Try not to go bananas over this, but Nintendo has filed a "new" trademark for the Donkey Kong series. This one is seemingly a little different from the usual ones. Instead of another stock-standard renewal, it actually seems to have been updated to mention "downloadable programs for portable and electronic consoles".
It's already ignited speculation that something video game-related could be on the way to the Nintendo Switch. In saying this, it should probably be treated as nothing more than a simple update potentially just future-proofing the Donkey Kong series. Trademark renewals are a regular thing for classic Nintendo IPs.
Earlier this year in May, for example, Nintendo filed trademarks for four classic titles. One of these happened to be for Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! on the Super Nintendo. This was alongside other titles from series such as Zelda and Metroid:
Rumours about a new Donkey Kong game have been circulating online over the past year - with one, in particular, suggesting Nintendo EPD (the team responsible for Super Mario Odyssey) could be working on a new entry.
Apart from the upcoming Mario movie, when do you think we'll see DK make a return? What kind of adventure would you like to see him feature in next and would you like to see the retro Donkey Kong games return? Leave your own thoughts down below.
[source dkvine.com]
Comments 99
could this trademark be a indication the rumored 2D Donkey Kong developed by Nintendo EPD 4 is coming to Switch?
I think it's ok if we wait and just see instead of speculating like crazed fans for months or years until something materializes from this.
Could this be the new Wii music with DK skins and lots of joycon rhythm waggle!
A sequel to the best game in the series. Barrel Blast 2.
I thought the continuation everyone wanted to see was Mario Vs Donkey Kong March of the Mini's Switch Edition
@Giancarlothomaz I thought that rumor was for a 3d game?
I’d love to see the original SNES trilogy remastered
DK Jungle Beats 2.
DK Returns and Tropical Freeze are about as close to remasters as you will probably get. Instead of revisiting old games, I am always a fan of moving forward and simply making a new entry or give DK another 3D treatment
@Spoony_Tech you trough it wrong, all sites has stated the new Donkey Kong game is 2D/2.5D
This indicates a new crash bandicoot game
All the sites who need clicks said they got the scoop. Nobody knows because Nintendo hasn''t said anything remotely about it.
Crash Bandicoot goes on my list of old mascots that I would love to see disappear from the public eye so I stop hearing about him every 30 seconds
AFAIK the rumor never indicated whether or not the game was 2D or 3D. All it stated was that some new Donkey Kong game was in development at Nintendo EPD Tokyo, the same studio who developed all the 3D Mario games since Super Mario Galaxy.
This is my personal speculation, but if we off of job listings, Nintendo EPD Tokyo has been hiring for a new 3D project since late 2019 and a new 2D project since late 2020. My guess is that the new 3D project is a new 3D Mario game and the new 2D project is the new rumored Donkey Kong game, but I could be totally wrong about that.
Dk64 on NSO probably
@steventonysmith Didn’t really like returns or tropical freeze. I’m actually the opposite of you, I prefer remakes of classics with modern touches. To each their own.
@steventonysmith Also, I am cool with a new 3d one though. Good idea there.
A sequel to Tropical Freeze please. Thanks.
Donkey Konga 3!!! Let's go!
What didn't you like about them? To me they played just like the Country series. Instead of when I died it was due to my own errors and not due to the stiff controls.
I think a really cool idea if the next game took place in or at least had a good size section in a New Donk City type of environment. The Urban Jungle would be a neat change of scenery and it would be a nice homage to DK's original title.
Donkey Konga: Rhythm of the Jungle
make it come with 2 pairs of wireless dk bongos, and older dk bongos can be used as well with an adapter.
A special edition would be sold with a DK themed GCN adapter
Already happened 🫥
Donkey Kong Country Returns Returns
I will wait and see if this is true, but it is so frustrating that DKC fans have to wait almost a decade for a new installment. At least DKC fans can call themselves lucky that they are getting something every few years. Other franchises such as Kid Icarus, F-Zero, and StarFox can be considered dead at this point.
More Donkey kong, yes please!! 2D, 3D I don't care. No doubt it will be amazing regardless.
