SteamWorld Dig 2

One of the more significant Nindie games to be announced for the Nintendo Switch was that of SteamWorld Dig 2. Promised to be the "Super Metroid" to the original game, Image & Form looks set to pack this one full of all the ideas that couldn't be implemented in the original release. It's expected to release sometime this summer, and while it's currently a digital only game, that could possibly change before release.

The developers over at Image & Form recently did an AMA on Reddit focused around the impending release, and one of the questions asked was whether the game would be receiving a physical release. While there isn't any current confirmation, the developers are in talks with distributors now, and something could materialize over the next few months. Here's what was said:

No word on a physical release yet. We're in the talks with distributors, but have nothing to announce at this moment. BUT SteamWorld Collection did REALLY well for us, so physical makes a lot of sense.

What do you think? Would you buy a physical copy for Switch? What are you most looking forward to about Steamworld Dig 2? Drop us a comment in the section below.
