Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! are just over a month away, with fans on the brink of being transported back to the nostalgic region of Kanto once again - the land first introduced in Pokémon Red and Blue and Pokémon Yellow (from which these new games are heavily inspired). As it turns out, a sequel which would see the series move on to the franchise's second generation in years to come is definitely a possibility.
Of course, we've seen multiple remakes in the past, with Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen reimaging the first set of games originally, and Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver taking on the next generation not too long after. With the new Let's Go games technically acting as the second remake for those original games, would it really be that much of a stretch to make more reimaginings for the rest of the series, too?
It appears that Junichi Masuda, Game Freak's executive director, would be open to the idea the Let's Go series moving on to the second generation if the first entry is received well. This intriguing little nugget of information actually comes from a recent interview with Eurogamer, where he was originally asked why Pokémon which are related to Kanto 'mon through evolution (such as Jigglypuff's baby, Igglybuff) won't be appearing in the upcoming games.
Masuda: "So, kind of at the basis of it you know is that in the first generation there aren't any Pokémon Eggs, so you know, when we thought about how would these Pokémon be hatched in the first place, it kind of didn't make any sense. But also you know we wanted to spend more time and put more effort into making the Kanto Pokémon, the original 151, as well made as possible, and expressing them as well as we could."
When pressed for clarification on whether this indicates a potential sequel in Johto, Masuda simply said:
"So you know maybe - if everyone enjoys playing these games [laughs]"
Would you like to see the Let's Go series continue alongside the more traditional games going forward? Do you think there's room for both series types to flourish side by side? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 88
What ?!
That would be great to see a Sequel of Let's Go series.
Well, imagine Generation 2, 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , etc on Let's Go engine.
Ah god, they are just doing what Marvel is doing with Movies, re-make, re-make, re-make. (Sorry, i mean, re-imagine, re-imagine, re-imagine)
Why not create, I dunno, A NEW GAME???
@Anti-Matter yeah then we can see a 3d johto hoenn but with better quality 3d sinnoh unova then better quality for kalos
But Alpha Sapphire & Omega Ruby were a Remake on 3DS.
Alongside - That's the keyword here. So long as it's alongside the REAL games, I'd be fine with it.
Frankly I still think it's absolutely absurd - this notion that the core games are too big, or too complex for new players. I beat red and blue when I was 7 years old. They haven't added a single mandatory new feature since then!
Yeah there is a lot of optional content that can be overwhelming to learn, but you don't need any of that to play and enjoy the single player.
So they'll basically do remakes and new games, too?
Isn't this the same thing they've always done in every console generation?
Players always wanted Pokémon with decent home console graphics. For the first time, we will actually get something like that.
Now they could do that with even GTA-quality graphics, though. That would be super awesome.
Imagine in the future there will be Let's Go (insert Johto Pokemon / Unova Pokemon / Hoenn Pokemon / etc) on Nintendo Switch.
I am all for this if they can be made without diverting too many resources from the core series.
It would be nice if they released regions as DLC for these games that could also be purchased as standalone games, similar to the Torna DLC for Xenoblade.
Of course they are going to keep churning the Let’s Go games out.
@Sammybam88 I would LOVE a Pokémon: Let's Go game based on the Sinnoh region JUST to have Giratina in HD.
Giratina is my favourite Legendary Pokémon.
Why not? More variation is a good thing and let’s face it, who wouldn’t love full 3D HD remakes of the original games?
That’s cool. Something for everyone.
And it’s not like the existence of Rumble, Snap, Mystery Dungeon, Shuffle, Pinball, etc have impacted the core series.
@Bunkerneath Mate they are making a new game, Pokemon gen 8 is already confirmed for next year. Did you forget?
I'd rather see Let's Go include Jotho from the get-go.
I don't know why some people insist on continuing to complain. They aren't doing this instead of new games they're doing this alongside new games. So shut up and stop complaining. You'll still get your new games and we'll also get some cool remakes along the way.
@Heavyarms55 : I have made a point of mentioning that my sister, with her abundance of impairments, including physical, mental, and intellectual, is managing to plough through Pokémon Sun without my assistance. She also hasn't played a main series game since Silver and struggles to say the names of characters and locations, though she recognises a fair number of Pokémon from the first two gens.
Anyone who suggests that the main games are too complex or too difficult for even the most novice of players is absolutely full of it, and the Let's Go games are taking the accessibility angle to an unnecessary extreme.
''But also you know we wanted to spend more time and put more effort into making the Kanto Pokémon, the original 151, as well made as possible, and expressing them as well as we could.''