Possibility it’s anything to do with the upcoming DK park at Super Nintendo World, and impending DK character-themed bands to go along with it? They can communicate with phones (and maybe the Switch) right?
DK 64 2
More things to collect
@steventonysmith I honestly didn’t like how they controlled. I prefer the stiff SNES style actually. And I tried. I had returns on the wii and 3ds and freeze on the wii u and switch. I just always go back to snes as my favs. Had em on that, the gba, the GB versions, the wii VC, Wii U VC, switch. Etc.
And I want them remastered over any new ones with the returns/freeze style.
A 3D Donkey Kong by the Odyssey team would be outstanding. I really hope that rumour is true and its release imminent.
Donkey Kong Country Returns (Again)
@westman98 I think the Mario team have probably been active since Mario Odyssey came out in 2017 with the next development of Mario, I know new job listings were put out there for both 2D and 3D games. Though it has been “rumoured” that a new team was put together for this Donkey Kong game, not the actual Mario Odyssey team.
Donkey Kong joins the Mario Kart Live Home Circuit Line of Characters, so now we are up to three
Low expectations guys, it's probably "DK Calculator" at this point. If it isn't though, nice.
DK Game and Watch, with only DK, DK Jr, and a DK Themed Clock, for $49.99
I think the Odyssey Team has a much better chance of reusing the engine and assets for Odyssey to either make a big story/multiplayer DLC for Odyssey or puling a Galaxy move and simply making Odyssey 2 on the Switch.
Removed - inappropriate
@steventonysmith And a full price port of Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars!
Not expecting anything but I am hoping.
Right, I believe the exact rumor from DK Vine was that a new team of younger developers within EPD Tokyo was working on the new Donkey Kong.
The rest of EPD Tokyo contributed to Bowser's Fury throughout 2018-2020 and are now presumably working full-time on the next 3D Mario title.
They haven't personally done much with the series for a very long time, Rare did and then Retro took over.
I will believe a new DK game is coming when Nintendo announces a new game.
Fingers crossed for my favourite series
I think they learned their lesson when they handed the Retro made series Metroid Prime to another studio. So if Retro is too busy then we will have to wait for a new DK game
I’m sure DK will return at some point in the future.
I hope next year with the launch of the DK area in Nintendo World / Universal Studios.
Nintendo is the only video game company where there’s so much speculation.
It’s fascinating and annoying at the same time.
Nothing against sites like Nintendo Life, but sites like this, and others, and all the Nintendo news based Youtubers need to constantly stir the pot to get clicks and views. So even the smallest sliver of news is treated like some huge leak to drum up business.
@westman98 I wish they would show us what they have been up to since Odyssey. But I have a feeling it could be for the next system, that’s my guess. Maybe something similar to Bowser’s Fury
I think a Nintendo F2P Battle Royale game would be interesting. Have the map be multiple Nintendo IPs smashed together and each character running around could be a different Nintendo Character. The weapons would again be a ton of stuff across all the IPs and you could even get vehicles too. Sorry this was kinda random but I think Nintendo should look into an idea like this.
I’ve been predicting a new Donkey Kong and Mario game. Something that goes back to the arcade roots to align with the film which seems to also go back to that history. I think it’d be great if Nintendo’s marketing issued arcade cabinets for this game as well for promotional.
It might just be an NSO release of Donkey Kong 64.
i doubt retro is working on this since their too busy with prime 4.
@steventonysmith I'm surprised to hear the SNES DKC games having stiff controls. I played Returns and Tropical Freeze first and then went back to the original DKC trilogy and I found the controls to be incredibly tight and responsive. Tropical Freeze is honestly my favorite of the bunch though (pun absolutely intended), but I would really like for the next modern game to bring in more animal buddies, area/level specific minigames, and the Kremlings. Those elements bring so much charm to the original games and I miss them here, but I digress.
I quite enjoy the ability to gain tons of speed and momentum in a flash on the modern games, lots of insane jumps you can pull off with that. But once you're in the air, it's quite a commitment if you don't have Dixie or Diddy. I feel that you can't change directions as smoothly as you can in the original trilogy, which leads to some jumps feeling a bit more sluggish.
