortunately used in a lot of crap) is easier. It was a way to welcome developers versed in web languages, essentially. That's what the Web Framework is.
Also, the Wii was not x86-based, it was another PowerPC--quite literally, a supercharged clone of the GameCube (so the joke about it being "two GameCubes duct-taped together" is surprisingly accurate). The PS4 and XBO use almost the exact same x86-based hardware, and AMD designed everybody's GPU this generation, with the PS4 out on top.
Nintendo simply building from an x86 architecture right from the start would make things easier on pretty much all developers, and on any new hires Nintendo brings aboard, and on top of that, then they wouldn't need to waste time trying to make extra software to get popular engines to work.
@Cyberbotv2 Wait wait wait...hold the phone. People who buy things... DON'T ALREADY OWN THEM?!!?
Man that's crazy talk. And here I was going to buy the games I already had 6 copies of!
@JasonAnArgoNOT64 I'd take off work the day they were announced.
Wii Games! What about GameCube? I want to play Luigi's Mansion, Wario World, and Kirby Air Ride again!
The major pain point of porting x86 to ppc code is endianess, that is how negative numbers are treated. However, this is usually only a problem when PPC Mac games needed to interact with Windows x86 games.
Last generation the xbox 360 had a PPC processor, and developers had no problems porting to the 360 from windows due to the API.
I would actually say from a development perspective... Microsoft has always had an advantage due to superior tools. Nintendo would be better off in the future to continue with their current architecture, and just increase the power. The problem they have with this generation was a.) A crippling bottleneck with data transfer, b.) A controller that while may be interesting, means developers have to spend time adding that functionality in order to sell the game, vs. if the WiiU was packed with a normal controller.
Hence Nintendo should just increase the power for their next console, keep the screen controller, and the wiiMote/proController support. This allows for reusing tools/techniques developed over the 4-5 years of the console life.
I don't want to complain, I really want to see some Wii games on Wii U, although I would prefer some third party games as well.
The problem I have is with Wii U VC. We were told that there is no way to play them on the Game Pad (without the WiiMote) without paying some extra money and know they tell us that we can and ask again for money. Those games are ports that the Classic Controller buttons are somewhat mapped on the Game Pad and the Wii games are playable without WiiMotes or the TV. Why can't we do this with all Wii VC games that we paid a lot of money to buy?
I never said Wii had an x86 processor, all three of the last-generation consoles used Power CPUs. Just to clarify what I meant by the Web Framework - I meant exactly what you just pointed out.
Aaaaand again, no GC VC. I won't lie, my main reason is to be able to play Skies of Arcadia Legends IF SEGA wanted to even bother, other than that, I've played most of what I've wanted to play. Aaaand, I was hoping to hear that the GBA VC would make a formal debut for 3DS, but... the wait continues. As for whether the Wii U Pro Controller would be playable for Wii games, I really don't see why not. Chances are, the Wii games will simply feature off screen play with no other enhancements, or, HD enhancements at most, but not much game difference since we'll still be using the Wiimote for the majority of Wii games. The question would be, is the Classic Controller going to be supported. If so, that leads to a new question of, Gamecube controller/adapter integration. Sorry for the run on, but Nintendo is really baby stepping this whole process unnecessarily.
Double check this sentence:
"The problem isn't that developers are used to x86 and Nintendo somehow need to switch to it, as XBox 360, PS3 and Wii all used the architecture."
That reads as if you're saying all of them used x86. So it's just a grammatical error, though on my end, I only noticed the Wii in there knowing full well that the PS3 was the last of Sony's ridiculous "super processor" concepts (maybe the Vita, but it's just a slimmed-down version of the PS3's CELL).
Why not Gamecube? I don't get it.
I might get SMG2. At $9, as opposed to $20? The only thing is it is digital, so maybe. Edit: Funny enough, I don't want to move my Wii everything over to WU, so that's why I haven't 100%ed SMG, though I've beaten it, like I said on the forums this morning. A choice of moving individual items would be nice.
YES!!!!and it only took them two years to think of this.
THIS would be the best way to maximise wii u software sales for next two years till next nintendo console
@mystman12 That's what in sayin! NoA is goes out of their way to keep DKC from us- no DKC GB trilogy, no DKC SNES trilogy, no DKC Returns Wii U. Surprised we even got Tropical Freeze at this point...