> models are straight up copies from X&Y, Sun&Moon and Pokemon Go
Also this;
You failed
"Alongside" is not okay, because that still diverts time and resources away from more original titles of a better standard.
@RupeeClock To be fair, for a company as financially successful as Game Freak, there's absolutely no reason why they couldn't just expand their team if they're hoping to produce more content than usual.
If they want to expand the series with multiple lines - originals, remakes (so Gen 4 next), and Let's Go games all in tandem - I'm sure they could pull it off.
@ryancraddock It feels as though they should've expanded after X/Y though, but don't appear to have retaining the same process of two teams developing each game side by side.
This is literally nothing more than gamefreak saying they're already working on let's go generation 2. There is absolutely no doubt in anyone's mind that lets go is not going to sell enough for them to "justify" Generation 2. I absolutely hate this idea and the entire idea of let's go, but who are they trying to fool? They obviously want let's go to be a major success and I don't think I will be buying many Pokemon games from now.
I'm liking the idea of "Let's Go" but let's not go there game freak
@Bunkerneath Don't you mean Disney, not Marvel? Marvel haven't remade anything unless you count the reprints of all the old issues if you mean comics, or idk sequels if you mean the movies.
I think Heartgold/Soulsilver are probably some of the BEST Pokémon games ever made, period. But I'd definitely play a Let's Go version of them, provided the Pokeball Plus was still functional. I still wish though that we'd get a real successor to the Pokewalker though, where we could play mini-games on the go with them and earn XP through walking and catch Pokémon using it while out and about and transferring everything back to the game.
I think Heartgold/Soulsilver are probably some of the BEST Pokémon games ever made, period. But I'd definitely play a Let's Go version of them, provided the Pokeball Plus was still functional."
I agree. Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver are my personal favourites and I would love to see a Let's Go remake of them.
I wish they could add a "hardcore" mode or something, I hate how easy these games are.
Pokemon is destined to stay Nintendo's COD and it's making me sad...
Way to debunk a potential great postgame idea.
The "master trainers", while potentially cool, are just a dumb concept once it's spelled out loud.
The TRASHY MAN becoming a nice man is not something I want to see.
If I end up liking Let's Go then yeah I'd love some more.
Please don't ruin Johto with this whole "Let's Go" business.
Huh, neat. Each version of Pokémon games running on alternating years. It’s what I expected to happen anyway, get the veterans on the main series and the new kids on the Let’s Go Games. Then everyone’s happy, we’ll at least I feel they should be.
I'm okay with this, but first I'd like to see a Gen IV remake for the core Pokémon games.
@Royalblues Wouldn't this indicate a Gen 5 remake eventually? I guess I'm not understanding your issue.
I'd really rather they not. They've already been making progress on their current set of remakes, i a series that already features 2 different versions and a third remake anyway.
Please no. LG is going to ruin anything it touches, let it die with this game.
I'd love to see this for all generations going forward. My one preferred change? Allow for an option for wild Pokemon battles. As someone mentioned a hardcore mode, that would be my preference for an additional difficulty. I'm not gonna sit here and front. I'll get one of the Let's Go games and will probably enjoy it in general. Having gone back to Pokemon Go recently, the idea of no wild battles still rubs me the wrong.way a bit. Especially when your trying to catch a simple Seedot or Slowbro for grinding purposes and it takes 5 or 6 Great Balls. That would irk me on a console game if I.had to waste 5 or.6 Pokeballs on a low level Pokemon
Well, I really don't care. If I can still play GSC and HGSS, I'm good.
While it would be neat to see a Let's Go version of the Johto games, I still don't think they'd replace the special places that HG and SS hold in my heart.
@Octane This is sickening to me. So many of the animations in both Stadium games are miles better than Let's Go, both of which are, more or less, spin-off games.
Hell, Stadium has better animations than the main series games.
This was the obvious next step for Let's Go, probably something like:
2019 - Gen 8
2020 - Johto Let's Go
2021 - Gen 8 2nd set
2022 - Hoenn Let's Go
2023 - Gen 9
2024 - Sinnoh Let's Go
2025 - Gen 9 2nd set
... etc.
Please no. We already have one Let's Go game too many.
Hm... Unless this "Let's Go!" series ends up becoming the open world possibility. Hype, talk, and blah, blah, blah Pokemon Co... just spill the beans on definitive projects when you know what you wanna do lol.
A sequel if we enjoy it? Or if we buy it?
But what would this mean for an actual remake of Diamond & Pearl? Sinnoh is my favourite region and I'd love to revisit it some day, but in the style of the traditional games, not Go.
