In this series articles celebrating the upcoming 30th Anniversary of Super Mario, various members of the Nintendo Life extended family will share their memories and thoughts on the iconic franchise. This time we have Pokémon expert Andrew Karklins.

When I was younger, my first home gaming console was a silver Nintendo GameCube, a gift from my parents. I don't recall exactly when they bought it for me, but I vividly remember one of my first games: Super Mario Sunshine.
Prior to the GameCube my only exposure to the vast world of video games came through my Game Boy Advance. It was the original model with no backlight, and my small collection of games consisted of a few hand me down GBC games, along with a handful of licensed titles. Suffice to say, my gaming collection didn't begin with the most memorable or greatest hits.
However, Super Mario Sunshine was not only my first experience with the true potential video games held, but introduced me to a passion I still hold to this very day. Immediately from booting the disc up, I can still hear the iconic "Super Mario Sunshine" jingle ring inside my head and see Isle Defino in the distance as I performed side somersaults over the save blocks.
I define my love of Sunshine in two categories: gameplay and visuals.
Firstly, the visuals are not the greatest the GameCube could offer, nor the best of its competitors. That is without question. But, as a new gamer playing a 3D Mario game for the first time, this game created a world I thought only possible in movies. An immersive environment, that no 2D platformer or GBA game could ever achieve. Chatting with Piantas and endlessly jumping off their stand canopy's to the rooftops to see the vastness of just the hub world was unforgettable.

The gameplay of Sunshine is not something many ever say was perfect. Yes, it did remove the long jump, much to the dismay of many. But, the implementation of FLUDD in the 3D environment was incredible. Mastering the spray nozzle, saving bad jumps with the hover nozzle, and speeding through the air and water with the rocket and turbo nozzle was great fun. Even years later, people have found ways to beat the entire game without using the hover nozzle, an impressive feat yet one which is still on my bucket list.
Now, I know many people disagree that Super Mario Sunshine is the greatest 3D Mario platformer of all time, prompting the inevitable response that "Super Mario 64 is the greatest game of all time!!1!!". Now yes, experiencing Mario's first adventure in a 3-dimensional environment is a magnificent experience, and one I didn't embark on until much later. But, the continuous argument of which Mario game is the best does not matter. These games aren't meant for us, as a community, to judge. Instead, they allow us to immerse ourselves a world vastly different than our own, with memories to make and superb gameplay to master.
Mario games over the years may feel similar in some regards, or radically different in others. However, Mario as an iconic gameplay figure, and symbolic of his immaculate gameplay, is a feat with no need for debate.
The kids of today who missed both of these titles may say Super Mario Galaxy or Mario 3D World is the greatest game of all time. And to them, it may be. But who is to say they are wrong? My brother was born after both Mario 64 and Sunshine were released, and experienced his first true Mario experience, the one I had with Sunshine, during our co-op adventures in 3D World. Now that is not to say he has deemed it his favourite, as he loves Sunshine and stills play it to this day.
So here's to 30 more years Mario. Your first thirty have been superb, embarking on journeys that many hold near and dear to their hearts. You've inspired generations and created memories that last a lifetime. Now it is our turn to try our hand at a feat you've perfected.
Comments 61
I too have fond memories of Sunshine. I think with that one, although not perfect, they found the right balance between open-worldliness (!) and 3D platforming gameplay, one that, imo, couldn't even be found in the -arguably better, at least technically- 2 Galaxy games.
Super Mario Sunshine was my first 3D Mario so its the most memorable for me. I spent so many afternoons exploring everything! I loved that you could explore different parts of Isle Delfino... Plus, I liked the FLUDD's mechanics.
Ah...memories. This wasn't the first Mario game I played (That would be...Mario Teaches Typing...yeah.), but it was the first one I loved. Heck, my obsession with Nintendo could easily be traced back to this one game! Because of that, it holds a special place in my heart...those blue coins were a pain in the a$$, though.
