Mobile app Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp has just received what is being described as a "major" update, introducing a new interior design minigame called Happy Homeroom.
In this new game, you can use your furniture to practice your interior design skills. Your finished designs will be judged by Lottie and other adorable critters, and if you pass the Happy Homeroom classes, your HH Rank will increase, earning you items like the HH material and more. These HH materials can be used to make Golden Series furniture, which can be crafted after reaching Amateur Rank 1 in Happy Homeroom.
To access this new mode, you'll need HH Vouchers, which replenish over time. Today's press release tells us that your Camp Manager Level must also be level 6 or above, and has also provided a list of several other additions that have arrived in the game recently.
- New Local Produce – Grapes, lemons and lychees are the newest local fruit to be added to the game. While each player has a Local Produce tree in both their Lost Lure Creek and Breezy Hollow locations, they will need to make use of other players’ Market Boxes to obtain the other two regional fruit.
- Blathers’s Treasure Trek – A new mini-game that involves rolling a die on a map that resembles a board game. Treasure maps earned in this mini-game will reward bells or crafting materials. Special maps will even invite new animals to your campsite!
- Pete’s Parcel Service – A new and handy way to level up your friendship with animals. By selecting this service, Pete will complete animal requests for you without you needing to visit their locations. What a nice pelican!
A new video highlighting all of the app's latest features and additions, including recently introduced animal friends, the cabin, and more, has also been shared. Check it out below.
Will you be checking out the Happy Homeroom? Do you regularly play Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp? Tell us below.
Comments 14
Are.... are those badge arcade badges used in the picture? Badge arcade lives on!
@Alto Whenever the Switch gets Folders added to it, i'm hoping Nintendo Badge Arcade will make its way to the system.
My question is when will the Nintendo mobile games make it to Switch? I wanted to keep playing this game, but my Tablet didn't have enough space to keep it and my other mobiles games on it.
@patbacknitro18 The Switch doesn't need Pocket Camp considering it has a proper Animal Crossing game coming this year. All of their mobile games are really designed for the mobile market so I don't see any of them making their way to the Switch which is catered more towards gamers.
@BenAV True, but does that stop the tons of other mobile games ports we have gotten? Heck Fallout Shelter was designed specifically for mobile and it was brought over to the Switch. So all of the other Nintendo Mobile games would work fine for it, especially Dragalia Lost.
@patbacknitro18 Something like Dragalia Lost that doesn't have a straight up better console alternative has a bit more merit to a port I guess but I'd still prefer them to just focus their development on making games specifically catered towards the Switch and leaving their mobile games on mobile. It's not a big surprise to see other devs bring mobile games like Fallout Shelter over though as the Switch is pretty hot right now so it's a pretty good opportunity to make a quick buck. A really good example of mobile games making a good transition to the Switch are VOEZ and Deemo where the Switch version is a full experience catered to the system rather than keeping the freemium model that works on mobile.
@BenAV But they wouldn't have to spend hardly any development time porting the games over to the system, not anymore than it would take to launch the game on other mobile stores. And since you're right that the Switch is doing so hot rght now, it would be the perfect time for Nintendo to make more money by bringing over games like Fire Emblem Heroes and Dragalia Lost. Which if you think about it, could be a fantastic way to get in newcomers to those series by introducing them to the free mobile games, which could spark their interests in the main games.
@retroxdp RIP actual Konami games
@BenAV I hope there is some interplay between the 2, for example transferring funds/items/villagers between the 2 and having the same Avatar.
@retroxdp Um, not really. Fire Emblem Heroes has made a ton of money, and they are still making 3 houses. Pokemon Go has made more money that the past few mainline pokemon games, yet Gen 8 is still coming. Nintendo won't stop making console games because Free to play games are making tons of money. Hell if anything that Free to play money is going right back into the console games production costs.
It’s a cute mini game, but I don’t think I’ll be spending much time on it
@patbacknitro18 I for one definitely support the idea, because playing on my phone screen is simply not an enjoyable format IMO. (Waste enough time on social media as it is without using it for games too.) Jumping back and forth between this and more mainline games on the Switch could offer a nice combination of experiences a la Fallout Shelter.
@retroxdp Nintendo loves making new games, that is all there is to that. They won't stop making Fire Emblem games because FE Heroes makes alot of money. They won't stop making Animal Crossing because the mobile game made a ton of money. Do you honestly believe that Nintendo would stop making Mario games if Super Mario Run was a huge success?
You cannot compare Nintendo to companies like Konami, who would sell out all their properties to make a quick buck. If you honestly think that Nintendo would stop making fun games because they make more money with Free to Play games, then I don't even know what you're doing on this site. Nintendo is not that kind of company.
I got back into playing regularly a month and a half ago (other games eat up my time).
I am impressed with all the QoL improvements they made, with my favorite being Pete’s Parcel Service.
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