How would they continue the 'version you choose determines your partner' gimmick considering the other Gens don't really have 'mascots' other than their respective Starters & Legendaries? Just really screw over the consumer by making a version for each Starter?
That aside, and I know everyone will disagree with this, I feel like new Regions as paid DLCs for Let's Go, Pikachu! & Eevee! would work better than more $60 dual releases. But that's just my opinion, which means nothing.
I agree; I would like new regions to be released as addons instead of having to purchase new games. I think a system like that might work better with a truly open-world Pokémon game though. I'd be really interested in seeing a Pokémon game that uses the Breath of the Wild engine as a base.
@Royalblues Fair enough. I still enjoy playing. But I can certainly relate to other interests slowly taking up time I would normally use for gaming.
@Bunkerneath They're though, is call Town and Gen 8 Pokemon.
I'm hoping for a miracle and that somehow this game undersells enough for GF to not pursue it any further.
Ugh I knew this was then restarting their remake cycle. Rip to those who are waiting for Gen 4 remakes, time to go back again, again, again.
Is there a open world or maybe. I can't wait to see this coming NOVEMBER. I really want to buy it now and fast.
My only interest in these is seeing Gym Leaders in 3D and, if I'm really stretching, the possibility that they might eventually push Sakurai to include playable Johto/Hoenn Pokemon in Smash. Pichu is a decent start, at least.
The home console release isn't hyping me either. I got that wish with the excellent Gamecube games. I get the feeling that the legacy of Let's Go will mostly end up being the ramping up of Eevee promotion.
I've been thinking that this seems a reasonable route with regards to remakes. FRLG were remade shortly after RS launched. We've now had remakes for RS at the 10 years mark, and a rerelease of R/B/Y on virtual console. That's not quite the same, and I can't see them doing that for all the games going forward (re-releasing them on VC equivilant). Rather than re-releasing the FRLG remakes, Lets Go makes sense. As much as I loved HGSS it'd make sense for a G/S remake as well.
That felt sort of rambly, but I basically agree.
From the moment they said this was on the side of doing a whole new game I thought this would be a great way to handle revisiting generations going forward.
@Octane Because early alpha/beta gameplay footage is going to have all the animations in place and be a good representation of the final product. Animations and general polish are the last things worked on with most games. First you have to make sure the actual gameplay works and then spend the tail end of development making it look fancy. How about judging it based on footage from when it releases, not from when it was still early in development.
@DonSerrot It's coming out next month, those are the final animations, they're straight up copied from X&Y and Sun&Moon.
Please... Quit Playing Games With My Heart.
@Octane That's E3 footage. 5 months before the release date. Unless you have an actual final release copy of the game you have no way of proving that those aren't just placeholder animations. Same goes for my argument. There's no way to prove any of this, and blindly stating one side or the other one is absolute fact is wrong. We won't have proof until next month.
They should have Pokémon Z version with brand new Mega Evolved Pokémon.
@DonSerrot I'd be quite worried if the animations weren't done by E3. The last couple of months before a release is playtesting, debugging, and manufacturing, the latter at least a month before release. The games should've been pretty much done at E3.
@Octane Noooooooooooo. Animations should be one of the last things on the list before manufacturing. It'd be better to ship with the placeholder animations copied from the old games than to put so much time into animations that the game releases with bugs. And we've already seen evidence of exactly that with the new trailer having changes to the Mewtwo scene compared to everything that was seen before. We also saw the same thing with Mario Odyssey where there were big changes made to the opening scene shortly before the game released.
@Bunkerneath they're obviously gonna keep making new games, remakes in pokemon are nothing new
Hmm curious idea, but I'd try not to do it. This is a good way to lure pokemon GO players into the core games. If you keep making this series, then it will drive sales away from the core games in the long run. I think leaving it at just this one is the best move to increase sales for future core games.
I personally am not interested in anymore outside just this one either. I'm a big pokemon fan, but I don't care about this as a series, more like a diversion and a way to connect with people who play GO. Making more games just isolates them even more and that isn't good. Just drive them to play the gen 8 games, if you don't, so much money will left on the table if you self-cannibalize sales.
What is "Johto"?
@construx Yeah, but these remakes are a lot looser. I would actually miss the remakes that play like a main series game since they are usually even better than the originals while retaining their charm.
@PLAYwithGregg The region from Pokémon’s 2nd Generation.
@Bunkerneath When has marvel done a remake?
Maybe this is me hoping for too much. But I kind of hope running a casual series in parallel allows them to decasualize the main series a bit. Then I at least would shut up and be happy.
