Once transferred to Pokémon HOME, your Pokémon will be listed in the National Pokédex (a list comprising every single Pokémon from all the games to date). Remember, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet has its own Pokédex (the Paldea Pokédex) and is not compatible with every single Pokémon.
When transferring Pokémon from Pokémon GO to Pokémon HOME it should be noted that transferred Pokémon cannot be moved back to Pokémon GO once they have been moved to Pokémon HOME .
For previous generation games, all Pokémon must be transferred via Pokémon Bank on 3DS . While it is possible to transfer Gen 1 and Gen 2 Pokémon from the 3DS Virtual Console releases of the original Game Boy games (or their remakes on later platforms), it is not possible to move Pokémon from original Game Boy cartridges to Pokémon HOME .
However, it is possible for series devotees to move their Pocket Monsters all the way from Gen 3 on the Game Boy Advance to Pokémon Bank and then to Pokémon HOME, although you'll need a lot of hardware and even more patience. See below for more details.
How do I transfer Pokémon from Pokémon Switch Games to Pokémon HOME?
To begin using the service for storage, simply download the app on Switch, agree to the various terms and conditions and get acquainted with Grand Oak.
From the main menu you can immediately select your copy of Pokémon Sword and Shield or Pokémon Scarlet & Violet and begin transferring Pokémon between Boxes.
You'll find a gift Pikachu waiting for you in your Pokémon HOME box. Once connected, you'll be able to transfer compatible Pokémon between the game(s) and the app at will, using standard buttons in docked mode or dragging and dropping via the touchscreen in handheld mode to easily sort your Pokémon. Pressing the '-' button at any time will call up Poké Boy who will offer tips and explanations.
Hitting the '+' button will enable you to save the changes to your boxes and return to the main menu. Pokémon HOME will list your Pokémon according to their National Pokédex number with the option to separate out each region. If a Pokémon has Mega Evolve or Gigantamax forms, they too will be shown.
Note: You'll have to actually transfer the Pokémon to Pokémon HOME for it to register in the Pokédex - Pokémon contained in boxes in-game won't be registered.
The Mobile version of the app displays even more information such as their abilities and the moves they can learn.
How do I move Pokémon from Pokémon HOME to a Pokémon game on Switch?
Once you've moved Pokémon to Pokémon HOME from Scarlet and Violet or other sources, compatible Pokémon can easily be transferred back to Scarlet and Violet by connecting with the game again and dragging your chosen Pokémon to the game's boxes. Remember that only Pokémon present in the Paldea Pokédex or the list of transfer-only monsters can be moved to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
How do I transfer Pokémon from Pokémon GO to Pokémon games on Switch?
To transfer your pocket monsters from GO to Home, you'll need to have the same Nintendo account synced, and from there you simply use the GO Transporter within the game to send them across.
There is a slight catch - the transporter costs "energy" for each Pokémon you transfer. The amount of energy depends on the Pokémon being transferred.
If you're absolutely desperate for a work around, you could move compatible Pokémon from Pokémon GO to Let's Go, Pikachu and Eevee, and then to HOME, and then to Sword and Shield. If we were you, we'd sit tight and wait for the update, though.
How do I trade Pokémon using Pokémon HOME?
There are four different ways to trade Pokémon using Pokémon HOME. You can only trade using the mobile version of the app . Using these methods it really never has been easier to catch 'em all.
Wonder Box
Wonder Box is essentially a blind trade where you put the Pokémon you wish to trade in a box and it is traded at some unspecified point (whether you're using the app or not) with another from someone else's Wonder Box. This is similar to the blind trade system found in Pokémon Sword and Shield. You can put more Pokémon in the Wonder Box if you're subscribed to the Premium Plan.
Using GTS you'll be able to specify the exact Pokémon you want via a trade - very handy for filling in the blank spaces in your Pokédex. Again, you can trade more Pokémon at one time on the Premium Plan.
Room Trade
Rooms can only be created by people with the Premium Plan, but up to 20 people can join via a Trade Room ID (or you can join a random room). It's a bit like Pokémon roulette - you won't know what Pokémon you're getting until the trade is complete. In the initial hours we've had mixed success, with various connection issues causing us to be booted from trade rooms. We expect these issues to be ironed out over the coming days, but for now it's a little patchy.