One of the few Mario platformers I didn't really care for. Not sure what it was but this one never clicked with me like SM 64, Galaxy, Galaxy 2 and 3D World did.
@DarthNocturnal Well you had the inventory screen that showed how many of the coins you had per stage, but that was it.
@Gamer83 It's odd. Sunshine didn't click with a lot of people, maybe for the collectathon issues like Blue Coins, but I know just as many people who didn't click with 64 due to a few design issues and generally being a more archaic though very iconic and a landmark title. I think it's preference, though with these two games it may well be, as said in the article a case of "You had to be there".
Love this game. Played it so much growing up and loved everything about it. Still my favorite mario game, and gamecube game to date.
@Gamer83 For me it was that FLUDD made everything feel imprecise. I didn't know if I was meeting objectives by luck, or as intended, and that imprecision in progression and controls just doesn't make sense for a Mario game in my eyes.
@NintyMan Dude, I know the game has been out for a while, but watch the spoilers! I just started playing through the game and didn't know that about Dark Mario
I wasn't a big fan of the FLUDD myself, thought it seemed out of place, but I could've looked past it had I enjoyed the levels more. Also, Yoshi was pretty useless, I didn't like that either.
I can maybe see the 'had to be there' argument in regards to SM 64, Sunshine had different problems. Collectathons I can tolerate but the FLUDD, the meh boss fights, Yoshi being utterly useless. All those added up for me. To be fair, I can see why a lot of people love Sunshine, I think part of the problem was also I was simply at a point in my life where I realized after 14 years of playing Nintendo games I was looking for something different. So it wasn't all necessarily problems with games as it was with my likes and dislikes changing. I did try to give to Sunshine another go not too long after I got the Wii, the problem was by then I had played through Super Mario Galaxy and there was no going back after that. That's arguably the best 3D Mario (I'd vote SMG 2 but many prefer the original).
This game really started my Nintendo craze as the GameCube was the first home console I had which I was old enough to play( I had a Gameboy Colour and Advance which I played Pokemon on before)
This game was just so enormous and colourful that I was hooked on it immediately. I will probably love this game for years to come- both the gameplay and the beautiful graphics.
I wonder if Nintendo is going to drop some surprises on the eshop and virtual console during the 30th anniversary coming up. Would be great to have Mario Sunshine as a downloadable game.
A '3D classic' update of Super Mario World landing on the 3DS eshop on the 30th anniversary would be a great surprise. Sadly the chances of that are zero.
I never played this, even when owning a Wii, and never cared for 64, so for me 3D World was the first 3D Mario that really grabbed me. I'm thinking maybe I need to play this one.
@Gamer83 also a vc release or super Mario all stars SNES release could also be in the cards.
Mario Sunshine! The best 3D platformer and my second favourite game ever (only being beaten by Mario Kart: Double Dash ...the Gamecube was such a good game). So many memories with it.
Wouldn't surprise me.
@Gamer83 I did see something on the esrb if you type out super Mario world completely and one had the rating for a Nintendo system but it looks like how they write for a 3DS game.
@Gamer83 nope it seams likely in my mind or they can do a ambassador game also they are unpredictable sometimes
Still better than 64 in my opinion, and probably my favourite game of all time.
I've never played Sunshine, is that bad? I have looked for it on multiple occasions in my local 2nd Hand Video Game Stores, but no dice, or in this case, no Ray of Sunshine.
I also admit that Super Mario Sunshine was the first 3D Super Mario game I ever played on my first Nintendo home console, the Gamecube. I had a hella lot of fun playing that game. Well, that one and Pac-Man World 2.*
@icedude545 To this day I still pray that one of Nintendo's next New 3DS exclusives, aside from Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, happens to be Super Mario Sunshine 3D. I want the people who made Super Mario 3D Land remake Super Mario Sunshine using their engine.
*For all of those that had a Gamecube or a PlayStation 2, would probably know this awesome game.
