From now until the start of the new year we're going to be republishing some of what we feel are our best features of 2015. Hopefully this will offer the chance for newer readers to catch up on content they might have missed and allow long-time fans to reacquaint themselves with features they enjoyed the first time around. Today, we've got a truly heart-warming tale of two star-crossed lovers being pulled together thanks to the addictive charms of Mario Kart.
Elijah David, a Nintendo Life reader from Australia, recently got in touch to share a touching story of how he found true love while playing Mario Kart. If you don't like sweet stories such as this, you might want to click away and read our Slender: The Arrival review or something.
Still with us? Great! Over to you, Elijah.
The year was 2008, a year I'm sure many hold dear in their hearts - the year Mario Kart Wii was released. I don't know about yours, but my days were filled with holding that wheel (of the plastic kind). Mario Kart Wii was basically the air I breathed, I still remember my very first online race as crisp as a freshly cut lawn (Grumble Volcano before people realised that glitch existed). After playing the other Mario Kart games over the years against item-lucky computers (and the rare actual person), this blew my mind. However, this is barely relevant to the story. The point is, people, there were people out there, just like you and me, casually sitting on the couch with a wheel imprint (perhaps 3.5% of the racing population) left in our hands and soul. Many hours (days, weeks, months), races (thousands, easily), blood sweat and tears went into this game and we all got something out of it I'm sure - fun, frustration, and friends.

Living in that piece of country people may often forget even exists (if it weren't for the fact we use kangaroos as transport, especially after we realised emus don't fly nor reverse), the option to play continental was such a blessing as we would often bump into the same people and you'd have that unspoken connection. No words, no contact, you just recognised each other by your Mii and/or name (for those who didn't change it from John to W4FFLEZ, to SwagMeister89 every day).
There was this one player that just stuck out to me; perhaps it was her luscious brown pixelated hair. Or it could have been because we seemed to be completely evenly matched - the only thing that separated us were those items. She'd win one race, I'd win the next. We had formed some unspoken bond, completely without contact, as we wouldn't hit each other with items but were happy to do so to others. Side by side we'd race until some item-happy player would come along and separate us. So I'd stop at the finish line for her, even if that meant getting last place, just to let her know I saw what happened and she doesn't deserve to come last because of some item spammer (you know, usually the 3 red shells one at a time).
This became a trend and went both ways; I'd see her waiting there at the finish line for me. Then we'd both stop, together, and neither of us would cross. We just sat there at the line, revving our engines, moving backwards and forwards, wanting the other to cross. I still remember so clearly at 1AM in the morning we ended up in a race together with just one other person, so the 3 of us. The race started but, simultaneously, we turned around and went backwards, did loops around each other, did the stop start (like when cloud man picks you up and you need a boost) into each other's vehicles, grabbed items just to hit each other with, not having a single care about the race itself. This lasted for a good while, many laughs were had, and it seemed a true bond was formed - without a single word to each other.
At this point, Mario Kart Wii didn't have the option to add a friend just by clicking on them, or contacting them for that matter. You had to actually converse with them to get their friend code to then become friends, so all this time we were 'scouring the countryside' to find each other (or more so because Australia is about as big as a 250kb USB, it was easy to bump into each other). Race after race, hour after hour, day after day, week after week we would race.

I didn't know who this girl was (or even if she was a girl on the other side, let's be honest) but we were Mario Kart soul mates. It wasn't just Mario Kart that I loved, it was racing her, through our unspoken bond and silly rituals, that was fun in the purest form. It sounds like a Mario Kart love story, until that dreaded time came where eventually we went our separate ways. It was time to say that unspoken goodbye, time to let go of that unspoken bond, time to move on. That was it…
So that's the story, I met the pixilated love of my life and we raced until we could race no more.
But that's only the beginning. 6 years later, Mario Kart 8 was released and I wiped the dust off the wheel, reflecting on the past. That wheel was my partner in crime; Epona to Link. It had scratches, bits missing out of it, even bite marks (sometimes races don't exactly go your way). Those were the times! I jumped online only to find I had people from France, UK and Italy roam my races. Where were my fellow Australians? I played a few races and that was it, holding too strongly onto the past. Down went my trusty wheel and off went the game. Until one afternoon my brother was bored (or procrastinating) and wanted to know what Mario Kart 8 was like, as we didn't spend that much time together it was a prime opportunity to chill. So I popped it on, jumped online and went through the motions.
A few races with people so far away, whilst fun, I got bored too fast. Almost switching the console off, something stopped me. Those brown eyes, luscious brown hair, big smile, black outfit. Could it be? It was. It was her. In a packed race filled with people from France, UK and Italy there were two Australians. Myself and the girl I raced almost 7 years ago. The girl who stopped at the line for me, the girl who didn't hit me with items, the girl who who was my racing equal, the girl who I never spoke a word with but shared an unspoken bond. She had the same Mii, same name, there was no doubt it was her. Unlike me I had a different Mii (puberty does things to you) and a different name (I felt now that I was 23 I could level up from nickname to actual name). I knew who she was but she would never know who I am! I was on the tracks riding next to her, beeping at her, bumping into her, all the while knowing she would just think I'm some weirdo who doesn't know how to handle a bike.
