It's been a slow but steady year for Nintendo lovers as Switch winds down and everyone eyes The Future. The system still had loads of great games this year, though — as our bulging holiday backlogs can attest — and with the prospect of a shiny new console launch next year, there's much to be excited about. It won't be long until we find out more and get our fidgeting hands on that most precious of gifts - a Nintendo system launch game!
Whatever your plans this year, whether surrounded by friends and family or spending this one alone, everyone here at Nintendo Life sends our very best wishes for the holidays and beyond. We've got a suite of articles programmed for the next week, so sit back and relax - you've almost certainly earned it. (Not you, Jim - back to work with ye'!)
As is tradition, we're off to run around Freezeezy Peak with a bear and bird. Have a great one, everyone!
Comments 78
Merry Christmas to everyone at NintendoLife!
Here’s to an amazing new year!
Dragon Quest III was totally out of stock in Ireland but Santa made it happen anyway. A true Christmas miracle.
Merry Christmas to all the staff at Nintendo Life. Thank you for the excellent work you do, in both covering all things Nintendo and cultivating a community right here on this site.
Merry Christmas everyone. This site has helped me through some tough times this year, joy is more important now than ever for us all. Have an amazing Xmas one and all and thank you nintendolife for always giving me something to look forward to! Here’s to 2025 and what’s looking like (likely) a particularly exciting year for ninty fans. <3
Merry Christmas to all Nintendo Life's staff and everyone else here!
Merry Christmas! And thanks for all the great articles!
2025 will be a great time for nintendo fans. (Switch 2 reveal)
Merry Christmas everyone, here's to what's looking to be a very exciting 2025!
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all enjoy some festive fun and of course gaming! 🎄🎁🎮🕹️
@DiggleDog where did you get it here? Been finding it hard to get anywhere that isn't Amazon
Merry Christmas everybody.
But I'm really busy this week.
I have to finish my calendars design before 27 December 2024.
If I have enough spare time before sleeping, I will play ACNH to make photoshoot about Christmas.
Merry Christmas folks! Thanks to everyone who's commented in 2024, and a big shout out to @JohnnyMind for being a consistent source of positivity.
We've got a big year ahead of us in 2025. I hope you're all ready.
Merry Christmas you lovely animals!
I, too, want to wish everyone an Eekum-Bokum! 😆 Merry Christmas, one and all! I hope you all have a lovely time.🎄 ❤️
Merry Christmas everyone!
@Olliemar28 Thank you!
Can't wait to see what 2025 will bring us here on Nintendo Life and to all of us videogame fans!
Merry Christmas. I hope everyone enjoys the holiday period.
I’ll be spending my Christmas Day eshop card on Dragon Quest 3.
Merry Christmas Nintendo Life. You have brought me so much joy this year. Thank you so much. 🎅 🤶
All I want for Christmas
Is Switch twoooooooo
Merry Christmas all.
Merry Christmas to all of you 🎄
@OldGamer999 Hope it's out before then lmao!
Merry Christmas everyone!!!🎄🧑🎄⛄
Last year, I shared how I bought my little nephew a Zelda-edition 3DS XL for Christmas, and people on this site called me a narcissist fishing for likes for some reason. That was really hurtful, not gonna lie. So yeah, Merry Christmas to everybody except for those Grinches and Scrooges who think it's okay to tear people down for no reason, especially during the holidays--I hope Santa left a big stinky in your stocking this year.
At the risk of sounding like even more of an egotistical sociopath than last year, I bought my nephew the Deku Tree LEGO set, which was the present he wanted more than anything else. Everywhere was sold out, so I had to pay an extra hundred bucks to get one off eBay. In all, it cost me over $400, but watching him elatedly put the set together over the course of what will probably be several weeks makes it all worth it. I'd do anything to put a smile on that kid's face. I truly am the scum of the earth, huh?
Frohe Weihnachten! Happy Gaming!
Merry Christmas to the Nintendo Life staff and community! This site, for me, is the home of joy on the Internet, and I’m so grateful for its existence. Happy gaming and cheers to a fun-filled 2025!
Merry Christmas Nintendo Life.
Merry Christmas to everyone at Nintendo Life. I wish you all the best!
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to gamers everywhere.
Merry Christmas to all at NL
You never know, last rumour I heard was late 2025. Which definitely doesn’t suit my impatience 🤣🎄🤣
Merry Christmas, everyone! I wish you all a happy and peaceful time with those around you!
Merry Christmas Nintendo Life staff and readers! Enjoy the festivities and stay safe
Merry Christmas to everyone who works at Nintendo life. Hoping everyone here got what they wanted for Christmas
Merry Xmas to the NL staff and everyone who's commenting here, makes it a joy the whole year long to visit this site 🎮🧡✌🏻
@Not_Soos So very sweet of you and way to put it in the faces of all the mean Grinches who likely have nothing better to do. Kudos, thanks for sharing!
@Yalloo Thank you.
Merry Christmas everyone, hope all having a great one. Might play a bit of Sonic Generations later.