@Takerkaneanite6 Sunshine isn't a bad game by any means, but it has some differences with 64 and now with Galaxy 1&2 that may be off putting for some. Personally, I prefer Sunshine over 64. If you can get a copy, try it, it is seriously worth it.
I'm gonna confess I found Sunshine too difficult. 13 years later I'm still stuck on Petey Piranha Strickes Back
Reading this, I feel... old? My first Mario game was Super Mario Bros 3.
I LOVE this game! It's my favorite Mario game by far. I played this game so many times, and I still keep coming back to it every now and then. I really hope they make a sequel to this game someday, and maybe give Luigi an important role? That was the only thing I didn't like about Sunshine, no Luigi...
@Luna_110 I wasn't asking if Sunshine is bad, I was asking if it's bad that I have never played it...XD
Mario Sunshine 2 or HD remake please!
Easily my favourite 3D Mario and probably my 2nd favourite Mario platformer (#1 obviously goes to Super Mario Maker as creating your own levels allows for games to have reasonable (read insane) difficulty).
Love this game so much!!!
The best Mario game like many other series is always going to be subjective to one's own personal taste! It's not nostalgia, something clicks with each individual. I happen to enjoy all the Super Mario entries.
My favourite will always be Super Mario 64, followed by Galaxy and Sunshine. The 2D games are excellent, but I find the majority of 2D titles stale and boring to play in the modern era.
While its currently the 6th best 3D Mario platformer out of 6, its still a very good game. I do think though that it's aching for a remake. HD graphics,an improved camera, tweaks to the gameplay, rejigging of the blue coins. Plenty they could do with it to justify the effort and genuinely improve the game.
The super Mario Galaxy games surpassed it but I really enjoyed Sunshine and can't believe they haven't made a HD version yet, the Game pad gyroscope would make for nice FUDD controls and Delfino is so pretty I bought Mario and Sonic So chi Olympic games in part to see it in HD. I wouldnt pay $20 to get it on VC but I would pay $50 for a well made HD remake. That giant shiny movable tower was just about the prettiest thing I had ever seen in a video game. I don't get it's absence.
@Daruncic - You feel old? My first Mario was Super Mario Bros on release day!
Still play this game with my kids and definitely one of my favourites, I like the fact its quite different and the levels are incredibly well designed... Didn't realise the blue coins were such a common issue for people though, can't say I ever gave them much thought!
FLUDD is one of the most unique Mario movesets in existance, despite only being used in one game excluding Smash.
Worst 3D Mario game, but I still get some enjoyment from it. My recommendation to anyone looking to play Sunshine for the first time is to not 100% the game. It's not worth it.
It's hard to not be blinded by nostalgia. I admit it affects me sometimes. But I don't sit here saying Mario 64 and oot 64 are the 2 best of those games ever. I think Smg2 and Zelda tp are probably the 2 best in said series. Sm3dw is great, but not nearly as awesome as smg2. I never really cared for sunshine. Smg 1 is great too, but smg2 got everything right. Insane challenge, yoshi, great controls. Sm64 was replayed just a couple months ago, but I went right back to 3dworld since I'm not 100% yet. It's tough since it's not my fav Mario, but my 5 year old will think it is . And he has helped with like half the stars so far.
@Storytime7 I agree with this. It's a great game to play 2-3 times over the years. But I never could bring myself to 100% it.
This was also my first 3D Mario game and still one of my favorites, the game is just so quirky and charming and unlike any other Mario game in existence. Sure, the platforming may not have been as challenging, but it doesn't need to be, the point of platforming in a collectathon game is to help you explore.
Anyway, great game, I hope it gets a remake at some point to iron out some of its flaws.
Nintendo!!!! Get this games HDed for Wii U. Everyone wants it (almost).
Still my least favourite Mario game and one one my least favourite platformers in general.
The missions are tedious, the physics are absolutely horrible in my opinion (its as if mario wears babana peels instead of shoes) and to 100% it, you need to be a serious gaming masochist.