It was all so ironic, as well as the fact unlike Mario Kart Wii we both didn't race as our Miis but as Mario and Peach (the helmets covered up our luscious brown hair, y'see). Mario chasing his princess whilst the princess was basically in another castle/didn't know who he was. I wanted to reach out and tell her who I was; I was that guy she raced almost 7 years ago, that guy who stopped at the line for her, protected her from items, the guy who she stayed up with into the early hours of the morning, that guy she never spoke a single word to. I savoured every race not knowing if I'd ever be able to see her again. I raced by her side race after race, even though I was hit with her items ("And if you hurt me, that's okay baby" - Ed Sheeran, 'Photograph'), I even stopped at the line for her. Did she know who I was? Probably not. Next race, she was gone.

And that is how I met the love of my life on Mario Kart, twice. Does that count as a real love story? We basically raced into the sunset to live happily ever after, right?
There may be more to it. Being in a state of excitement, nostalgia, and who knows what, I was a man on a mission. When I'm a man on a mission I usually forget the simple things, like clicking on her Mii to add her as a friend. I didn't even know such a thing existed. My first resort, Google. Obviously no luck. Miiverse! Excitedly I reached 'Search Users' and typed in her name, only to realise that it was one of the most common names to exist. After about an hour of searching my hope was wearing thin, my face resembled a Mii who came in at least 10th, head down, lost, reflecting, pondering. Hang on, she had stars in her name! Apparently everyone with the name Lisa has stars in them. No luck. Utterly defeated, I held the power button down for two seconds and just before the third I realised something. Something didn't look right. That's right, she had spaces between the stars! I've never been more determined to hit that space bar. There she was. I had found her.

"Hey Lisa! I'm not sure if you'd remember me but I used to race as Ed back in the MKWii days! Was good to see you, can see you haven't lost your touch!" Not even sure if she'd see the message or even reply, it was all in the hands of fate now. Fate it certainly was. She remembered me. We conversed through Miiverse, learning little basic bits about each other. The most important being that The Legend of Zelda was our favourite gaming series (and basically favourite thing to exist). To the point I have a Zelda tattoo and her dog's name is Link. Destiny? From there, she asked for my email address so she could send me a photo of Link (let's just say I am very thankful for Miiverse's lack of characters/ability to send photos).

One message turned into many, across days, weeks and months. A one sentence message grew into paragraphs, pages, novels, photos and videos. One single message evolved into over 25,000 words combined. Who knew what one message could lead to. I had found someone who I connected with on every level, whom I shared endless things in common with, big to small (to the point of both of us being left-handed and our birthdays being 2 days apart). However she lived a whole state away. This was nothing but a mere friendship over the internet.
I came across the amazing fan book "Legend of the Hero" by Kari Fry and bought one, along with a few other Zelda bits and pieces. A thought crossed my mind, perhaps I could send this to her? I mean, it's just as easy for her to go buy it herself, but it would be nice, right? So she ended up giving me her address and I excitedly made her a Zelda package.

Off it went, along with my number on the back of the package (as required by the ultimate wingman, post office). I soon received a very excited text message and from there we conversed through text - although we couldn't let go of our novel emails straight away, as our recent messages were "Hey, just letting you know the Postman has left something in your inbox (Da na na naaaa)!" Soon after she sent me my very own Zelda package, which was easily the best package I have ever received in my life.

From there I knew I wanted to meet her. I wanted to drop everything, catch a plane, and meet this girl who I shared this abnormally special connection with. Meet this girl who I had raced for many hours, days, weeks and months on Mario Kart(s) ("Oh I lost you once but I found you twice, and my search is over" - 'Deeper Love', Mike Mago). Meet this girl who I waited for; not only at the line but, unknowingly, for many years. Meet this girl who I had spent hours upon hours writing to, words upon words, photos upon photos. Meet this girl who seemed to be a destined part of my life. That I did.

One single flight and a solid friendship turned into thirteen flights (within a month) and a beautiful relationship, with the final flight being a permanent one. I've now moved states, transferred jobs, and am living with my best friend, my soulmate, my love. Best decision I've ever made was to catch that flight. No, the best decision I've ever made was to play Mario Kart.
Who knew that Mario Kart could forever change your life?

This adorable couple went on to get engaged and even got custom made Zelda themed rings as a token of their love. Do you know anyone who has found true love playing videogames? As always, let us know your thoughts with a comment below.
Comments 186
I was just a little bit sick in my mouth! But it could have been worse, at least she turned out to be a woman, and not a 40 year old fat bloke! be careful out there kids, the internet is dangerous!
@617Sqn You're dead inside, dude!
Trolling much @617Sqn ? This story was flippin great. Nintendo, bringing couples together since gawd knows when. I would tell mine but it's not Video game related
Wow, wonderful story of gaming, Mario Kart, passion and love. All the best to the couple!
Fantastic read,really crazy how life works sometimes.All the best for the future!
I have great bond with person who i played RE5 demo online years ago. I just wish i could actually see her someday because this moment distance is too far for my wallet.
The fact you managed to cross paths again in MK8 without actually already being friends is pretty crazy. It's perhaps just as well in this paricular instance the player base on Wii U isn't very large!
Great story!
Great story and lucky she was a young woman
that's a nice story and glad it had a good ending
I read this while being bored at university and had to pull myself together to not cry...
So beautiful!
Sweeet! Too sweet!
So sweet I feel like the diabetis is gonna hot me! Ahhhh!
No but seriously awesome story
The Rainbow Road theme from Mario Kart Wii was playing in the background.
I think I have to...wipe something from the corner of my eye.
The Rainbow Road theme from Mario Kart Wii was playing in the background.
I think I have to...wipe something from the corner of my eye.