Friend Trade
This enables you to trade directly with any friend that you have added to Pokémon HOME.
How do I transfer Pokémon from previous generations to Pokémon games on Switch?
This will involve the use of Pokémon Bank, the previous system used to store and trade Pokémon up until Gen 7. THIS FEATURE IS ONLY AVAILABLE WITH POKÉMON HOME'S PREMIUM PLAN .
You can find out more information on the official Pokémon Bank website , but as a rule, once you've moved Pokémon from earlier Gens to Pokémon Bank, they can't be transferred back, so make sure you're happy 'losing' them from your original games. The following infographic from the Pokémon Bank website shows which games permit deposits-only or deposits and withdrawals, but remember: TRANSFERS FROM POKÉMON BANK TO POKÉMON HOME ARE ONE-WAY ONLY :
Note: As of the closure of the 3DS eShop in March 2023, Pokémon Bank is no longer available to download though it is free to use for those who already have it installed.
The 3DS app was an annual fee of $4.99 and for the first month of Pokémon HOME, users were able to access Pokémon Bank free-of-charge .
Here are some details from the lovely Alex with regards to the convoluted process of transferring your legacy Pokémon up the daisy chain into Pokémon Bank and, from there, to Pokémon HOME. Over to Alex:
"To transfer from Pokémon Ruby / Sapphire / Emerald / FireRed / LeafGreen you need to see every Pokémon in the Sinnoh Pokédex in Pokémon Diamond / Pearl / Platinum , or reach the Pal Park in Fuschia City in Kanto after completing the Johto Elite Four. You will also need an original Nintendo DS or a DS Lite, as you need a DS that has both a DS game card slot and a GBA game cart slot."
"To transfer from Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold , or SoulSilver , you need to reach the Poké Transfer Lab on Route 15 by beating the Elite Four in Pokémon Black , White , Black 2 or White 2 . You will also need 2 original DS systems, or you can use 3DS systems as well if you like, or indeed one of each. This is because you need to essentially trade between the two systems wirelessly."
"Pokémon with HM moves cannot be transferred through either of the previous two methods. This is to stop you from being stranded in your game without the ability to Surf or Fly when it’s necessary."
"If you had Pokémon in Pokémon Bank but haven’t been paying the subscription up until now, it’s possible they’ve been wiped from the server, and if that is indeed the case I’m afraid they’re lost forever. Reports are mixed, some people have lost everything whilst others haven’t, so double-check as soon as you can."
What are the differences between the Nintendo Switch and Mobile versions of Pokémon HOME?
The Switch and Mobile versions of Pokémon HOME work in tandem, but also have exclusive features not available in the other. You'll need both in order to access the full list of available features. Here's the complete list adapted from the official Pokémon HOME website :
Pokémon HOME feature
Nintendo Switch version
Mobile version
Move Pokémon with Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee!
Move Pokémon with Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield
Move Pokémon with Pokémon Bank
Judge Pokémon
Trade Pokémon
Receive Mystery Gifts
Check Battle Data
Check News
Exchange Pokémon HOME Points for BP (Battle Points)
As you can see, certain features are exclusive to one version of the app, so you'll need both to be able to get the most out of the app. Some features are also restricted to the Premium Plan, too (the Judge feature which lets you see how strong your Pokémon are, for example).
What are Mystery Gifts?
By tapping the green icon in the centre at the bottom of the screen in the mobile app, you'll see a Mystery Gift icon on the left. Using your phone's GPS you can check for Local Event gifts or input codes (or code patterns) according to the official website, although this option isn't present in the app at the moment.
These gifts are only accessible via the mobile version of Pokémon HOME and will be redeemable in either Sword and Shield or HOME.
Once Pokémon GO compatibility has been introduced sometime before the end of 2020, transferring a Pokémon from the mobile game to Sword or Shield will result in a Mystery Gift appearing in the mobile version of Pokémon Home — a special Melmetal which can Gigantamax in the Switch game. Beware, though, because it's not possible to transfer this (or any other) Pokémon back to Pokémon GO once it has been moved to Pokémon Sword and Shield.
