Update: Highly-respected Donkey Kong fansite DK Vine has chimed in on our report, and adds the following information:
Development of the new Donkey Kong game purportedly began around 2017 or 2018, when Nintendo decided to bring Donkey Kong back internally for the first time since Nintendo EAD's Donkey Kong Jungle Beat... although Jungle Beat was more of a stopgap than a permanent status quo.
I've been led to believe that this is a new EPD team that has formed from other teams specifically for the purpose of creating Donkey Kong games.
And sorry to disappoint, but I have no info on the 2D/2.5D vs. 3D debate. Exactly what kind of game it is has never been shared with me, except that it's a platformer of some sort. I've speculated that the absence of information from my sources might indicate it's some sort of hybrid, not exactly Donkey Kong Country but not exactly a full 3D platformer either. But that's just a hypothesis, not an actual leak from my sources.
It probably won't have the Country branding, as outside of some retro-tinged arcade memorabilia, Donkey Kong Country IS the Donkey Kong brand now.
Original Story [Wed 12th May, 2021 11:30 BST]: Donkey Kong is one of Nintendo's oldest video game characters, and while the series has seen some massive releases over the years – Donkey Kong Country and Donkey Kong 64 being two notable examples – the franchise has remained pretty dormant since Tropical Freeze, which made its debut on the Wii U back in 2014 before being ported to Switch in 2018.
However, there are rumours that Nintendo is looking to resurrect the series by bringing it in-house, with development currently underway at Nintendo EPD, the team responsible for Super Mario Odyssey.
YouTuber LonelyGoomba has mentioned the rumour in passing on social media and other sources have also discussed it, but Nintendo Life can confirm that it has heard the same rumour from an independent (and very trusted) source, which would appear to lend this report some degree of legitimacy. However, our source claims that the game will be 2D (or 2.5D, if you prefer) and not 3D.
This rumour is also backed up by recent comments made by leaker Zippo:
It's the big ape's 40th anniversary, and while I'm not sure how Nintendo is celebrating the occasion, there is a new 2D DK game being developed by EPD Tokyo. Retro is obviously busy with other things, so Nintendo has taken it upon themselves to bring DK back in as internal series. Don't expect the "Country" moniker to return, as EPD Tokyo are not interested in making a sequel to games they didn't make. Diddy, Cranky and the Kremling Krew should all be returning in this installment. It sounds like this game is launching before the end of the year. An E3 announcement seems very likely.
Following the arcade and NES releases – as well as an excellent Game Boy outing – Donkey Kong was entrusted to UK studio Rare in the '90s, which produced three titles for the SNES. DKC outings were also released on both the Game Boy and Game Boy Advance. When Rare was purchased by Microsoft, Nintendo passed the property to Texas-based Retro Studios, which produced the Wii sequel Donkey Kong Country Returns and the aforementioned Tropical Freeze.
Numerous spin-off titles have spawned from the Donkey Kong series over the years, including Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, Donkey Konga and Mario vs. Donkey Kong.
What do you make of this rumour? Do you think it's likely to be true? Would you like to see EPD tackle a new Donkey Kong, or would you rather Retro Studios do it? Let us know with a comment below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 216
It would be interesting to see how they see DK in this new alleged game.
I almost jumped in my seat until I saw that big, ugly RUMOR tag.
I would love that, although it would have a hard time standing up to Retro's outing. I do wish the rumour wasn't spoiled in the title, because if it is true some people might prefer to be surprised during its announcement.
Good 3D performers are pretty few and far between so I'd be pretty interested to see Nintendo take a crack at a modern one that doesn't feature Mario for a change. Another 2D DK game I'd be less interested in.
The 2 Donkey Kong Retro games are the pinnacle of 2D platform games. I'd love to see EPD Tokyo make a new 2D DK to see where they'd go with it. But please keep the core gameplay mechanics!
Would probably be an insta-buy for me.
Please please please let this be true!
(banging fists on desk)
monke! monke! monke! MONKE!
Donkey Kong Odyssey is fine by me!
I think there's a typo by Zippo. It's not gonna be 2D.
It's not gonna be 2D.
It's gonna be 3D.
It's gonna be 3D.
It's gonna be 3D.
Please be 3D.
Awman, Donkey Kong 64 was my favorite game on the console, would love some sort of 3D platformer again one day. =[ Day one purchase either way.
I think it is the dropping of the Country in the title that would intrigue me most. What would they do differently? This could be a very unique entry!
I'm not sure how well DK transfers to 3D but if it had the Mario team on it then I would have high hopes. Tropical Freeze is a masterpiece so I would be more than happy to have another pseudo-3D outing like that.
Reject Mario.
Embrace Donke.
While I would like a new DK game it prefer it if they would work on Odyssey 2
I just hope they don't make it easier.
@gcunit If it's revealed at E3 it's got to be 3D.
Since it's not called E2
Please be 3D.
Goodness me I hope this is true. I'd love to see another attempt to bring the franchise into 3D again as well. I think a free-roaming game exploring DK island, swinging from vines ala 64 could be aces.
The more love Nintendo shows for the big ape the better as far as I'm concerned.
Donkey Kong Odyssey? I'd dig it.
Cool! Would be nice to see Donkey Kong get his own game again.
