Ever since the release of Super Mario Maker back in 2015, we have been secretly hopeful that Nintendo would follow the same formula for every other franchise at its disposal. That wish has, so far, been unsuccessful (bar some interesting 'Zelda Maker' stand-ins from the likes of Quest Master and Super Dungeon Maker), but it looks like another indie dev is stepping up to fill the 'Metroid Maker' void.
Starlair is, according to its official Kickstarter description, a chance to "Explore a massive universe filled with player-created Metroidvanias". To our eye, it's 'Metroid Maker'.

This is the first project from developer Shooty Bazooky and it sure looks like an ambitious one. You'll be given the tools to create intricate Metroidvania worlds complete with environment customisation options, various enemy types and all of the Samus-style upgrades you can think of. These creations then become a world of their own that other players can stumble across while exploring the galaxy — think No Man's Sky, but player-created.
Sure, the main attraction is probably the Metroidvania building, but Starlair is just as much about exploring these worlds as it is about creating them. There's an artifact-collecting story mode to keep things interesting at the start and you earn credits by completing each level which can be spent on ship upgrades or cosmetic player options.
Here are the details on the game so far from Shooty Bazooky:
The universe is always expanding. That's even true in Starlair. Every time new planets are created (by the players), the universe will expand. New motherships will launch. The world is always growing.
But what is Starlair all about? It's about a huge, endless adventure that's almost entirely created by the players. Every planet in the game is a world that a player built. These are side-scrolling Metroidvanias that could take half an hour or a week to complete. As more people play, more worlds will appear, and it could take a lifetime to complete them all.
You play as a bounty hunter. As the game opens, you've betrayed your employer by releasing a bounty that, in turn, assassinates the wife of said employer - for revenge. Accused of conspiring with the freed bounty, your former employer demands a life of servitude in exchange for what he has lost.
You've been tasked with tracking down mysterious artifacts hidden away inside the "asylum planets", which are the worlds you'll be creating in Starlair. As you collect more artifacts, you'll begin to learn what they are - and why your employer desperately wants them. But - at one point, as you collect more of them, someone else will approach you with another offer.
You can delve into the story - or just fly around in space playing worlds. It's up to you. It's not heavy-handed, and that's intentional. Every world has a social area in the landing zone. Here you can chat with other players - share tips/secrets, or check the world's leaderboard to see who has the fastest clear time, the most clears, the most monsters killed, the top percentages, etc.
As we mentioned, Starlair is currently open to support via Kickstarter, meaning it will only become a reality if it reaches its funding goal of £5,531 by 19th July.
Should it reach this goal, the developer has stated that it aims to launch in early access on Steam in "early Fall" with a full ver. 1.0 release by February 2025. You'll be pleased to know that the Switch is included in the launch platform line-up (the dev has already released a video of it running on the hardware) as is, interestingly, 'Switch 2', which the developer hopes will provide more power for improved resolution. All of that is pending Nintendo's official announcement, of course.
What do you make of Starlair? Would you like to see it on Switch? Let us know in the comments.
[source kickstarter.com]
Comments 24
Of course I'm going to support such a game on Kickstarter not only because it's a "Metroid Maker", but also since it's coming to Switch, it's not a strictly online game (although of course you lose on the social aspect when you play it offline) and the developers even thought of a way to transfer your save data through their server if you want to move from a system to another including potentially Switch 2!
I'm not so certain about this collecting materials and crafting stuff in a creator game like this..
I did decide to back it anyway cus I'm a sucker for game creator/level creator type deals but I wouldn't say I'm holding my breath exactly.
When you wish upon a star,
Dreams come true!
Aah, Kickstarter... or as I often refer to it 'Bend over and get what's coming to you'.
I get the appeal of a Mario Maker, but I'm not sure I'm sold on the idea of this. Bound to be some interesting content come out of it, but I'm not sure I'd ever find the time to invest in it. It's hard enough with Mario Maker.
£5,531 is really low, isn't it? That's like just a few months pay in a lot of european countries. Looks exciting though, so I'm curious what the dev can do with that money.
Something feels off about those graphics, at least to me...
I barely have time to PLAY the games I want to, let alone create them... Also not really feeling the overly generic look here.
That Switch 2 logo is not going to sit well with Nintendo until they make a proper announcement. This has a nasty stench of lawsuit, or ban from the system.
Edit: If the team is really working on switch 2, they must have signed an NDA. So this would be an obvious breach.
That gait does not look very healthy.
Any physiotherapists here?
I like how they assume the next Nintendo system will be just called Switch 2.
That short little walk shuffle is so bizarre. It's like he's purposefully charging up static electricity.
Plus, trying to copy something so specifically without directly copying it sure leads to the most generic looking stuff and just eliminates any real creative viewpoint. This looks really, really dull.
this could be really awesome, there are tons pf creative minds out there!!
The trailer looks good, but the Switch 2 claim and studio name make it hard to take this seriously. Either way, it's for other people since I don't brook plagiarism.
@canaryfarmer you nailed what I was thinking. It's so much Metroid-derived that it just feels like a lifeless mishmash, even with the creative aspect. And I hate lazy main character design in games.
Early access. Not interested.
Land the spaceship like ‘Not-Samus’, shoot at Not-Geemers, travel through Not-fair, use a similar map to… that game.
I’m calling this “Notroid”.
My goodness, though, change that goofy walk animation!
I love the ambition and I wish them luck. A Metroidvania-maker. I'll keep an eye out.
@Cow_wearing_pants Mismatch of pixel density between assets. Makes it look unprofessional for sure
There are already tons of rom hacks of 2D Metroid games. I suggest people just play those.
I would buy a metroid-maker from Nintendo, with officially licenced assets and enemies I recognize. Nintendo should really do that. It is very hard to make a good metroidvania, so while I would buy it, user generated Metroid games would probably be a dumpster fire.
@Chapapa A secret about Kickstarter funding campaigns for game developers, specifically, is that while the funds are fully intended to be spent on development, they are not meant to act as a measure of "this allows the dev to work for x amount of time", but instead meant to be a gauge for public interest and engagement during development (and also potentially allows backers to steer the game in a certain direction).
If a KS fails to secure funds, devs may either abandon a project or shift focus to a vision with smaller scope. A successful campaign simply encourages them to continue on knowing that people are legitimately interested and the funds allow them to do what they possibly couldn't have done before.
As much as I love the idea of a Metroid maker, the assets and player movement do not jive with me. I fully understand they might be at the alpha or even prototype level, but still.
This looks so generic and lame, copying Metroid to the point of sterility. It clearly also has frame rate problems based on the footage in this trailer. HARD pass 💨
What is the name of the music featured in this trailer?
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