This was a beautiful and moving story (I'm a huge softie at heart) so congratulations to the happy couple. I only hope I can find a similar gaming companion of love. True love conquers all...or is that Mario Kart conquers all?!
Oh my... that was so cute.
All the best to the both of you!
Nice one, guys, all the best!
Good read too, maybe just a little verbose at times, but it's definitely a story with some magic to it.
Heartwarming story! I believe in fate as well. That's how my wife and I ended up together. Through fate. Not videogame-related though.
Aaaaaaw! That made my day!
...I'm not's the Organization testing a new gas attack in my neighborhood...
My husband and I had a similar love story, except ours was from and MMO called Ragnarok Online (back when it was still pay to play and new in the states.). It's really awesome that things seemed to have worked out for them as well. Kudos to them! I wish them much happiness in the years to come. If ya'll ever get married, Might I suggest a Mario Kart themed wedding cake?
Beautiful story, all the best for the future. Good job it was mario kart and not some other franchise that nintendo wouldnt make a sequel to for about 15 years or something!
Wild story. She's way taller than him, too, lol.
Well isn't that sweet!
This is great, had a lot of fun reading this.
Wow. Guess some things are meant to be.
I loved this story so much, I read it twice. Who wouldn't want to find someone who shared their same passion for their favorite games? This is the ultimate dream for any gamer who is looking for love.
I can only imagine their reaction when the Zelda DLC was announced.
Bless, what a sweet story.
aww, that really sweet people finding there love by playing video games. (i don't have a tear in my eye btw, )
@MegaMari0 @Damo
Hey, @617Sqn is just sharing his experience!
Daww! That's so cute!
This is an amazing story. Im very happy they found each and in MK8 what a world we live in!
I fell in love with Kamek on MK DS. They were the best in the world on WiFi for a while and had a rasta marijuana leaf as the painting on their kart. I never met them in person, but I loved them. We met once again, but they quit, because I learned how to snake.
EDIT; This is 100% a true story.
So much for Mario Kart being a friendship destroyer?
**sniff** That was... beautiful!
I read a story a long time ago about a couple meeting on an old Xbox Live game. Still, this is a great story.
[unintelligible sobs]
Cute story... however, the fact that * Lisa * was actually a good looking young woman makes me think this is probably fake.
I'd roll my eyes and say this was too lovey dovey for me but I'd also be doing that out of jealousy. This story was touching, good for them.
So creepily stalking women on Miiverse does pay off? Is that what I'm supposed to learn from this story?
Save it for Miiverse.
Also, how did this guy know he wasn't racing a 8 year old in MK Wii and a 14 year old in MK8? He could've been stalking a 14 year old girl the whole time. This guy is just a creep.
Aww how sweet nice story of love.
Quite happy for you both. I've had two relationships that formed over games, though they were local multiplayer. Got to know a wonderful woman while playing marathon rounds of Wii Bowling, and my current relationship owes a lot to Mario Kart 8. And simultaneously cursing very loudly at the television.
What a beautiful story! One of the best love stories ever!! Congratulations to the both of you! Too bad he didn't know you can see the 'recently versed players' list under the friends list & use that to view people's miiverse profiles but I'm very glad he remembered to search with the spaces & found her anyway. Definitely meant to be! Heck yes for Mario Kart! Best racing game/series ever! I remember those glorious MK Wii days too! Sooo much fun! I can't really remember any regulars but it was certainly tons of fun until the cheaters turned up! Played hundreds of hours online Congratulations again & have a happy life together!
Awesome! Really made my day, beautiful story. :')
That's actually amazing, good luck to you both!
Man, I must keep tears from splashing away!
Ohh that was beautiful, thank you so much for sharing this one.
That. Was. Amazing. What a read!
Tearing up here...
All of you who like this story are sick. The guy was stalking a person on Miiverse that could've as well been a 14 year old girl. He had no idea how old she was when he started to stalk her.
@manu0 You sir (or madam) need to educate yourself on what stalking is. Also, stop seeing the worst in people. Hurray!
@mysteriousdave This. This is the definition of stalking. Actually it's the definition of stalking someone who is possibly underage. No less on Miiverse where it can be assumed that there's a large fraction of users who are underage. People like this guy are the reason Nintendo had to shut down Swapnote.
Also, look at the first message he sent to her. Do you notice something? He doesn't even ask how old she is. That would've been the first question to ask if there's a high possibility (which there is on Miiverse) that you're starting a chat with an underage girl.
@manu0 No, no it is not.
'the act or an instance of stalking, or harassing another in an aggressive, often threatening and illegal manner'
He contacted her as they had an existing friendship, albeit not verbal. She reciprocated. The end. You're literally trying to make something out of this that is not there.
A tad verbose, but a very sweet story and very happy for the pair of them!
Mario Kart may not have brought my husband and I together...but it has almost driven us to divorce a couple of times.
J/k...this is a really sweet story. Congrats on the engagement!
Haha. Is funny see someone with a similar story. But mine is in Splatoon.
You are a lucky guy. You finded your soulmate in the same country, in the same continent. Only a state away is not so far like you think.
Well... I really wish you two be happy.
Aaaaaaaaaaawwwww How cute!!
Congrats to those two and have a happy Nintendo Life together
Aww..sweet story... They better hurry and have a baby, Tri Force Heroes is out and they'll need a third..
Moral of the Story: For most people in this situation, Nintendo's archaic chat and friending policies mean they'll never find their soul-mate. I hope you're proud of yourselves Nintendo, breaking up relationships like that!