Sakuna-ify Donkey Kong I reckon. Lots of smashing things and a good storyline would be lovely.
and all it will be is another boring 2D side scroller because Nintendo are creatively bankrupt
A DK game with Odyssey mechanics would be awesome!! I wouldn't say no to another 2.5D platformer but I think Nintendo could do a great collectathon with the Kong family.
If it is 3D then I'd buy in an instant, but if it's yet another 2D then I am done with those.
This would be cool! Might just be me, but I'm not actually super keen on the Kremlings. I much prefer the enemies from the latest two games, particularly DKCR. Either way I'd 100% buy this immediately.
Honestly, this would be a true breath of fresh air if this happens. This type of thing is exactly what I want out of Nintendo! Would love more focus on the non-Mario, non-Zelda crowd of IPs. Don’t get me wrong, I love Mario and Zelda, but Nintendo has so many great franchises that deserve a shot!
I am smiling on the outside, crying on the inside
Well the team that made Mario Odyssey also made Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, if I'm not mistaken. So they can definitely make good DK games.
All I want for Christmas is a new 2D DKC
I mean, it's been long enough since the last one. Nintendo has a pretty good track record with their handling and/or delegation of DK, so I'm optimistic about any new title that comes along.
@mctrials23 DK64 was fine, save for the massive amount of collecting and needing to switch characters way too often. There's a patch for the game that lets you switch Kongs at any time and it improves the game tenfold.
I really hope it's 3D.
I would love a new 3D DK game. If it's going to be 2D then it needs to be completely different from the DKC series, like how Donkey Kong on the Game Boy was.
Maybe get a small team somewhere to do a quick HD remaster of DKCR too while you're at it. Then you'd be able to play all five DKC games on the Switch.
Makes sense since this team developed Jungle Beat, which was also 2.5D. Looking forward to it.
Eurgh well at least we have Retro Studios 7 years of nothing finaly confirmed.
I was still hanging on to a tiny thread of hope that they had actually already worked on a third Donkey Kong Returns game (with K Rool as the enemy, and animal helpers returning to the gameplay) off the back of porting over Tropical Freeze from Wii U to Switch.
But apparently not. So what exactly have Retro Studios done between Tropical Freeze launching on Wii U in 2014 and inheriting the Metroid Prime 4 development in 2019? That's a long period of time - did they seriously deliver nothing? And what does this tell us about Metroid Prime 4?! Nintendo seriously gave such an important title (or at least it should be, FPS is seriously neglected on Switch) to a studio that managed the grand sum of nothing for FIVE years?!
And don't give me "they did the three previous Prime games and they're brilliant" - practically no-one remains employed by the studio from those "good old days".
What are Nintendo thinking of here anyway?! EPD are exceptionally talented (cannot be understated how brilliant they are) but talk about setting up for failure... Retro literally perfected the 2D Donkey Kong format with Returns and Tropical Freeze. What do EPD really think they can add to that?!
And that's before we even address the massive elephant in the room... where the heck is Odyssey 2?!
I would like a new game like a sequel-homage to the original arcade game.
why are you still posting "rumors" from restera fake leakers... my god... stop
I loved both Returns and Tropical Freeze but I'd love to see a new 3D DK title.
If they are, I hope they tone down the difficulty...I don't have time to smash my head against a game anymore, and the funky Kong thing just felt patronising
@Rika_Yoshitake Because some of them have highly accurate track records, like Nate Drake. Zippo is a little shakey though.
I hope it has the gameplay feel of the SNES DKC trilogy rather than the gameplay of Tropical Freeze. Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed tropical freeze but mechanically it feels more clunky than games like Yooka-layee & the Impossible Lair and Kaze and the Wild Masks both of which are the spiritual successors to the original trilogy.
If it's true ... I hope Nintendo will bring King K. Rool back as the main antagonist. I miss him!
I just want a new DKC game, so I hope this is true
Didn’t EPD also make DK Jungle Beat on the Cube? That was pretty cool (though I’ve only played the Wiimake), though was part of the start of moving away from Kremlings...
"[...] but Nintendo Life can confirm that it has heard the same rumour from an independent (and very trusted) source [...]"
I understand there is an interest in protecting the source, as such info may originate from someone who did not respect a NDA. But it feels just like "the uncle of my cousin's neighboor has this friend who heard in a pub by a guy who works in game development that a new game is coming out"
Of course that if a new DK game is indeed announced, that will be great news! But at this point, it's nothing more than a rumour
I just hope a new Donkey Kong game acknowledges more characters from the original trilogy, like the Kremlings. Even if they don’t take on the role of main bad guys, I’d still like to see K. Rool and his krew cause some mischief for DK.
ALSO: Let me play as Diddy or Dixie in single player! I much prefer actually being able to control them like in the originals to having them function as power-ups like in Retro’s games.
Donkey kong 64 2?
I hope this rumor is true.
Make it 2.5D and bring back David Wise. I want a complete trilogy even if the third game isn't developed by Retro.
The first true 3D Donkey Kong game since Donkey Kong 64? That'll be great, hopefully the Super Mario Odyssey could evolve the ape adventure into more bigger game.
Please be real, please be real
I hope it has Donkey Kong (young Cranky) and Donkey Kong Jr in it, and that Jr gets his DK tie at the end of it.
A little disappointed that there will be no third game from Retro Studios to complete the trilogy.
Would rather have Odyssey 2 tbh, but a DK game in 3D? That might be good.