The Prime trilogy! This means I don't have to pay a ridiculous price for the physical copy. This gives me hope for playing Xenoblade Chronicles which will probably be released sometime around X's release.
@buckminster Hey, yeah. Ours is in bad shape too! Might just have to buy this today. My kids also loved Kirby's Return to Dream Land but we only borrowed it and never owned it, so that will be a day one purchase.
Metroid Prime Trilogy is a great deal and you really must play it with the Wii Remote aiming (even if there are other options) as it's infinitely better that way, IMO. YMMV.
Man i almost bought the disc version of the Prime trilogy at Gamestop for $45. Something told me not to get it so I left it at the counter. Now I'm glad I did :]
For those who have questions, here's a video of someone playing the downloadable Galaxy 2 on the Wii u.
@audiobraniac. I know what you mean. I actually bought Prime Trilogy for about $65, but immediately returned it when I couldn't justify the purchase, so I'm happy about downloading it for $10. Actually, it'll be a little less because I'll be purchasing some eShop cards from Best Buy after work today.
I left work because I was "sick". Just got home and am enjoying the poop out of SMG2! Totally worth the scorn from coworkers.
I wish there was some kind of discount if you already owned the game on Wii...
@Aagqestern. I don't know. The price seems pretty fair to me already.
@Spoony, that sounds awesome. I might need to leave a little early.
Downloading Super Mario Galaxy 2 ASAP. And I never thought I would be able to type that sentence.
I no longer have the Sin and Punishment game so I may pick that back up. I never did Kirby Return to Dreamland so I need to get that one.
@speedyboris 1633.3 mb =)
Getting prime trilogy. Wonder its file size.
Oops! I've edited the comment to clarify what I meant. I would just like to point out that the CELL microprocessor was really a glorified and extended Power processor, in order to increase performance for games, though.
While I will be getting Metroid Prime Trilogy (like a lot of ppl I assume), I feel this is hugely disappointing, Nintendo missed an opportunity to get right with the world and release GC games!!! I mean why release Wii games digitally when (most) games are still available for purchase, and the Wii U was designed with backwards compatibility in mind?!?
@Kaze_Memaryu They might not be emulated perhaps.
Might be they are using an interpreter to play the wii games?
Thats how its possible to play GCN unoficially on a wii u; with an interpreter.
Hopefully this means that they can add GameCube games in the future as well. That'd be really sweet.
@RoomB31 My guess would be that their market research (Club Nintendo surveys) contained a lot of comments like mine. I registered a lot of Wii games my first year and always pointed out that I bought the game because I missed the chance the first time around. Add that to a used market that still carries Wii games for $25+ and there is a golden opportunity to undercut it, make a nice profit, and hasten the death of that market (read that as get the games out of Gamestop).
Personally, I will be buying quite a few titles I've previously looked at but wasn't willing to pay $30+ for. All three of the games announced interest me, although I probably will not be able to buy all three within the launch week.
It's a neat idea, especially when games like "Metroid Prime Trilogy" go for stupid amounts.
Shame I have most of those games, although I will download the "Kirby Wii" game. Just wish it was "Super Mario Galaxy", as I have the second one.
Maybe I could buy it again if you can transfer the SD data save to Wii U memory.
All I want is to join the Wiiware and Wii VC to eshop like 3DS does with DSi.
This is going to make a lot of people who are trying to sell their Metriod Prime Trilogy for a killing.... $10 for the first week and then $20.... lol I think EB games is still trying to sell that game new for like $80. They won't be happy of that announcement.
Also... what is with Europe getting Donkey Kong while NoA just doesn't care???
Oh snap...Just had a thought. Radiant Dawn! Please Nintendo, physical copies are too expensive! Also, with the new Fire Emblem game having been revealed, what better timing?
I can't wait to play Metroid Prime on the Wii U finally! I could dance all day if the Wii download recognises the gamepad as a classic controller if the game originally had support for it would that not mean a tweak to the operating system. For example could that not mean that Sin & Punishment will let you use the gamepad controls, whether it's the download or you pop in your original disc....possibly/hopefully????
