@Grumblevolcano ZA is still unconfirmed to be a Switch 2 release. May very well be a case like Gen 5 where it comes to Switch despite Switch 2 being out.
On top of that, Switch 1 still has Echoes of Wisdom and Mario and Luigi.
"It is fate. Many have tried, yet none have ever managed to escape it's flow."
Surprisingly, they referred to Pokemon Arceus as a mainline game in official trailers etc. So I assume Game Freak will consider the new game to also be mainline. In terms of sales, Arceus was in the lower middle of the mainline games (15 million which is not exactly low) but far above all the console spinoff games.
@Tayrailbridge Legends games are mainline Pokemon titles. The game that Grumble mentioned is Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, which is just as "mainline" as Legends Arceus.
"It is fate. Many have tried, yet none have ever managed to escape it's flow."
@VoidofLight I was talking about both Sun/Moon and Ultra Sun/Moon. Sun/Moon is the applicable game to what's being discussed of which the Switch reveal trailer happened and then a few weeks later Sun/Moon released for 3DS. A brand new Pokemon generation happening on 3DS during the height of Pokemon GO popularity, naturally 3DS would be unaffected by the Switch reveal during Fall/Holiday 2016.
The situation is much different this time, I do think Switch 2 reveal will affect Switch 1 sales. I'd guess hardware will go down but software depends on how backwards compatibility is handled, if done well it could even go up.
I'm sure the base Switch will continue to receive smaller titles, as well as an infinite wealth of indies. It's clear that Switch 2 will be the primary thing once it's out, but with those titles and a good price-drop, I can certainly see people getting it as a budget console (Like many people on this thread have already pointed out.) I can attest to that mindset, I have family members who think the Switch looks neat but don't have the budget to splurge on it. Even if it isn't the primary console on the block, they'll still have a vast library to choose from, and like I said, indies for the rest of eternity. That said, I do think eventually base Switch will be phased out for Switch 2 once they're able to consistently meet demand. They'll want people to jump on board that Switch 2 train at some point.
I've said this elsewhere but the "they won't announce because holiday Switch sales" is a pretty dumb thought. Of course yes, a new hardware announcement will cause some people to delay their spending for the new hardware. That's a thing. But two things about that:
1. If people are buying Switch 2 instead of Switch then that's a win for Nintendo. Switch 2 is where the higher margin software will live. Nintendo surely doesn't mind you buying whatever platform they have but they'd prefer you buy Switch 2
2. Not all the spending shifting from Switch 2 will be from Switch. Some could well be from PS5, or Metal Quest, or a new monitor, or some speakers. Also a net-win for Nintendo
The only thing they'd be worried about would be the loss of sales from people who were going to buy Switch between now and February AND will get Switch 2 at launch but will skip on Switch once Switch 2 is confirmed. And I'm not sure there are too many of those people. And even where they do exist I imagine they'll be annoyed at the Switch 2 announcement regardless
Oh man, Switch 2 announcement rumors during September are popping left and right, and I am starting to believe them. I am so hyped for the announcement, this will be the first ever console announcement that I watch live, and especially for a console that I am already so invested!!!
So, if we are to assume that the new console release will take place sometime during Spring, if it is announced during September, this will roughly give 6 - 8 months to build up hype and market the new console, which seems plausible, right? Also, if the new console is announced before the release of Echoes of Wisdom and is confirmed to be backwards compatible, it could even increase the sales of the game, as some people who weren't sure if backwards compatibility would be a thing could be convinced to buy the game, without fear of not being able to play it on the new console.
@skywake I agree with this. Announcing the successor before 2025 probably won’t be that big of a deal for the reasons you listed above. I think, to get Switch to continue selling, they should price drop and/or make new bundles.
Super Mario Party Jamboree previews just came in, and reception seems promising! We didn’t get an overview trailer along with the previews (at least as of when I’m typing this), so I guess we’re waiting for one!
I think it’s pretty likely we’ll get another trailer somewhat soon (probably not an overview) going more in depth with the Bowser fight mode, Flying mode, rhythm game mode, and the possible Toad Factory mode. This trailer could potentially be in a Direct if one ends up happening this month.
@Grumblevolcano Interesting! This was expected. I personally won’t watch it, but this makes it seem like Switch Successor hardware won’t be announced this week (although it was very unlikely anyway). We probably won’t get a Direct this week either, because of Final Fest, Mario Party Previews, and now this PS presentation! (Nintendo often doesn’t care too much if announcements collide with Sony but it gives a bit more evidence for nothing major to be announced this week)
@FishyS I meant that it will affect the hardware sales. Gamers all know that the next console is on its way but average consumers don't follow Nintendos tweets or when console genetations start or end. Consider the following scenario: average joe would like to get a nintendo switch for himself or perhaps a second console for the family but won't do so because there's a new flashy youtube reveal trailer for the next console that will be backwards compatible. Also hardware sells software.
But what do I know? It's nintendo.... they could reveal the switch 2 tomorrow.
I’ll be watching the PS5 show tomorrow both because I’m interested in what it has to offer (in addition Cerny being an exceptional presenter), but also because I think we’ll see a fair few hardware components overlap with what Nintendo is cooking next. You might say we’re getting a semi-teaser to Nintendo's next gen console with a Sony show lol. Maybe not at all! But I venture that when Nintendo is ready to lay their cards out, we’ll see a similar hand to the PS5 gen refresh, so tomorrow is worth keeping an eye on not just for PlayStation fans.
Can we take a moment to appreciate just how many games we're getting at this stage. Think back to how things were pre-Switch, back in the Wii U days. At this point in the cycle it was a wasteland, Nintendo wanted to move on ASAP and developers didn't want to touch the Wii U with a ten-foot pole. Compare that to now, where we're so close to next-gen we can almost taste it, and we've got so many games out and upcoming that we don't even know where to start. We've come a long way.
scenario: average joe would like to get a nintendo switch for himself or perhaps a second console for the family but won't do so because there's a new flashy youtube reveal trailer for the next console that will be backwards compatible..
I suspect average Joe won't really notice this either; I have a coworker who buys game consoles for his children but didn't notice the Switch existed until 2 years in. Plus this will be a name reveal basically, but I assume it will be a bit longer before Nintendo starts putting out a zillion Switch 2 commercials which Joe has a higher chance of noticing.
Sure, some people may not buy a Switch after the announcement, but some people may save up and buy a Switch 2 who couldn't have if they had spent their money on a holiday Switch.
@Enriesto I think it's unlikely you'll see too much overlap. On the CPU side Nintendo would be silly to switch from ARM, while Playstation is likely to remain in the X86-64 realm indefinitely for compatibility, despite it's significantly lower performance per watt. GPU is way different as a result as well.
Where we're likely to see overlap is RAM (which is kinda boring), hardware file decoding (already on native PS5, unlikely to change for a pro model).
There's some possibilities on the controller side. Maybe Nintendo will kick the haptic feedback of the Switch up to PS5's controller's levels? But, a pro model won't update the controllers so...
Frankly I'm expecting "More powerful CPU, overclocked! More powerful GPU, overclocked! More RAM!" to be the main points in this presentation.
Topic: Next Nintendo Direct?
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