I'll take it anything at this point but I'd rather like it to be a 3d odyssey style game
Is kinda sad that Donkey Kong games seems now as if they will be stuck as side scrolling games forever... i miss the 3D action like what DK64 had offered, that was such a terrific game.
I want a true sequel to donkey Kong 64
I just hope a sequel to Odyssey has been in the works.
Zero interest in 2d & 2.5d.
@nmanifold I'd throw Rayman Legends in there too. That is traditional platformers not metroidvenia-esque games. Games like Shantae and Ori are also really awesome in their platforming.
I don't know if I want a 2D or a 3D Donkey Kong. I just know I want a new DK.
That would explain all the DKC references in Mario Odyssey. Please, let this be truth. And therefore, please Nintendo, bring back King K. Rool as the main bad guy, bring also back the other Kongs, I miss Lanky and Chunky..., bring also back the other animal buddies, and let the soundtrack be by either David Wise or Grant Kirkhope.
Maybe they can put Donkey Kong on a jet ski and revive Wave Race simultaneously.
I'd love to see the new game, but I think I'm more excited over the fact that more and more rumours are surfacing that are likely to be revealed at E3. The hype train is pulling into the station.
I don't think I've ever wanted a rumor to be true as much as this one.
Love Donkey King, DKC Returns and Tropical Freeze are genuine masterpieces. I’d love a new game on Switch.
Nintendo should commission Playtonic Games to make the next Donkey Kong game because most of their devs came from the OG Rareware studio that created the original Donky Kong Country trilogy for the SNES
Ah yes, zippo.. the man i would trust to watch my kids. This is also the same man I used to buy cigs from at the street corner after school when I was 13. When zippo talks, you listen @bimmy-lee
@khululy I agree, the 2 Rayman games are brilliant. I'm not really into metroidvenia-esque games but I also loved Ori. My favorite platformer this year is Kaze and the Wild Masks, brilliant gameplay which harks back to the Original DK Country games.
as long as it is 2d I will be happy. makes me wonder though what are the other games besides Metroid Prime 4 that Retro is working on?
I actually wouldn’t mind a 3D Donkey Kong game with Mario. I think Odyssey gave us a hint this would eventually come with the Metro Kingdom, or maybe it was planned to have a modern Donkey Kong but it was scrapped for whatever reason, but I can see Mario being part of this supposed game. Still curious though to what happened to Isle Defino being removed from the Super Mario Odyssey poster before it was released which I assumed was going to be for dlc or a sequel.
I’d love a(good) 3D Donkey Kong game. Or a modern take on the Arcade formula maybe building on what they did with ‘94 on the Gameboy.
Well as it's not a 3D Donkey Kong Game I'd rather not the Mario Odyssey Team work but the Bros. Instead so they can perhaps work on the Rumoured Sequel for Odyssey but would like to see a DK Game out but maybe with the Bosses not as har as Freeze as still stuck on the Giant Fish Boss.
Well that would certainly be somethjng
This game is fine either 2D or 3D but I think it’s time to get back to something in the aura of DK 64 again
Why would the 3d Mario Team work on 2d Donkey Kong? The 2d Mario team would be better suited no? Plus 3d Mario is selling more than 2d now so I think Nintendo would want another 3d Mario game.
Donkey Kong Racing, where else to throw the banana's.
Idk last time EAD made a donkey kong game it was that stupid gimmick rhythm game jungle beat. What a waste.
@nocdaes Iirc the Retro Studio stuff(I could recall wrong mind you) didn't "just" involve getting Retro Studio but iirc also hunting some of the original team that wasn't at the studio anymore.
I could recall wrong however.
But getting Retro Studio nonetheless can be useful to access if not team members, then at least past work and specifically past work documentation about world/etc that could be useful for a Prime 4 to have that might not be neccessarily at Nintendo's headquarters/etc.
I'm honestly not too sure how I feel about this. I wasn't too impressed with odyssey at all. It was too cluttered with moons everwhere. It was more of a collectathon instead of a platformer. The only thing that was challenging was the final bonus level where you actually had a linear stage where platforming was required.
Donkey Kong games are supposed to be challenging, and will they be able to make a fun 3D world and be challenging? I hope this stays as a rumor. I'm sure if it's real it will look cool, but gameplay-wise I just know it will be lacking.
@roboshort @roboshort
That exactly what I thought, We need an Odyssey Sequel.
I'll wait to see what Nintendo themselves has to say. I don't believe rumors. Furthermore, if true, I wouldn't be excited anyway, as Retro 's DKC attempt left a very bad taste in my mouth in comparison to Rare's.
God I really hope it isn't true cause another 2D platformer is not what the Switch needs for sure.
I mean, there's already Tropical Freeze, wouldn't it make more sense to make Odyssey 2 or a 3D platformer if you wanna go the DK route.
Idk, I'd be super p*ssed if they shot down a 3D platformer for a 2D one.
Nintendo Tokyo EPD has been hiring for developers experienced in working on 2D games for quite a while now, so that further supports the existence of this rumored new Donkey Kong platformer.
Honestly, it's about time. There hasn't been a new Donkey Kong game since 2014, and unlike Mario Kart 8 DX and its insanely strong legs, Tropical Freeze on Switch has seen it's sales largely slow to a crawl, so a new Donkey Kong title is the best time to bring the big ape back to the spotlight.
I heard a rumour that Nintendo is going to buy sony, microsoft and apple. Can I have an article made off my random rumour too?