By the way, for those who are interested, I'm currently uploading a special Christmas video to my channel, where I play through various winter-themed Switch levels. The video won't be done processing for some time, as it's a long one, but here's the link for when it goes live!
Edit: The video is now live!
I made a custom thumbnail for it too, whereas usually I just go with one of YouTube's randomly-generated screenshots from the episode. I took a graphic design class as an elective in college a few years ago, but I don't remember much from it, lol. So, my Photoshop skills aren't the best, but... it's something! I also made a custom thumbnail for yesterday's video where I react to a weird Chick Fil-A animated series that has nothing to do with chicken. I'd like to start making more custom thumbnails moving forward.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all NL Friends! May you be filled with the Holiday Spirit today, and Peace & Joy the whole year through! I hope everyone gets to play a few minutes of your beloved games of Christmases past, or find some all-new favorites to enjoy. 😁🕹🎄
To the Christmasmobile!
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good day (cause it’s day). And now for my daily anticipation for the next Nintendo console: It’s almost here, I think!
Merry Christmas!
Merry christmas everyone! I've had my hookshot account for years but it was not until this year i became active with it. Thank you everyone for being my favorite video game community and thank you hookshot for my 4 favorite video game sites.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Remember, Jesus is the reason for the season, but Santa and Gaming are pretty awesome too!
Be blessed, all!
Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate it today! Happy Chanukah to those who start celebrating it tonight! Happy Kwanzaa to all those who will start celebrating it tomorrow!
Another great year for Nintendo. Even if they lost "Best Family Game" to Astro Bot, they showed good results.
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope the Switch successor will make this site even more popular next year. Thanks for your hard work NintendoLife, it is a pleasure to visit and comment on this site.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays all! It's been a decent year for Nintendo overall. And we get to learn about it all here on NL. Thank you to the staff for all you do, as well as the user engagement here. The site is definitely more active than when I joined during the Wii U/3DS era.
@Not_Soos I don't recall if I replied to you last year regarding what you mentioned - MANY sleeps since then - but I thought that was an awesome present for your nephew and didn't understand the jabs about narcissism; don't a lot of us broadcast what we receive or gift others in the comments or on the forums? I hope he has a lot of fun assembling The Great Deku Tree; it's a great set even if I DO think it's a little overpriced for what it is - even at MSRP. But hey, true happiness has no price!
Merry Christmas to everyone! 🎄
Merry Christmas, one and all! Thanks to everyone here--readers, editors, writers, filmographers--for making this site such an awesome community!!
Merry Christmas everyone - I hope there is a little Nintendo under the tree for all of you.
Same to all of you. I haven't had a Christmas off w my whole family since I don't even know when. Got lucky this year. Hope everyone has a great holiday.
Merry Christmas everyone!!
I hope everyone is having a happy holidays wherever they are,
2024 has been quite a year..
Merry CHRISTmas everyone! May God bless you all and your family.
@Not_Soos Don't let the haters ever stop you from being the cool uncle that you are. Your nephew will forever cherish you for being a part of his childhood Christmas memories.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone here!
Also, happy gaming!
Merry Christmas, NL!! Thanks for all that you do!
@JohnnyMind love that you got a mention, very cool @Olliemar28!
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to everyone at Nintendo Life and all my fellow readers! <3
It will be an estimated challenge for me to even steer my thoughts towards the new generation (I mean, outside progressively hourly prompts online😆) when the current one is already filled with more wallet menaces like Tales of Graces, Guardians of Azuma and Xenoblade X. But Nintendo's own comments on the successor's retained nature and backward compatibility generally spell out a steady course for the most QoL era of video games. Which, incidentally, may well qualify as one of the best holiday wishes to voice on a video game website like this, alongside sufficient health, wealth and peace to keep up with the hobby. So to everyone it may concern - merry Christmas!🍻
Merry Christmas everyone 🎄
Merry Christmas, NL! My gifts this year have been just fine, even though I’m someone who rarely gets games as gifts because I buy them myself anymore. I’m grateful to even just get some cold, hard cash!
My greatest Nintendo gift this year is the complete soundtrack for Kirby and the Forgotten Land, coming with the framed photo of Kirby and Elfilin. I got a couple of fresh fanmade Splatoon tees of Shiver and a replica of the Team Marie tee. Two Animal Crossing amiibo cards for a couple of the rarer villagers I want. And I got a Split Pad Pro for the Switch, which was something I only recently considered despite being a fan of playing the Switch in handheld mode.
Merry Christmas to everyone!! ^•^
I hope you have a good holiday and have a great time with family and friends.
Merry Christmas everyone and thanks Nintendo Life for another year of amazing content!
You guys are great, thanks for real <3
I think what rubbed people the wrong way about my comment, for whatever reason, is that I ended it with, "Am I a good uncle or what? 😁" Apparently to them, that's conceited, like I was trying to put everybody else down as lesser or something. I really don't get it.
When people got on my case about it, I explained how I just want to do what I can for him considering his parents are divorced, and how I just want to be a positive influence in his life unlike one of my uncles who was a terrible person. One NL user responded that by being unwilling to see what was wrong with my initial comment, I'm displaying a lack of maturity and needed to grow up.