The atmosphere was brilliant, the setting was fresh, unique and varied without changing its overall theme too much and to this day it looks brilliant.
For me, its just not fun to play, it feels like a chore and whenever i think of missions like the sand bird, the pachinko mashine, King Boo, the lillypad waterslide, the pianta tossing mission or any number of toy box levels due to the wonky surface physics, i get instantly agressive.
Should it ever get a remake (and it should) i just wish it gets a new physics engine and not just a graphical overhaul. Overall, i dont really have any positive memories with this game. I finished it once to completion and never touched it ever again, while i regularly marathon pretty much every other Mario platformer out there.
I have some very fond memories of Sunshine. I remember getting it for my sixth (or maybe seventh) birthday. I had a Spiderman-themed birthday party at Papa John's that year, and there was a guy dressed up like Spiderman, whom I, being a naive little kid, thought might've been the real deal... [sighs] Memories...
I should really replay that game sometime. I loved the Shadow Mario chase levels, the secret F.L.U.D.D-less levels, the haunted hotel, the tranquil music of Noki Bay... Y'know, I should finally put my capture card to use and do a playthrough on this game!
@SmithJurd @Daruncic
Ok, you both feel old. My first game was Mario's Cement Factory 😅
@Donutman I try to complete all the 3D Mario games 100%, so playing Sunshine ended up being a real patience tester for me. There's a great game somewhere in there, but Sunshine's problems are hard to ignore. Most of the problems are more obvious when going for 100%, so that's why I'd recommend others just stick to the missions that are required to beat the game.
What I wish, and I think people would agree with me on this one, is that the developers of Splatoon would make Super Mario Sunshine-themed levels and weapons.
Think about it.
@Gamer83 I enjoyed Sunshine for what it was. It was actually the last 3D Mario game I got so I started with Galaxy.
As for Galaxy and Galaxy 2? Now that's just preference there I think. One is a bit harder, with a very arcade like approach to levels which I enjoy, and it just feels better paced but that depends on your gaming preference. I can play either just fine.
My favourite Mario game is a tie between Sunshine and 3D World. I didn't appreciate Sunshine until my second and third time around, and now I'm due to play it a forth . Now where did I put my Gamecube...
I always loved this game as a kid and when I started it up a few years ago I had every bit as much fun now as I did back then. We really need to go back to having hub worlds with lots of secrets to discover since those are my favorite types of platformers.
@Storytime7 I don't know I didn't I have that much trouble doing it a few years back though I do admit that finding all the blue coins was a real pain in some of the levels. Overall though I don't regret doing it in the slightest since the game is simply a joy to play.
I really couldn't stand this game. Never been a big fan of 3D platformers in the first place (until Mario Galaxy), and this just didn't work well on any level for me.
It was my very first 3D Mario Platformer (after cutting my teeth on the likes of Super Mario Land on GB, whilst Sonic took preference on the home console) and I loved it. It may have been an unexpected direction to give Mario a backpack that allowed him to squirt water in various ways, but its still one of the most inventive platformers from Nintendo. It's always been slated unfairly IMO, because it wasn't Mario 128, and it wasn't the follow up to Mario 64 everyone expected. But just like Wind Waker, they had to take a different approach rather than try to simply recreate Mario 64 on a more powerful machine. It's always been a delightful experience with an awesome soundtrack.
@Andrew Karklins Nice article, Andrew. I always loved Super Mario Sunshine even having played Super Mario 64 first. The soundtrack and vacation theme is unique in the series and the graphics and gameplay are improved compared to Super Mario 64. It's a great game full of exploration and mystery, something that truly shares with Super Mario 64 but is absolutely missing in Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Super Mario 3D World. That might be the main reason why Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine are so much loved even today.
[The blue coins challenge is super hardcore].