I hope this is true. Tropical Freeze is one of the best games of all time. If it's a 2D platformer, why drop the Country moniker though? I get it that Rare and Retro developed the other ones, but still.
I would love to see what they can do with a DK game, these guys are masters of platforming games.
Curious how different it would be if they dropped the Country branding. I just hope it isn't another Jungle Beat.
"The 2 Donkey Kong Retro games are the pinnacle of 2D platform games"
You liked DKCR more than DKC2? DKC2 is, in my opinion, the #1 platformer. The level design, characters, music, it's all amazing haha
Donkey Kong Island is gonna look so beautiful
Ooooo ok, I am intrigued
I'll believe it when I see it. I don't think resetera and a random Nintendo themed youtuber are a reliable source
While still fond of the Rare era, I think Returns and Tropical Freeze expanded on it and found a perfect energy for DK.
That said bringing back "the Kremling Krew" caught my eye. I honestly thought Rare owned them, or did Nintendo get the rights post Smash?
That reminds me. What is retro doing? I know they are busy witH Metroid Prime 4, but before they got tasked with that and after TF? I kind of remwmber they were working on something new isnt?
Jungle Beat was EAD/EPD Tokyo's first game. So it wouldn't be entirely shocking to see. They've just come full circle.
I really hope its true. Especially a 3D one could be interesting. Although its more likely that the team is working on a new 3D Mario.
If this is going to be like the old GameBoy DK game I’d be super excited.
Wait...Kremling Crew??! K. Rool is finally back, baby!!!
I love another Donkey Kong game in the style of Donkey Kong '94 and MvDK1, not so much the sequels.
i hope the rumored Donkey Kong game developed by Nintendo EPD tokyo is a 2D Donkey Kong game, i despise 3D Donkey Kong game, leave 3D plataform to Mario, DK 64 showed, 3D can't work well with 3D Donkey Kong game, Nintendo/Retro Studio or any company will never again attemp a 3D Donkey Kong game, i don't want Nintendo EPD tokyo to destroy they careers with this 3D Donkey Kong game, is too risky for one of Nintendo best development divisions attemp another mistake like DK 64.
I want this so much! Only game franchise that I am actually interested in is Donkey Kong. Country and 2D would be my favorite choice. I also want David Wise to do soundtrack, he is so amazing!
I just wanted another DKC game to cap off the Retro Trilogy, honestly. With some nods to DKC3, the way DKC Returns mostly referenced 1 and Tropical Freeze brought in some more 2 callbacks (and a great, heavily David Wise soundtrack.)
Take it with a grain of salt everyone. Still this is what I wanted for a while instead of Mario Odyssey 2. That DK, Yoshi, and Kirby would get the 3d treatment. Mario always gets upped one, its their turn. They've tried it once with DK 64, that game was acclaimed once and sold well even though it isn't as respected today. This would be a great anniversary present if this comes to fruition.
This idea has a lot of potential
I know it isn't what you were saying, but seeing Yoshi and Kirby together makes me wonder if there's potential for a crossover platformer a la Ice Climbers. Both use a flutter and suction mechanic
Why!!!!! Didnt i see the rumour tag earlier. Lol!
I seriously got over hyped till i read the comments and i saw the rumour tag... 😱🤣
What were the DKC2 callbacks? And YES to David Wise. That guy created some of the best tunes. I'd love to hear more jams like Forest Interlude
@nocdaes i dont think retro was working on nothing for 7 year they must of been busy with unknown projects for the switch and wouldnt rule out prime trilogy from them either.
@gcunit is 2D, Nintendo or any company will never again attemp a 3D Donkey Kong game after the mistake that was DK 64.
@Menardi no DK 64 showed 3D don't work with Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong should stay 2D until the end of universe, leave the 3D plataformers to Mario.
@Chibi_Manny do you want this suposed Donkey Kong game be a mistake like DK 64? a 3D Donkey Kong game is too risky for one of Nintendo best development divisions, and we don't want Nintendo EPD tokyo to destroy they careers with this 3D Donkey Kong game, is better to stick with 2D Donkey Kong games.
Interesting that NintendoLife has allegedly heard this from an independent source. Had you reported on this rumour when you’d heard it before?
It’s funny how news sites jump on the bandwagon claiming they’ve heard the same from their sources but then haven’t reported on it. Remember Starfox Racing? After the initial rumour, everyone and their mother claimed they’d also heard about it from their sources. Funnily enough, none of them ran the story before though.
If we get to save Pauline, Count me in!
Why another 2D Kong game? Give me another 3D DK game!
I’d love a new 3D DK game. Just like I’d love another new 2D Metroid game.
But I’ll bet we’ll get them the other way around.
@Giancarlothomaz Donkey Kong 64 is a 21 year old game made by Rare, If Nintendo are making a 3D Donkey Kong game then the 3D Mario team would make it work, I believe they could make it epic. There’s only so many ideas you can go with 2D and Retro Studios perfected 2D Donkey Kong with the last two entries. Sometimes change is good
@PBandSmelly The last "Mario with a gun" rumours yielded surprising results, wouldn't you say?
@RiasGremory I hope you're right, but as things stand today... I'd say there's more chance that Metroid Prime Trilogy is just another Star Fox GP "rumour" (or as I prefer to call it, "lie!") than actually materialising. I've been saying for the past 3 years (literally 3 years) that Retro must have something up their sleeve, they can't have done nothing, surely it'll get announced "at the next E3"...