My biggest gripe with let's go was that Sun/Moon were already fairly easy, for the most part, as were X and Y. So it would be nice if they dedicated a few games to the core audience that's been with them forever now.
@DonSerrot In that case it's a bad trailer
No, I'm serious, the games won't look any different in the final release. If you can prove me otherwise in a month from now, be my guest!
The Let's Go games would have to be developed by a completely different team than the main series games in order to truly not interfere at all with the main series. Similar to how the Mystery Dungeon games were made by Chunsoft.
Why can’t they make the other regions dlc. Pokémon go has all 4 regions (so far) in the same app. I think a $60 price for each one is going to be hard to swallow. That’s $420 if the go all the way to gen 7. A $30 dlc for each additional region would be much better.
@Lameborghini In RPG games, the difficulty increases as you progress, and in the beginning it's easy and it's up to you to advance in the game, because in the middle, we'll have the challenges. Bosses are only powerful in the end. From the middle to the end, the challenges begin. RPGs are like this. In the beginning will have pokémons nivel 4. It was shown gameplays of NPC with pokémons level 54 and in the last stage of evolution. The Elite Four will be level 55 to 62 (last stage of evolution) and each of them will have 5 pokémons, the most powerful. The Champion will have 6 pokémons and level 60 to 65 (last stage of evolution) and later, in the post game, Mewtwo (to recover like movement of signature), as in Yellow. In Let's Go, we will have the additional Masters level 100. There will be the Master mode in the game. It will be unlocked after becoming a Pokémon Master. After defeating the 151 masters who are going to have 100 level pokémons. You will face a Mewtwo Master with Mewtwo level 100, Mew Level 100 Master, Dragonite Master, Master Charizard and others. All 151 pokémons will have their Master and these pokémons are in their last level. After defeating all, it will release the Master Mode of the game, playing again with a Master difficulty level. In Black 2 and White 2 had the difficult mode, but you only managed after fulfilling a necessary requirement to unlock. In Let's Go, the requirement is to be a Pokémon Master, by defeating all 151 Masters.
@Octane It's easy to prove. Take the first tractor that appears Mewtwo. Now, get the last trailler released with Mewtwo. Compare both and you will see the difference. She is obvious. Anyone can see and even had a site that compared the images side by side and everyone comments on this change. In the trails of the game, the message below "Images do not represent the final product" appears. The evidence is there. It is not a bad trailler, because the message appeared underneath the bad trailler, that you say "The images do not represent the final product". Look at the trailler and you will see this message. Even in all the traillers, it has this message and they put it because it is not the final product. A Japanese youtuber, visited the game Freak. Has his gameplay. That was in September. When he visited Game Freak, it showed that they were editing the game. Do you know the bucket scene on Eevee's head in one of the trailler's? A few weeks ago, the cheerleader was stirring up the excitement of this Eevee. That is, they are still working. The game is not ready yet. The name of the Japanese youtuber who visited the Game Freak is Hajime.
@greengecko007 They are made by different teams. The Game Freak building is huge. It was shown that one floor of it was dedicated to Let's Go. In the gameplay of a Japanese youtuber, they showed the room that is developed Let's Go and showed an animation from scratch, for Pikachu and Eevee. On the other floors, there are other teams. Also, on the Gamefreak website in Japan last year, several spots of animators were opened and they were filled. That is, they hired quite a few animators. Masuda said in an interview that there are different teams working. Mario also has different teams for his various games. In addition, the game Freak has another team, working on another original game that is not Pokémon. They launched a one-minute trailler of the new game. On each floor you have a different team, with several queued computers and their animators and programmers. The name of the Japanese youtuber who visited the Game Freak is Hajime.
Admittedly, I still don't understand what Pokemon Let's Go actually is. As I understand it, it's a game that lets kids essentially live-action roleplay as trainers by going around throwing the pokeball accessory? And it connects with Pokemon Go? I don't know, I just don't really understand this game. I keep hearing that it's meant for newcomers to the series who might find the "core" games to be too hard, but who exactly is this being marketed towards? I was able to play through RBY just fine as a kid, do they really think kids today are that stupid?
I kinda like the idea of a 3D Pokemon adventure set in Kanto, but the constant talk about how it's meant for newer players leaves me concerned that this is purely for kids and anyone older will get nothing out of it. The fact animations look so crap isn't helping.
I kinda want to see a proper 3D Pokemon adventure, maybe an open world-ish game? Or heck, maybe just a Pokemon Stadium 3. Wasn't there talk of a Pokemon MMO at some point?