I'm not crying your crying!
Nah, in all honesty, I have a soft spot for stories like these. It's really beautiful and I hope they have a happy life together! ;D
@Geonjaha We all know what the more open approach with Swapnote led to...
That was freakin' BEAUTIFUL!! (T_T) What dedication!!! What Tenacity!! What fortitude!! Just... wow!
That was quite a story. I didn't think things like this happened in real life, but then perhaps my life is just really boring.
Amazing story. Well done Ed.
That was amazing!!! So cute! I like the part when he's running into her and she's probably thinking "who's this jerk?" Lol
How wonderful that this turned out so well for you, Elijah! I experienced something very similar with AC:NL, but it just wasn't to come to fruition. It left me with many very happy memories with a great friend, however (though, I'd be lying if I said there aren't also some remorseful ones; reading your story is making me forget those, however).
Online Nintendo games have power to do more than unite families; they also form them.
Well, this made my day. I am glad it turned out well and that you had a good memory of her Mii (although why would you not?).
Maybe it would be easier for them to find each other if Nintendo put chat boxes in their games
such a cute story. glad it worked out for the both of them.
Amazing story--congrats!
I was rooting for them, but thinking they would never really meet. Great story! And aside from being a female gamer (instant attraction, right?), she is very pretty! Congratulations for the couple!
Well I had to sign up to comment on this story My husband and I met at a Mariokart64 tournment in 2009. Like this couple, we were very closely matched in rankings and it's always a toss up who will win a race when we play each other. We have been married 3 years now and have a beautiful 2yo girl/future karter. Happy to hear this couple's story, and cool to know MK has resulted in more than one engagement/marriage!
@Geonjaha @seb5049
But then if Nintendo implemented the chat, it would have been a boring story and it couldn't have been fate that brought them together.
You are pathetic. It could also mean that if Elijah found out she's under aged, he could just stop pursuing her. Or at least just remain friends as how it started in Mario Kart.
But congratulations. You just made it into my ignore list.
That's awesome! Congrats!
That is such an amazing story! <3
I too met my soulmate through Mario Kart, although despite it being in 2007, it was the SNES/N64 versions we bonded over! Wii/Mario Kart was our first joint present to ourselves in Xmas 2008, and we used to spend hours racing together and helping each other out just like you guys did (albeit being in the same room at the time )
Mario Kart meant so much to us that we had a Mario Kart DS tournament at our own wedding!
We've been hitched for 3 years now, and the Mario Kart love is still going strong!
So lovely to hear other Mario Kart related love stories!! Congratulations on your engagement and best wishes to you both!
Great story, I hope to find love too....
Am alone for way too long
@pink_llama That's awesome, congrats! We had MK64 at our wedding, too, but the TV we had had horrible lag unfortunately. We had 64 controllers dangling from the hands of our cake toppers Hope to see more MK love stories appear!
@clocktrasher aww cute! We had a very subtle theme, but we managed to get power stars on the top tier of our cake, courtesy of my mum's craftwork haha Evening favours were chocolate coins in an item box though - the item box is still used to this day at events that I run
I know of about 4 Mario Kart related love stories now, hope more appear! <3
@Splatburst As I pointed out he didn't even care to ask for her age in his first much on that...
The one who's pathetic here is the guy who writes random people on Miiverse to get a girl friend, lol. That's what I call pathetic.
Holy cripes! That's amazing! I had a few friends on an MMO tell me about how they'd met through the MMO, moved in together and then got engaged as well. But its pretty great to hear it happen on a much more personal level - and through nintendo games too!
Wish you guys a very happy life! All the best for taking that plunge and seeing where life might take you.
This is the best article I've read on here in a while. Very touching...It makes you smile!
Do you honestly believe what he has written in this article are the only things that went in their conversations? If you're gonna tell a story, you only tell the interesting parts. You don't need to go into the full details. Again you are pathetic and are nitpicking on what was only written in the story.
A good read and congrats to them both!
@Splatburst I thought you were ignoring me. I guess that makes you a liar and therefore pretty pathetic. Goodbye.
Great story, congratulations on finding your soul mate. Have you set a wedding date?
Wow! So sweet!
@pink_llama That sounds really nice! So fun!
That's so cool. This story pretty made my day. congratz to them both
Meh a better love story than twilight nahh I'm kidding makes me want to go on Mario kart and try for myself hahaha
damn son, that's quite a story
Aww (: Made me cry (': so cute. Best to the both of you! (Kinda funny, I met my first girlfriend in minecraft...)
this is the greatest story! mario kart ruins friendships but this guy randomly encountered his soulmate on there multiple times with little options of communication, were separated for 6-7 years, was able to remember the thing and met her again.
Oh, boy, this article is so darn touching that I almost shed tears. Seriously. But here's the thing: halfway through reading it, I couldn't help but remember a very matching song for this story:
(And yes, I HAD to create an account just so I could comment this!)
And these are the articles I come to Nintendolife for!
Just glad they survived without the Miiverse Admins raining down hellfire on them for exchanging e-mails.
The Zelda package pic was cool, that is one very sweet gal.
If only we could all be so lucky to find your soulmate through doing the thing you love. Such a great story.
That was cool. I didn't know Australia had states...and you have to fly a plane to travel between them? Wow.
@B64111980: You settle it in Smash!?