And don't even try me on "E3 is only a month away!" - I'm not making it 4 years of wishful thinking !!
Here comes DONK SOULS!
Reeling from the destruction caused by the tropical freeze, the foul-smelling ape and his crew take shelter in one of the island's lost temples (worthily guarded by handsome blue furballs). Stumbling upon a glowing fissure in said temple, the uncultured gorilla ignores all the warning signs placed by an evidently ancient civilization, unleashing a nightmare of élite platforming challenges and acrobatic combat ordeals. (Bandai Namco's role will be minimal.)
You heard it here first!
I would love to see a Donkey Kong platformer game with the Kremlings be either 2D or 3D. I am sure they are able to make a good 3D game that works as EPD are a talented team.
Maybe they can put Donkey Kong on a jet ski and revive Wave Race simultaneously.
@Gamer_Griff You have a profound vision.
As far as I'm concerned, Donkey Kong improves any franchise he touches. A "bumper car", battle-oriented racing game, hearkening back to the original F-Zero's mechanic of knocking other vehicles aside, could work very well also. Something of a hybrid between kart racing and F-Zero's élite high-speed challenge. Picture it: fruit-shaped vehicles powered by vegetable oil...
The last mario game had Mario go super saiyin-cat. Will this game make DK Go Super Sayin Rose?
@Geostyle You’re thinking of Donkey Konga. Jungle Beat was an arcade-style platformer that used the bongo controller.
@NintendoByNature - I think it was around 19 dickity wave the last time I DIDN’T listen to Zibbo, and I remember it well: we were on the school bus & Bippo just explained leaked gyro aiming rumors to me and I was like “Whaaaa... get outta here Zeppo, this is impossible even with power glove”, but then, 20 years later, IT HAPPENED. Ever since then, I’ve know this person is gaem god.
Interesting, I would have prefered a 3D outing if it's the Odyssey team though. They will have to do something quite special to make the game markedly different from the Retro developed games.
Lonely Goomba is a fun youtuber, but I wouldn't call him a source of information worth an article, even for a rumor.
Would be awesome if this is true though.
So let me get this straight. This E3 has the possibility of featuring a new Super Monkey Ball and a new Donkey Kong Jungle Beat with potentially a Metroid 2D game.
I'm not joking, I wouldn't know what to do with myself.
@bimmy-lee this is amazing storee.. you must be thanking you're switch brethren at this point.
I know it won’t be this, but I loved all the 2D sections of Odyssey that wrapped around 3D objects, reversed gravity, etc. I would play an entire game of those types of levels.
PLEASE get David Wise back to do the soundtrack!!
Donkey Kong: It's On
@BiscuitCrumbsInMyBed knowing Nintendo and how beloved the DKC series are, specially Tropical Freezy, Nintendo is not gonna risky one of it most important development divisions in 3D Donkey Kong game with a huge chance of failure, they only have DK 64 as a blueprint how a 3D Donkey Kong game should be, is better to stick to a safe 2D Donkey Kong game.
I'm fine with this as long as it doesn't interfere with Odyssey 2. But man, they really need to do something interesting with this. DK's main games have never really done much of anything unique and they all feel repetitive. And DK 64 was just a clusterf*ck of minigames. They really need to add something to the formula.
why there so many confliting informations on this new DK game by Nintendo EPD tokyo, one say is 2D(more likely to be true),other say is 3D, decide is a 2D or 3D Donkey Kong game? i need to know to love(2D)or despise (3D)this game when Nintendo reveal at E3 2021.
@NintendoByNature - Perhaps Deebo’s guessing has become powerful enough to break bottom brick?
@bimmy-lee sir, there's only two people who have the muscles to break bottom brick, let alone make accurate predictions for a new dunky clong gaem. JCVD and yours truly. I will Everly tell you the ape will run, jump, and climb in 2021. You heard it here first. What I can say, even though I shouldn't tell you, is it will be 1.5D. It's not quite 2d, but perhaps less than. Theyre going back to their cabinet roots. -Brick Breaker Signing Off
@Bolt_Strike we don't know if a sequel of Super Mario Odyssey is actualy in development, Nintendo might release this 2D Donkey Kong game one day on Switch and the next mainline 3D Mario game on Switch sucessor, only because Super Mario Galaxy got a sequel, don't mean, the same will happen with Super Mario Odyssey.
@NintendoByNature - I believe you. You’ve literally never been wrong about anything since I met you online three hours ago. JCVD approved.
@Giancarlothomaz I know, and that's what makes this concerning. Can they do both or does this mean Odyssey 2 isn't coming out soon?
Also doubt they'd release Odyssey 2 on the next system. They'd probably move on to something else built around their next console. Odyssey 2 would probably have to be on the Switch, and for the same reasons as Galaxy 2, because they have so many leftover ideas. And there is a LOT more that can be done with Odyssey so it'd be disappointing if there wasn't a second one.
To me dk is more of a skill based platformer at heart, a 3d open world game hardly would work (not every franchise can be as versatile as mario). Maybe if they did something in the veins of the crash bandicoot series, with a more linear style, we could get some fresh ideas outside of the traditional side scrolling scheme.
I am all in for a new DK game. I am not excited about being 3D (I hope is 2D) but if is good, bring it on.