It's pretty obvious that their intent is to have two series in parallel (and they have enough team for that)
@Onion It's more or less a remake of Pokemon Yellow with some Pokemon GO mechanics worked in. Pokemon GO was a big success, and in many ways it's still going strong. Some people try to downplay it, but there is still a very active community playing Pokemon GO.
Let's GO is attempting to combine Pokemon GO with a regular Pokemon RPG, and Gen 1 is the most logical place to test that from. The hope is that people who have Pokemon GO as their first game in the series, or who played Pokemon GO after not touching a Pokemon RPG in years, will give Let's GO a try and come back for the big Gen 8 game next year. The Pokemon GO connectivity is mainly just another way for them to try and bring in that player base. You can transfer Pokemon from GO to Let's GO in exchange for some items and the ability to catch a special brand new Pokemon. It's cross promotion, and it's honestly exactly the kind of thing I was thinking Nintendo would do when they said they wanted to use the mobile games to help bring people to the bigger experiences on Nintendo's dedicated hardware.
Let's GO being for little kids is a bit misleading. They've made some parts of the early game a little easier, but have added a bit more challenge to the end game too. Gyms require you to have caught a Pokemon that's effective against the gym leader in order to take them on, but you don't actually need the Pokemon in your party to do so. Late game there are 151 master trainers that have lvl 100 of a specific Pokemon and if you can beat them you take their title. To truly complete the game you have to beat fully powered versions of every Pokemon in the game. They may have lowered the barrier of entry, but they also greatly raised the skill ceiling for the end game content.
As someone who sits squarely in the middle of enjoying both the core RPGs and Pokemon GO I'm interested in seeing how Let's GO does. I think a lot of the problem we are seeing with the reception right now has more to do with the expectations people had compared with what we are getting. People expected Gen 8, and instead got GO flavored Gen 1. Gen 8 is still coming, but people are sour that it's not coming THIS year. So they blame Let's GO for standing in the way of what they truly want, and find every reason they can to dislike Let's GO. I know I'm among those who don't care for forced motion controls. It's disappointing that there isn't an option to ignore them like you can in Mario Odyssey. Let me just push a button if I don't want motion, but add a bonus for using motion. That would respect the decisions of those who don't like motion while adding an incentive to give it a try even just once. That said, it's not a deal breaker for me. Just an annoyance. Something for me to mention in the survey they'll probably send me after I play the game.
Let's GO is trying to reach a broader audience. There's always a certain amount of risk that comes with that. Like I said before, I'm not a big fan of some of the changes they are making, but I can see enough in there to enjoy that I personally find it worth giving a chance. Regardless, I still have the big Gen 8 game to look forward to next year that promises to be more like a traditional Pokemon RPG. I say giving something a little different a try in the mean time doesn't hurt anything.
@Onion Unfortunately you're exactly right, the game is a super casualized take on Kanto that offers almost nothing to older players, and it's a far cry from the full 3D adventure you're wanting. It's basically trying to lure Go players into the main series by making the main series more like Go. Not hard to see why that's causing controversy in the fanbase.
@DarthFoxMcCloud at this point, with regards to the Let’s Go games, PoGo is now the successor to the Pokewalker.
weren't the let's go games purpose a way to facilitate the transition to the main games for the go fans?
if they have a let's go series of games running alongside main series games that would totally undermine that purpose
Unless gamefreak expect those fans buying both series at the same time...
Just...Just whatever, I doubt releasing pokepark wii, Mistery dungeon or pokemon conquest (awesome game btw) changed their plans too much
( MAIN series bw2 remake please happen sometime without anything removed TT_TT )
@Octane I'm gonna laugh so hard and watch as people drop their pre-orders harder than Sega's dropped their non-Sonic properties/IPs, especially if they're shown this.
And it will be a joyful, "I told you this would be a piece of garbage!" laughter.
Unpopular opinion: I have yet to see if the next "proper" Pokemon won't be affected by this. I think they will dump it down too.
dlc for new regions is what I hope for so the let's go series doesn't just die off
Pokémon let’s go Pikachu is my favorite switch game that has come out so far. I’m a huge Pokémon fan since the game has come out. I started watching the Pokémon series on tv. I’m on season 4 already! Please ADD JOHTO TO LETS GO!!!!
I’m excited for Pokemon Let’s Go DLC (Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova etc.) hopefully the new Johto game won’t be created as a remake/remaster except as a dlc for the let’s go. That’s what I’ll be happy with 🙂
Expansion is always good. Will be great to have more fun in the game. More Pokemon to descover, way cool. I really enjoy Let's go.
I would absolutely love to see this game continue on with other generations/ regions. It would make this game even better than it already is.
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