@Dpisphere : Unfortunately if you can't find your soulmate you don't have one. Course that doesn't mean if you haven't found them yet, it means if you never find them. You won't know if you have one or not til you die. I wouldn't bother looking, they'll come or they won't.
My story is quite similar lol. Met online, flew to the other side of the world, first game we played together was Mario Kart Wii... Still play MK8 like a ritual what is it about Mario Kart ??
Freakin amazing story though ,wow !
Thats amazing, hope for the best.
That's a pretty amazing story, if it were me I'd probably forget since I often can't remember all of the names of the people I play with lol. All I can say is congrats!
How sweet!
Love finds a way I guess :3 I don't play anything online often enough to keep meeting the same random person to play against though.
Awesome story! Congrats to both Aussies for finding their happiness through the magic of Mario Kart!
Who says Nintendo needs voice chat to start a marriage
Take no prisoners online
@Iggly I played Monster Hunter with you that one time. Surely you haven't forgotten Fee.
just WOW!!!
Good story, bro. You are really lucky to be playing MK8 and find her again. Good luck!!
Ah MKW online...
Before the hacking, those were the days.
I'll never forget the awesome time I had playing online, and reaching 9999vr on all four licenses.
I don't think its a coincidence you managed to find her again in MK8.
I sort of wish MK8 was better. Right now my copy is collecting dust, and I cant trade it because I bought the DLC. The game just feels watered down compared to the other entries IMO.
Haha, that's great! Seriously, what are the odds of all this happening? Such a lucky couple!
It's my ignore list of people with poopy opinions I consider with no credibility. It doesn't mean I have to ignore you and the others entirely. Also did you read the article thoroughly? I don't think any 9 year-olds with responsible parents would be allowed to play MKWii until 1am. So yeah, you're just a bitter poop.
N'aww... That's so sweet. Pretty incredible, too. :]
Nice story, but am I the only one thinking that there's nothing in this story that couldn't be made up?
C'mon, the internet is full of fake-outs. This one is just more believable because you want to believe it really happened.
This is truly an unbelievable story! Kudos to a guy who finds his soulmate while gaming!
Awwww, so sweet. But don't let Nintendo know because they'll probably get banned on Miiverse.
@Splatburst Pathetic how you're grasping at straws...
Judging by the pictures she seems to be early 20s now. So 2008 she was like 12-14. Is that any better with staying up to 1am? No.
@Fee Yeah I remember hunting with you, though it's easier to remember people in Monster Hunter than games like Mario Kart and Splatoon since at most it's just 4 people playing at a time unlike the latter where it's 8-12 players.
I guess it was destined to be!
@manu0 er no. I mean I personally don't see a 7-8 year old being on the same type of gaming level to a 16 year old, he did say they were evenly matched. Get over yourself, imo you're too obsessed with screeching "morals!!!!111!!!" perhaps out of jealously? I wouldn't know... Even if she was 14 at the time of MKWii, it's only 2 years difference. Besides they were only pretty much friends at this point or friendly if you will.
Sweet story though. :3
@F4LLEND4RK Again, people like this guy are the reason Nintendo had to shut down Swapnote..just saying. And yes, I think it's immoral to come on to strangers on Miiverse unless you're certain about their age.
@manu0 "people like this guy" ?? I don't know what world you live in where this guy is a child predator?? Don't quote me but I believe that was a main reason why Swapnote was brought down. Anyways you have obviously a very differing opinion to me, lets just keep our own and not start a war in this comment section xD lol.
@F4LLEND4RK Don't get me wrong. I think it's great how the story turned out for them. I just don't like how it started.
@Darth_Vader That's one thing you never expect Darth Vader to say
@manu0 You're making this out to be bigger than it is. The message he sent was completely harmless and wasn't coming on to her in any way. He basically said "hey we used to play a lot together, it was nice to run into you again!". It doesn't matter what her age or gender was, that is about as friendly and harmless as you can be. The story took a romantic spin later, but after they learned more about each other. But as the author said, he didn't know if the person was even a female, there wasn't any reason to suspect he would have tried to harm children.
Your original post complained he didn't ask her age in the first message, but to be perfectly honest that comes across way creepier. I wouldn't answer a stranger that starts out a conversation asking for such personal info like that. That sounds more predatory than anything else.
@ZBomber He clearly wrote her because he had a romantic interest to begin with. He mentions her "luscious brown hair" three times. Sounds a lot like he wanted to be more than friends from the start. I don't talk about the "luscious brown hair" my friends might or might not have, do you? Thinking about how he gets turned on by a Mii is kind of disgusting in its own right.
"Your original post complained he didn't ask her age in the first message, but to be perfectly honest that comes across way creepier. I wouldn't answer a stranger that starts out a conversation asking for such personal info like that. That sounds more predatory than anything else."
lol. That's because you let yourself trick into thinking you're safe. "This guy isn't asking for my age, so he must be a good guy!" So gullible.
I'm curious to see what the other racers thought when those two refused to cross the finish line. Also, couldn't he have just friended her from recently played with users?
Hi, manu! How are you?