I might stick in some classic controller ganes now & see if it works. If it's not an update to the operating system and simply a tweak to the actual game then this support for gamepad controls, could be added in some shape or form, to work with the disc versions??? Maybe, I'm not very technical minded.
I would love to play Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Xenoblade, Resident Evil 4 (not a lot of people realise it can be played with a classic controller as it doesn't say it on the box), Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, Geoetry Wars etc. etc. solely on the gamepad
But the market/tech still exists, whereas its a lot tougher to come across gamecube games etc... and also the Wii games are still in play, and fresh, whereas there is a nostalgia factor for GC that runs higher and the amount of quality games that few played gives a new opportunity to a new and old generation.
Metroid Prime Trilogy finally for a reasonable price, take that Amazon!!
@heathenmagic Yes, you can. Mario Galaxy 2 recognized my save files automatically.
QUESTION: So when I download wii games to my wii u do I still have to use Wiimote nunchuck? Or can I finally play Mario Galaxy with an actual controller??????
I will probably get Punch-Out!!, since it will be cheap and I have been interested but not enough to pay retail price. I already have Metroid Prime Trilogy. That said, they REALLY ignoring Gamecube and N64 games? The ones that are much harder and more expensive to find?
Hopefully I can play this on my tv screen as playing in Wii mode makes a terrible color! Metroid Trilogy!
@Dreamcaster-X Thanks! I just downloaded it, nice to know it is save compatible, nice touch.
Metroid Prime Trilogy for me.
Eh, it's all good. Regardless of the relative ease in porting from X360 to PC, given the differences, my point is that the industry is coming closer to adopting a standard, and Nintendo should follow suit, if for no other reason than even a slight bit more ease on developers. On the other hand, the more the rest of the industry moves toward a standard, the worse Nintendo's going to look by making something different unless of course, they work with engine developers to make the Nintendo tools easier to implement and use.
I've used Nintendo's Unity, and let's just say that there are some... issues... that Nintendo should have addressed early on with it.
I personally don't think they're going to maintain the GamePad with the next console. I think it's largely failed to live up to the hype, the industry and consumers recognize this, and even without this information, consumers tend to be off-put by the thing.
I think Nintendo is going to want to wash their hands of the Wii U as soon as they are able, and of the now heavily tarnished "Wii" brand itself. Time will tell, though, but it's pretty clear that outside of Smash Bros and some titles, Nintendo does not look kindly on the GameCube, and while they've learned to have a sense of humor around the Virtual Boy, I don't see anything like that for the poor old Cube.
They once recounted that if the Wii sold like the GameCube, they'd have considered it a failure. The Wii U is selling worse. This could very well be the reason they aren't too keen on bringing GameCube games to the Wii U VC. It's entirely possible that they feel the console has a negative stigma among consumers.
If true, that's a real pity, as I loved the hell out of that thing.
Oh, by the way, I do agree that, no matter what, Nintendo's next console needs to be powerful. Ridiculously powerful.
$10! HELLO METROID TRILOGY!! so awesome
Wiimote + nunchuk for SMG2. Only Wii games that uses the Classic Controller Pro will be compatible with the Gamepad controls.
I think just the first three games will be half price for a week and the rest will be full price from release day. If that is the case, I'll be waiting months for a sale.
$10 for the Prime Trilogy? I'd be crazy not to jump at the chance.
I already own those games in their original formats... but this would be incredibly convenient.
@RoomB31 But with Gamecube you have controller compatibility issues and the need to produce an emulator (yes, technically there may be one buried in the vWii software). The Wii games already have controllers and already have built in hardware compatibility.
Don't get me wrong, I want to see all of Nintendo's back catalog available. I think that they went for an easy win that lets them offer a budget line of software. Plus, look on the bright side, this means GC games if they show up will be somewhere between $10-$20 dollars ($10 being the price for N64 and $20 being the Wii pricepoint). I would guess $15.
I'm more interested on how much space these will consume.
I like the fact there will be gamepad use, not too pleased that all the early releases are Wiimote controlled.
@BensonUii oh okay. Thanks for responding! 😃
So now, if the Gamepad can be used to emulate a Classic Controller and games can boot into Wii mode from the Wii U menu, playing N64 games on the Gamepad is also easy to implement....
