
Topic: The Chit-Chat Thread

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its dangerous to go alone!
take this.

the_shpydar wrote:
As @ogo79 said, the SNS-RZ-USA is a prime giveaway that it's not a legit retail cart.
And yes, he is (usually) always right, and he is (almost) the sexiest gamer out there (not counting me) ;)


the entire united states is generic

[Edited by ogo79]

the_shpydar wrote:
As @ogo79 said, the SNS-RZ-USA is a prime giveaway that it's not a legit retail cart.
And yes, he is (usually) always right, and he is (almost) the sexiest gamer out there (not counting me) ;)


youve got some doom in yer system goin on there.
i like it.

the_shpydar wrote:
As @ogo79 said, the SNS-RZ-USA is a prime giveaway that it's not a legit retail cart.
And yes, he is (usually) always right, and he is (almost) the sexiest gamer out there (not counting me) ;)


@Zuljaras which one is for the demon carnage


Switch Friend Code: SW-2940-3286-4610 | My Nintendo: Pikmin4 | Twitter:


You know, a Lego/Doom crossover would be incredible.
Lego Doom.

Treasure Acquired


It's dangerous to go alone. Solve this!
I can't find the last difference. game: Spot the Difference Party!. This has been bothering me since august. There are 5 differences to find. Two are circled. Third: the hanging paper in phone booth. Fourth: extra arch in the windows (middle left of photo).
What on earth is the last difference!? Can anyone find it?(use view image to see higher res)


@Octane You're welcome to help find the last difference, too.

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


@Zuljaras I was looking for 10 minutes all over the building, checking every nook and cranny. And it was by the telephone booth.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2940-3286-4610 | My Nintendo: Pikmin4 | Twitter:


@Zuljaras Holy expletive! You found it!! Wow. Today, I bestow upon you the title, smartest person on the planet!! 🤪Thanks!! (it was for everyone, but tagged octane in case he wanted something interesting while modding. I'm assuming Eel would see it.

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


@Apportal @WoomyNNYes Come on guys! Just run from one picture to the other very very fast.

Found it in 1 min.

I was expecting one of the windows to be the difference

Also this kind of puzzles are not what determine stupidity (I also know you are joking). I just love to work with details as I work as a QA. I know ... lame

[Edited by Zuljaras]

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