I totally agree with you about safety and everything; but I believe we must also take some other things into consideration. First, when he played with this girl, he was a teenager, not an adult. For all he knew, the girl on the other side could be a grown-up, a teenager or a child, not to mention she could be a he. I don't really think he was in love with this girl, he was attracted to the one he imagined that was on the other side. This was a romantic text, everyone always writes it in a way to make the story better - at least, I know I do, and not necessarily what you thought at that time. He looked for her, because they had a relationship from the past - not a romantic one. Once they started talking, they trusted each other enough to exchange more than "25000 words", as he said, so they probably mentioned their ages at some point. After all, at no point through his story he came across as seeking for a kid; I'm sure he was interested in knowing if she was a girl and her age. As they begin to know more of each other, they exchanged pictures as we can see in the article, and at some point he travelled to meet her. Anyway, considering everything I read, I don't believe for any second this guy was looking for kid. I ain't saying he wouldn't do it, just that you can't interpret it from his text. Although, I believe that what you wrote about security is a serious concern overall that must be talked about; just not in this story and article.
Feel free to tell me what you think. I'd appreciate to debate different understandings of his text. I only ask you to not insult me, ok? I'll respect your opinion, no matter how different it is from mine. =D
@Zelda_Rocks He says that he didn't even know that feature existed, and quite honestly, I believe him. Nintendo didn't have this feature in Mario Kart Wii, and up until he ran into her again, he wasn't interested in Mario Kart 8. Its within reason to say that he wasn't very interested in Online, and as thus, didn't know that feature existed.
@RenanKJ I guess that's true. Very well put. I'm just very cautious about these things.
@manu0 Sure! And we gotta be! If we ain't cautious, our little bros or kids can be stalked or whatever.
Beautiful! It's amazing to see how people can bond over a game like Mario Kart. It's very important to have a partner with the same passion as you. My wife and I started talking, because we both are big Zelda fans that used to live an ocean apart from each other. Thanks for sharing this touching story!
I have absolutely loved reading through these comments (yes even those ones, haha). Unfortunately I don’t have the time to reply to every single one (or fortunately for some) but we’re just so stoked with people’s responses and well wishes. Honestly has blown us away (off the tracks, Lakitu will pick us up). Cannot thank you all enough, so very touching!
I submitted this because in this crazy world (filled with blue shells, red shells, green shells - the anti-Triforce of shells) it’s nice to have a bit of good news, even if it is super cheesy. Not only that, I wanted people to share their own stories and am so glad they did. We have loved reading them, Mario Kart weddings and all, bless! It’s things like this that make you realise how truly great Nintendo is, even if they do lack some things. To me (and I’m sure a lot of people) they’re imperfectly perfect and stories like these show us this. I never expected this to be a feature article (or even an article at all) but am so thankful to you guys at Nintendo Life for doing so - not for the publicity but to see people come together and share their own experiences. Reading the comments felt so nostalgic and blissful as we are all on the same page (almost), bonding over Nintendo.
For those who may be questioning the legitimacy of this, I completely understand! If I didn’t experience it myself I would be having some doubts. It’s one of the reasons I wrote it up, as it’s so unbelievable (that it’s believable). Photos were included for this very reason!
As for safety regarding Miiverse: That’s also completely understandable and I can see where you’re coming from however safety was put first in all situations, not everything that has been said has been written. As for the “luscious brown hair” - those comments were merely for humour at how silly the situation was. It’s there for the entertainment of the story, nothing else. That would just be silly to have a romantic attraction towards someone’s Mii, the interest was more of a “I love racing you”. There was no romantic attraction up until we started talking in depth and everything was done in a friendship manner up until we met. Also, she’s older!
Again, we both just want to thank you all for your kind comments, responses and sharing of experiences! It has been a pleasure to read!
- Elijah and Lisa
P.S. Mario Kart Love Song will surely be making an appearance at our wedding.
P.P.S. No date has been set for said wedding, we’re very happy as we are and feel there’s no rush - we’ll leave all the rushing to Mario Kart
So sweet. Such triforce.
I was about skip this to the end and read the Slender: The Arrival review or something but stopped after seeing the photos. Damn, you two are cute.
mario kart is confirmed an online dating game
but seriously
Nice story!
Also gives hope to everyone who hasn't found their soulmate yet. Never give up.
Love the story... All the best to the both of you.
Nintendo fun for the family, and if your extra lucky it might even be the start of a great gaming family
Thats awesome! Good Luck Guys!
This tugged at my heartstrings so much I think one snapped.
Wow, just awesome. Small world huh?
Awesome! All the best to them both. Love is great.
This was an amazing story, I have to say I'm jealous that it didn't happen to me!! So glad to see the two of you have responded to the comments both good and bad. I wonder if the same criticisms of stalking and inappropriate behaviour would have been typed if it was written from Lisa's perspective and she wrote that first Miiverse message. So sad that good honest men are subject to such criticisms because of the actions of the minority.
Also, I'd be interested in hearing it from Lisa's perspective. What was going through her mind in those early MK Wii days? Did she pick up MK8 with a sense of nostalgia and longing for those late night MK Wii sessions with that dude who waited at the line?
Thanks again guys, we really appreciate the kind comments!
@Baker1000 Thank you for seeing it from a different perspective. We do understand how people can see it from a negative point of view regarding safety etc. however that definitely wasn’t the case and appreciate everyone who can see it from the light-hearted and honest side. Appreciate it!
As for Lisa’s perspective: “I really can’t explain it, neither can Elijah! I honestly don’t know what I was thinking besides just having so much fun, our unspoken connection just felt natural - I never thought ‘Why am I not hitting him?’ it was just automatic. As for stopping at the line for one another, that was just another thing to add to the list of fun. It really is weird how it all happened, like we were drawn to one another through fate and everything we did just felt natural and there was no questioning about it. Crazy! As for Mario Kart 8 - well being Mario Kart I just had to purchase it but part of me knew it wouldn’t be the same. Everything was so shiny and new, different steering mechanics, and of course a whole different experience online. I did enjoy it but not nearly as much as MKWii; it didn’t have that same feeling, that same connection. I did long for those nights with the crew, the regulars on continental, from where it all started with that Ed guy! It’s just so crazy how it happened, both of us rarely, if ever, played it in the afternoon (especially with work) however we just both happened to play it at the exact same time that day which of course guided us to cross paths. I had no idea until I got that Miiverse message! And here we are now.”