Nintendo has supposedly created a new branch within EPD specifically to work on Donkey Kong. This supposed new EPD team would consist of younger developers who were big fans of the SNES Donkey Kong Country games.
Mario Odyssey 2, if it exists, should be well underway, though I highly doubt it is releasing this year.
@westman98 That would be fine. I don't mind if we get this IN ADDITION to Odyssey 2, but getting this INSTEAD of Odyssey 2 is what would be disappointing. DK could potentially be good, but probably not as good as Odyssey 2, so I'd be pretty PO'ed if they decided on this instead.
Also wouldn't be totally miffed if we didn't get it this year because of 3D World + Bowser's Fury. But if not this year, it should definitely be next year.
@bimmy-lee this prediction has some holes to it, but you're probably 40% correct and 100% in development hell
@nocdaes from what I read at DKvine, a new team was selected from Nintendo EPD to make the new Donkey Kong games, so it’s not actually the Super Mario Odyssey team. I remember job advertisements that were up a few years back for 2D and 3D game designers so I’m pretty sure this is a new team. I’m sure Mario Odyssey 2 is still coming, it was a massive success to not have a sequel.
There’s no way it’s the Odyssey team, it would seem a waste of talent to go back to 2D games from a massive success that was Mario Odyssey. At DKvine, apparently it’s a brand new team which has been selected to be developing this game. And there was also these advertisements a while back
@KBuckley27 What's wrong with a 2D platformer? Has Nintendo released that many for the switch that I don't know about?
@Snatcher donkey kong 66????
@BenAV Same. A new 3D DK game would be a nice fresh deviation from all their 2D entries and especially interesting if it's coming from the Odyssey team.
I hope this is true, I'm very into DK games.
@Large-Kelpfries Mario Bros U Deluxe, Mario Maker 2, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze Deluxe, Yoshi Crafted World, Kirby Star Allies also every other 2D platformer on Switch plus outside of Donkey Kong 64 every DK has been 2D side scrollers
That studio developed Donkey Kong Jungle Beat before Retro made Returns and Tropical Freeze. Actually, there are elements from Jungle Beat in Super Mario Galaxy.
@Bolt_Strike come on, there has been SO MUCH MARIO on the switch. DK has been waiting for so long, give us DK fans some time in the spotlight.
@_Dan if this happens I sadly don’t believe it will be David Wise. He recently said in an interview that he was not working on DK at the moment.
@Classic603 it’s mostly just a a lot of DKC 2 tracks being remixed and reused in different ways but you also has brambles levels and the return of Dixie Kong. That’s pretty much all I can think of off the top of my head.
The Switch could use both a new Donkey Kong game and a brand new 3D Mario game, so if this is true, I hope that a new 3D Mario is still on the table. Bowser's Fury was a really great tease of what could be following Odyssey. The last new Donkey Kong was in 2014...it has been time for a new game.
I REALLY hope this is true because Donkey Kong is my favorite fictional character! 🙏🏻
I must have a horrible ear for it, I don't remember any DKC2 tracks in Tropical Freeze haha
Erm, username checks out
Last time that team made a 2D DK game was Jungle Beat. I'm not a huge fan of that game.
Goomba tweeted later that he doesn’t have any sources and was just commenting on rumors he has heard/read.
@nocdaes if you think about they probably are keeping a tight lid on it because of all the leakers out there ruining the surprises for everyone.
I like the character of Donkey Kong, but I've got my fill of platformers right now what with all the Mario's and the 2 Mario Maker games and loads of indie platformers and Game Builder Garage is going to have tons of them as well, so I really hope it's something different like Donkey Kong Jungle Beat or another Donkey Konga with good physical drums or even something completely different. There's also no Donkey Kong vs. Mario type games on the Switch and Donkey Kong Classics would make a good Tetris 99 type game, or maybe even something like another Donkey Kong 94 would be cool too.
Were they the team that did jungle beat too?
Ah, really wanted 3D.
It'd be disappointing if it's 2D, I'm sure the game will still be great but if anyone is going to do Donkey Kong justice in 3D then surely it's those who brought us Mario Odyssey
Rumor so don’t care. Come back when you have real information.
@RiasGremory This is true and Nintendo have definitely been even tighter than they typically are, but seven years of silence from Retro seems unbelievabky tight lipped if they genuinely do have a game they are sat on? I mean, Retro are getting negative comments left right and centre - I Can't believe they'd not say something to defend their credibility after 7 years...!!
Man, if this becomea reality! It will be my most hyped game next to zelda.
Please add at least a 2player coop mode.
Well this is at least a very welcome... rumour.
A mix of 2D and 3D makes me think of a Crash Bandicoot or Sonic Adventure kind of game. And honestly, that sort of gameplay would suit Donkey Kong much more than a relaxing collectathon, with open worlds and tons of things to do. It would be pretty frenetic, challenging and fun adventure, exactly what anyone could expect fron a DK game.
Ok, now I'm HYPED.
Would love a new 3d DK game.
I know its just me at the moment but I'm pretty bored with Nintendo's output over the past 5 or so years. Zelda was great but I lost interest after 20 hours. Odyssey was great fun but I never went back to it when I finished it.
3D DK would get me back to the Switch for sure.
Because it gives you the liberty to make Things you can't with Mario.
As a Developer you need Change in what you are doing.
Also, there was so much Mario Jump and run, you have to be cautios to not exhause the Market.
