Pokémon Shuffle is Nintendo's most notable attempt to-date at utilising microtransactions - unlike previous free-to-play downloads it doesn't unlock content for fixed amounts, but uses an in-game economy that encourages you to pay-to-play on a continual basis. It's had a mixed response, and our early reaction was that the balance isn't quite right.
As can be expected with a free download, however, plenty are willing to take the plunge. An in-game notification has stated that the title has now passed one million downloads, which is a hefty number for a 3DS eShop exclusive - the notification also comes with a Complexity -1 (which makes a tough battle a little easier) as a free bonus. The notifications are certainly active, too, with an apology for a glitch on 19th February being accompanied with a free Jewel.
The interesting issue is whether this game is making much money. Unlike on a smartphone, Nintendo can't make money on those one million+ downloads through in-game advertising, so is reliant on some players getting hooked and buying in-game Jewels and coins.
We'll see how it plays out, but let us know what you think of this landmark for Pokémon Shuffle; our review will be with you later today.
Comments 40
It's funny, I play everyday. No money spent so far, but i'll do in the future, just to thank for the game.
@spantonio hehe, I've considered the same thing. Maybe 3€ or something like that.
I view it as an accomplishment to beat the game without spending anything on it, so that's my goal.
If I spent money on it, I'd feel like I was cheating and probably stop playing since I'd lose interest.
I play daily and haven't spent money on the game and don't plan to do it. It is fun for a quick entertainment and that's it. There are so many better things to do on the 3ds!
I can't get enough of this game. I think it's a very well designed game considering it's a free to play. I hope Nintendo plans on making more of these types of games in the future. I also like how they have exclusive Pokemon that you can only get in a certain time frame, so basically if you miss out on it, then tough luck. I am happy I captured my precious Mew. :3
"Nintendo can't make money on those one million+ downloads through in-game advertising"
Please don't give them any ideas :/
@spantonio I'll probably do the same when there is a Pokemon that they release temporarily that I really want and that it's getting down to the wire in terms of obtaining it.
I'm genuinely curious how much profit they're gonna get for this. Making the actual game can't have cost much unless they were insane and threw a 50 person team at it for 6 months or something.
They can't need that many people to buy stuff for every purchase afterwards to be pure profit.
Personally I got bored of this pretty sharpish so doubt I'll go back and definitely won't be paying for anything. Only Match 3 game type thing that ever gripped me was 10000000.
not paying
Finished stage 150 over the weekend. 4 jewels left. Never spent a penny, nor saw the need to.
I've played it one time and haven't touched it since. I won't be spending any money on it.
Yup, I'm frugal when it comes to spending money on games after I bought fish bucks on ... (shudder) tapfish. I never plan to do a micro transaction again after that nightmare.
I've dl'ed it on all 4 systems in the house. We all play it almost daily but I just apparently beat it. Sure I can go back and catch them all but some of the fun's been sucked away. I've spent zero on this and will not spend money on a game I can beat without spending money to do so.
I'm pretty sure more than half of the downloads aren't paying for the micro-transactions, I know I'm not.
I haven't spent money, but I will. I believe games I put time into should be rewarded. As far as freemium games go, it's very good. No adverts and I've never felt pushed into buying jewels. I have plenty spare
I believe that anyone, no matter how much he says that he won't be buying things with money, WILL, eventually, buy somthing at the price of 1$. Now it's 1,000,000 $ for them. By the way: There's no way they have paid anywhere near this number for developing this game...
As reading a few comments from ppl, I was also considering buying a jewel or two, thanking Nintendo for the free game, but, then I said, I don't really want Nintendo to continue down this slippery slope. This game, is a test for Nintendo and it's investors, basically showing them that if this game doesn't make much money, they should lay of this style of micro-transactions. It's great to see so many downloads and so much interest in the game!
Does anyone know how many downloads of Steel Diver & Rusty baseball have?
@liavcol But I'm done with the game and have spent nothing.
@RoomB31 We still haven't got Rusty in the UK. So none of them over here I downloaded Steel Diver and Iron Whatsit and have paid nothing on either of those.
For what it's worth, I used to play a lot of iOS games. Many morphed into F2P with IAPs, and so I simply stopped playing. Eventually, 95% of the games on the App Store were either plastered full of adverts, or impossible to play without IAPs, so I gave up playing iOS games completely.
If Pokemon Shuffle was £5 and no IAPs, I'd buy it. But as it is, I'm not paying a penny.
Played the game is not that bad,but like hell i would ever pay for those jewels.
I love this game and play several times a day, but unless I can pay once to have the game's play limits removed; I won't be spending a penny of my cash on this. Thanks for the "free" game though Nintendo;)
I've already caught Mewtwo...by cheating of course...
It's surprisingly fun, a bit addictive, in my opinion the best Pokemon game I have played and yes I spent a dollar on one gem, only because I had money left after purchasing Donkey Kong Land 1,2 and 3!
If they made this a game for purchase for 2-3 dollars it would have made them more money.
Well this is a great message... Now Nintendo's probably going to be on the mindset that free-to-play is the right way. Yay...
I'm honestly really enjoying the game! I play it and check in every day, and I'm about 80 stages in without spending a single penny! Well done, game1
At the current prices, spending real money on jewels just isn't worth it for me. I'm enjoying using my five hearts, then letting them replenish and playing a few hours later. Good enough for me.
I haven't been able to download it because my New 3DS XL won't allow me to connect to the eShop.
Won't pay, won't play.
Right now I'm stuck on mega glalie with 11 gems, haven't spent a dime but I bought Pokémon Battle Trozei since Nintendo has given me about the same price in gems. Figured that's kinda the point
@Peanutosan Ah, yes. The sweet 10000000 experience. Love that game and began exploring/developing an iOS RPG match-puzzler based on how much I enjoyed it. Dungeon Raid is also quite fun, though.
You use the description, "addicts". and I'd like to see a breakdown on that. There's also a good deal of people with disposable cash. You know, rich people. I'm genuinely curious how it breaks down and it's probably a hard stat to pull out.
I suppose someone with an addictive personality can have their life ruined much faster via this type of game than a pay up front game or subscription model, but then I've heard of people throwing their life away to Facebook games and never pay a dime, but they are still so addicted they let work/family/friends fall to the wayside.
@aaronsullivan I read the blurb for 10000000 and thought it sounded awful, then watched a random youtube vid and thought it looked kinda fun, then got it on Steam for fairly cheap and was hooked for a good while ;p
Hadn't heard of Dungeon Raid but a quick look makes it look pretty similar to 10000000, might grab it one day if I'm bored. Thanks for informing me of it's existence ;p
I hope it doesn't make a dime.
If this makes money everyone who downloaded it will be responsible for what will come next.
Good to see it reached the 1 million mark, it's a good little game with great music.
Same here, I might as well pay some in the future. Just don't know what to spend for. I enjoy daily 5-10 matches and im off the Professor Layton adventure for another 2 hours or so and my day is finished.
I think the machanic of the game is just like any other mobile game aside from the pokemon selling point. On mobile, u keep on playing because it is a fast pace, quick play game you can do at work place or in restroom. Put it on 3ds and i became time killing when your battery is already red.
don't ever plan to pay for this game, or any other game with micro transactions. Haven't to this day and hoping i never will.
Hell, the only dlc i've ever paid for was the mario kart 8 dlc and buying that seemed a bit crazy for me.
I've not spent money yet, but it has sold me on Puzzle & Dragons Super Mario. I WILL be buying that game!
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