TL;DR I enjoy the whole series, but find the controls on SNES tighter
@steventonysmith I Don’t think we will get another 3D Mario for the switch, we’ve had two 3D Mario games released on the switch already, three, if you include Bowser’s Fury. I truly believe the development for the next big Mario will be for the next system as Nintendo are going to need big games for it.
Donkey Kong is definitely due a new game, and hopefully quite soon, but so is 2D Zelda, 2D Mario and Star Fox...
Im firmly in the "this means absolutely nothing" Camp.
Maybe the game will coincide with the movie release.
Would love to see a 3D follow up to DK64!
This isn't news. They updated a trademark to include downloadable games. They already sell downloadable Donkey Kong games. This means literally nothing.
The second 3D mario game you are alluding to is a Wii U re-release with 4 hour DLC, I could see them pulling a galaxy 2 swansong near the end of the Switches life cycle
@westman98 actualy Nintendo Software Tecnology developed Bowser Fury
As a fan of Donkey Kong, I would like to see more environments besides Jungles and Forest in a possible future game. A theme to explore more on, could be the pirate setting as seen in DKC2, which could look really beautiful on a modern system. Where it could be expanded into a unique story with DK (being the good hero) who gets involved with K. Rool’s latest plot with bananas & treasures, and maybe a time traveling element, to tie with different parts of history in the world. That would be epic. Can picture a possible return of Wrinkly Kong (or Granny Kong) as being a teacher or guide to provide hints along the way.
Another thing I would be curious to see if the original retro arcade stages could be translated into modern 3D. That would be very cool, maybe as a sub-world to go through during a level.
From my understanding, NST did much of the grunt work, but EPD Tokyo was involved as well.
@steventonysmith It could be OK either way. Unless you're expecting some apocalyptic event from game rumors...
A new 3D Donkey Kong to go with the upcoming theme park expansion + Mario movie release window would be great.
… Wun can only hope.
Trademarks, trademarks. I do hope DK is returning and in 3D for a change!
Idk that just sounds like any game to me, but for some reason it be first thing that popped into my head was the Mario vs donkey Kong games
@BiscuitCrumbsInMyBed Well, I do think we'll get another 3D Mario for the Switch soon, just like we're getting BotW2 next year, and it will most likely be Odyssey 2, because the first Odyssey had great sales and the developers already have the experience and resources they gained from making the first Odyssey.
The Mario movie releases next year, and that's basically one big advertisement for Mario, so it makes sense to release a Mario game shortly after that; I think it will arrive late next year, six years after the original Odyssey, just like we're getting BotW2 six years after the first BotW.
I don't know how true those rumours about DK are, but I'm pretty sure we'll be getting a big new Mario game soon; maybe EPD will release a DK game after that, similar to how EAD released Jungle Beat after Sunshine (or Captain Toad after 3D World, for a more recent example), but I do think that a Mario game is more probable than a DK one. I could be wrong, but that's what I think.
Please, a 3D DK! The last DK I played was Tropical Freeze on WiiU. It was okay, but I'd much rather have a good 3D mascot platformer. It's like they stopped making them.
@steventonysmith Agreed, Nintendo fans are never satisfied. Always looking for the next thing instead of enjoying what is currently available. Also, speculation leads to disappointment.
Get something out Nintendo for god's sake I've not bought a Switch game for six months! Games I would buy
Anything related to-
Mario Odyssey
Fire Emblem (proper game not a beat em up)
Donkey Kong
Advance Wars
Wave Race
Chibi Robo
That is all!
I hope they are making a proper DKC:4 with the return of King K. Rool. It has been far too long since he has graced a DKC game.
Also, Donkey Kong tropical freeze is on the switch. This trademark could be applied to that game …
It may. It all depends on what Grubb, nate, and cornmeal head has to say about it. If they don't come clean and say it'll happen, no dice.
@Giancarlothomaz could be nintendo's PED written all over it. I suppose we'll find out in the next September direct if they have what it takes to perform at the next level with a new DKC game.
A new proper 3D Donkey Kong game would be fantastic, follow the same example with what Kirby did with Forgotten Land just don't make it open world.