So is this like a weekly release thing? I want Mario Galaxy 1, Skyward Sword, and Wii Sports Resort.
Ignoring the continuing disappointment at the lack of Gamecube games I'm pleased they've done this, it should have happened a long time ago. There are a few Wii games I'd pay £9 for-Fire Emblem, Xenoblade Chronicles (especially as the 3DS port looks dreadful and will not be persuading me to buy any new hardware), The Last Story, Endless Ocean 2, Wario Land and a couple of the New Play Control games spring to mind. Also seems a golden opportunity to finally release Excitebots in Europe too.
This really is awesome. Games like Metroid Prime Trilogy and Kirby's Return to Dreamland are rather expensive on the secondary market, so being able to acquire them for $20 is amazing.
Of course I just had to buy Metroid Prime Trilogy for $50 used before this was announced.I didn't expect Nintendo to do this at all,but I just might have to rebuy it for $10 so I can play with the GamePad.
@Quorthon Excuse me, did you read this part of the article?. "These games would be installed as standard Wii U games and able to launch directly from the Wii U menu, or even the quick start menu."
No sir, excuse me, did you misread my post? Indeed you did! I was referring to the several Wii games I already own that are on the Wii U, hence my reference of sifting through slow menus.
HELP! I'm experiencing a bug with Super Mario Galaxy 2. I downloaded it to an external hard drive. When I launch it, I just get a black screen for 2-3 minutes and then the Wii U turns off and restarts to the home screen.
When I move the game to the system hard drive it works fine. It only causes this problem when it's on the external HDD. I called Nintendo Support and they were not aware of others having this problem. Their next tier of support is going to "look into it" and get back in touch with me in a few days. Has anyone else run into this??
I own the originals of each, never having gotten the Trilogy release before, but I might do it just as the consumer way of showing Nintendo that we love the "right" kinds of Metroid games.
I also wonder if they'll be HD, but they'd obviously be 16:9 at the least, and that's fine by me.
Will get Metroide prime triology. Its the only wii game I'm interested in that I don't own. And maybe Pandoras tower.
I just got Pandora's Tower for Christmas, and now they are making a digital version. I suppose I will get it so that I can save money on batteries for my wiimote because I already use my Classic Controller Pro to play it.
If I could choose between HD graphics and full Gamepad controls I'd go for the last one. Playing Metroid on my soft warm bed would be great!
These are awesome news for someone like me who never owned a Wii (besides, each time I enter the Wii menu, I have to open the battery lid to my Wii controller and re-insert the batteries again, otherwise my controller won't work, so it's really a hassle). I might buy all these games, who knows (since the price is so low the first week, and I've played neither of them).
@kokirii - probably an issue due to the external hard drive having to go into wii mode to play the game. just move the game to the wii u console and the issue should go away.
@Bass_X0 That may be but do you think it could be patched? If they're going to release a lot of these games it could be a big problem if I'm not the only one who can't store them on an external hdd
@Quorthon not gonna happen now... why spend man hours on something that will NOT net profit? THIS is gonna get them cash...
Are... are you serious? You don't think filling the Wii U eShop with Wii Ware and Wii VC games will net them any amount of profit? I doubt I'm the only person who would love to buy games from the Wii Ware service, but are put-off by it's outdated shop, lack of sales, and the extremely cumbersome steps required merely to access it from the Wii U. As it is, I have a hard time justifying putting any money in there at risk of not being able to spend it all, or buying games that will leave unused, leftover money.
These games should already be in the eShop, in the same way they're already in the DSi eShop. That seamlessness and uniformity makes it extremely easy to buy DSi games on the 3DS, which allows them to continue to generate revenue from those older titles.
This would be a relatively minor software update for the Wii U, that opens up easy access to hundreds of games. If Nintendo can't make money on that, they're effectively overrun by idiots. Hell, highlighting these Wii titles is the perfect opportunity to promote a merger of the Wii U and Wii shops into one much larger library for consumer convenience.
Your point is ultimately self-defeating: If there was really no money in selling Wii games easily on the Wii U, Nintendo wouldn't even have ported these three.
So I am excited for the Wii games I don't own... the ones I do have (like Prime Trilogy) I won't bother getting.