Speaking of Mario Kart 8, I’ll slip in a sneaky bonus fact:
When we met up in person we both found out we share the same favourite number, 8 (infinity). Not only did we meet again on Mario Kart 8, I put in my job transfer application and they got back to me with one date: You can start on the 08/08/2015. 2015 adds up to 8. So on her ring I had 888 engraved, as that’s when I officially moved and it all truly started. It’s as if we were meant to wait those 7 years, for that one date. Crazy.
All the little things!
(For those interested, here's the video of the proposal:
@Elijah_and_Lisa thanks for the reply! Such a sweet video, and nice touch with the top of the cake (of course it would be Link and Zelda!). Truly you were made for each other and it's clear proof if any were needed that fate will draw two people together! Thanks for sharing the story and I hope you enjoy many years of happiness together
Really... not again.
Did you check they're still together before republishing?
@Dezzy it would be funny if they're not
Coming up next month, How Boonga Boonga Arcade Brought Two Soul Mates To The Court For Divorce
@manu0 I would say you're the creep for that thought process (going by your own morals, I don't think there'd be a problem if she had been 14 anyway).
Should have saved this story for a Valentine's post haha- awesome though, congratulations to you both
This is one of the most awesome stories related to gaming that I've read. It brought a little tear to my eye.
I love it when I see/feel that sense of magic and wonder in the world that I used to see/feel as a child--that I still know exists now as an adult but seems ever harder to see/feel in the world around me--and this story gave me that again. Usually, this is exactly why I play videogames--for that feeling of childlike magic and wonder--and it's great to actually see it reflecting back from a game into reality.
All the joy and happiness in the world to both of you.
@Damo Tell me about it. Most people on here probably know I'm a pretty negative dude when I express my opinions on modern day Nintendo and its shenanigans--in my defence, I'd have less to complain about if modern day Nintendo didn't keep doing so much idiotic stuff that really bugs me--but even I can see and feel a genuinely beautiful and heartwarming story when it crosse my path. That doesn't require having an opinion on what makes a good or bad videogame experience; it just requires not being a [probably] 15 year old douche, who thinks it's actually cool to trash something as precious as love. What a tool he is. lol
Note: Now it sounds like I'm some 15 year old having digs back at him. lol
@manu0 No, you're just a twit. He wasn't doing any of those things. And, do you really imagine that if he had found out it was a little girl--and no one really could have known anything prior to them communicating properly--that he'd still do all the other stuff that happened after he found out who the girl was? Where he and a whole bunch of us in here found something beautiful and magical in this tale of love, you went and morphed it into some disturbing "pedo" scenario in your own head. You're the one with the creepy mind, Sir. End of.
@gcunit I feel bad for you, if, even after all the details and pics in the story, you still think it's just some dude making it up.
Now, I'm not going to say that can't or doesn't happen in this world, but if you can't take people at their word when they've done absolutely zero to make you doubt or question their word, then you'll not find much peace in this life.
Be paranoid when your President or Prime Minister tells you basically anything, or when some advert on TV tries to convince you that some random soda drink will bring you happiness in your life--and all that kind of crap. But, unless there's a flashing sign that something is "off" in a story like this, I think the healthy thing to do here, the things that's best for your own heart and soul, would be to just believe it, go with it, and enjoy it.
I mean, take issue where you see it--I'm the first guy in line when it comes to taking issue where I see it--but don't go looking for it when/where it genuinely doesn't seem to exist.
@Elijah_and_Lisa What an adorable story, you look like such a fantastic couple and completely genuine. Congratulations! Keep us posted on the wedding and I've forwarded your story to the Nintendo PR who I know. In a world where all we hear about are negative stories day by day, here is something positive and wonderful and all thanks to Nintendo! Thanks for sharing guys.
@ZBomber @manu0
"Your original post complained he didn't ask her age in the first message, but to be perfectly honest that comes across way creepier. I wouldn't answer a stranger that starts out a conversation asking for such personal info like that. That sounds more predatory than anything else." - ZBomber
Exactly, which means to me that manu0 is more likely the kind of person who'd be thinking about having sex with a total unknown stranger, potentially a child, that he anonymously played a videogame with one or two times.
I mean, manu0 is the person who immediately thinks it necessary to know someones age before you talk to them. Why? Because he's obviously thinking about [doing] stuff where the law and the legal age of consent is a factor. Ya know, something like this: "I should probably find out how old this person is before I continue..."
Continue what, manu0? Continue what?
Or, at least that's what I'm getting from his posts.
@Rebelshifter Yeah, that's perfect for this.
@Elijah_and_Lisa @manu0 Ah, I wish I'd read this comment first, and then I wouldn't have wasted my breath commenting on manu0's stupid posts.
Everything I was saying/arguing is basically the same as you have said here--even the comment about the "luscious brown hair", which I was going to say was almost certainly just a good use of descriptive/creative writing--so job done.
Anyway: It's a brilliant story, and congrats and all the best wishes in the world, Elijah and Lisa.