Maybe some Nintendo lawyer had no yt channel to close yesterday so they renewed a trademark expiring a few decades later; you have to justify that paycheck somehow.
I'd love that as well, or fully remade in glorious HD.
If this is a new entry, I really hope King K. Rool and the Kremlins return. It's not DKC without them.
Lol i am kinda done with the nintendo speculations / rumors.
I'd love either a new 2D DK or a 3D one similar to Mario Galaxy but either way, it's been 8 years since the last DK game, and that's too long
I am really hoping they do something in the vein of Bowsers Fury with DK. I think that game/addition was a testbed for Nintendo. They could make something very cool with that 3D open-world platforming, but with DK.
@andyg1412 2023 and onwards they will bring these... along with the Switch 2!
They are holding back. I can feel it! They need some system sellers for Switch 2!
Metroid Prime 4
This new 3D DK
maybe another 3D Mario (Odyessey 2 would be nice)
That would be a nice few games for Switch 2 launch!
Just release Donkey Kong Country Returns for the Switch already!
@steventonysmith where's the fun in that
I vote for a new 2D Super Mario World Returns and a 3D Donkey Kong: Jungle Odyssey! C'mon Nintendo, give us those long awaited games!
Most likely day 1 on Switch Pro.
I’d love a 3D DK in the vein of Kirby Forgotten Land. Except make it hard as nails! I want to be punished!
Sources close to my uncle tell me Switch 2 launch lineup looks like this
Metroid Prime 4k
DK (3D or 2D)
F-Zero VR
Pilotwings VR
@Stubborn_Monkey I don’t think it will be an Odyssey 2
Nintendo could have easily used the same Odyssey engine and had a sequel already by now as it’s coming up to five years.
I believe we will get something new which will probably come out for a next system
I'm sure they've had other things on their plate, but all I'm saying is I could see them making an Odyssey 2 in the final year(s) of the Switch
Then find another company, Nintendo loves making game for the whole family. Edge Lords have the PS5, Xbox Series X and PC to play all their Souls games.
Yes because the lizard men made the game, I for one would enjoy entirely new enemies because my mind isn't stuck in the past
Nah. I'd love to but...unless it is Fire Emblem or Xenoblade, Nintendo doesn't care.
They could easily update the Kremlins. To me, they're as essential to Donkey Kong Country as Koopa is to Mario.
Make a Jungle Beat sequel already - that game was freaking dope as all hell.
@BiscuitCrumbsInMyBed That statement is so vague it could mean anything. On the other hand, I think the 23+ million copies Odyssey has sold speak louder than words.
It's taking over five years for BotW to have a sequel, I don't see why the same couldn't happen with Odyssey. EPD must've been doing something, and six years is too long without a new Mario.
I don't think Nintendo's next console will launch until 2025 or 2026 (and if it's 2025, it's going to have a rather empty first year), there's just not enough time to develop new games for it.
I don't want to argue this to death, but I'm rather sure a new Mario game will arrive next year, the movie's release makes it the ideal occasion. We could get an EPD-developed DK game someday, but 2023 is the time for a new Mario game, probably Odyssey 2. I could be wrong, but that's my opinion and I'm standing by it.
@DeusX Heh, New Super Mario Bros. and Donkey Kong 64 have both been out for some time now...
@BiscuitCrumbsInMyBed I only meant that we have different opinions about this and that I have nothing else to say. I didn't want to come across as overbearing and I'm sorry if I did.
@Stubborn_Monkey you’re cool, I love hearing peoples thoughts and opinions, sometimes there can be confusion though on forums with differences and options.
If we get another Odyssey game on the switch I’d be more than happy, I’d also be happy for something brand new on a more powerful system too. I’m happy either way. Sometimes Nintendo are extremely very hard to predict and it’s why I love talking about where they will be in the future. I guess I’m a person who likes things to be changed, so I know Odyssey sold over 22 million copies, I wouldn’t want sequels and sequels all the time, because we would never have anything new. But that’s just my thinking. Though I do think Cappy will remain a permanent character in the next Mario, even if it’s not called Odyssey
Maybe this is the action adventure game Namco was remaking... THEY'RE REMAKING DONKEY KONGA I JUST KNOW IT
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