I' m thrilled by the idea of a new Donkey Kong game. Whether it's a 2d or 3d game. Donkey Kong name is equal to quality.
And i'm going to throw a really wild wish here.
What if it was a new Diddy Kong Racing game?
The new rumor makes it sound as if Nintendo formed a new Donkey Kong development team BECAUSE Retro studio's was dead.
Dong is cautiously awaiting expansion
At least this has stopped the pro stories for a short while at least.
@Henmii Probably everyone at Retro is focused on Metroid.
Could a real open-world Donkey Kong end up happening?
Probably not, as such an idea is likely to stray too far from the arcade-DNA of the franchise, if you were to ask Nintendo's heads of strategic IP management.
But I could fully imagine the vast jungle areas, and the crazy hijinx. :3
Hmmm I dunno why people keep claiming this Donkey Kong game will be 3D. Every indication suggests that it will be 2D or at the very least incorporate significant 2D gameplay segments.
I have a feeling those expecting this game to be Mario Odyssey with a Donkey Kong skin are going to be very disappointed.
Just bring back King K Rool.
I just hope it isn't just another Mario vs. Donkey Kong game, the new update doesn't really give me confidence and if Nintendo themselves is making Donkey Kong this time it'll likely come with a weird new gimmick, I just hope that gimmick doesn't stray too far from what made Donkey Kong a great franchise.
Oh yea when DK Vine speaks we listen. Hail king DK Vine, Zell, zippo, crampants, and dome full of oatmeal.
@Azuris Yeah. It could be a good opportunity, but I think Nintendo probably wouldn’t want the 3d team to make a 2d game. They’d prefer the 3d Mario team to make a 3d game and the 2d team to make a 2d game since they are more suited. But some rumors say it’s a 3d game, so we’ll see.
3D DK: Finally!
2D DK: Keep it.
Unfortunate it’s more likely to be 2d. Id love a ‘sequel’ to dk64
I would like to see a 3D Donkey Kong game. There are plenty enough of the 2D ones.
I recently started playing back through DKC2. So much fun. Never really got in to DK64, so I don't know how excited I can get for a new 3D DKC, but I'll definitely still check it out. The SNES DKC's were and still are fantastic.
2.5D needs to die. In my opinion, 3D assets necessitates a 3D experience. I would even prefer Sakuna's sequel to choose between hand-drawn 2D assets or full 3D combat.
As far as a new Donkey Kong, I'm not a fan of the IP, so I would only be tempted by a 3D entry.
I believe it's time to have a game that finally explores what happens between the original Donkey Kong arcade games and Super Mario Odyssey / Donkey Kong Country and tie some loose ends and answer some continuity questions.
One of the rumors tells about development started in 2017 or 2018. At that time Metroid Prime 4 was in development...at Nintendo! So at that time Retro supposedly was doing nothing. Retro was in a zombie-state after Tropical freeze. The rumor makes it sound as if the Nintendo team was specifically made for multiple Donkey Kong games in the future, meaning Nintendo had given up on Retro.
Not so sure about the team made up of several people from other teams. I had hoped the entire Odyssey team would work on it, but they might be to busy with Odyssey 2 or whatever the next 3D Mario is called. Ah well, as long as they are fine people...I hope they will deliver!
Yep, since it is a while that Donkey Kong had a 3D Game i think it will be one.
A Change in Style keeps the IP fresh
So a Oportunity for the Devs and the Series.
@Ulysses "2.5D needs to die."
Uh, no. It really, really doesn't. If you were a fan of this series you're commenting on, you would know why.
I sure hope it’s a 2D sidescroller, I don’t enjoy 3D platformers and especially not for DK. It would be cool to have both games so everyone can be happy.
@Damo Nintendo's job offerings website when talking about Nintendo EPD specifically mentions a 2D game being developed.
@RGH27 I wouldn't mind a 3D DK game, but DK64's formula is kinda outdated. I don't think it's a fun game to play. But since this is Nintendo, and not Rare, it's probably more going to be like 3D Mario than DK64. Which I wouldn't mind.
@KBuckley27 You're right. I was having trouble remembering all of those games. Thanks for reminding me. I sill wouldn't have a problem with a 2D game though! I love Retro's games.
@BAN It's just my opinion since I love hand-drawn 2D assets, and fewer games are featuring them in their moment-to-moment gameplay. I suppose I'm just a creature of the past.
@Radbot42 finally someone who feels the same way about odyssey. Thank you !
@Ulysses I’ve been playing games since like 1987 and I’d say the 2.5D style has been around for at least as long as hand-drawn art styles have, and has probably been more prevalent during that time. Sometimes hand-drawn looks good, but sometimes it looks cheap and runs the risk of looking like a flash game from the year 2000.
As for games in the DKC universe, they’ve never not been in 2.5D (except for DK64 which was full 3D) and they’ve mostly been amazing games. For them to switch to a flat hand-drawn look would be a massive departure, but ultimately it has little impact on whether or not the game is actually good. With platformers, gameplay matters most.
@BiscuitCrumbsInMyBed waste of talent? Nintendo know how badly recieved DK 64 was, so they don't want to risk his most important development divisions in another mistake like DK 64, a 2D Donkey Kong game is less risky.
@BAN You make some great points. And my initial comment was definitely an exaggeration. In many ways, I simply have grown dissatisfied with the direction the mainstream games industry has taken. And unfortunately they've taken some of the best IP's, some of the best music and art designers, with them. Sometimes I'll misdirect those frustrations onto random topics like 2.5D.
