Astral Chain was one of last year's most impressive Nintendo Switch releases. When it arrived in August, it managed to grab first and second place in the UK and Japanese gaming charts respectively, and it followed this up in the US by becoming one of the best-selling games of the month. It resulted in PlatinumGames thanking the player base for making the new IP such a success.
If you're hoping for another entry set in this same universe, the good news is there might actually be a chance of this happening. In an upcoming issue of Famitsu, PlatinumGames' Hideki Kamiya and the director Takahisa Taura touch on the game's sales. Taura reveals how, "Thankfully, Astral Chain has sold above expectations" (thanks, Oni_Dino).
Last September, not long after the release of Astral Chain, Taura said he was "unsure" about a sequel, but said he would be very happy to consider it if the game was well received and sold well. In the same interview with BunnyGaming he also mentioned how he had "a lot of ideas" at his disposal if a second game was approved.
Would you be up for a sequel? Leave a comment down below.
[source, via]
Comments 50
Sold well because the game was fantastic! I still haven't 100% the game yet, it was a lot meatier than I was expecting it to be.
I wouldn't mind a sequel, I'm curious to see how they'd do it.
Any future games in this series would be day one buys for me. I loved this game!
Great game with an amazing artstyle and combat system! ^_^
Looking forward to a sequel, especially as there are a few things regarding the plot that are left open.
Congrats to Platinum, it's a well-deserved success!
I haven't had a chance to try this one yet but it's definitely high up on my list of games to get soon.
One of my favorites from last year, maybe even number one. Great news!
Wish I started playing the game earlier. I can't believe how fantastic the game is, and I'm only in the 3rd chapter or so.
I've literally stopped playing other games I've been enjoying such as Smash, A Hat In Time, Starlink, and Cadence of Hyrule for this. Seriously, it's that good of a game. I often wonder how long it took to develop the game in order to obtain the amount of polish and detail that's present in the game.
Haven’t finished but I love what I’ve played.
I just wish NA had gotten that collectors edition.
I absolutely love the artwork here! That's a great picture!
I have the game and it's sitting nicely in my backlog with like 30 other games. XD
Well deserved. This game is amazing. One of my favorites on the Switch.
Well deserved, and probably my favorite 2019 release.
I look forward to trying this when it gets a deep discount.
I'll check it out when it's cheap, no interest right now.
Good on Platinum. Interesting to see the great reactions towards them here despite about 10 hours ago the usual lot coming out in their droves to condemn them. Funnily enough Nintendo have also aligned themselves with Tencent so it might be rather hard to get self-righteous on a site literally called Nintendo Life.
This is a really great game and I've played nothing like it before or since. The heart and soul that went into the aesthetics while providing visceral gameplay with the legion was fun! Hope to see a sequel that shows them exploring the remains of the world in a Fallout/Xenoblade X style game with more Legions.
Howard 4 Smash. Howard 4 Smash.
I just still feel so stupid that I named my character Akira not knowing the other twin gets named Akira. So now I have the Akira twins running around and dialogue gets very confusing lol
I really dont like anime artstyles, but from the 1 minute of footage I have seen, I like the cyberpunk aesthetic. I also like how you basically have stands handcuffed to you. Neat concept, might get it one day
Here's hoping maybe they'll give Scalebound another try maybe for Switch this time. I do like how titles from PlatinumGames often don't have sequels aside from Bayonetta, this makes their game portfolio that much unique with tons of variety in the projects they make.
I personally thought the game was okay (NieR: Automata and Bayonetta 2 raised the bar too high for me), but good to hear it selling well on Switch.
I wonder how most Nintendo fans would feel if it’s sequel was a multiplat? 🤔
Astral Chain Director Says Nintendo Switch Exclusive "Sold Above Expectations"
Sequel confirmed?
Why does the news need added speculation?
@LUIGITORNADO It would be such a non issue since Nintendo players still can play it that people will whine anyway.
@LUIGITORNADO Probally happy if it also comes to Switch. A good game is a good game, and being on multiple systems is not a bad thing.
@LUIGITORNADO I wouldn't care, but isn't Astral Chain Nintendo's ip?
Less detective work in the next game please. It was the equivalent of stealth missions in Spiderman, just no need to slow the game down so much.