@Einherjar It sort of happened on Super Mario Galaxy 2, when they recreated Sunshine's spinning platform level for that game's World S. They applied Galaxy's stiff physics. If you tried to play it as it you were controlling Sunshine's Mario, by playing fast and loose with the platforms, chances are you'd fall to your death.
Or they've played it and don't like it. It's called 'different opinions' and is not a conspiracy theory.
@dudujencarelli Thats the thing, i never completes galaxy 2 either, i merely finished it (over saturated on Galaxy 1, G2 is not a bad game in that regard). I must have missed that one.
But yeah, the level design has to match the engine. And Galaxys physics engine was clearly meant for tiny pieces of levels or flat jumping puzzles rather then these types of moving obstacle courses.
With sunshine, its just the inconsistancy of it. On one surface, youre almost glued on, no matter how steep it is and on another, even the tiniest hill will send you sliding all over the place.
It really drove me nuts.
Sunshine was so great. About all the problems of the game people mention qre there, but the blue coin issue can be fixed in a remake. I just love the goofiness and nonchalantness of the game. The boss fights being ridiculous is part of its charm for me. But it can be a little punishing. And in a remake, LET US GET TO THE STUPID HIDDEN BOOK
Sunshine is definitely my favorite Mario game ever, and is well deserving of a sequel. There were times where I wanted to throw my controller due to some really hard Boss Battles and those Secret Levels, but I eventually finished the game 100%. If Mario Sunshine ever gets a sequel I hope it's as challenging as the first.
I wanted to 100% this game but my gamecube got busted and now I feel guilty for not doing it in the first place.
Hopefully, a remake is to be expected.
The ink effects in Splatoon may go back to the these brown and blue liquids in this game... ^^
People complain about "bad camera", "clunky controls", and "annoying blue coins".
To those people I say: Did you play a completely different game than me, because I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I don't understand even remotely where people are coming from with talk like that. Mario Sunshine has the best camera of any 3d video game I have every played. 360 degree camera control with the c-stick. It's fluid and perfect. And the controls? Also fluid and perfect. I have never had an issue and they aren't even remotely 'clunky'. In fact, the camera and controls are two of the three pillars that make SMS the greatest 3d platform adventure game. The third pillar is the adventure aspect of it (which admittedly only SM64 and SMS have). Most mario games are linear but SMS was open to explore. And the brilliant blue coins mechanic emphasizes the important of exploration in this game (in the same way that weapon expansions and lore emphasize exploration in Metroid Prime, or landmarks exmphazise exploration in Xenoblade Chronicles). All you need to know is that there are 30 blue coins in each level.
I love exploring more than linear platforming which is why I love SMS so much but if you're going to complain about it, don't make stuff up that's not true. The camera is literally the best camera I've ever experienced, the controls are the most fluid of any 3d platformer I've ever played, and the emphasis on exploration is a real treat (made even better by the FLUDD controls, which btw were only possible with the gamecube controller). And I only realized this within the last year. I replayed it after watching a Samura1man any% speedrun and absolutely fell in love with every aspect of it. Prior to this my favourite game was SM64 btw (my first video game).
Mario Sunshine's not a bad game but it's definitely my least favorite 3D Mario game. Arkham Knight gets criticized for incorporating too much Batmobile (which I thoroughly disagree with) but Mario Sunshine was too much FLUDD imo. It would've been a better game if FLUDD was just a power-up and not a mandatory device. The game also probably holds the worst end boss battle concept of the entire Mario series as well.
SMG 1 to 2 is the SMB 3 to World argument. SMB 3 perfected the 2D platformer, World took that perfection and added some cool new mechanics and powerups and that's why I preferred it, but many of my friends will swear by SMB 3.
Galaxy 1, imo, perfected the 3D platformer but 2 has that same gameplay along with the addition of Yoshi which made it more enjoyable for me. I also preferred some of the boss battles. Picking and choosing a favorite between these games though is just arguing semantics. In the end I'd recommend them all to anybody who calls himself/herself a gamer.
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