How do I check my Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Battle Data?
As of the Pokémon HOME ver. 2.1.0 update in February 2023, you can view your Pokémon Scarlet and Violet ranked battle information in the mobile app.
To do this, simply select the 'View Past Battle Records' option to see all of your previous in-game data.
What are Pokémon HOME Challenges?
Reaching certain milestones regarding the Pokémon you register in Pokémon HOME - related to all kinds of variables including number of Pokémon, type, nature, moves and more - will result in fulfilling Challenges, as listed in the mobile version of the app.
These Challenges will appear when you complete a part of them and finishing them rewards you with stickers and special backgrounds you can use to decorate the app and your profile.
What are Pokémon HOME points?
Depositing Pokémon in Pokémon HOME gives you Pokémon HOME points which can be exchanged for Battle Points (BP) for use in Sword and Shield (although only when using the Switch version of the app).
How much does Pokémon HOME cost?
Pokémon HOME has a Basic and a Premium plan. The Basic plan is free, although it has several restrictions not present with the paid Premium plan.
The Premium version is available in a monthly, three-monthly or yearly plan for the following prices:
1 month
(30 days)
3 months
(90 days)
12 months
(365 days)
Nintendo eShop Price (excluding tax in the US)
£2.69 / $2.99
£4.49 / $4.99
£14.39 / $15.99
What are the differences between the Basic and Premium Pokémon HOME plans?
Here are a list of the differences between the free Basic plan and paid Premium plan, as detailed on the Pokémon HOME website :
Pokémon HOME feature
Moving Pokémon from Pokémon Bank
Number of Pokémon that can be deposited
Number of Pokémon that can be placed in the Wonder Box at once
Number of Pokémon that can be placed in the GTS at once
Room Trade
Participate and host
Judge function
Can I use Pokémon HOME to transfer my original Gen 1 and 2 Pokémon from Pokémon Red / Blue / Yellow / Gold / Silver / Crystal on Game Boy to Pokémon Sword and Shield?
Unfortunately, no. The Pokémon you first caught two decades ago are forever trapped on those original Game Boy cartridges or on Pokémon Stadium . Of course, using various shady tactics and compromised hardware, enterprising Poké Trainers have been known to dump their original saves from the Game Boy carts, upload them to the 3DS Virtual Console versions of Pokémon Red and Blue , and then move those to Pokémon Bank, but we shall not delve into those dark arts here.
No, it seems that 'Stinkypoo' the Pikachu, 'Wormy' the Weedle and 'Metapoo' the Metapod will die on our Game Boy carts along with the battery. Probably for the best, to be honest.
Do I need a Nintendo Switch Online subscription to use Pokémon HOME?
Nope, Pokémon HOME works independently from the Switch Online subscription.
Are the friends in the Pokémon HOME app linked to my friends on Nintendo Switch?
No. That would be logical, practical and convenient, but no. They are entirely separate lists, so you'll need to add people to yet another friends list.
What happens to my Pokémon if my Pokémon HOME subscription plan expires?
As explained by Pokémon HOME support , you'll continue to have access to the Pokémon in your Basic Box, although all others will be inaccessible until you purchase another plan. Happily, it seems there is no limit to how long your Pokémon will remain 'frozen' on the servers, as opposed to the previous storage solution on 3DS, Pokémon Bank.
Good news if you forget to renew your subscription plan, although we'd still exercise caution if your Pokémon are particularly dear to you.
If my subscription to Pokémon Bank has expired, can I still access my Pokémon in the Bank and move them to Pokémon HOME?
Note: As of the closure of the 3DS eShop in March 2023, Pokémon Bank is no longer available to download though it is free to use for those who already have it installed.
Possibly, although it depends how long it has been since your subscription expired. Follow these instructions from the Pokémon HOME support page to see if your Pokémon still exist on the servers. Fingers crossed.
Will Pokémon HOME work with future Pokémon games?
Yes, Pokémon HOME is the main storage service for future Pokémon games. It has already been made compatible with Scarlet and Violet, Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl, and Legends: Arceus. It also supports GO as already mentioned.
We'll continue to update this guide with more information as it becomes available.
[source home.pokemon.com ]
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