I haven’t picked it up but it’s on my radar. So good to see mid-tier games like this back on the agenda, unique experiences rather than the play it safe and very predictable “AAA” market.
This is excellent news. I would hope a big takeaway from this is they shouldn't be afraid of creating new I.P. Buy I guess every game has to be a franchise these days. It's the only way to get a Netflix show.
I’d go as far as to say it’s been my favourite game on the Switch so far, funnily enough I picked it up from a local Facebook group for £20, the guy who I bought it from hated it!
This is the best news of the week. Congratulations Nintendo.
I thought I read somewhere it was going to be a trilogy. But apparently those rumours were officially denied by Platinum Games so... Well, a sequel would be nice!
@tabris95 That's funny.
@LUIGITORNADO Nintendo owns Astral Chain so the sequel would be on a Nintendo system, if it happens.
For all we know it sold terribly and they’re trying to say that it performed well. They need to say how many copies were sold.
I hear nothing but positive words about this game and yet somehow I still haven't bought it. Boy I better catch up
Nobody mentioned DLC yet. I would prefer an extension over a whole new game.
Proof that new IP's can sell too.
This isn't just a good game it's a GREAT game. It's my GOTY 2019 by a longshot. I urge people who are on the fence or not to seriously consider this game as platinum needs our support and they DESERVE it. They went way out on a limb and took a huge risk and delivered a masterpiece!! Thank you Platinum Games!! I love you all!!!
Both my husband & I want to pick up this game & we would have over the holidays had it received a discount either physically or digitally but it's been an expensive couple of months and we couldn't justify a $79.99 +tax CDN game. So if it goes on sale, ideally physically so we can share a cartridge, then I'll definitely pick it up.
@Dman10 Nope it does so well and PlatinumGames should be appreciated considering Nintendo's other new title Daemon x Machina was a disappointment.
@tabris95 If you replay the prologue, you can change your name (and gender/appearance if you wish).
As much as I love Astral Chain, I hope P* continue to explore new ideas and new IP's moving forward.
Astral Chain was an interesting mashup of ideas and concepts, and I want them to continue mixing up new combinations of game mechanics and exploring different art styles and aesthetics with new IP's.
Keep meaning to add Astral Chain to my wishlist. There's still other games I want to play first though.
Playing this game right now. I think I'm about 80% through. Really fantastic. So much style! I'm glad to know they feel it's sold well. I'd love more games.
@LUIGITORNADO Nintendo owns the IP so it won't be on any other platform. That's why they said to ask Nintendo if you want it on another console.
@LUIGITORNADO Don't understand your train of thought here. As most people would assume, they wouldn't care, however a fan knows if a game of this caliber goes multiplat it reduces the allure of the original. This is why Xbox has been in the gutter for years with absolutely no exclusives since 2015.
If a fan gets upset over losing exclusivity, it's usually for a good reason that most people are too unintelligent to understand. Keep that in mind next time you want to rip on a fanbase. Exclusives are good for both the industry and consumers, never let Microsoft fool you.
It definitely sold well. I had my doubts for months and then I bought it on day-one. Not many people have complained about this game. It's PlatinumGames at their best!
It's a good game! Not GOTY as some say, I really enjoyed, the only downside, I thought I little bit easy.. perhaps, at some point I'll try the hard mode..
@rex_rex First: Love the name and the Avatar. REX IS THE BEST!!
Second: What mode were you playing on Casual Or Standard? I found Casual to get too easy but Standard is somewhat challenging for me, especially when a switch to it right before a boss fight and had few resources. To be fair though, I'm not great at action games and I'm often playing in handheld mode on a bus, that adds it's own kind of difficulty.
@dane62 hey! tks! hahaha! yes, Xeno 2 was my first on the series, I'm thirsty to play the first on switch (ppl say it's way better than the second, let's see)!
standard, sure! to be honest, I had problems only to beat the final boss.. but coz I arrived without or with almost none medicines... it was daaamn hard. but i finally beat him..
and to be honest again.. I couldn't find almost ANY cat.. I think I found at maximum, 5 cats the whole game! hahaha.
but it's just a collectable.. *
ps: meh meh meh!! lol
Oh boy, never a good sign when they do not release actual numbers. They were quick to release a press release when Nier hit 4million.
Hopefully still enough for them to make a switch game That Nintendo is not paying for.
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