
Splatoon 2 is about to get a whole lot spookier, with plenty of Halloween-themed goodies just lurking around the corner.

First up is a worldwide Splatfest, celebrating Halloween in style with all sorts of festivities taking place and a 'Trick or Treat' theme. Being referred to by Nintendo as 'Splatoween', the event will be taking place at the following times (although players can pick sides from this Friday):

3pm, 19th October - 3pm, 21st October
4pm, 19th October - 4pm, 21st October
North America
3pm PT, 19th October - 3pm PT, 21st October
5pm, 19th October - 5pm, 21st October

Several in-game outfits are also set to be delivered through the Squid Research Lab Bulletin on the Nintendo Switch News section, and all stages will be decorated with hauntingly good graffiti during the celebrations. The whole thing looks absolutely amazing - check out some of the screenshots below.

And some of the lovely stage decorations:

Will you be taking part? And more importantly, which side will you be on - Trick or Treat? Let us know below...

[source twitter.com, via japanesenintendo.com]