Also, he said he never asked for me to divulge about my family's trauma and that doing so was unnecessary and unhinged of me, basically. No sympathy whatsoever, just cold and heartless. That's the only time I've ever blocked anybody on this site.
I'll never understand how anybody could be so miserable. May they get the help they so desperately need. I guess the responsibility is on me to not take the random words of an internet stranger to heart, but I'm a sensitive person, I'll admit. Thank you for the kind words.
And thanks to @Arkay as well. I appreciate you all for the positive sentiment!
A merry Christmas to you too! And thank you for all the hard work of last year! 😊
Also, @Arkay @Kienda, it's nice to see other people of faith in the Nintendo Life comments! It seems that people are finally getting comfortable expressing their religion again, which makes me happy. For a while, it felt like everybody was jusy expected to sweep it under the rug. God bless the both of you! And everybody else--whether you're Christian or not, I hope you'll at least appreciate the gesture that you're in my prayers.
@DipperMisterioPines Whoa, hey, Dipper, dude! It's me, Soos! Heheh, fancy seeing you here, dude. Me and Toby Determined are gonna go FCLORP-ing later if you wanna join us. TO MY GRANDMA'S BACKYAAARD!
@Not_Soos Well, maybe now’s the time to say that I always appreciate your comments. I rarely say anything, but I’ve thrown you likes. I just don’t comment often on here at all because I only try to speak when I have something worthwhile and constructive to say. I have noted that some users seem to not appreciate you or almost try to not understand where you’re coming from. As a fellow Christian I wanted to throw you some encouragement today in the spirit of this holy day.
@Rhum17 Thanks so much friend, I greatly appreciate the kind words! I think the majority of people on this site are pretty understanding and it's rare that I'm met with hostility like I was last Christmas. At the time though, that one incident was enough to make me feel like I was just done with this site, but my feelings changed after a day or two and I'm glad I stuck around. Comments like yours motivate me to keep making posts. It always means a lot to know they resonate with somebody. This is a good community.
@Not_Soos I tend to read much more than I comment these days, but you don't come off as a narcissist. Especially since some previous comments indicate that you've sought counseling. That is huge and is something true narcissists very rarely if ever do on their own; they don't see the need and think everyone else has the problem. This is according to both my own counselor and a close friend who's been through hell and back throughout her life and is now back in school to take up the same profession.
I think it's awesome that you want to be a positive influence in your nephew's life, especially since being a kid can be hard enough without experiencing one or more of the ACE criteria - of which parental divorce and/or separation is one. I'm not sure what to think of that particular user other than it seems like they were projecting their perceptions and problems onto you. It does appear they overreacted IMO. Just remember: we are only responsible for our own words and actions. We cannot control how others react, think, or behave. Something I've had to remind myself A LOT with the tumultuous year I've had IRL - especially over the last 3 months or so.
Anyway, I really do appreciate your comments on NL. I like that you engage with the site and seem to enjoy running your YT channel. As a fellow person of faith, I hope you have a great Christmas!
@Not_Soos It’s most definitely a good community. It’s part of the reason I quit IGN in 2014 and started reading this site instead. 😊 Have a wonderful Christmas!
Keep up the good work guys. I love reading these articles; they help keep the Nintendo fan spirit alive in me. And honestly, I like reading about all the NSW 2 “leaks”; it’ll be fun to see what was right and what was wrong. Of course, I am in no hurry to start hearing about the Pro model. And I am just going to share something that will definitely make me sound like I was crazy when I was younger (which I was): I wanted the next Nintendo console to be a successor to the Wii U. Don’t know why, I was just drawn to that flop of a console. I think it has a really cool design, even if it looks similar to the Wii. But don’t worry, I most definitely want a Nintendo Switcheroo instead of a Wii U Thay.
@Not_Soos Even though, as the hat says, you’re Not Soos, the fact that you were willing to go through a scalper to ensure your nephew got his most desired present puts you on the same level of greatness as Soos himself (but don’t worry: if anybody asks, I’ll tell them you’re Not Soos)
@Not_Soos Thank you, I'm not crazy about it ( I don't mean that as a bad thing) but I do my daily prayers and give thanks to the Lord for all that I have.
I do apprecriate your comments and like another user had said, I also throw in Likes/hearts when possible. Seems we're a small sub-group here within this community.
Seasons Greetings, NL. Thanks for everything, and I look forward to another great year.
As someone who has now been coming to this channel on a daily basis for over 15 years now, I wish all the fine folks that make Nintendolife come to life a very Merry Christmas, and an amazing 2025!
Merry Christmas Everyone! Happy gaming.
I hope you feel welcome here and that you will have warm and welcoming feelings from now on, when you reminisce about your NintendoLife Christmas memories.
Merry Christmas all hope everyone here had a great day. Sadly for me I've come down with a nasty dose of the Flu, I thought it was COVID again but fortunately it's not. I just have a fever that has gone down since yesterday. Anyway I just have to soldier on I guess. Again wishing everyone here a very Merry Christmas.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday, cheers to 2025 and the Switch 2!
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