
Topic: Spread the Message; Make Nintendo Release Good VC Games

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Call Nintendo at this number: 1-800-255-3700



more like 'get yourself blocked from Nintendo's customer service line should you make too big a jerk of yourself'... no thanks.

future of NL >:3
[16:43] James: I should learn these site rules more clearly
[16:44] LztheBlehBird: James doesn't know the rules? For shame!!!

3DS Friend Code: 3136-6802-7042 | Nintendo Network ID: gentlemen_cat | Twitter:


Then the hell with you all, enjoy your crappy VC games!!



I called Nintendo a couple of months ago and "politely" asked them about the status of possibly bringing Earthbound to the Virtual Console. It seems the customer service agent I spoke with found my inquiry pretty amusing. Needless to say I didn't get any answers but then again I wasn't really expecting any either. It may have been pointless but at least I tried! They get a lot of calls like that all the time and the calls are monitored so somebody must be hearing them. As far as listening to them goes its probably falling on deaf ears but don't lose hope. We may get those good games some day!



Ricardo91 wrote:

You can try contacting them, but they won't listen to us. Many have tried. You're better off waiting until the good games start coming back (whenever that is). They will eventually.

I don't think that's completely true. Nintendo hears us, they just have certain plans and obligations that prevent them from delivering what everyone thinks they should deliver when everyone thinks they should deliver it. You have to keep in mind that Nintendo is a business. Everything they do is with an eye toward maintaining or increasing profits. That paramount need thus trumps our desire to have every cool Nintendo game ever released on the first day the console is out.

If you ask me (which nobody did, but I'll tell you anyway ), I think Nintendo is starting to ration their releases. They haven't managed to nail as many third party rights for the Virtual Console as they would like, and in result they have been making plans to stretch the service out for the expected lifetime of the console. In terms of the customer, that means mostly poor games, occasionally punctuated by a Nintendo classic. Reserving the Nintendo catalog is important because that is the only tool they currently have available to maintain ongoing interest in the service.

Plus there's one other factor to consider: WiiWare. Pretend you're a WiiWare developer for a moment. Can you honestly say that you want to go up against a strong 16-bit or N64 classic the week your game comes out? Unless you're World of Goo 2 (in which case everyone will buy BOTH games) the answer is probably 'no'. That's something that Nintendo has to be sensitive to as they build out their online services.



which good VC game exactly are you talking about anyway. There are IMO lots of great VC games already, and hell, if you're that irate about it, you could always do what we did before VC, and either emulate or drop some cash at your used game store. personally, even though i could emulate any game i wanted for free, i still spent money to buy some really great classics. And yes, it does seem that they have been rationing their VC releases, but a little too much. I don't like going weeks on end and being disappointed several mondays in a row that there's nothing good to buy. Same for wiiware, seems like we get a good one maybe once a month. at this rate, there is about 60 upcoming games for wiiware, but only one per week means I know what to expect for a whole year. IMO wiiwares should be getting 2-3 per week, it seems like the line is really long for wiiwares.

It's a me, Luigi!


i enjoy the selection on the vc, on the wiiware not so much. i have over 80 games, thats good enough for me. i just wish that the wiiware would have more better games.

my wii number: 8754-9981-5119-6538
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles number: 1290-4359-9435
PlayStationNetworkID: odd69


i have about 70 so i'm starting to follow you slowly odd xD!
otherwise i hear ya i was going to start a Petition for that but with work & all its been hard

Check out Wii-kly Review's on PSN ID: TailsPrower86 3DS FC: 3695 0027 1349 Tails XBL GamerTag: BioReaver86


This is a very deliberate business strategy by Nintendo and no amount of complaining is going to change anything.



I'll probably be a bit frustrated too once I've caught up with my wanted VC games. I've been working through and beating them, usually buying 2-4 more whenever I've only got one or two left to beat, I've got a good 20 right now with almost half in various states of completion (I'm focusing on StarTropics now since I beat Super Metroid a couple days ago).

I've still got about 35 that I haven't bought yet, so I'm kind of thankful there aren't being more piled on.

edit: Plus, I know VC complainers writhe in pain whenever it's suggested that 'good' is subjective, but three out of the last five VC updates were good games. Only one was my bag (Uncharted Waters, I love it up) but that doesn't stop the others from being well designed, fun games for the genre fans they'd appeal to. And maybe the Tower whatever one that just hit could be good, I've not had any word on it.

In far more mocking summary: "Waaaah, I've never heard of it, it must suck, I can't comprehend that a game I haven't played to death during my childhood could be good!"

Edited on by Wrenski



In two weeks we will have something good.



Moai+Head wrote:

This is a very deliberate business strategy by Nintendo and no amount of complaining is going to change anything.

Yeah,Nintendo is stubborn. Nintendo is so secretive about their VC release that they remind me of the Gestapo.

Edited on by Knux



I'd like to see Majora's Mask as VC game #300.



SuperSonic1990 wrote:

Yeah,Nintendo is stubborn. Nintendo is so secretive about their VC release that they remind me of the Gestapo.

Wow, that's quite a comparison! But I do agree that Nintendo is by far the best at keeping secrets of the three game companies, with Sony being quite good as well but not as much and Microsoft not even seeming to try (I think they like the kind of publicity that comes with "leaked" info).

My Backloggery Updated sporadically. Got my important online ID's on there, anyway. :P

Nintendo Network ID: Stuffgamer1


Stuffgamer1 wrote:

SuperSonic1990 wrote:

Yeah,Nintendo is stubborn. Nintendo is so secretive about their VC release that they remind me of the Gestapo.

Wow, that's quite a comparison! But I do agree that Nintendo is by far the best at keeping secrets of the three game companies, with Sony being quite good as well but not as much and Microsoft not even seeming to try (I think they like the kind of publicity that comes with "leaked" info).

That is why Nintendo will FOREVER & for ALWAYS be known as the KINGS of SECRETS!!



I second the query of what the "good games" are, because there are quite a lot of good titles on the service. Perhaps you should try looking through the existing offering more carefully to ensure you aren't overlooking any old gems?

I do think that dropping an email to the Nintendo support team (actually Codemasters) couldn't hurt, but I would advise that being polite and highlighting things you like about the existing service when forming your request will ensure a better response.

BLOG, mail: [email protected]
Nintendo ID: sean.aaron


One good way to let Nintendo what you want is through the Club Nintendo surveys. That is, if the game relates to the survey. So like Super Paper Mario, if the original wasn't on the VC, you could word it like this: "Given the fact that I'm a huge fan of the original Paper Mario on the N64, Super Paper Mario caught my eye instantly as it was announced! Although I'm still dying to see the original game on the Virtual Console, this is a nice time-filler for now and to its own merit, it's a great game."

Another example would be if the game relates to a similar genre. I made a mention of how much I would love to see Snowboard Kids come to the VC when I did my Snowboard Riot survey - on that note, I gave Hudson some great praises.

I think this is something that a lot of people don't realize.


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