I hope we finally get a 3D donkey kong country.
I would love for a new Donkey Kong Country game to be made.
I'm down for a new 3D Donkey Kong game. Just bring back King K. Rool, the Kremlings, feature Candy, Cranky Funky + other cool Kongs, the Crystal Coconut (from the DK Country show), some vehicular levels (carts, barrels, animals), ambient tunes...
... and most importantly NEW DK RAPS!
... Wun can only hope.
100% on board with this story! DK turns 40, Video Gaming as we know it turns 40, What more is there to say?
It's going to be a very interesting E3 this year, more then any other in history!! Let's all cross our fingers for some Tip-Top gaming announcements!!!
Really hoping this turns out to be a full-scale 3D game. If there's any series that's begging for an open-world title, it's the Donkey Kong series. It would be so great to travel through a huge world space with either the Kong characters or the animal companions. I can still enjoy the old Donkey Kong Country games due to how everything controls, and getting that in a 3D game is something I've been waiting to see for a long time.
@Abeedo i have never understood this (wanting to be surprised by official gaming announcements, since u are surprised right now if u read it for the 1st time, but moreso by reading gaming sites & Twitter, expecting no one should say anything about leaked info). People complained about Twitter leaks spoiling Nintendo announcements before. Why are people looking at gaming sites & Twitter at all if you want to be surprised about announcements? U can specifically look up reviews on an aggregate site like metacritic & click through to the reviews u wanna read without ever being spoiled. If u look at gaming news,, that's what gaming news consists of. Surely everyone who knows anything about gaming outside of buying games at Walmart knows this...? If it wasn't in the title, u think these same people wouldn't see it mentioned in comments, from friends, on social media, or anywhere else, if they avoided this story? I just think that's unrealistic, and anyone who expects that will be in for a full life of disappointment, cuz that likely isn't the only unrealistic expectation they have.
@BAN i much prefer 2.5D. i also have been playing games since atari2600 & I can't stand sprites (or flash games). Character art doesn't have to be hand drawn to look great, imo. To each his own, but usually the style that the masses prefer wins out on mainstream games, sadly. I wish the development team did what they wanted without any polling or sales based data influenced decisions, on the art style or the gameplay, but gaming probably wouldn't be as big a business if that were the case.
@SortingHat ok, so put better music in it. Problem solved. I'm talking solely about graphics.
@SortingHat Hahaha I hear you my man.
If it is anything like Odyssey, it will be a classic.
@Spiders oh no. I know exactly what I am saying. Jungle beat is stupid!
@Geostyle Well, as Satoru Iwata famously said, “ there’s no accounting for taste”.
@SortingHat I'd like a 3D donkey kong, but would pass on a DK racing game.
Whoa. Talk about unexpected. Personally, I'm all for a third Country game from Retro (I know they're working on Metroid Prime 4, and I really want that game too, but just two DKC games feels too little dammit, I'm sure they've got plenty of good ideas for a 2D platformer), but this isn't unwelcome.
I was thinking that Odyssey 2 would be pretty much a given - the original has sold 20 million copies and the audience seems eager for a sequel, and the team that developed it already has the assets and experience to deliver a potentially greater second game; commercially, I think it would make more sense than spending time and money on a 3D DK game. And I don't think Odyssey 2 and a DK game could be developed concurrently, EPD already has BotW 2 and Splatoon 3 to keep them very busy.
Also, Super Mario games seem to come in sets of two: SMB/SM2 (The Lost Levels), SMB3/SMW, Galaxy/Galaxy 2, and 3D Land/3D World; first they make a relatively safe game to build some solid foundations and then they get more creative and experimental in the second part, they make the familiar become unfamiliar. On the other hand, SM64/Sunshine differ a little too much in gameplay and were released too apart to be considered part of this trend (while SMB3/SMW and 3D Land/3D World were released in different consoles, they have strong enough ties to be considered "brothers", no pun intented); and SMB2 USA is a special case, because it was first released as a non-Mario game, has a considerably different gameplay from previous or following Super Mario games, features completely new antagonists, and overall does things in a way that other Super Mario games have never done, though some features have become series mainstays. Even the arcade Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr. are pretty much two sides of the same coin (Donkey Kong 3 is very different to both of them, and the arcade Mario Bros., while related to all of them, is more or less its own thing).
While it's just a personal observation, it would feel like the natural step would be to make Odyssey 2, but don't take me wrong, I'm not against an EPD-developed DK game. 2021 is, of course, the 40th anniversary of the original arcade Donkey Kong, so perhaps it would be a throwback to that game... in 3D? Odyssey already had Pauline in it, so perhaps it will feature both DK and Mario, with DK as an antagonist, or maybe as a protagonist? Or perhaps a game in the vein of Jungle Beat, given that EPD's predecessor EAD developed it? I don't think it will be a Country-style game, but that's just me guessing the future through past games; it could be a completely new kind of game.
It seems we'll have to wait and see - If we see anything, that is. No matter how much it is reported, it's still a rumour (or is it?).
Personally, I'm wishing for a new full 3D platformer similar to DK64. I fell we need more amibitous 3D platformers and why not from the same team that made Super Mario Odyssey? It's not so hard to wish for this kind of idea, right? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rs2BO7r9nWI
I'm hoping for no-disappointment if they announce a 2.5D DK game
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