For those complaining about N64 not being on Wii U VC yet this may be the solution. Sure it wouldn't be the best solution but if, like these wii games, it launches the N64 wii VC game from the Wii U menu that is a start. All the games would have gamepad screen and controller support. They would not have the state save function that other Wii VC games have but that is less useful on N64 games than SNES or NES games. Also it will be able to access the save files if you own the game already. It would probably be a pipe dream for Nintendo to offer the game for free if you own it in Wii mode (although I think that would be a fair solution since it would only add gamepad-as-classic controller support) but they would certainly offer a discount, a la NES ($1) and SNES ($1.50) VC games, if you own the N64 game in Wii mode already. Following the pattern then N64 games would be $10 with a discount to $2 if you already own it in Wii mode.
I do still believe that GC games will come and I believe the GC controller adapter is the solution there. I do not think those games will be played with any other type controller which was the hold up. Now that they have a control solution they have to port the games individually as they always have. The pricing model suggests they would be $15.
@Quorthon you clearly misunderstood what I meant. I am on your side, but all my corporate buddies will ask, "where's my ROI?" In this idea. And, why take time to do something that will net you very little (the amount of man hours it would take to convert these titles would be a huge undertaking. I know everyone out there believes that "it's just a simple conversion"... Sure, as long as my corporate buddies and their supervisors are not involved
Ahhh, alrighty then, but (humorously) you also misunderstood my point, perhaps. I'm not talking about converting all these titles, but a system update that removes the Wii menu, places all your Wii games on the Wii U menu, and any time you open a Wii game is "auto boots" into Wii mode.
Essentially, the thing they have incorporated directly into these three noted Wii games should have been a system update that applies to all Wii games.
Then merging the shops, or merely incorporating Wii Ware and Wii Virtual Console sections into the Wii U eShop should also be a relatively simple update where they can apply eShop rules to the games.
It has long annoyed me that Nintendo could do this so right on the 3DS, and yet fail so miserably at the very same concept on the Wii U.
Like I said, and I doubt I'm the only one, but there are Wii Ware and Wii VC games I'd love to get, but buying Wii Points again? Sifting through those menus (the Wii shop was the sloooooooowest shop out there), having to dig through the start-up process and slow navigation of Wii Mode just to play the games...
I often think about playing a Wii game, then realizing I don't want to go through the hassle. I'm sure it sounds a bit lazy or nitpicky, but by comparison, I could start up the PS4 and enter pretty much any game in the same time it takes to navigate those Wii menus.
@XyVoX I'm glad I waited
@Quorthon yup! Everything you said! That's honestly what I was expecting in software updates... Never got it, but boy is my console STABLE.... I'm picking up SMG2, jut for kicks. This may be useful for picking up some titles I never had a chance at (or simply was too cheap to pick up at the time)... We will see
@kokirii No but if it isn't fixed very soon I am going to get none of these. (Metroid is going to take loads of space). I will get all three or zero. (I have the disks already).
Seems like a good price point. At the sale price I'm even tempted to pick it up eventhough I already own the disc version. I'm just wondering if anyone has compared the graphics to see if the digital download looks any better than the disc ? I doubt it and couldn't really tell from the link to the Youtube video earlier in the comments.
Never mind, I just saw the other new article about what features the download version offers
@millsy_muss apparently they don't since the Wii mode seems to be fired up when launching the Wii games from the Wii U menu.
I'm having the same problem. It just goes to a black screen, and then returns to the Wii U menu. No error message or anything.
This is very troubling since I was really looking forward to the Metroid Prime Trilogy, and there is no way that will fit on my Wii U. I hope Nintendo can fix this issue, pronto.
@RantingThespian please call Nintendo Support and tell them! They called me back for more info twice and each time they said that they were not aware of this happening to other people. They need to know about this problem before they start pushing out more large Wii games to download.
Not bad I guess, though there isn't much that I need anymore. If only they would release A boy and his blob, Muramasa and The Kore gang. That's the stuff I really would like to play. I could never find them in the shops.
Strange that they skip Mario galaxy 1 (for the time being). 20 Euro isn't a bad price, and it leaves the door open for 15 Euro Gamecube downloads. But it seems they have forgotten about N64 and DS downloads (only 1 DS download so far).
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