
Halloween might have come and gone months ago, but it left behind a thrilling treat that we've been enjoying ever since. Luigi's Mansion 3 was one of Switch's very best games last year, and competition was certainly fierce. We very much enjoyed capturing each and every ghoul, but a new glitch has been discovered which enables you to skip one of the bosses entirely.

SPOILER ALERT if you've yet to play the game (we understand - that backlog, huh?!) and want the experience utterly preserved. Why you'd click on the article and start reading in the first place is a mystery, but here's your last chance...

Still here? Great. A new glitch is sending speedrunners' hearts a-flutter and enables the canny player to skip the Amadeus Wolfgeist boss entirely. Gaming Reinvented has looked into the glitch in detail, so check our their article if you fancy trying it yourself. The long and short of it is that the ghoulish pianist is guarding a Toad painting which is usually inaccessible until you beat the boss. However, by exiting through a door to the left of the stage at just the right time, you can then reload the game and it'll think you've already given ol' Wolfgang a rocking, leaving you free to rescue Toad and be on your way.

Here's a video from reddit of the glitch in action:

The timing's a little tricky, by all accounts, but the ability to skip a boss is big news for the speedrunning community. Of course, we recommend playing and enjoying every last minute of Luigi's latest ghostbusting getaway, but it's always fun to pull at loose threads now and again.

Have you run into any other glitches in Luigi's Mansion 3? Reckon you could pull off this glitch? Share your ghoulish tales below.

[source, via]