@Kirk I've never seen so many comments in a row on NindyLife haha
@Kirk Chill out, bro. I'm just dandy thanks, no peace issues in my life. But I don't need gushing stories (true or made up) like this one to prop-up my worldview. It's just that in my experience trust is something people have to earn, not something I dole out willy-nilly to strangers until it's found to be misplaced, particularly in the world of the internet.
As I've already said, it's a nice story, but one that is easily fabricated, details and pics or not.
@DoctorOverbuild Yeah, sometimes I just go off on one. lol
Happens when I feel strongly about something, which is a lot.
@gcunit That's why I'm saying you have to be able to take issue where it actually exits--or gives you a genuine reason to believe it exists--and not just create and/or look for it everywhere.
I generally trust most people* by default, and then it's simply up to them to not break that trust. I give them the benefit of the doubt; I don't walk into every human situation thinking I'm likely getting duped. That can't be good for the soul.
*But not the likes of the banks, corporations, politicians, news media, advertisers, etc., because we all [should] know that they are, matter of fact, bullsh*tting us most of the time by default. If there's even a sniff that money/greed and/or power is involved, in pretty much any way, THEN it's probably very wise to have your doubts.
@Kirk But what does being 15 have to do with anything? I'm 15, and would never trash love.
Lucky guy. What are the odds of this happening?!
This story makes me sick to my ass. Though I will openly admit that it's because of sheer jealousy. I'm just your stereotypical fat, jaded, forever alone internet nerd, hahaha! This truly is an extraordinary case, a one in a million kind of scenario. Colour me impressed.
@Mus1cLov3r "15" is just a number intended to imply immaturity in this particular context.
It's true that some people are more mature/immature than others--I'm very immature relative to my age, and maybe you're really mature relative to yours--but when I say someone is acting like a 15 year old, I'm pretty sure almost everyone, including you, gets exactly what I mean.
That guy was basically acting like an ignorant 15 year old child, who doesn't know better than to act like a silly child with silly ideas about what's "cool" or not. Trashing a genuine story about love is the kind of thing a child would do, or a really twisted and bitter person, or just a moron. So, if he's 15 then I can forgive him for being so stupid and naive, but if he's a grown man, then I just pity him.
Love is one of the greatest things one will be extremely fortunate to experience in their short time on this planet.
Oh my God I am MELTING! That story was so cute, and congratulations! I hope you two have many years of happiness and love
Huh. I'm either having the weirdest deja vu, or this is the rare case of the zombie article.
Saw this article posted months ago and thought there had been an update made, like a wedding. Alas same article. Still I'm happy for these two and finding each other in spite of the odds that seemed to be against them. Keep us posted on your wedding though.
@Mus1cLov3r Fair to say I think @Kirk is simply stereotyping, as a lot of teenage boys of about 15 do tend to have a reputation for a lot of angst and disrespecting stuff just because...
Pretty sure he wasn't directing it at you - not like he asked your age in his first message
Way to go @Elijah_and_Lisa - Your story reminded me of a chapter in my own life that started in the Kazaa chatroom, but in my case 4700 miles was too much for us to overcome... However I'm really pleased for you both and wish you all the best for your future together...
@Charlosa I know it wasn't directed towards me, but he could have easily replaced "15" with "immature," instead of generalizing an entire age group.
@Charlosa Exactamundo; I was just stereotyping, based on how I imagined the guy who made the original childish comment about vomiting in his mouth as a result of reading the story.
@Mus1cLov3r Well, allow me to be fair...
Most 15 year olds are "immature"...and technically speaking--going by the actual definition and meaning of the word--they basically all are.
That was a sweet story!
You would never see this happen with Xbox and Playstation users.
"Hardcore" gamers don't do stuff like this to their games.
This is something that only "casuals" will do.
But to be fair love is a definitive trait of "casuals".
Wasn't this already covered about a couple months ago?
I guess you're cool after all those negativities towards Nintendo. anyway some see the story as something they should do/emulate to find their own soulmates. It's not. It just happened to @Elijah_and_Lisa and they shared it here. If they go looking for one through Mario Kart, then it won't be called fate.
Good story really enjoyed it ^_^
But why Mario Kart Wii to Mario Kart 8? Don't you know there was the best Mario Kart between those called Mario Kart 7? Seemed like something you should have played.
The whole meeting Lisa in Mario Kart 8 again and her being "your love" and stuff and you didn't even ever meet her or know her age or knew if she was even a real girl? I mean for all you knew it could have been a 12-16 year old girl or something or it could have been a 35 year old guy just using a female mii for fun.
Nice story and nice ending but there are some stuff here that most people should be wary of when meeting people online this is the 1 time in a 100 where it goes ok and things are actually what they seem.
Really liked the story though
@Splatburst Yeah, it's one of those very rare things, and I certainly wouldn't encourage people to expect anything even remotely close to this to happen if they try to find love in a similar way. These guys lived the videogame fairytale that most other gamers, most of us, can only ever dream of. That's why we should relish in their telling of the story and appreciate it for the rare moment of magic that it is.
Amazing how it all ended up~ I loved reading it and I hope everything keeps going great for them. ^^
@Joestar- Nintendolife are doing a recap of the best articles they published this year.
This still warms my heart.
@Jaunty oh, in that case I really enjoyed reading this the first time and it's a cute story. I hope we could see more like this.
I missed this the first time around — I'm so glad I got to read it. This is exactly the kind of sentimental stuff that cuts right through me. : )
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